1037: from
1038: mtl_system_items_tl m,
1039: bom_cto_src_orgs bcso,
1040: bom_cto_order_lines_upg bcolu,
1041: fnd_languages l
1042: where bcolu.config_item_id is not null
1043: and bcolu.status = 'BCSO'
1044: and m.inventory_item_id = bcolu.inventory_item_id
1045: and bcso.model_item_id = bcolu.inventory_item_id
1194: gLoginId --last_update_login
1195: from
1196: mtl_system_items_tl m,
1197: bom_cto_src_orgs bcso,
1198: fnd_languages l,
1199: mtl_item_revisions_b mr --3338108
1200: where m.inventory_item_id = v_bcolu_cfg.inventory_item_id
1201: and bcso.model_item_id = m.inventory_item_id
1202: and bcso.line_id = v_bcolu_cfg.line_id
2680: guserid,
2681: mtl_cross.cross_reference_id,
2682: l.language_code,
2683: userenv('lang')
2684: FROM fnd_languages l,
2685: mtl_cross_references_b mtl_cross,
2686: mtl_system_items_tl mtl
2687: WHERE mtl_cross.inventory_item_id = t_cfg_item_id(i)
2688: AND mtl_cross.inventory_item_id = mtl.inventory_item_id