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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 200

   SELECT element_type_id
   FROM   pay_shadow_element_types
   WHERE  template_id    = l_template_id
     AND  element_name   = c_ele_name;
Line: 207

   SELECT balance_type_id
     FROM pay_shadow_balance_types
   WHERE  template_id  = l_template_id
     AND  balance_name = c_bal_name;
Line: 214

   SELECT meaning
     FROM hr_lookups hrl
      AND NVL(enabled_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
      AND lookup_code like 'BAND%'
      AND c_effective_date BETWEEN hrl.start_date_active
      AND nvl(hrl.end_date_active,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 223

     FROM pay_element_type_extra_info
   WHERE  eei_information1  =  fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_plan_id)
     AND  eei_information17 = 'Y'
     AND  information_type  = 'PQP_GB_OMP_ABSENCE_PLAN_INFO'
     AND  rownum = 1;
Line: 245

     SELECT template_id
      WHERE template_name     = p_template_name
        AND legislation_code  = p_leg_code
        AND template_type     = 'T'
        AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 284

           SELECT element_type_id
             FROM pay_element_types_f
            WHERE element_name      = c_object_name
              AND business_group_id = p_bg_id;
Line: 290

          SELECT ptco.core_object_id
            FROM  pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
                  pay_template_core_objects ptco
           WHERE  psbt.template_id      = l_template_id
             AND  psbt.balance_name     = c_object_name
             AND  ptco.template_id      = psbt.template_id
             AND  ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 322

   PROCEDURE update_ele_retro_info (p_main_ele_name  IN VARCHAR2
                                   ,p_retro_ele_name IN VARCHAR2
                                   ) IS

     l_main_ele_type_id   pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%TYPE;
Line: 330

Line: 355

     UPDATE pay_element_types_f
       SET  retro_summ_ele_id = l_retro_ele_type_id
     WHERE  element_type_id   = l_main_ele_type_id;
Line: 363

   END update_ele_retro_info;
Line: 373

     SELECT formula_id
       FROM pay_shadow_formulas
      WHERE formula_name  = p_formula_name
        AND template_type = 'T';
Line: 404

   PROCEDURE update_ipval_defval(p_ele_name  IN VARCHAR2
                                ,p_ip_name   IN VARCHAR2
                                ,p_def_value IN VARCHAR2)

     CURSOR csr_getinput(c_ele_name varchar2
                        ,c_iv_name  varchar2) IS
     SELECT input_value_id
       FROM pay_input_values_f  piv
           ,pay_element_types_f pet
     WHERE  element_name           = c_ele_name
       AND  piv.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
       AND  (piv.business_group_id = p_bg_id OR piv.business_group_id IS NULL)
       AND  piv.name               = c_iv_name
       AND  (piv.legislation_code  = 'GB' OR piv.legislation_code IS NULL);
Line: 424

     SELECT rowid
       FROM pay_input_values_f
      WHERE input_value_id  = c_ip_id
        AND element_type_id = c_element_type_id
Line: 434

Line: 464

            UPDATE pay_input_values_f
              SET default_value = p_def_value
            WHERE rowid = csr_updinput_rec.rowid;
Line: 478

   END update_ipval_defval;
Line: 489

     SELECT user_table_id
       FROM pay_user_tables
      WHERE user_table_name = p_udt_name
        AND (business_group_id = p_bg_id OR
             business_group_id IS NULL);
Line: 527

     SELECT pay_user_rows_s.NEXTVAL
       FROM dual;
Line: 549

        (p_rowid                 => l_udt_rowid
        ,p_user_table_id         => l_user_table_id
        ,p_business_group_id     => p_bg_id
        ,p_legislation_code      => NULL
        ,p_legislation_subgroup  => NULL
        ,p_range_or_match        => p_udt_type.range_or_match
        ,p_user_key_units        => p_udt_type.user_key_units
        ,p_user_table_name       => p_udt_type.user_table_name
        ,p_user_row_title        => p_udt_type.user_row_title
Line: 571

                  (p_rowid                => l_udt_cols_rowid
                  ,p_user_column_id       => l_user_column_id
                  ,p_user_table_id        => l_user_table_id
                  ,p_business_group_id    => p_udt_cols(i).business_group_id
                  ,p_legislation_code     => p_udt_cols(i).legislation_code
                  ,p_legislation_subgroup => NULL
                  ,p_user_column_name     => p_udt_cols(i).user_column_name
                  ,p_formula_id           => p_udt_cols(i).formula_id
Line: 601

                 (p_rowid                 => l_udt_rows_rowid
                 ,p_user_table_id         => l_user_table_id
                 ,p_row_low_range_or_name => p_udt_rows(i).row_low_range_or_name
                 ,p_user_row_id           => l_user_row_id
                 ,p_business_group_id     => p_bg_id
Line: 609

                INSERT INTO pay_user_rows_f
                  ,nvl(p_effective_end_date, hr_api.g_eot)
Line: 658

     SELECT 'x'
       FROM fnd_lookup_types_vl
      WHERE lookup_type         = p_lookup_type
        AND security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
        AND view_application_id = 3;
Line: 666

     SELECT 'x'
       FROM fnd_lookup_types_vl
      WHERE meaning             = p_lookup_meaning
        AND security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
        AND view_application_id = 3;
Line: 717

         x_rowid               => l_rowid
        ,x_lookup_type         => p_lookup_type
        ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
        ,x_view_application_id => 3
        ,x_application_id      => 800
        ,x_customization_level => 'U'
        ,x_meaning             => p_lookup_meaning
        ,x_description         => NULL
        ,x_creation_date       => SYSDATE
        ,x_created_by          => l_user_id
        ,x_last_update_date    => SYSDATE
        ,x_last_updated_by     => l_user_id
        ,x_last_update_login   => l_login_id
Line: 743

               x_rowid               => l_rowid
              ,x_lookup_type         => p_lookup_type
              ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
              ,x_view_application_id => 3
              ,x_lookup_code         => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(
              ,x_tag                 => NULL
              ,x_attribute_category  => NULL
              ,x_attribute1          => NULL
              ,x_attribute2          => NULL
              ,x_attribute3          => NULL
              ,x_attribute4          => NULL
              ,x_attribute5          => NULL
              ,x_attribute6          => NULL
              ,x_attribute7          => NULL
              ,x_attribute8          => NULL
              ,x_attribute9          => NULL
              ,x_attribute10         => NULL
              ,x_attribute11         => NULL
              ,x_attribute12         => NULL
              ,x_attribute13         => NULL
              ,x_attribute14         => NULL
              ,x_attribute15         => NULL
              ,x_enabled_flag        => 'Y'
              ,x_start_date_active   => p_effective_start_date
              ,x_end_date_active     => NULL
              ,x_territory_code      => NULL
              ,x_meaning             => p_lookup_values(i).abs_type_name
              ,x_description         => NULL
              ,x_creation_date       => SYSDATE
              ,x_created_by          => l_user_id
              ,x_last_update_date    => SYSDATE
              ,x_last_updated_by     => l_user_id
              ,x_last_update_login   => l_login_id
Line: 806

     SELECT 'X'
       FROM fnd_lookup_types_vl
     WHERE  lookup_type         = p_lookup_type
       AND  security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
       AND  view_application_id = 3;
Line: 814

     SELECT 'X'
       FROM fnd_lookup_types_vl
     WHERE  meaning             = p_lookup_meaning
       AND  security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
       AND  view_application_id = 3;
Line: 822

     SELECT 'X'
       FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl
     WHERE  lookup_type         = p_lookup_type
       AND  lookup_code         = c_lookup_code
       AND  security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
       AND  view_application_id = 3;
Line: 831

     SELECT 'X'
       FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl
     WHERE  lookup_type         = p_lookup_type
       AND  meaning             = c_lookup_meaning
       AND  security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
       AND  view_application_id = 3;
Line: 875

            x_rowid               => l_rowid
           ,x_lookup_type         => p_lookup_type
           ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
           ,x_view_application_id => 3
           ,x_application_id      => 800
           ,x_customization_level => 'U' --'S'
           ,x_meaning             => p_lookup_meaning
           ,x_description         => NULL
           ,x_creation_date       => SYSDATE
           ,x_created_by          => l_user_id
           ,x_last_update_date    => SYSDATE
           ,x_last_updated_by     => l_user_id
           ,x_last_update_login   => l_login_id
Line: 928

                 x_rowid               => l_rowid
                ,x_lookup_type         => p_lookup_type
                ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
                ,x_view_application_id => 3
                ,x_lookup_code         => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(
                ,x_tag                 => NULL
                ,x_attribute_category  => NULL
                ,x_attribute1          => NULL
                ,x_attribute2          => NULL
                ,x_attribute3          => NULL
                ,x_attribute4          => NULL
                ,x_attribute5          => NULL
                ,x_attribute6          => NULL
                ,x_attribute7          => NULL
                ,x_attribute8          => NULL
                ,x_attribute9          => NULL
                ,x_attribute10         => NULL
                ,x_attribute11         => NULL
                ,x_attribute12         => NULL
                ,x_attribute13         => NULL
                ,x_attribute14         => NULL
                ,x_attribute15         => NULL
                ,x_enabled_flag        => 'Y'
                ,x_start_date_active   => p_effective_start_date
                ,x_end_date_active     => NULL
                ,x_territory_code      => NULL
                ,x_meaning             => p_lookup_values(i).abs_type_name
                ,x_description         => NULL
                ,x_creation_date       => SYSDATE
                ,x_created_by          => l_user_id
                ,x_last_update_date    => SYSDATE
                ,x_last_updated_by     => l_user_id
                ,x_last_update_login   => l_login_id
Line: 1151

         (p_validate                     => false
         ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_start_date
         ,p_element_type_id              => l_element_type_id
         ,p_element_name                 => l_ele_name(i)
         ,p_reporting_name               => l_ele_reporting_name(i)
         ,p_description                  => l_ele_description(i)
         ,p_relative_processing_priority => l_ele_pp(i)
         ,p_object_version_number        => l_ele_obj_ver_number
Line: 1215

         (p_validate                     => false
         ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_start_date
         ,p_element_type_id              => l_element_type_id
         ,p_element_name                 => l_ele_new_name(i)
         ,p_relative_processing_priority => l_ele_pp(i)
         ,p_object_version_number        => l_ele_obj_ver_number
Line: 1360

       update_ele_retro_info (p_main_ele_name  => l_main_ele_name(i)
                             ,p_retro_ele_name => l_retro_ele_name(i)
Line: 1373

      update_ipval_defval (p_ele_name  => l_main_ele_name(1)
                          ,p_ip_name   => 'Pay Component Rate Type'
                          ,p_def_value => p_pay_src_pay_component
Line: 1396

Line: 1415

Line: 1467

Line: 1473

Line: 1629

PROCEDURE delete_user_template
           (p_plan_id                      IN NUMBER
           ,p_business_group_id            IN NUMBER
           ,p_pri_ele_name                 IN VARCHAR2
           ,p_abse_ele_type_id             IN NUMBER
           ,p_abse_primary_yn              IN VARCHAR2
           ,p_security_group_id            IN NUMBER
           ,p_effective_date               IN DATE
           ) IS
  l_template_id     NUMBER(9);
Line: 1640

  l_proc_name       varchar2(72)      := g_proc_name || 'delete_user_template';
Line: 1661

   SELECT  substr(pee.eei_information9,2,1) entitlements_uom
          ,pee.eei_information13 daily_rate_uom
     FROM pay_element_type_extra_info pee
    WHERE  element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
      AND  information_type = 'PQP_GB_OMP_ABSENCE_PLAN_INFO' ;
Line: 1668

  SELECT element_type_id
    FROM pay_template_core_objects pet
        ,pay_element_types_f       petf
  WHERE  pet.template_id = c_template_id
    AND  petf.element_type_id = pet.core_object_id
    AND  pet.core_object_type = 'ET';
Line: 1676

  SELECT element_type_extra_info_id
        ,fnd_number.canonical_to_number(eei_information11) entitlement_udt
        ,fnd_number.canonical_to_number(eei_information12) calendar_udt
        ,eei_information20 lookup_type
   FROM pay_element_type_extra_info petei
   WHERE element_type_id = c_element_type_id ;
Line: 1684

  SELECT 'x'
    FROM pay_element_type_extra_info
  WHERE  eei_information1 <> fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_plan_id)
    AND  eei_information11 = fnd_number.number_to_canonical(c_udt_id)
    AND  information_type = 'PQP_GB_OMP_ABSENCE_PLAN_INFO'
    AND  rownum = 1;
Line: 1692

  SELECT 'x'
    FROM pay_element_type_extra_info
  WHERE  eei_information1 <> fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_plan_id)
    AND  eei_information12 = fnd_number.number_to_canonical(c_udt_id)
    AND  information_type = 'PQP_GB_OMP_ABSENCE_PLAN_INFO'
    AND  rownum = 1;
Line: 1701

  SELECT 'x'
    FROM pay_element_type_extra_info
  WHERE  eei_information1 <> fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_plan_id)
    AND  eei_information20 = c_lookup_type
    AND  information_type = 'PQP_GB_OMP_ABSENCE_PLAN_INFO'
    AND  rownum = 1;
Line: 1712

  SELECT 'x'
  FROM   pay_element_templates       pets
        ,pay_shadow_element_types    pset
        ,pay_template_core_objects   ptco
        ,pay_element_type_extra_info peei
  WHERE  pets.template_id       <> c_te_usrstr_id
    -- For the given user structure
    AND  pets.template_name     = c_template_name --'PQP OMP Template'
    AND  pets.template_type     = 'U'
    AND  pets.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND  pset.template_id       = pets.template_id  -- find the base element
    AND  pset.element_name      = pets.base_name ||c_days_hours|| ' OMP Absence'
    AND  ptco.template_id       = pset.template_id  -- For the base element
    AND  ptco.shadow_object_id  = pset.element_type_id -- find the core element
    AND  ptco.core_object_type  = 'ET'
    AND  ptco.core_object_id    = peei.element_type_id -- For the core element
    AND  peei.eei_information1  = fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_plan_id)
    AND  peei.information_type  = 'PQP_GB_OMP_ABSENCE_PLAN_INFO';
Line: 1733

  SELECT template_id
  FROM   pay_element_templates
  WHERE  base_name         = p_pri_ele_name
    AND  template_name     = p_template_name --'PQP OMP Template'
    AND  business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND  template_type     = 'U';
Line: 1747

  SELECT lookup_code
    FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl
  WHERE  lookup_type         = c_lookup_type
    AND  security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
    AND  view_application_id = 3;
Line: 1772

     SELECT DISTINCT(pete.eei_information20) lookup_type
       FROM pay_element_type_extra_info pete
           ,pay_element_types_f         petf
        --   ,pay_element_templates       pet
     WHERE  pete.element_type_id   = petf.element_type_id
       AND  pete.information_type  = 'PQP_GB_OMP_ABSENCE_PLAN_INFO'
       AND  pete.eei_information17 = 'Y'
       AND  petf.element_name      = c_base_name||p_days_hours|| ' OMP Absence'
                       -- pet.base_name ||p_days_hours|| ' OMP Absence'
       AND  petf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       --AND  pet.template_name      = p_template_name --'PQP OMP Template'
       --AND  pet.template_type      = 'U'
       --AND  pet.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1788

       SELECT pet.base_name
         FROM pay_element_templates pet
        WHERE pet.template_name      = p_template_name
          AND pet.template_type      = 'U'
          AND pet.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id ;
Line: 1861

Line: 1874

   PROCEDURE delete_lookup (p_lookup_type         in   varchar2
                           ,p_security_group_id   in   number
                           ,p_view_application_id in   number
                           ,p_lookup_collection   in   t_number)


     CURSOR csr_get_lkt_info IS
     SELECT 'x'
       FROM fnd_lookup_types_vl
     WHERE  lookup_type         = p_lookup_type
       AND  security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
       AND  view_application_id = p_view_application_id;
Line: 1890

     SELECT lookup_code
       FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl
     WHERE  lookup_type = p_lookup_type
       AND  security_group_id   = p_security_group_id
       AND  view_application_id = p_view_application_id;
Line: 1896

     l_proc_name     VARCHAR2(72) := g_proc_name || 'delete_lookup';
Line: 1929

               (x_lookup_type         => 'PQP_GAP_ABSENCE_TYPES_LIST'
               ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
               ,x_view_application_id => p_view_application_id
               ,x_lookup_code         => l_lookup_code
Line: 1941

            (x_lookup_type         => p_lookup_type
            ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
            ,x_view_application_id => p_view_application_id
            ,x_lookup_code         => l_lookup_code
Line: 1953

          (x_lookup_type         => p_lookup_type
          ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
          ,x_view_application_id => p_view_application_id
Line: 1966

   END delete_lookup;
Line: 1974

   PROCEDURE delete_udt (p_udt_id IN NUMBER) IS

     CURSOR csr_get_usr_table_id IS
     SELECT rowid
       FROM pay_user_tables
      WHERE user_table_id     = p_udt_id
        AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1983

     SELECT user_column_id
       FROM pay_user_columns
      WHERE user_table_id = p_udt_id;
Line: 1988

     SELECT user_row_id
       FROM pay_user_rows_f
     WHERE  user_table_id = p_udt_id;
Line: 1993

     l_proc_name          VARCHAR(72) := g_proc_name || 'delete_udt';
Line: 2022

            DELETE pay_user_column_instances_f
            WHERE  user_column_id = l_usr_col_id;
Line: 2031

        DELETE pay_user_columns
        WHERE  user_table_id = p_udt_id;
Line: 2042

              (p_user_row_id           => l_usr_row_id
              ,p_validation_start_date => NULL
              ,p_dt_delete_mode        => 'ZAP'
Line: 2048

            DELETE pay_user_rows_f
            WHERE  user_row_id = l_usr_row_id;
Line: 2057

          (p_rowid         => l_rowid
          ,p_user_table_id => p_udt_id
Line: 2070

   END delete_udt;
Line: 2173

                                (p_validate                    => FALSE
                                ,p_element_type_extra_info_id  => l_eei_info_id
                                ,p_object_version_number       => l_ovn_eei);
Line: 2197

          delete_udt (p_udt_id  => l_entudt_id);
Line: 2219

          delete_udt (p_udt_id  => l_caludt_id);
Line: 2252

          delete_lookup (p_lookup_type         => l_lookup_type
                        ,p_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
                        ,p_view_application_id => 3
                        ,p_lookup_collection   => l_lookup_collection
Line: 2269

	               (x_lookup_type         => 'PQP_GAP_ABSENCE_TYPES_LIST'
	               ,x_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
	               ,x_view_application_id => 3
Line: 2285

                     ( p_business_group_id    => p_business_group_id
		      ,p_effective_start_date => p_effective_date
		      ,p_effective_end_date   => p_effective_date
                      --,p_base_name            => p_pri_ele_name
		      --,p_abs_type             => ' OMP '||l_days_hours
		      ,p_template_id          => l_template_id
Line: 2295

     (p_validate                =>   false
     ,p_drop_formula_packages   =>   true
     ,p_template_id             =>   l_template_id);
Line: 2329

END delete_user_template;
Line: 2391

                     p_rowid                        => l_rowid,
                     p_element_link_id              => l_element_link_id ,
                     p_effective_start_date         => p_effective_start_date,
                     p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date ,
                     p_payroll_id                   => NULL,
                     p_job_id                       => NULL,
                     p_position_id                  => NULL,
                     p_people_group_id              => NULL,
                     p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id   => NULL,
                     p_organization_id              => NULL,
                     p_element_type_id              => i.element_type_id ,
                     p_location_id                  => NULL,
                     p_grade_id                     => NULL,
                     p_balancing_keyflex_id         => NULL,
                     p_business_group_id            => p_business_group_id,
                     p_legislation_code             => NULL, --p_legislation_code,
                     p_element_set_id               => NULL,
                     p_pay_basis_id                 => NULL,
                     p_costable_type                => 'N',
                     p_link_to_all_payrolls_flag    => 'N',
                     p_multiply_value_flag          => 'N',
                     p_standard_link_flag           => 'N',
                     p_transfer_to_gl_flag          => 'N',
                     p_comment_id                   => NULL,
                     p_employment_category          => NULL,
                     p_qualifying_age               => NULL,
                     p_qualifying_length_of_service => NULL,
                     p_qualifying_units             => NULL,
                     p_attribute_category           => NULL,
                     p_attribute1                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute2                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute3                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute4                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute5                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute6                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute7                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute8                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute9                   => NULL,
                     p_attribute10                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute11                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute12                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute13                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute14                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute15                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute16                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute17                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute18                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute19                  => NULL,
                     p_attribute20                  => NULL ) ;
Line: 2463

PROCEDURE delete_element_links
                     ( p_business_group_id    IN NUMBER
		      ,p_effective_start_date IN DATE
		      ,p_effective_end_date   IN DATE
		      --,p_base_name            IN VARCHAR2
		      --,p_abs_type             IN VARCHAR2
		      ,p_template_id          IN NUMBER
		      ) IS

     --l_link_ele_name t_ele_name ;
Line: 2486

     SELECT rowid, element_link_id, people_group_id
     FROM   pay_element_links_f
     WHERE  element_type_id = p_element_type_id ;
Line: 2541

             p_rowid                 => l_rowid
            ,p_element_link_id       => l_element_link_id
            ,p_delete_mode           => 'ZAP'
            ,p_session_date          => p_effective_start_date
            ,p_validation_start_date => p_effective_start_date
            ,p_validation_end_date   => p_effective_end_date
            ,p_effective_start_date  => p_effective_start_date
            ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
            ,p_people_group_id       => l_people_group_id
	    ) ;
Line: 2567

END delete_element_links ;
Line: 2586

     SELECT 'X'
       FROM ben_acty_base_rt_f
      WHERE pl_id             = p_plan_id
        AND element_type_id   = p_element_type_id
        AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id ;