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Line 34: l_item_no ic_item_mst.item_no%TYPE;

30: l_loct_onhand NUMBER;
31: l_cursor_id INTEGER;
32: l_dummy INTEGER;
33: l_select_stmt LONG;
34: l_item_no ic_item_mst.item_no%TYPE;
35: l_whse_code ic_whse_mst.whse_code%type;
36: l_location ic_loct_mst.location%type;
37: l_row_id VARCHAR2(100);
38: l_lot_no ic_lots_mst.lot_no%type;

Line 39: l_from_item ic_item_mst.item_no%type;

35: l_whse_code ic_whse_mst.whse_code%type;
36: l_location ic_loct_mst.location%type;
37: l_row_id VARCHAR2(100);
38: l_lot_no ic_lots_mst.lot_no%type;
39: l_from_item ic_item_mst.item_no%type;
40: l_to_item ic_item_mst.item_no%type;
41: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%type;
42: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%type;
43: l_inv_class VARCHAR2(10);

Line 40: l_to_item ic_item_mst.item_no%type;

36: l_location ic_loct_mst.location%type;
37: l_row_id VARCHAR2(100);
38: l_lot_no ic_lots_mst.lot_no%type;
39: l_from_item ic_item_mst.item_no%type;
40: l_to_item ic_item_mst.item_no%type;
41: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%type;
42: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%type;
43: l_inv_class VARCHAR2(10);
44: l_lot_ind NUMBER;

Line 130: ' FROM ic_loct_inv a,ic_item_mst b,ic_lots_mst c ' ||

126: --Bug#3315228 Ramakrishna the l_where2 is taken out from the select statement
127: l_select_stmt := 'SELECT b.item_no,a.whse_code,a.location, ' ||
128: ' a.loct_onhand,a.rowid, a.loct_onhand2,a.qchold_res_code, ' ||
129: ' a.lot_status,decode(c.lot_no,'||''''||l_default_lot||''''||',NULL,c.lot_no) lot_no ' ||
130: ' FROM ic_loct_inv a,ic_item_mst b,ic_lots_mst c ' ||
131: ' WHERE a.item_id = '|| l_where_clause || l_where1
132: ||' and a.lot_id = c.lot_id and b.item_id = c.item_id ';
133: --END BUG#2552369