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1 PACKAGE BODY qa_mqa_results AS
2 /* $Header: qaresb.pls 120.2 2006/08/22 11:46:14 ntungare noship $ */
5     -- R12 Project MOAC 4637896
6     --
7     -- Moved several validation related functions and procedures to
8     -- qa_validation_api where they belong so that they can be
9     -- shared by other packages such as qa_ss_results.  These are:
10     --
11     -- parse_id
12     -- parse_value
13     -- result_to_array (2 variants)
14     -- set_validation_flag (2 variants)
15     --
17     -- Bug 2701777
18     -- This function sets all elements as valid and action fired and is used
19     -- to insert records into qa_results without any validations.
20     -- The change is done for History plans.
22     PROCEDURE set_validation_flag_valid(
23         elements IN OUT NOCOPY qa_validation_api.ElementsArray) IS
24         i INTEGER := elements.FIRST;
25     BEGIN
26         WHILE i <= elements.LAST LOOP
27             elements(i).validation_flag := qa_validation_api.valid_element ||
28                                            qa_validation_api.action_fired;
30             i := elements.NEXT(i);
31         END LOOP;
32     END set_validation_flag_valid;
35     --
36     -- Post a result to the database.  This is a wrapper to the QA API
37     -- qa_results_api.insert_row
38     -- Return 0 if OK
39     -- Return -1 if error.
40     --
41     FUNCTION post_result(
42         x_occurrence OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
43         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
44         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
45         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
46         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
47         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
48         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,      -- R12 Project MOAC 4637896, ID passing
49         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
50         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
51         x_committed IN INTEGER,
52         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
53         p_txn_header_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)
56     BEGIN
57         --
58         -- R12 Project MOAC 4637896
59         -- There is no difference between this method and
60         -- qa_ss_results.nontxn_post_result
61         -- The param p_txn_header_id is never used.
62         -- bso Sat Oct  1 18:05:47 PDT 2005
63         --
65         RETURN qa_ss_results.nontxn_post_result(
66             x_occurrence => x_occurrence,
67             x_org_id => x_org_id,
68             x_plan_id => x_plan_id,
69             x_spec_id => x_spec_id,
70             x_collection_id => x_collection_id,
71             x_result => x_result,
72             x_result1 => x_result1,
73             x_result2 => x_result2,
74             x_enabled => x_enabled,
75             x_committed => x_committed,
76             x_messages => x_messages);
78     END post_result;
80     -- anagarwa Thu Dec 19 15:43:27 PST 2002
81     -- Bug 2701777
82     -- This function is defined to insert records into qa_results without
83     -- any validations. The change is done for History plans.
84     -- It is an exact copy of post_result above with one difference:
85     -- It calls set_validation_flag_valid instead of set_validation_flag.
86     -- set_validation_flag_valid marks all elements as valid elements with
87     -- actions already fired.
89     FUNCTION post_result_with_no_validation(
90         x_occurrence OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
91         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
92         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
93         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
94         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
95         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
96         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,      -- R12 Project MOAC 4637896, ID passing
97         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
98         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
99         x_committed IN INTEGER,
100         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
101         p_txn_header_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)
103         elements qa_validation_api.ElementsArray;
104         error_array qa_validation_api.ErrorArray;
105         message_array qa_validation_api.MessageArray;
106         return_status VARCHAR2(1);
107         action_result VARCHAR2(1);
108         msg_count NUMBER;
109         msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
110         y_spec_id NUMBER;
111         y_collection_id NUMBER;
112         y_committed VARCHAR2(1);
113     BEGIN
114         IF x_result IS NULL AND x_result1 IS NULL THEN
115             RETURN -1;
116         END IF;
118         IF x_committed = 1 THEN
119             y_committed := fnd_api.g_true;
120         ELSE
121             y_committed := fnd_api.g_false;
122         END IF;
124         --
125         -- Some input can be -1, if that's the case, set to null
126         --
127         IF x_collection_id = -1 THEN
128             y_collection_id := NULL;
129         ELSE
130             y_collection_id := x_collection_id;
131         END IF;
132         IF x_spec_id = -1 THEN
133             y_spec_id := NULL;
134         ELSE
135             y_spec_id := x_spec_id;
136         END IF;
138         --
139         -- The flatten string is a representation that looks like this:
140         --
141         -- 10=Item@101=Defected@102=20 ...
142         --
143         -- namely, it is an @ separated list of charID=value.  In case
144         -- value contains @, then it is doubly encoded.
145         --
146         -- First task is to decode this string into the row_element
147         -- array.
148         --
149         elements := qa_validation_api.result_to_array(x_result);
150         set_validation_flag_valid(elements);
152         --
153         -- Bug 5383667
154         -- Shifted the id processing after the
155         -- set validation flag proc
156         -- ntungare
157         --
158         elements := qa_validation_api.id_to_array(x_result1, elements);
160         -- Bug 2290747.Added parameter p_txn_header_id to enable
161         -- history plan record when parent plan gets updated
162         -- rponnusa Mon Apr  1 22:25:49 PST 2002
164         qa_results_pub.insert_row(
165             p_api_version => 1.0,
166             p_org_id => x_org_id,
167             p_plan_id => x_plan_id,
168             p_spec_id => y_spec_id,
169             p_transaction_number => null,
170             p_transaction_id => null,
171             p_enabled_flag => x_enabled,
172             p_commit => y_committed,
173             x_collection_id => y_collection_id,
174             x_occurrence => x_occurrence,
175             x_row_elements => elements,
176             x_msg_count => msg_count,
177             x_msg_data  => msg_data,
178             x_error_array => error_array,
179             x_message_array => message_array,
180             x_return_status => return_status,
181             x_action_result => action_result,
182             p_txn_header_id => p_txn_header_id);
184         IF qa_validation_api.no_errors(error_array) AND
185            return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR AND
186            return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
187             RETURN 0;
188         ELSE
189             qa_ss_results.get_error_messages(
190                 error_array, x_plan_id, x_messages);
191         END IF;
193         RETURN -1;
194     END post_result_with_no_validation;
197     --
198     -- This overloaded method is for transaction only
199     -- Post a result to the database.  This is a wrapper to the QA API
200     -- qa_results_api.insert_row
201     -- Return 0 if OK
202     -- Return -1 if error.
203     --
204     FUNCTION post_result(
205         x_occurrence OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
206         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
207         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
208         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
209         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
210         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
211         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,      -- R12 Project MOAC 4637896, ID passing
212         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
213         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
214         x_committed IN INTEGER,
215         x_transaction_number IN NUMBER,
216         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
217         p_txn_header_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)
220     BEGIN
222         --
223         -- R12 Project MOAC 4637896
224         -- There is no difference between this method and
225         -- qa_ss_results.post_result
226         -- The param p_txn_header_id is never used.
227         -- bso Sat Oct  1 18:05:47 PDT 2005
228         --
230         RETURN qa_ss_results.post_result(
231             x_occurrence => x_occurrence,
232             x_org_id => x_org_id,
233             x_plan_id => x_plan_id,
234             x_spec_id => x_spec_id,
235             x_collection_id => x_collection_id,
236             x_result => x_result,
237             x_result1 => x_result1,
238             x_result2 => x_result2,
239             x_enabled => x_enabled,
240             x_committed => x_committed,
241             x_transaction_number => x_transaction_number,
242             x_messages => x_messages);
244     END post_result;
247     --
248     -- Delete a result.
249     --
250     PROCEDURE delete_result(
251         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
252         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
253         x_occurrence IN NUMBER) IS
254     BEGIN
255         qa_ss_results.delete_result(
256             x_plan_id => x_plan_id,
257             x_collection_id => x_collection_id,
258             x_occurrence => x_occurrence);
259     END delete_result;
261     --
262     -- Batch delete a set of results (supply occurrences in
263     -- comma-separated list.)
264     --
265     PROCEDURE delete_results(
266         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
267         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
268         x_occurrences IN VARCHAR2) IS
270     BEGIN
271         qa_ss_results.delete_results(
272             x_plan_id => x_plan_id,
273             x_collection_id => x_collection_id,
274             x_occurrences => x_occurrences);
275     END delete_results;
277     --
278     -- Perform database commit.  Do not use in transaction integration,
279     -- otherwise we will be committing the parent's data without their
280     -- knowing!
281     --
282     PROCEDURE commit_results IS
283     BEGIN
284         commit;
285         --
286         -- work on action later.
287         --
288     END commit_results;
290 END qa_mqa_results;