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1 package body ecx_xslt_utils as
2 -- $Header: ECXXSLTB.pls 120.2.12010000.2 2008/08/22 20:04:39 cpeixoto ship $
4 LAST_UPDATED_BY		CONSTANT	pls_integer	:= 0;
5 CREATED_BY		CONSTANT	pls_integer	:= 0;
6 LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN	CONSTANT	pls_integer	:= 0;
7 FILE_TYPE		CONSTANT	varchar2(50)	:= 'XSLT';
9 procedure ins
10         (
11         i_filename      	in      varchar2,
12         i_version		in	varchar2,
13         i_application_code	in	varchar2,
14         i_payload               in      clob,
15         i_retcode               OUT     NOCOPY number,
16         i_retmsg                OUT     NOCOPY varchar2
17         )
18 is
19    i_id			pls_integer;
20    i_creation_date	date;
21    i_new_version	number;
22 begin
23    -- if version is null find out the max for the given details
24    if (i_version is null)
25    then
26       begin
27         select id, creation_date, version
28          into   i_id, i_creation_date, i_new_version
29          from   ecx_files
30          where  application_code = i_application_code
31           and   version = (select max(version)
32                            from   ecx_files
33                            where  application_code = i_application_code
34 			   and    name = i_filename
35                            and    type = FILE_TYPE)
36          and    name = i_filename
37          and    type = FILE_TYPE;
38 	exception
39          when no_data_found then
40             -- since there is no max version present enter this in DB
41             -- with default version = 0.0
42             i_new_version := 0.0;
43       end;
44    else
45       -- if the data already exists in the table get the creation date and the id
46       -- and use this in the insert
47       begin
48 	select id, creation_date
49          into   i_id, i_creation_date
50          from   ecx_files
51          where  application_code = i_application_code
52          and    version = i_version
53          and    name = i_filename
54          and    type = FILE_TYPE;
56 	exception
57          when no_data_found then
58             -- this is not present in the DB so insert it
59             i_new_version := to_number(i_version);
60             null;
61       end;
62    end if;
64    if (i_id is not null AND i_creation_date is not null)
65    then
66       -- update the entry with the latest data
67       update ecx_files
68       set    last_update_date = sysdate,
69              payload = i_payload
70       where  id = i_id;
71    else
72       -- insert into ecx_files
73       insert into ecx_files
74            (
75            id,
76            type,
77            name,
78            version,
79            application_code,
80            last_update_date,
81            last_updated_by,
82            creation_date,
83            created_by,
84            last_update_login,
85            payload
86            )
87       values
88            (
89            ecx_files_s.nextval,
90            FILE_TYPE,
91            i_filename,
92            i_new_version,
93            i_application_code,
94            sysdate,
95            LAST_UPDATED_BY,
96            sysdate,
97            CREATED_BY,
98            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
99            i_payload
100            );
101    end if;
102    i_retcode := 0;
103    i_retmsg := ' XSLT name = ' || i_filename || ' application_code = ' || i_application_code ||
104                 ' version = ' || i_new_version || ' Successfully loaded';
105 exception
106 when others then
107    i_retcode := 2;
108    i_retmsg := SQLERRM || 'XSLT file cannot be loaded';
109 end ins;
112 procedure del
113         (
114         i_filename      	in      varchar2,
115         i_version		in	varchar2,
116         i_application_code	in	varchar2,
117         i_retcode               OUT     NOCOPY number,
118         i_retmsg                OUT     NOCOPY varchar2
119         )
120 is
122 begin
123    -- if version is null, delete the max version entry that matches the details
124    if (i_version is null)
125    then
126       delete from ecx_files
127       where  application_code = i_application_code
128       and   version = (select max(version)
129                         from   ecx_files
130                         where   application_code = i_application_code
131 			and    name = i_filename
132                         and    type = FILE_TYPE)
133       and    name = i_filename
134       and    type = FILE_TYPE;
135   else
136      delete  from ecx_files
137       where   application_code = i_application_code
138       and    (i_version is null or version = i_version)
139       and     name = i_filename
140       and     type = FILE_TYPE;
141    end if;
143    if(sql%rowcount = 0)
144    then
145       i_retcode := 2;
146       i_retmsg := ' XSLT does not Exist';
147    else
148       i_retcode := 0;
149       i_retmsg := ' XSLT Successfully Deleted';
150    end if;
151 exception
152 when others then
153    i_retcode := 2;
154    i_retmsg := SQLERRM || '   XSLT cannot be deleted';
155 end del;
157 end ecx_xslt_utils;