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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_012 dependencies on IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL

Line 43: --smaddali 04-jul-03 modified procedure enrp_upd_sca_coo for bug 3035523 , to update igs_he_st_spa_all.version_number

39: -- p_legacy. Bug#2661533.
40: --ptandon 21-MAY-2003 Replaced usage of Message IGS_GE_OK with message IGS_AD_OK. Bug#2755657
41: --svanukur 26-jun-2003 Passing discontinued date with a nvl substitution of sysdate in the call to the update_row api of
42: -- ig_en_su_attmept in case of a "dropped" unit attempt status as part of bug 2898213.
43: --smaddali 04-jul-03 modified procedure enrp_upd_sca_coo for bug 3035523 , to update igs_he_st_spa_all.version_number
44: --rvivekan 3-SEP-2003 Waitlist Enhacements build # 3052426. 2 new columns added to
45: -- IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT_PKG procedures and consequently to IGS_EN_SUA_API procedures
46: --rvangala 07-OCT-2003 Value for CORE_INDICATOR_CODE passed to IGS_EN_SUA_API.UPDATE_UNIT_ATTEMPT
47: -- and IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT_PKG.UPDATE_ROW, added as part of Prevent Dropping Core Units. Enh Bug# 3052432

Line 522: FROM igs_he_st_spa_all spa

518: -- cursor added as per the HESA DLD Bug# 3035523.
519: -- get the hesa program attempt details for update
520: CURSOR c_upd_spa IS
521: SELECT spa.rowid , spa.*
522: FROM igs_he_st_spa_all spa
523: WHERE spa.person_id = p_person_id
524: AND spa.course_cd = p_course_cd

Line 647: IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL_PKG.update_row (

644: BEGIN
645: FOR c_upd_spa_rec IN c_upd_spa LOOP
646: -- update the version_number of the hesa program attempt record
647: IGS_HE_ST_SPA_ALL_PKG.update_row (
648: x_rowid => c_upd_spa_rec.rowid ,
649: x_hesa_st_spa_id => c_upd_spa_rec.hesa_st_spa_id ,
650: x_org_id => c_upd_spa_rec.org_id ,
651: x_person_id => c_upd_spa_rec.person_id ,