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APPS.PAY_IE_P35 dependencies on FF_CONTEXTS

Line 13: l_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%TYPE;

9: -- Global Variables
10: --
11: -- Bug c_context_name - PRSI Context Balance Design Change
12: l_assignment_action_id pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
13: l_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%TYPE;
14: l_defined_balance_id pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%TYPE;
15: p_person_id_global per_people_f.person_id%TYPE; -- to store the person_id in a package level variable to be used in c_context_name cursor
16: l_class_count NUMBER (4);
17: l_weeks_at_initial_class NUMBER (4);

Line 2151: FROM pay_action_contexts pac, ff_contexts ffc

2149: CURSOR Cur_Act_Contexts(p_source_id number) IS
2150: SELECT pac.context_id, pac.context_value
2151: FROM pay_action_contexts pac, ff_contexts ffc
2152: WHERE pac.assignment_action_id = p_source_id
2153: AND ffc.context_name = 'SOURCE_TEXT'
2154: AND ffc.context_id = pac.context_id;

Line 4657: FROM ff_contexts

4653: -- cursor to retrive the context_id - to be used in get_total_insurable_weeks function
4654: CURSOR c_context_id
4655: IS
4656: SELECT context_id
4657: FROM ff_contexts
4658: WHERE context_name = 'SOURCE_TEXT';
4660: -- get the latest assignment_action_id to calculate the balances for the calculating the
4661: -- total insurable weeks, weeks at first class etc.