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APPS.PER_ASG_BUS2 dependencies on DUAL

Line 285: from sys.dual

281: --
282: --VS Bug:1402408. 11/14/00
283: cursor csr_payroll_exists is
284: select null
285: from sys.dual
286: where exists(select null
287: from pay_all_payrolls_f pp
288: where p_effective_date
289: between pp.effective_start_date

Line 2197: from sys.dual

2193: --
2194: -- 120.10 (END)
2195: --
2196: select null
2197: from sys.dual
2198: where exists
2199: (select null
2200: from per_all_assignments_f pas
2201: where pas.effective_start_date <= p_validation_start_date

Line 2224: from sys.dual

2220: --
2222: cursor csr_ins_non_cwk_prim is
2223: select null
2224: from sys.dual
2225: where exists
2226: (select null
2227: from per_all_assignments_f pas
2228: where pas.effective_start_date <= p_validation_start_date

Line 3116: from sys.dual

3112: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_ref_int_del';
3113: --
3114: cursor csr_per_events is
3115: select null
3116: from sys.dual
3117: where exists(select null
3118: from per_events pe
3119: where pe.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3120: and (p_datetrack_mode = 'ZAP'

Line 3132: from sys.dual

3128: --
3129: -- Start of 3096114
3130: /*cursor csr_per_lett_req_lines is
3131: select null
3132: from sys.dual
3133: where exists(select null
3134: from per_letter_request_lines
3135: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3136: and (p_datetrack_mode = 'ZAP'

Line 3143: from sys.dual

3139: -- End of 3096114
3140: --
3141: cursor csr_pay_cost_allocations_f is
3142: select null
3143: from sys.dual
3144: where exists(select null
3145: from pay_cost_allocations_f
3146: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3147: and (p_datetrack_mode = 'ZAP'

Line 3153: from sys.dual

3149: and effective_start_date > p_validation_start_date)));
3150: --
3151: cursor csr_pay_pers_payment_methods is
3152: select null
3153: from sys.dual
3154: where exists(select null
3155: from pay_personal_payment_methods_f
3156: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3157: and (p_datetrack_mode = 'ZAP'

Line 3163: from sys.dual

3159: and effective_start_date > p_validation_start_date)));
3160: --
3161: cursor csr_pay_assignment_actions is
3162: select null
3163: from sys.dual
3164: where exists(select null
3165: from pay_assignment_actions aa
3166: , pay_payroll_actions pa
3167: where aa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id

Line 3176: from sys.dual

3172: and pa.action_type not in ('X','BEE')); -- Fix for bug# 2711532
3173: --
3174: cursor csr_per_secondary_ass_stat is
3175: select null
3176: from sys.dual
3177: where exists(select null
3178: from per_secondary_ass_statuses
3179: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3180: and (p_datetrack_mode = 'ZAP'

Line 3186: from sys.dual

3182: and start_date > p_validation_start_date)));
3183: --
3184: cursor csr_per_cobra_cov_enrol is
3185: select null
3186: from sys.dual
3187: where exists(select null
3188: from per_cobra_cov_enrollments
3189: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3190: and (p_datetrack_mode = 'ZAP'

Line 3197: from sys.dual

3193: or (coverage_start_date > p_validation_start_date))));
3194: --
3195: cursor csr_per_cobra_cov_bens is
3196: select null
3197: from sys.dual
3198: where exists(select null
3199: from per_cobra_coverage_benefits_f b
3200: , per_cobra_cov_enrollments e
3201: where e.assignment_id = p_assignment_id

Line 3210: from sys.dual

3206: and b.effective_start_date > p_validation_start_date)));
3207: --
3208: cursor csr_per_ass_extra_info is
3209: select null
3210: from sys.dual
3211: where exists(select null
3212: from per_assignment_extra_info
3213: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id);
3214: --

Line 3217: from sys.dual

3213: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id);
3214: --
3215: cursor csr_hr_ass_set_amend is
3216: select null
3217: from sys.dual
3218: where exists(select null
3219: from hr_assignment_set_amendments
3220: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id);
3221: --

Line 4239: from sys.dual

4235: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_special_ceiling_step_id';
4236: --
4237: cursor csr_valid_step is
4238: select 1
4239: from sys.dual
4240: where exists
4241: (select null
4242: from per_spinal_point_steps_f psps
4243: where psps.effective_start_date <= p_validation_start_date

Line 4273: from sys.dual

4269: and psps.effective_end_date;
4270: --
4271: cursor csr_low_step is
4272: select 1
4273: from sys.dual
4274: where exists(select null
4275: from per_spinal_point_placements_f pspp
4276: , per_spinal_point_steps_f psps
4277: , per_grade_spines_f pgs