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Line 66: * PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id)

62: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
63: *
64: * @param p_doc_id IN NUMBER Internal ID for Purchase Order.
65: * Either p_doc_id or p_doc_num required. (i.e.
66: * PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id)
67: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
68: *
69: * @param p_doc_num IN NUMBER Document Num for Purchase Order.
70: * Either p_doc_id or p_doc_num required.(i.e. PO_HEADERS_ALL.segment1)

Line 70: * Either p_doc_id or p_doc_num required.(i.e. PO_HEADERS_ALL.segment1)

66: * PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id)
67: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
68: *
69: * @param p_doc_num IN NUMBER Document Num for Purchase Order.
70: * Either p_doc_id or p_doc_num required.(i.e. PO_HEADERS_ALL.segment1)
71: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
72: *
73: * @param p_release_id Internal ID for Release. If Doc Type is Release
74: * either p_release_id or p_release_num required (i.e.

Line 126: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype PO_HEADERS.note_to_vendor}

122: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
123: *
124: * @param p_note_to_vendor Used to create a note to supplier to store
125: * on the document and print.
126: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype PO_HEADERS.note_to_vendor}
127: *
128: * @param p_use_gldate Value should be 'Y' or 'N'.Defaults to 'N'.
129: * Determines to which period the unreserved funds should be allocated.
130: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}

Line 135: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype PO_HEADERS_ALL.org_id}

131: *
132: * @param p_org_id Internal ID for Operating Unit to which document
133: * belongs. Not required if the document belongs to Current operating Unit
134: * or to the the Default Operating.
135: * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:innertype PO_HEADERS_ALL.org_id}
136: *
137: * @rep:displayname API that performs the control action p_action on
138: * the specified document.
139: *

Line 149: p_doc_num IN PO_HEADERS.segment1%TYPE,

145: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
146: p_doc_type IN PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES.document_type_code%TYPE,
147: p_doc_subtype IN PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES.document_subtype%TYPE,
148: p_doc_id IN NUMBER,
149: p_doc_num IN PO_HEADERS.segment1%TYPE,
150: p_release_id IN NUMBER,
151: p_release_num IN NUMBER,
152: p_doc_line_id IN NUMBER,
153: p_doc_line_num IN NUMBER,

Line 161: p_note_to_vendor IN PO_HEADERS.note_to_vendor%TYPE,

157: p_action_date IN DATE,
158: p_cancel_reason IN PO_LINES.cancel_reason%TYPE,
159: p_cancel_reqs_flag IN VARCHAR2,
160: p_print_flag IN VARCHAR2,
161: p_note_to_vendor IN PO_HEADERS.note_to_vendor%TYPE,
162: p_use_gldate IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, --
163: p_org_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL --
164: );