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Line 63: -- Created Subroutines to create committed amount record in ozf_act_budgets

59: -- Requirements for 11.5.5- hornet
60: -- 02/08/2001 Mumu Pande Updated for 11.5.5 requirements
61: -- 02/23/2001 Mumu Pande Updated for Hornet requirements
62: -- 02/09/2001 Mumu Pande Added validation routine for adjsutment_type_id
63: -- Created Subroutines to create committed amount record in ozf_act_budgets
64: -- 08/28/2001 Mumu Pande Bug#1950117
65: -- 09/05/2001 Mumu Pande Bug#1970359
66: -- 02/28/2002 Feliu Added create_act_utilization procedure and remove
67: -- recal_comm_flag. Modify create_utilzation.

Line 175: update ozf_act_budgets REQUEST between fully accrual budget and its offer when accrual happens

171: FROM ozf_claim_types_all_b
172: WHERE claim_type_id = p_adj_type_id;
174: /* 10/20/2003 yzhao Fix TEVA bug - customer fully accrual budget committed amount is always 0 when third party accrual happens
175: update ozf_act_budgets REQUEST between fully accrual budget and its offer when accrual happens
176: */
177: CURSOR c_accrual_budget_reqeust(p_fund_id IN NUMBER, p_plan_id IN NUMBER) IS
178: SELECT activity_budget_id
179: , object_version_number

Line 180: FROM ozf_act_budgets

176: */
177: CURSOR c_accrual_budget_reqeust(p_fund_id IN NUMBER, p_plan_id IN NUMBER) IS
178: SELECT activity_budget_id
179: , object_version_number
180: FROM ozf_act_budgets
181: WHERE arc_act_budget_used_by = 'OFFR'
182: AND act_budget_used_by_id = p_plan_id
183: AND budget_source_type = 'FUND'
184: AND budget_source_id = p_fund_id

Line 445: -- we go and create a debit record for that amount in Ozf_ACT_budgets

441: END IF;
444: -- Here we should check for adjustment_type , if the adjustment_type is DECREASE_COMMITTMENT or DECREASE_EARNED_COMMITTED
445: -- we go and create a debit record for that amount in Ozf_ACT_budgets
446: /* IF NVL (l_utilization_rec.adjustment_type, 'STANDARD') <> ('DECREASE_COMMITTED')
447: -- this is a temporary fix have to fix it from the UI
448: OR l_utilization_rec.utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
449: --OR NVL (l_utilization_rec.recal_comm_flag, 'N') = 'Y'

Line 950: -- 10/14/2003 update ozf_act_budgets REQUEST between fully accrual budget and its offer when accrual happens

946: l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_recal_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_recal_committed_amt, 0)
947: + NVL(l_univ_curr_amount, 0);
948: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary update
950: -- 10/14/2003 update ozf_act_budgets REQUEST between fully accrual budget and its offer when accrual happens
951: OPEN c_accrual_budget_reqeust(l_utilization_rec.fund_id, l_plan_id);
952: FETCH c_accrual_budget_reqeust INTO l_act_budget_id, l_act_budget_objver;
953: IF (c_accrual_budget_reqeust%NOTFOUND) THEN
954: CLOSE c_accrual_budget_reqeust;

Line 963: UPDATE ozf_act_budgets

959: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
960: END IF;
961: CLOSE c_accrual_budget_reqeust;
963: UPDATE ozf_act_budgets
964: SET request_amount = NVL(request_amount, 0) + l_plan_curr_amount
965: , src_curr_request_amt = NVL(src_curr_request_amt, 0) + l_utilization_rec.amount
966: , approved_amount = NVL(approved_amount, 0) + l_plan_curr_amount
967: , approved_original_amount = NVL(approved_original_amount, 0) + l_utilization_rec.amount

Line 3834: FROM ozf_act_budgets

3830: ,p_used_by_type IN VARCHAR2
3831: ,p_parent_src_id IN NUMBER
3832: ) IS
3833: SELECT activity_budget_id, object_version_number,request_amount,parent_src_apprvd_amt
3834: FROM ozf_act_budgets
3835: WHERE act_budget_used_by_id = p_used_by_id
3836: AND arc_act_budget_used_by = p_used_by_type
3837: AND parent_source_id = p_parent_src_id
3838: AND transfer_type = 'UTILIZED';