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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 144

    DELETE FROM jmf_shikyu_cur_rpt_temp;
Line: 152

      cuar_get_unreceived_po(p_cost_type_id       => p_cost_type_id
                            ,p_org_id             => p_org_id
                            ,p_inv_org_name_from  => p_inv_org_name_from
                            ,p_inv_org_name_to    => p_inv_org_name_to
                            ,p_currency_cnv_type  => p_currency_cnv_type
                            ,p_currency_cnv_date  => l_currency_cnv_date
                            ,p_func_currency_code => l_func_currency_code
Line: 226

      SELECT 'UnReceived'
--updated to fix project_number related issue start
           ,NVL((SELECT DISTINCT segment1 AS project_number
                    FROM pa_projects_all
                  WHERE pa_projects_all.project_id(+) = sub.project_id),
                (SELECT DISTINCT project_number
                 FROM   pjm_seiban_numbers
                 WHERE pjm_seiban_numbers.project_id(+) = sub.project_id)) segment1
--updated to fix project_number related issue end
            ,loc.quantity - loc.quantity_received unreceived_qty
     --       ,jmf_shikyu_rpt_cur_pvt.cuar_get_item_cost(loc.org_id
                                                      ,1) frozend_cost
          --  ,jmf_shikyu_rpt_cur_pvt.cuar_get_item_cost(loc.org_id
                                              --        ,loc.unit_meas_lookup_code)
                                                        ,l.unit_meas_lookup_code) --UOM exchange rate
             ,pra.release_num            --Added to display release number
/*      FROM   po_headers_all               h
            ,po_lines_all                 l
            ,po_line_locations_all        loc
            ,jmf_subcontract_orders       sub
            ,mtl_system_items_vl          mtl
            ,po_vendor_sites_all          pv
            ,hr_all_organization_units_tl haotl
            ,pa_projects_all              pa
            ,pa_tasks                     tasks
            ,po_vendors                   ven
      WHERE  \*h.type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD')                                  AND *\
       h.po_header_id = sub.subcontract_po_header_id
       AND l.po_line_id = sub.subcontract_po_line_id
       AND sub.project_id = pa.project_id(+)
       AND sub.task_id = tasks.task_id(+)
       AND loc.line_location_id = sub.subcontract_po_shipment_id
       AND pv.vendor_site_id(+) = h.vendor_site_id
       AND mtl.inventory_item_id = l.item_id
       AND haotl.organization_id(+) = loc.ship_to_organization_id
       AND haotl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
       AND h.vendor_id = ven.vendor_id
       AND loc.ship_to_organization_id = mtl.organization_id
     --  AND loc.org_id = mtl.organization_id
       AND h.org_id = lp_org_id
       AND haotl.NAME >= nvl(lp_inv_org_name_from
       AND haotl.NAME <= nvl(lp_inv_org_name_to
Line: 481

      INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cur_rpt_temp
        ,order_line_id)--Added to display release number(When unreceived means release_num)
        ,l_unit_cost_frozen *l_qty_rate
        ,l_unit_cost_plan *l_qty_rate
        ,l_order_line_id);--Added to display release number(When unreceived means release_num)
Line: 579

      SELECT 'UnShipped'
--updated to fix project_number related issue start
           ,NVL((SELECT DISTINCT segment1 AS project_number
                    FROM pa_projects_all
                  WHERE pa_projects_all.project_id(+) = sol.project_id),
                (SELECT DISTINCT project_number
                 FROM   pjm_seiban_numbers
                 WHERE pjm_seiban_numbers.project_id(+) = sol.project_id)) segment1
--updated to fix project_number related issue end
                                                ,sol.inventory_item_id) item_num
-- Updated to fix bug 5462851 start
-- To get unshipped Quantity
--            ,sol.ordered_quantity - nvl(sol.shipped_quantity,0) unshipped_qty
            ,repo.allocated_quantity unshipped_quantity
-- Updated to fix bug 5462851 end
                                                      ,1) frozend_cost
                                                      ,lp_cost_type_id) planned_cost
                   , sol.unit_selling_price,jmf_shikyu_rpt_util.convert_amount(soh.transactional_curr_code
/*                                               ,lp_currency_cnv_date
                                               ,sol.unit_selling_price)) convert_amount
                                                                 ,sol.pricing_quantity_uom) exchange_UOM-- returns qty in primary UOM for 1 UOM in document
      FROM   oe_order_headers_all         soh
            ,oe_order_lines_all           sol
            ,hr_all_organization_units_tl haotl
--updated to fix project_number related issue start
            --,pa_projects_all              pa
--updated to fix project_number related issue end
            ,pa_tasks                     tasks
            ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments    repo
            ,mtl_system_items_vl          mtl
--updated to fix project_number related issue start
      --WHERE  pa.project_id(+) = sol.project_id
      --       AND tasks.task_id(+) = sol.task_id
      WHERE  tasks.task_id(+) = sol.task_id
--updated to fix project_number related issue end
             AND haotl.organization_id = sol.ship_from_org_id
             AND haotl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
             AND mtl.inventory_item_id = sol.inventory_item_id
            -- AND mtl.organization_id = sol.org_id
             AND mtl.organization_id = sol.ship_from_org_id
-- Added to fix bug 5462851 start
            AND repo.allocated_quantity > 0
            AND sol.shipped_quantity IS NULL
-- Added to fix bug 5462851 end
             AND repo.replenishment_so_header_id = soh.header_id
             AND repo.replenishment_so_line_id = sol.line_id
             AND soh.flow_status_code NOT IN ('ENTERED'
             AND sol.org_id = lp_org_id
             AND haotl.NAME >= nvl(lp_inv_org_name_from
             AND haotl.NAME <= nvl(lp_inv_org_name_to
	            /* 12.1 Buy/Sell Subcontracting changes */
              /* Cost update analysis report is applicable only for Chargeable Sucbontracting */
              AND nvl(JMF_SHIKYU_GRP. GET_SUBCONTRACTING_TYPE(repo.oem_organization_id,  repo.tp_organization_id),
              NULL)  = 'C' ;
Line: 795

      INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cur_rpt_temp
        ,l_unit_cost_frozen * l_qty_rate  --convert into UOM in document
        ,l_unit_cost_plan * l_qty_rate    --convert into UOM in document
        ,l_qty_rate   -- exchange UOM Rate
Line: 905

      SELECT rcv.transaction_id
      FROM   rcv_transactions             rcv
            ,oe_order_lines_all           oel
            ,oe_order_headers_all         oeh
            ,hr_all_organization_units_tl haotl
      WHERE  oel.org_id = lp_org_id
             AND rcv.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
             AND oel.line_id = rcv.oe_order_line_id
             AND rcv.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
             AND oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
             AND haotl.organization_id(+) = oel.ship_from_org_id
             AND haotl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
             AND haotl.NAME >= nvl(lp_inv_org_name_from
             AND haotl.NAME <= nvl(lp_inv_org_name_to
	            /* 12.1 Buy/Sell Subcontracting changes */
              /* Cost update analysis report is applicable only for Chargeable Sucbontracting */
              AND nvl(JMF_SHIKYU_GRP. GET_SUBCONTRACTING_TYPE(oel.ship_from_org_id,  oel.ship_to_org_id),
              NULL)  = 'C' ;
Line: 1044

          SELECT pa.segment1
                                                    ,sol.inventory_item_id) item_num
          INTO  l_project_num
          FROM   oe_order_headers_all         soh
                ,oe_order_lines_all           sol
                ,pa_projects_all              pa
                ,pa_tasks                     tasks
                ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments    repo
                ,mtl_system_items_vl          mtl
          WHERE  pa.project_id(+) = sol.project_id
                 AND tasks.task_id(+) = sol.task_id
                 AND mtl.inventory_item_id = sol.inventory_item_id
                 AND mtl.organization_id = l_ship_from_org_id
                 AND repo. replenishment_so_header_id = soh.header_id
                 AND repo. replenishment_so_line_id = sol.line_id
                 AND sol.line_id = l_reference_line_id
                 AND soh.header_id =sol.header_id;
Line: 1162

         SELECT DISTINCT actual_cost
         INTO l_unit_cost_frozen
         FROM   mtl_material_transactions
         WHERE  trx_source_line_id = l_reference_line_id
             AND source_code = 'ORDER ENTRY'
             AND inventory_item_id = l_item_id
             AND organization_id= l_om_ship_from_org_id
             AND transaction_date =  l_actual_shipment_date  ;
Line: 1176

         SELECT DISTINCT actual_cost
          INTO l_unit_cost_plan
          FROM   mtl_material_transactions
          WHERE   trx_source_line_id =l_rcv_line_id
                AND source_code = 'RCV'
                AND rcv_transaction_id = l_rcv_transaction_id ;
Line: 1200

              INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cur_rpt_temp
Line: 1281

    SELECT 1
    INTO  l_number
    WHERE  organization_id= p_org_id
           AND  trunc(p_date,'dd') >= period_start_date
           AND  trunc(p_date,'dd') <= schedule_close_date
           AND  trunc(sysdate,'dd') >= period_start_date
           AND  trunc(sysdate,'dd') <= schedule_close_date ;
Line: 1336

    SELECT item_cost
    INTO   l_item_cost
    FROM   cst_item_costs cost
    WHERE  cost.cost_type_id = p_cst_type_id
           AND cost.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
           AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1387

    SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
    INTO   l_primary_uom
    FROM   mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1437

    SELECT primary_uom_code
    INTO   l_primary_uom_code
    FROM   mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
           AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1531

    SELECT mtl_units_of_measure.unit_of_measure
    INTO   l_uom
    FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
    WHERE  mtl_units_of_measure.uom_code = p_from_unit;