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Line 183: FROM igs_da_req_ftrs rf_in

179: FROM igs_da_cnfg_ftr cf_in
180: WHERE cf_in.request_type_id = dr.request_type_id
181: MINUS
182: SELECT feature_code
183: FROM igs_da_req_ftrs rf_in
184: WHERE rf_in.batch_id = dr.batch_id);
185: BEGIN
186: FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
187: OPEN c_igs_da_rqst (p_batch_id);

Line 425: in the table IGS_DA_REQ_FTRS

421: CLOSE c_igs_da_rqst;
423: /*
424: now insert the records (IGS_DA_CNFG_FTR) not shown to the user
425: in the table IGS_DA_REQ_FTRS
426: */
427: FOR rec_req_ftrs IN c_req_ftrs(p_batch_id)
428: LOOP
429: l_rowid := null;

Line 430: igs_da_req_ftrs_pkg.insert_row

426: */
427: FOR rec_req_ftrs IN c_req_ftrs(p_batch_id)
428: LOOP
429: l_rowid := null;
430: igs_da_req_ftrs_pkg.insert_row
431: (
432: X_ROWID => l_rowid ,
433: X_BATCH_ID => p_batch_id ,
434: X_FEATURE_CODE => rec_req_ftrs.feature_code ,