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Line 500: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE; --C421

496: -- Purpose
497: -- Generate hours worked records FOR employees who have a work plan.
498: l_location VARCHAR2 (100);
499: l_days NUMBER;
500: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE; --C421
501: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE; --C421
502: l_standard_start NUMBER;
503: l_standard_stop NUMBER;
504: l_early_start NUMBER;

Line 501: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE; --C421

497: -- Generate hours worked records FOR employees who have a work plan.
498: l_location VARCHAR2 (100);
499: l_days NUMBER;
500: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE; --C421
501: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE; --C421
502: l_standard_start NUMBER;
503: l_standard_stop NUMBER;
504: l_early_start NUMBER;
505: l_late_stop NUMBER;

Line 826: l_hrw_id hxt_det_hours_worked.id%TYPE;

822: IS
823: -- , a_group_id IN NUMBER) IS
824: -- PUBLIC procedure to create hour worked record - returns incremented seqno.
825: -- Calls HXT_TIME_SUMMARY.Generate_Details
826: l_hrw_id hxt_det_hours_worked.id%TYPE;
827: l_elt_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
828: l_seqno hxt_det_hours_worked.seqno%TYPE; --C421
829: l_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
830: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE := a_time_out;

Line 827: l_elt_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;

823: -- , a_group_id IN NUMBER) IS
824: -- PUBLIC procedure to create hour worked record - returns incremented seqno.
825: -- Calls HXT_TIME_SUMMARY.Generate_Details
826: l_hrw_id hxt_det_hours_worked.id%TYPE;
827: l_elt_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
828: l_seqno hxt_det_hours_worked.seqno%TYPE; --C421
829: l_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
830: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE := a_time_out;
831: l_hol_yn VARCHAR2 (1);

Line 828: l_seqno hxt_det_hours_worked.seqno%TYPE; --C421

824: -- PUBLIC procedure to create hour worked record - returns incremented seqno.
825: -- Calls HXT_TIME_SUMMARY.Generate_Details
826: l_hrw_id hxt_det_hours_worked.id%TYPE;
827: l_elt_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
828: l_seqno hxt_det_hours_worked.seqno%TYPE; --C421
829: l_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
830: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE := a_time_out;
831: l_hol_yn VARCHAR2 (1);
832: l_retcode NUMBER;

Line 829: l_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;

825: -- Calls HXT_TIME_SUMMARY.Generate_Details
826: l_hrw_id hxt_det_hours_worked.id%TYPE;
827: l_elt_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
828: l_seqno hxt_det_hours_worked.seqno%TYPE; --C421
829: l_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
830: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE := a_time_out;
831: l_hol_yn VARCHAR2 (1);
832: l_retcode NUMBER;
833: l_seq_exceptn EXCEPTION;

Line 830: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE := a_time_out;

826: l_hrw_id hxt_det_hours_worked.id%TYPE;
827: l_elt_id hxt_det_hours_worked.element_type_id%TYPE;
828: l_seqno hxt_det_hours_worked.seqno%TYPE; --C421
829: l_hours hxt_det_hours_worked.hours%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
830: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE := a_time_out;
831: l_hol_yn VARCHAR2 (1);
832: l_retcode NUMBER;
833: l_seq_exceptn EXCEPTION;
834: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE := a_time_in;

Line 834: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE := a_time_in;

830: l_time_out hxt_det_hours_worked.time_out%TYPE := a_time_out;
831: l_hol_yn VARCHAR2 (1);
832: l_retcode NUMBER;
833: l_seq_exceptn EXCEPTION;
834: l_time_in hxt_det_hours_worked.time_in%TYPE := a_time_in;
835: l_rowid ROWID;
836: v_count NUMBER;
837: -- l_group_id NUMBER;
838: BEGIN

Line 1266: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f

1262: -- Delete obsolete timecards
1263: g_sub_loc := 'DELETE from hxt_timecards';
1264: FOR l_record IN c_get_tim_id
1265: LOOP
1266: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
1267: WHERE tim_id = l_record.id;
1269: DELETE FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked_f
1270: WHERE tim_id = l_record.id;

Line 1381: g_sub_loc := 'DELETE from hxt_det_hours_worked';

1377: BEGIN
1378: -- Delete existing hour-worked entries
1379: fnd_message.set_name ('HXT', 'HXT_39276_AG_ERR_DEL_HRS_WKED');
1380: g_autogen_error := '';
1381: g_sub_loc := 'DELETE from hxt_det_hours_worked';
1383: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f --C421
1384: WHERE tim_id = a_tim_id;

Line 1383: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f --C421

1379: fnd_message.set_name ('HXT', 'HXT_39276_AG_ERR_DEL_HRS_WKED');
1380: g_autogen_error := '';
1381: g_sub_loc := 'DELETE from hxt_det_hours_worked';
1383: DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f --C421
1384: WHERE tim_id = a_tim_id;
1386: --SIR012 DELETE from hxt_sum_hours_worked
1387: DELETE FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked