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1 package body wms_rule_pvt_ext_psetj as
2 /* $Header: WMSOPPAB.pls 120.5 2005/10/07 10:27:01 gayu noship $ */
4 -- Package global variable that stores the package name
5 g_pkg_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'WMS_RULE_PVT_EXT_PSETJ';
6 g_debug       NUMBER;
7 --
8 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------|
9 -- |---------------------< trace >----------------------------------|
10 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------|
11 --
12 -- {Start Of Comments}
13 -- Description:
14 -- Wrapper around the tracing utility.
15 --
16 -- Prerequisites:
17 -- None
18 --
19 -- In Parameters:
20 --   Name        Reqd Type     Description
21 --   p_message   Yes  varchar2 Message to be displayed in the log file.
22 --   p_prompt    Yes  varchar2 Prompt.
23 --   p_level     No   number   Level.
24 --
25 -- Post Success:
26 --   None.
27 --
28 -- Post Failure:
29 --   None
30 --
31 -- Access Status:
32 --   Internal Development Use Only.
33 --
34 -- {End Of Comments}
35 --
36 -- =============================================
37 -- Procedure to log message for Label Printing
38 -- =============================================
39 Procedure trace(p_message IN VARCHAR2, p_level number default 4) is
40 begin
41      inv_log_util.TRACE(p_message, 'RULES_ENGINE_EXTENSION', p_level);
42 end trace;
43 --
44 --
45 -- API name    : update_mmtt
46 -- Type        : Private
47 -- Function    : Update the MMTT record with an appropriate operation plan id.
48 -- Input Parameters  :
49 --             p_task_id 		NUMBER
50 --             p_operation_plan_id	NUMBER
51 --
52 -- Output Parameters:
53 -- Version     :
54 --   Current version 1.0
55 --
56 -- Notes       :
57 --
58 -- This procedure update the MMTT record with an appropriate operation plan id
59 -- This is called from the assign_operation_plan API.
60 -- Date           Modification                                   Author
61 -- ------------   ------------                                   ------------------
62 -- 08 Aug. 2003   This procedure update the MMTT record with an  By Johnson Abraham
63 --                appropriate operation plan id                  for patchset 'J'.
64 --                This is called from the assign_operation_plan
65 --                API.
66 --
67 Procedure update_mmtt(
68   p_task_id           IN    NUMBER
69 , p_operation_plan_id IN    NUMBER
70 , x_return_status     OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
71 ) is
72     l_debug  NUMBER;
73 begin
74    IF NOT(inv_cache.is_pickrelease AND g_debug IS NOT NULL) THEN
75       g_debug := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
76    END IF;
77    l_debug := g_debug;
78      -- Initialize API return status to success
79      x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
81      if (l_debug = 1) then
82          trace(' Entering procedure update_mmtt  '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
83          trace(  '   p_task_id   => ' || p_task_id
84                ||'   p_operation_plan_id => ' || p_operation_plan_id, 4);
85      end if;
87      update mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
88         set mmtt.operation_plan_id   = p_operation_plan_id
89      where  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id;
91      if (l_debug =1) then
92          trace(' Successfully updated MMTT record with operation_plan_id = ' || p_operation_plan_id, 1);
93      end if;
95      if (l_debug =1) then
96         trace(' Exiting procedure update_mmtt  '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
97         trace(' x_return_status   => ' || x_return_status, 4);
98      end if;
99 exception
100       when others then
101          -- Update return status.
102          x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
104          if (l_debug =1) then
105             trace(' Unable to update MMTT due to Error : ' || sqlerrm(sqlcode), 1);
106             trace(' Exiting procedure update_mmtt  '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
107             trace(' x_return_status   => ' || x_return_status, 4);
108          end if;
109          return;
110 end update_mmtt;
112 --
113 -- API name    : Assign Operation Plan
114 -- Type        : Private
115 -- Function    : Assign Operation plan to a specific record in MMTT
116 -- Input Parameters  :
117 --           p_task_id NUMBER
118 --
119 -- Output Parameters:
120 -- Version     :
121 --   Current version 1.0
122 --
123 -- Notes       :
124 --
125 -- This procedure assign user defined operation plan to a specific task in
126 -- mtl_material_transactions_temp. Operation plan is implemeted by WMS rules.
127 -- This procedure calls the rule package created for operation plan rules to check
128 -- which operation plan rule actually matches the task in question.
129 -- Date           Modification                                   Author
130 -- ------------   ------------                                   ------------------
131 -- 08 Aug. 2003   Added 2 new input parameters in patchset 'J'.  By Johnson Abraham.
132 --                p_activity_type_id and p_organization_id.      for patchset 'J'.
133 --                For Inbound ATF, the  p_activity_type_id
134 --                will be passed in as a mandatory input
135 --                parameter.
136 --                The call to Outbound ATF will continue
137 --                via the wrapper 'assign_operation_plans'.
138 --                The change to the wrapper is that now
139 --                organization_id is also derived and hence
140 --                passed in to the 'assign_operation_plans'.
141 PROCEDURE assign_operation_plan_psetj(
142   p_api_version      IN            NUMBER
143 , p_init_msg_list    IN            VARCHAR2
144 , p_commit           IN            VARCHAR2
145 , p_validation_level IN            NUMBER
146 , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
147 , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
148 , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
149 , p_task_id          IN            NUMBER
150 , p_activity_type_id IN            NUMBER
151 , p_organization_id  IN            NUMBER
152 ) IS
154     l_rule_id              NUMBER;
155     l_pack_exists          NUMBER;
156     l_package_name         VARCHAR2(30);
157     l_count                NUMBER;
158     l_return_status        NUMBER;
159     l_found                BOOLEAN      := FALSE;
160     l_wms_task_type        NUMBER;
161     l_operation_plan_id    NUMBER;
162     l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
163     l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Assign_operation_plan';
165     -- ### new variables added for patchset 'J'
166     l_plan_type_id        number;
167     l_c_rules_loop        number := 0;
169     l_debug            number ;
170     l_loop_name        varchar2(100) := null;
171     l_progress         number := null;
172     l_organization_id  number := null;
174     l_ret_status       varchar2(1);
176     -- ### Cursor for task type rule loop
177     -- ### Only rules with the same WMS system task type as the task
178     -- ### will be selected
179     -- ### Rules are ordered by rule weight and creation date
180     -- @@@CURSOR c_rules_atf_outbound_pseti IS
181     -- @@@ select rules.rule_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.wms_task_type, rules.type_hdr_id
182     -- @@@ from   wms_rules_b rules, wms_op_plans_b wop, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
183     -- @@@ where  rules.type_code = 7
184     -- @@@ and    rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
185     -- @@@ and    rules.type_hdr_id = wop.operation_plan_id
186     -- @@@ and    wop.system_task_type = NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, wop.system_task_type)
187     -- @@@ and    mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
188     -- @@@ and    rules.organization_id IN (mmtt.organization_id, -1)
189     -- @@@ and    (wop.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id or wop.common_to_all_org = 'Y') -- changed after review
190     -- @@@ and    wop.enabled_flag = 'Y'
191     -- @@@ order by rules.rule_weight desc, rules.creation_date;
193     -- ### Added in patchset'J'
194     CURSOR c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj IS
195       select rules.rule_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.wms_task_type, rules.type_hdr_id
196       from   wms_rules_b rules, wms_op_plans_b wop, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
197       where  rules.type_code = 7
198       and    rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
199       and    rules.type_hdr_id = wop.operation_plan_id
200       and    wop.system_task_type = NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, wop.system_task_type)
201       and    mmtt.transaction_source_type_id IN (2, 8) --restrict to sales order and internal order mmtts only
202       and    mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
203       and    rules.organization_id IN (mmtt.organization_id, -1)
204       and    wop.enabled_flag = 'Y'
205       and    wop.activity_type_id = 2 -- (Outbound)
206       order by rules.rule_weight desc, rules.creation_date;
209     -- ### Added in Patchset 'J'
210     CURSOR c_rules_atf_inbound IS
211       select rules.rule_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.wms_task_type, rules.type_hdr_id,
212              wop.plan_type_id -- new column added
213       from   wms_rules_b rules, wms_op_plans_b wop, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
214              mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl -- new tables added
215       where  rules.type_code = 7
216       and    rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
217       and    rules.type_hdr_id = wop.operation_plan_id
218       and    rules.organization_id in (mmtt.organization_id, -1)
219       and    (wop.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id or wop.common_to_all_org = 'Y') -- changed after review
220       and    wop.enabled_flag = 'Y'
221       and    mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
222       and    mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
223       and    mtrl.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
224       and    wop.activity_type_id = 1
225 --
226 --    @@@    if (mtrl.backorder_delivery_detail_id is not null)
227 --    @@@    then
228 --    @@@       (backordered line)
229 --    @@@    else
230 --    @@@       <This emans that thisis Standard or Inspection Routing>
231 --    @@@       if (mtrl.inspection_flag is 1)
232 --    @@@       then
233 --    @@@         (Inspection routing)
234 --    @@@       elseif (mtrl.inspection_flag in (2, 3, null) or any other values)
235 --    @@@       then
236 --    @@@         (Standard Routing assumed)
237 --    @@@       end if;
238 --    @@@    end if;
239       and    wop.plan_type_id  = decode(mtrl.inspection_status
240 					,1 --stamp inspection op plan
241 					,2
242 					--Inspection not req, stamped standard/xdock plan
243 					,Decode(mtrl.backorder_delivery_detail_id
244 						,NULL
245 						,1
246 						,3)
247 					)
248 --
249       and    wop.template_flag <> 'Y'
250       AND (wop.plan_type_id <> 3 OR      -- added for plan xdocking
251 	     (wop.plan_type_id = 3 AND
252 	      Nvl(wop.crossdock_to_wip_flag, 'N') = Decode(Nvl(mtrl.crossdock_type, 1), 1, 'N', 'Y')))
253       order by rules.rule_weight desc, rules.creation_date;
254     --{{
255     --  Operation plan assignment should honor crossdock to WIP
256     --}}
258     -- ### Added in Patchset 'J'
259     -- ### Move Order Types
260     -- ### 3 Pick Wave (Outbound)
261     -- ### 6 Put Away (Inbound)
262     -- ### Cursor used to derive the default operation plan for Inbound.
263     CURSOR c_default_op_plan_inbound IS
264       select wop.plan_type_id, wop.operation_plan_id
265       from   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl,
266              wms_op_plans_b wop
267       where  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
268       and    mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
269       and    wop.activity_type_id= 1
270 --
271 --    @@@    Changed on October 7th 2003. This decode is supposed to be read as follows:
272 --    @@@    if (mtrl.backorder_delivery_detail_id is not null)
273 --    @@@    then
274 --    @@@       (backordered line)
275 --    @@@    else
276 --    @@@       <This emans that thisis Standard or Inspection Routing>
277 --    @@@       if (mtrl.inspection_flag is 1)
278 --    @@@       then
279 --    @@@         (Inspection routing)
280 --    @@@       elseif (mtrl.inspection_flag in (2, 3, null) or any other values)
281 --    @@@       then
282 --    @@@         (Standard Routing assumed)
283 --    @@@       end if;
284 --    @@@    end if;
285 --    and    wop.plan_type_id  = decode(mtrl.backorder_delivery_detail_id, null, decode(mtrl.inspection_status, null, 1,  2), 3)
286       and    wop.plan_type_id  = decode(mtrl.inspection_status
287 					,1 --stamp inspection op plan
288 					,2
289 					--Inspection not req, stamped standard/xdock plan
290 					,Decode(mtrl.backorder_delivery_detail_id
291 						,NULL
292 						,1
293 						,3)
294 					)
295 	AND Nvl(wop.crossdock_to_wip_flag, 'N') = Decode(Nvl(mtrl.crossdock_type, 1), 1, 'N', 'Y')
297       and    enabled_flag  = 'Y'
298       and    default_flag  =  'Y';
300     -- ### This cursor has been modified by adding the MMTT table and joining the mtl_paramters to the MMTT.
301     CURSOR c_default_op_plan_outbound IS
302       select Nvl(default_pick_op_plan_id,1)
303         from mtl_parameters mp, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
304        where mp.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
305        and   mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
306        AND   mmtt.transaction_source_type_id IN (2, 8); ----restrict to sales order and internal order mmtts only
307     -- @@@ organization_id = p_organization_id
311     -- ### cursor used to determine if the rule package exists
312     CURSOR l_pack_gen IS
313       SELECT COUNT(object_name)
314         FROM user_objects
315        WHERE object_name = l_package_name;
318     IF NOT(inv_cache.is_pickrelease AND g_debug IS NOT NULL) THEN
319           g_debug := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
320     END IF;
321     l_debug := g_debug;
323     if (l_debug = 1) then
324        trace(' Entering procedure assign_operation_plan  '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
325        trace(' p_api_version      => ' || p_api_version
326            ||' p_init_msg_list    => ' || p_init_msg_list
327            ||' p_commit           => ' || p_commit
328            ||' p_validation_level => ' || p_validation_level
329            ||' p_task_id          => ' || p_task_id
330            ||' p_activity_type_id => ' || p_activity_type_id
331            ||' p_organization_id  => ' || p_organization_id, 4);
332     end if;
334    savepoint assign_operation_plan_sp;
335    IF l_debug = 1 THEN
336       trace(' Task ID passed to the inner call is ' || p_task_id, 1);
337    END IF;
338    -- ### Standard call to check for call compatibility
339    if not fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, g_pkg_name) then
340       raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
341    end if;
343    -- ### Initialize message list if p_init_msg_list is set to TRUE
344    if p_init_msg_list = 'G_TRUE' then
345       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
346    end if;
348    --
349    -- ### Initialize API return status to success
350    x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
352    -- ### Validate input parameters and pre-requisites, if validation level
353    -- ### requires this
354    if p_validation_level <> fnd_api.g_valid_level_none then
355       -- in case further needs for validation
356       null;
357    end if;
359    -- ### Code logic branches based on the p_activity_type_id.
360    -- ### Inbound  calls 'assign_operation_plan' directly with 'p_activity_type_id = 1'.
361    -- ### Outbound continues to call 'assign_operation_plans'(wrapper) with 'p_activity_type_id = null'.
362    -- ###
363    -- ### open the eligible rules cursor based on activity_type_id
364    -- ### 1. Inbound
365    -- ### 2. Outbound
366    if (l_debug = 1) then
367       trace(' Activity Type ID passed in, is ' || nvl(p_activity_type_id, -99), 4);
368       trace(' Progress Indicator : ' || l_progress, 4);
369    end if;
371    l_progress := 1;
372    if (p_activity_type_id = 1)                                   -- Inbound.
373    then
374       if (l_debug = 1) then
375           trace(' Within If (p_activity_type_id = 1)..... end;', 1);
376           trace(' Progress Indicator : ' || l_progress , 1);
377           trace(' Opening Inbound Cursor....'|| 'Progress Indicator : ' || l_progress, 1);
378       end if;
380       -- ### Opening cursor c_rules_atf_inbound
381       open c_rules_atf_inbound;
382       l_loop_name := 'c_rules_atf_inbound_loop';
384    elsif (p_activity_type_id <> 1 or p_activity_type_id is null)  -- Outbound
385    then
386       if (l_debug = 1) then
387           trace(' Within If (p_activity_type_id <> 1 or p_activity_type_id = null)..... end;', 1);
388           trace(' Progress Indicator : ' || l_progress, 4);
389           trace(' inv_control.g_current_release_level is ' || inv_control.g_current_release_level );
390           trace(' inv_release.g_j_release_level is ' || inv_release.g_j_release_level);
391       end if;
393       --if inv_control.g_current_release_level >= inv_release.g_j_release_level then
394       --   if (l_debug = 1) then
395       --      trace(' Release level is J, Opening Outbound patchset-J Cursor....', 1);
396       --      trace(' Progress Indicator : ' || l_progress, 4);
397       --   end if;
399          -- ### Opening cursor c_rules_atf_inbound
400          open c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj;
401          l_loop_name := 'c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj_loop';
402       --end if;
403    end if;
404    --
405    -- ### Enter loop only if one of the cursor(s) is open else return.
406    --
407    if c_rules_atf_inbound%ISOPEN or c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj%ISOPEN
408    then
409     l_progress := 2;
410     if (l_debug = 1) then
411        trace(' Entering loop ' || l_loop_name, 1);
412     end if;
414     -- ### loop through the rules
415     loop
416       if c_rules_atf_inbound%ISOPEN then
417          if (l_debug = 1) then
418             trace(' Fetching Inbound Cursor within the loop'
419                 ||' Iteration Number '|| l_c_rules_loop, 4);
420          end if;
422          -- ### Fetching c_rules_atf_inbound cursor
423          fetch c_rules_atf_inbound
424          into  l_rule_id, l_organization_id, l_wms_task_type, l_operation_plan_id, l_plan_type_id;
426       elsif c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj%ISOPEN then
427          if (l_debug = 1) then
428             trace(' Release level is J, Fetching Outbound patchset-J Cursor....'|| 'Progress Indicator : ' || l_progress, 4);
429          end if;
431          -- ### Fetching c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj cursor
432          fetch c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj
433 	 into  l_rule_id, l_organization_id, l_wms_task_type, l_operation_plan_id;
435       end if;
437       if c_rules_atf_inbound%ISOPEN then
438          if (l_debug = 1) then
439             trace(' c_rules_atf_inbound%NOTFOUND..', 4);
440          end if;
441          exit when c_rules_atf_inbound%NOTFOUND;
442       elsif c_rules_atf_Outbound_psetj%ISOPEN then
443          if (l_debug = 1) then
444             trace(' c_rules_atf_Outbound_psetj%NOTFOUND..', 4);
445          end if;
446          exit when c_rules_atf_Outbound_psetj%NOTFOUND;
447       end if;
449      l_c_rules_loop := l_c_rules_loop + 1;
450      if (l_debug = 1) then
451         trace('Loop Counter '|| l_c_rules_loop || ' Rule ID returned ' || l_rule_id, 4);
452         trace('Loop Counter '|| l_c_rules_loop || ' Organization ID returned ' || l_organization_id, 4);
453         trace('Loop Counter '|| l_c_rules_loop || ' Task Type returned ' || l_wms_task_type, 4);
454         trace('Loop Counter '|| l_c_rules_loop || ' Operation Plan ID returned ' || l_operation_plan_id, 4);
455         trace('Loop Counter '|| l_c_rules_loop || ' Activity Type ID returned ' || p_activity_type_id, 4);
456         trace('Loop Counter '|| l_c_rules_loop || ' Plan Type ID returned ' || l_plan_type_id, 4);
457      end if;
463                 || 'Progress Indicator ' || l_progress, 1);
460         -- ### get the pre-generated package name for this rule
461         if (l_debug = 1) then
462            trace('Before calling procedure getpackagename'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
464            trace('   p_rule_id         => ' || l_rule_id, 4);
465         end if;
467         wms_rule_pvt.getpackagename(l_rule_id, l_package_name);
469         if (l_debug = 1) then
470            trace('After calling procedure getpackagename'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
471                 || 'Progress Indicator ' || l_progress, 1);
472            trace('   p_package_name    => ' || l_package_name, 4);
473         end if;
475         --- ### Execute op Rule
476         if (l_debug = 1) then
477            trace('Before calling procedure execute_op_rule'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
478                 || 'Progress Indicator ' || l_progress, 1);
479            trace('   p_rule_id         => ' || l_rule_id
480                  ||' p_task_id         => ' || p_task_id, 4);
481         end if;
483         wms_rule_pvt.execute_op_rule(l_rule_id, p_task_id, l_return_status);
485         if (l_debug = 1) then
486            trace('After calling procedure execute_op_rule'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
487                 || 'Progress Indicator ' || l_progress, 1);
488            trace('   x_package_name    => ' || l_return_status, 4);
489         end if;
492       if l_return_status > 0 then   -- the rule matches the task
493          l_found  := TRUE;
495          if (l_debug = 1) then
496             trace('Within If l_return_status > 0...end if', 4);
497             if l_found then
498                trace('l_found is TRUE', 4);
499             else
500                trace('l_found is FALSE', 4);
501             end if;
502          end if;
504          -- ### update mmtt table to assign the operation plan
505 	 -- ### Update MMTT.
506          if (l_debug = 1) then
507             trace('Before calling procedure update_mmtt'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
508                  || 'Progress Indicator ' || l_progress, 1);
509             trace('  p_task_id    => ' || p_task_id
510                  ||' p_operation_plan_id  => ' || l_operation_plan_id, 4);
511          end if;
513 	 -- ### Update MMTT.
514 	 update_mmtt(
515 	    p_task_id           =>  p_task_id
516 	 ,  p_operation_plan_id =>  l_operation_plan_id
517 	 ,  x_return_status     =>  l_ret_status);
519          if (l_debug = 1) then
520             trace(' After calling procedure update_mmtt'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
521                || ' Progress Indicator ' || l_progress, 1);
522             trace(' x_return_status    => ' || l_ret_status, 4);
523          end if;
525          if (l_debug = 1) then
526             trace('Exiting Loop... ', 1);
527          end if;
528          exit; -- ### operation plan assigned, jump out of the rule loop
530       end if; -- ### l_return_status > 0
531    end loop;
532    -- ### end loop through the rules
533   else
534     if c_rules_atf_inbound%ISOPEN then
535        close c_rules_atf_inbound;
536     elsif c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj%ISOPEN then
537        close c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj;
538     end if;
540     return;
541   end if;
543    if (l_debug = 1) then
544       trace('Out of the ' || l_loop_name || ' Loop: Closing all open cursors, if any', 4);
545    end if;
547    if c_rules_atf_inbound%ISOPEN then
548       close c_rules_atf_inbound;
549    elsif c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj%ISOPEN then
550       close c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj;
551    end if;
553    l_progress := 3;
554     -- get default operation plan if none of the rule criteria matches...
555    if not l_found then
556       if (l_debug = 1) then
557           trace('Within If not l_found...end if', 1);
558       end if;
560       if p_activity_type_id = 1                              -- Inbound, new patchset 'J' code
561       then
562            if (l_debug = 1) then
563               trace('Within If p_activity_type_id = 1...End if.....'
564                     || '      Opening cursor c_default_op_plan_inbound', 4);
565            end if;
567            open  c_default_op_plan_inbound;
568            fetch c_default_op_plan_inbound
569            into  l_plan_type_id, l_operation_plan_id ; -- g_default_operation_plan_id;
571            if (l_debug = 1) then
572               trace('Fetching cursor c_default_op_plan_inbound', 1);
573               trace('Default Operation Plan id for Activity type = '|| p_activity_type_id
574                     || ', Plan Type = ' || l_plan_type_id
575                     || '  '|| l_operation_plan_id, 4);
576            end if;
578            If c_default_op_plan_inbound%NOTFOUND then
579               if (l_debug = 1) then
580                  trace('*** c_default_op_plan_inbound%NOTFOUND ***', 4);
581                  trace(' Inbound Setup Issue,... default not defined for activity_type_id/plan_type_id combination', 4);
582               end if;
583               l_operation_plan_id  := null;
584               close c_default_op_plan_inbound;
588  	      -- ### l_operation_plan_id  := g_default_operation_plan_id;
585               l_operation_plan_id  := null;
586               return;
587            else
589   	      close  c_default_op_plan_inbound;
590            end if;
592       elsif (p_activity_type_id <> 1 or p_activity_type_id is null )
593       then
594            if (l_debug = 1) then
595               trace('Within If (p_activity_type_id <> 1 or p_activity_type_id = null )...End if.....'
596                      || '      Opening cursor c_default_operation_plan', 4);
597            end if;
599            open  c_default_op_plan_outbound;
600            fetch c_default_op_plan_outbound
601            into  l_operation_plan_id; -- @@@ g_default_operation_plan_id;
603            if (l_debug = 1) then
604               trace('Fetching cursor c_default_op_plan_outbound', 1);
605               trace('Default Operation Plan id for Activity type = '|| p_activity_type_id
606                     || ', Plan Type = ' || l_plan_type_id
607                     || '  '|| l_operation_plan_id, 4);
608            end if;
610            if c_default_op_plan_outbound%NOTFOUND then
611               if (l_debug = 1) then
612                  trace('*** c_get_default_op_plan_Outbound%NOTFOUND ***', 4);
613                  trace(' Outbound Setup Issue,... default not defined for activity_type_id/plan_type_id combination', 4);
614               end if;
615               l_operation_plan_id  := null;
616            end if;
618            -- @@@ l_operation_plan_id  := g_default_operation_plan_id;
619            close c_default_op_plan_outbound;
620       end if;
622   -- ### Checking to make sure that a valid Operation Plan ID is returned.
623   if l_operation_plan_id is not null then
624      -- ### Update MMTT.
625      update_mmtt(
626         p_task_id           =>  p_task_id
627      ,  p_operation_plan_id =>  l_operation_plan_id
628      ,  x_return_status     =>  l_ret_status
629      );
630   else
631      IF l_debug = 1 THEN
632         trace('*** Default Operation Plan ID derived is null and hence cannot update MMTT....***');
633      END IF;
634   end if;
636   end if;
638   if c_default_op_plan_inbound%ISOPEN then
639      close c_default_op_plan_inbound;
640   elsif c_default_op_plan_outbound%ISOPEN then
641      close c_default_op_plan_outbound;
642   end if;
644   -- ### Standard check of p_commit
645   --if p_commit in ('TRUE','T') then
646   --   commit work;
647   --    trace(' Exiting procedure assign_operation_plans  '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
648   --    trace(  '   p_api_version      => ' || p_api_version
649   --            ||'   p_init_msg_list    => ' || p_init_msg_list
650   --            ||'   p_init_msg_list    => ' || p_init_msg_list
651   --            ||'   p_commit           => ' || p_commit
652   --            ||'   p_validation_level => ' || p_validation_level
653   --            ||'   p_task_id          => ' || p_task_id
654   --            ||'   p_organization_id  => ' || p_organization_id, 4);
656   --   return;
657   --else
658   --   rollback;
659     IF l_debug = 1 THEN
660      trace(' Exiting procedure assign_operation_plans  '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
661      trace(  '   p_api_version      => ' || p_api_version
662            ||'   p_init_msg_list    => ' || p_init_msg_list
663            ||'   p_init_msg_list    => ' || p_init_msg_list
664            ||'   p_commit           => ' || p_commit
665            ||'   p_validation_level => ' || p_validation_level
666            ||'   p_task_id          => ' || p_task_id
667            ||'   p_organization_id  => ' || p_organization_id, 4);
669  --      return;
670    end if;
673     when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
675       rollback to assign_operation_plan_sp;
676       -- @@@ wms_rule_pvt.freeglobals;
677       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
679       if fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) then
680         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
681       end if;
683       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
685     when others then
686        if c_rules_atf_inbound%ISOPEN then
687           close c_rules_atf_inbound;
688        elsif c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj%ISOPEN then
689           close c_rules_atf_outbound_psetj;
690        end if;
692        if c_default_op_plan_inbound%ISOPEN then
693           close c_default_op_plan_inbound;
694        elsif c_default_op_plan_outbound%ISOPEN then
695           close c_default_op_plan_outbound;
696        end if;
699       rollback to assign_operation_plan_sp;
700       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
702       if fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) then
703         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
704       end if;
706       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
708       if (l_debug =1) then
709          trace(' Error Message(Error Code)....' || sqlerrm(sqlcode), 1);
710       end if;
712 END assign_operation_plan_psetj;
713 --
714 --
715 end wms_rule_pvt_ext_psetj;