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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 73

     SELECT min(plc.unit_price *
     INTO v_lowest_price
     FROM po_headers_all phc
     ,    po_lines_all plc
     WHERE phc.type_lookup_code      = 'BLANKET'
     and   phc.po_header_id          = plc.po_header_id
     and   plc.unit_meas_lookup_code = p_unit_meas_lookup_code
     and   p_creation_date between nvl(phc.start_date, p_creation_date)
           and nvl(phc.end_date, p_creation_date)
     and   plc.item_id              = p_item_id
     and   nvl(plc.item_revision, nvl(p_item_revision, '-1'))
                                    = nvl(p_item_revision, '-1')
     and   trunc(p_creation_date) <= nvl(plc.expiration_date, p_creation_date)
     and (
          (nvl(phc.global_agreement_flag,'N') = 'N'
           and phc.org_id = p_ship_to_ou
          (phc.global_agreement_flag = 'Y'
           and exists
           (select 'enabled'
            from po_ga_org_assignments poga
            where poga.po_header_id = phc.po_header_id
            and poga.enabled_flag = 'Y'
            and ((poga.purchasing_org_id in
                  (select  tfh.start_org_id
                   from mtl_procuring_txn_flow_hdrs_v tfh,
                        financials_system_params_all fsp1,
                        financials_system_params_all fsp2
                   where p_creation_date between nvl(tfh.start_date,p_creation_date)
                                                 and nvl(tfh.end_date,p_creation_date)
                   and fsp1.org_id = tfh.start_org_id
                   and fsp1.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                   and fsp2.org_id = tfh.end_org_id
                   and fsp2.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                   and (
                        (tfh.qualifier_code is null) or
                        (tfh.qualifier_code = 1 and tfh.qualifier_value_id = plc.category_id)
                   and tfh.end_org_id = p_ship_to_ou
                   and (
                        (tfh.organization_id = p_ship_to_organization_id) or
                        (tfh.organization_id is null)
                 or poga.purchasing_org_id = p_ship_to_ou
Line: 220

      SELECT po_line_id,
                                  ) conv_rate
      FROM   po_lines_all plc,
             po_headers_all phc
      WHERE  phc.po_header_id = plc.po_header_id
         and plc.unit_meas_lookup_code = p_unit_meas_lookup_code
         and p_creation_date between nvl(phc.start_date, p_creation_date)
                                 and nvl(phc.end_date, p_creation_date)
         and plc.item_id = p_item_id
         and nvl(plc.item_revision, nvl(p_item_revision, '-1'))
             = nvl(p_item_revision, '-1')
         and plc.price_break_lookup_code = 'NON CUMULATIVE'
         and trunc(p_creation_date) <= nvl(plc.expiration_date, p_creation_date)
         and (
              (nvl(phc.global_agreement_flag,'N') = 'N'
               and phc.org_id = p_ship_to_ou
              (phc.global_agreement_flag = 'Y'
               and exists
               (select 'enabled'
                from po_ga_org_assignments poga
                where poga.po_header_id = phc.po_header_id
                and poga.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                and ((poga.purchasing_org_id in
                      (select  tfh.start_org_id
                       from mtl_procuring_txn_flow_hdrs_v tfh,
                            financials_system_params_all fsp1,
                            financials_system_params_all fsp2
                       where p_creation_date between nvl(tfh.start_date,p_creation_date)
                                                     and nvl(tfh.end_date,p_creation_date)
                       and fsp1.org_id = tfh.start_org_id
                       and fsp1.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                       and fsp2.org_id = tfh.end_org_id
                       and fsp2.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                       and (
                            (tfh.qualifier_code is null) or
                            (tfh.qualifier_code = 1 and tfh.qualifier_value_id = plc.category_id)
                       and tfh.end_org_id = p_ship_to_ou
                       and (
                            (tfh.organization_id = p_ship_to_organization_id) or
                            (tfh.organization_id is null)
                     or poga.purchasing_org_id = p_ship_to_ou
Line: 296

   SELECT MIN(price_override) INTO v_price_override FROM (
    SELECT price_override
     FROM   po_line_locations_all psc
     WHERE  psc.shipment_type = 'PRICE BREAK'
     and psc.po_line_id = v_line_id
     and psc.ship_to_location_id = p_ship_to_location_id
     and psc.po_release_id is null
       and Nvl(psc.quantity,0) <= p_quantity
       and nvl(trunc(p_need_by_date), p_creation_date)
       between nvl(psc.start_date, nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date))
       and nvl(psc.end_date, nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date))
     order by Nvl(psc.quantity,0) desc, Trunc(psc.creation_date) desc,
       psc.price_override ASC) WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 310

   SELECT MIN(price_override) INTO v_price_override_null FROM (
    SELECT price_override
     FROM   po_line_locations_all psc
     WHERE  psc.shipment_type = 'PRICE BREAK'
     and psc.po_line_id = v_line_id
     and psc.ship_to_location_id IS null
     and psc.po_release_id is null
       and Nvl(psc.quantity,0) <= p_quantity
       and nvl(trunc(p_need_by_date), p_creation_date)
       between nvl(psc.start_date, nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date))
       and nvl(psc.end_date, nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date))
     order by Nvl(psc.quantity,0) desc, Trunc(psc.creation_date) desc,
       psc.price_override ASC) WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 420

    SELECT distinct psc.po_header_id, phc.currency_code
      FROM   po_headers_all phc
        ,      po_lines_all plc
        ,      po_line_locations_all psc
        WHERE  psc.shipment_type    = 'PRICE BREAK'
        and    phc.po_header_id     = plc.po_header_id
        and    plc.po_line_id       = psc.po_line_id
        and    psc.po_header_id     = phc.po_header_id
        and    plc.unit_meas_lookup_code = p_unit_meas_lookup_code
        and    p_creation_date between nvl(phc.start_date, p_creation_date)
                and nvl(phc.end_date, p_creation_date)
        and   plc.item_id           = p_item_id
        and   nvl(plc.item_revision, nvl(p_item_revision, '-1'))
			            = nvl(p_item_revision, '-1')
        and    psc.ship_to_location_id  = p_ship_to_location_id
        and    psc.po_release_id    is null
        and    plc.price_break_lookup_code = 'CUMULATIVE'
        and    trunc(p_creation_date) <= nvl(plc.expiration_date, p_creation_date)
        and    nvl(phc.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N'
        and    phc.org_id = p_ship_to_ou;
Line: 447

     SELECT distinct psc.po_header_id, phc.currency_code
      FROM   po_headers_all phc
        ,      po_lines_all plc
        ,      po_line_locations_all psc
        WHERE  psc.shipment_type    = 'PRICE BREAK'
        and    phc.po_header_id     = plc.po_header_id
        and    plc.po_line_id       = psc.po_line_id
        and    psc.po_header_id     = phc.po_header_id
        and    plc.unit_meas_lookup_code = p_unit_meas_lookup_code
        and    p_creation_date between nvl(phc.start_date, p_creation_date)
                and nvl(phc.end_date, p_creation_date)
        and   nvl(phc.currency_code, nvl(p_currency_code, '-1'))
	   			    = nvl(p_currency_code, '-1')
        and   plc.item_id           = p_item_id
        and   nvl(plc.item_revision, nvl(p_item_revision, '-1'))
			            = nvl(p_item_revision, '-1')
        and    psc.ship_to_location_id is null
        and    psc.po_release_id    is null
        and    plc.price_break_lookup_code = 'CUMULATIVE'
        and    nvl(phc.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N'
        and    phc.org_id = p_ship_to_ou;
Line: 485

        SELECT plc.po_line_id
        FROM   po_lines_all plc
        WHERE  plc.po_header_id     = v_blanket_id
	  and    plc.item_id          = p_item_id
	  and    plc.price_break_lookup_code = 'CUMULATIVE'
	  and    plc.unit_meas_lookup_code = p_unit_meas_lookup_code
        and    nvl(plc.item_revision, nvl(p_item_revision, '-1')) = nvl(p_item_revision, '-1');
Line: 503

          SELECT sum(nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0)) INTO v_total_qty_released
          FROM po_releases_all por
          ,    po_distributions_all pod
          WHERE por.po_header_id        = v_blanket_id
          and   pod.po_release_id       = por.po_release_id
          and   pod.po_line_id          = v_po_line_id
          and   pod.creation_date       < p_creation_date
          and   nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')   <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 518

		SELECT min(psc.price_override) INTO v_lowest_price
		  FROM po_line_locations_all psc
		  WHERE Nvl(psc.quantity,0)       <= Nvl(v_total_qty_released,0) + p_quantity
		  and   psc.po_release_id   is null
		  AND psc.ship_to_location_id  = p_ship_to_location_id
		  and   psc.po_line_id      = v_po_line_id;
Line: 525

		SELECT min(psc.price_override) INTO v_lowest_price
		  FROM po_line_locations_all psc
		  WHERE Nvl(psc.quantity,0)       <= Nvl(v_total_qty_released,0) + p_quantity
		  and   psc.po_release_id   is null
		  AND psc.ship_to_location_id IS NULL
		  and   psc.po_line_id      = v_po_line_id;
Line: 537

            SELECT min(plc.unit_price) INTO v_lowest_price
            FROM po_lines_all plc
	      WHERE plc.po_line_id      = v_po_line_id;
Line: 550

       select poa_savings_np.get_currency_conv_rate(v_currency_code,
       into v_conv_rate
       from dual;