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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 53

|		You need to update p_catalog_dtls(i).cat_element_value 	      |
|		with an appropriate value corresponding cat_element_name      |
|									      |
|		You SHOULD NEVER alter the index value of p_catalog_dtls pl/sql
|		table. Doing so will cause the process to fail.		      |
|									      |
|		- x_return_status is the OUT parameter which should be set    |
|		to one of the following values :			      |
|									      |
|			to indicate success				      |
|									      |
|			to indicate failure with expected status	      |
|									      |
|			to indicate failure with unexpected status            |
|									      |
|		Note: This function will be called  for each newly 	      |
|		created configuration  					      |
|                                                                             |
| HISTORY     : 02/14/03  Shashi Bhaskaran    Initial Creation                |
|                                                                             |

function catalog_desc_method return varchar2 is

	-- N = Do NOT Rollup lower level model catalog desc to top level
	--     This is one of Oracle's standard feature. This is the default.

	-- Y = Rollup lower level model catalog desc to top level.
	--     This is one of Oracle's standard feature.

	-- C = Customized Method.

	return 'N';