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APPS.IGS_AS_GEN_003 dependencies on IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT

Line 417: igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo

413: CURSOR c_usec_gs IS
414: SELECT gs.grading_schema_code grading_schema_code,
415: gs.grd_schm_version_number grd_schm_version_number
416: FROM igs_ps_usec_grd_schm_v gs,
417: igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo
418: WHERE uoo.unit_cd = p_unit_cd
419: AND uoo.version_number = p_version_number
420: AND uoo.cal_type = p_cal_type
421: AND uoo.ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number

Line 438: -- This cursor used in this code was earlier referring to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt

434: v_gs_version_number igs_as_grd_schema.version_number%TYPE;
436: BEGIN
437: --
438: -- This cursor used in this code was earlier referring to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
439: -- which is now changed to igs_ps_usec_grd_schm_v since the concept of having
440: -- multiple grading schemas was introduced by some enhancements.
441: --
442: -- This routine is built to select the grading schema from the link

Line 711: FROM igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt

707: gv_other_detail VARCHAR2(1000);
708: -- anilk, 22-Apr-2003, Bug# 2829262
709: CURSOR cur_uoo_id IS
710: SELECT uoo_id
711: FROM igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
712: WHERE unit_cd = p_unit_cd
713: AND version_number = p_version_number
714: AND cal_type = p_cal_type
715: AND ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number