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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 65

      SELECT b.deceased_ind FROM igs_uc_applicants a,igs_pe_hz_parties b
              WHERE a.app_no = P_App_no AND a.oss_person_id = b.party_id;
Line: 70

        SELECT COUNT(*)
        FROM   igs_uc_transactions
        WHERE  app_no = P_App_no
        AND    choice_no = P_Choice_no
        AND    ucas_cycle = p_ucas_cycle
        AND    transaction_type = cp_transaction_type;
Line: 78

        SELECT decision,reply FROM igs_uc_app_choices
              WHERE app_no = P_App_no
                AND choice_no = P_Choice_no
                AND ucas_cycle = p_ucas_cycle;
Line: 84

        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM igs_uc_transactions
           WHERE app_no = P_App_no
             AND ucas_cycle = p_ucas_cycle
             AND transaction_type = 'RD';
Line: 90

        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  igs_uc_u_cvname_2003
              WHERE appno = P_App_no;
Line: 94

        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  igs_uc_u_cvname_2003
              WHERE appno =
               (SELECT LPAD((app_no||check_digit),9,0) from IGS_UC_APPLICANTS where app_no = P_App_no);
Line: 100

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM igs_uc_applicants WHERE app_no = p_app_no;
Line: 104

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM igs_uc_app_choices
    WHERE app_no = p_app_no AND (choice_no BETWEEN 1 AND 6)
      AND ucas_cycle = p_ucas_cycle
      AND institute_code = (SELECT current_inst_code FROM igs_uc_defaults WHERE system_code = p_system_code);
Line: 114

     SELECT 'X' FROM igs_uc_app_choices
     WHERE app_no      = cp_appno
       AND choice_no   = cp_choice_no
       AND ucas_cycle  = cp_ucas_cycle
       AND system_code = cp_system_code;
Line: 122

   SELECT t.ROWID, t.* FROM igs_uc_transactions t
   WHERE uc_tran_id = cp_uc_tran_id;
Line: 212

                 igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                x_updater                           => NULL,
                                x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                x_decision                          => P_Decision,
                                x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                                x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                                x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                                x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                                x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                                x_soc                               => l_soc,
                                x_comments_in_offer                 => l_comments_in_offer,
                                x_return1                           => l_return1,
                                x_return2                           => l_return2,
                                x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                x_test_cond_cat                     => P_cond_cat,
                                x_test_cond_name                    => P_cond_name,
                                x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference ,
                                x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 258

                                x_rowid                => l_transactions.rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id           => l_transactions.uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id       => l_transactions.transaction_id,
                                x_datetimestamp        => l_transactions.datetimestamp,
                                x_updater              => l_transactions.updater,
                                x_error_code           => l_transactions.error_code,
                                x_transaction_type     => l_transactions.transaction_type,
                                x_app_no               => l_transactions.app_no,
                                x_choice_no            => l_transactions.choice_no,
                                x_decision             => l_transactions.decision,
                                x_program_code         => l_transactions.program_code,
                                x_campus               => l_transactions.campus,
                                x_entry_month          => l_transactions.entry_month,
                                x_entry_year           => l_transactions.entry_year,
                                x_entry_point          => l_transactions.entry_point,
                                x_soc                  => l_transactions.soc ,
                                x_comments_in_offer    => l_transactions.comments_in_offer,
                                x_return1              => l_transactions.return1,
                                x_return2              => l_transactions.return2,
                                x_hold_flag            => 'Y',
                                x_sent_to_ucas         => l_transactions.sent_to_ucas,
                                x_test_cond_cat        => l_transactions.test_cond_cat,
                                x_test_cond_name       => l_transactions.test_cond_name ,
                                x_mode                 => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_inst_reference       => l_transactions.inst_reference,
                                x_auto_generated_flag  => l_transactions.auto_generated_flag,
                                x_system_code          => l_transactions.system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle           => l_transactions.ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular              => l_transactions.modular,
                                x_part_time            => l_transactions.part_time);
Line: 308

                 igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                x_updater                           => NULL,
                                x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                x_decision                          => p_decision,
                                x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                                x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                                x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                                x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                                x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                                x_soc                               => p_soc,
                                x_comments_in_offer                 => P_Free_Format,
                                x_return1                           => NULL,
                                x_return2                           => NULL,
                                x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                                x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                                x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference ,
                                x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 357

               igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                x_updater                           => NULL,
                                x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                x_decision                          => P_Decision,
                                x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                                x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                                x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                                x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                                x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                                x_soc                               => l_soc,
                                x_comments_in_offer                 => l_comments_in_offer,
                                x_return1                           => l_return1,
                                x_return2                           => l_return2,
                                x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                x_test_cond_cat                     => P_cond_cat,
                                x_test_cond_name                    => P_cond_name,
                                x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                                x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 403

                                x_rowid                => l_transactions.rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id           => l_transactions.uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id       => l_transactions.transaction_id,
                                x_datetimestamp        => l_transactions.datetimestamp,
                                x_updater              => l_transactions.updater,
                                x_error_code           => l_transactions.error_code,
                                x_transaction_type     => l_transactions.transaction_type,
                                x_app_no               => l_transactions.app_no,
                                x_choice_no            => l_transactions.choice_no,
                                x_decision             => l_transactions.decision,
                                x_program_code         => l_transactions.program_code,
                                x_campus               => l_transactions.campus,
                                x_entry_month          => l_transactions.entry_month,
                                x_entry_year           => l_transactions.entry_year,
                                x_entry_point          => l_transactions.entry_point,
                                x_soc                  => l_transactions.soc ,
                                x_comments_in_offer    => l_transactions.comments_in_offer,
                                x_return1              => l_transactions.return1,
                                x_return2              => l_transactions.return2,
                                x_hold_flag            => 'Y',
                                x_sent_to_ucas         => l_transactions.sent_to_ucas,
                                x_test_cond_cat        => l_transactions.test_cond_cat,
                                x_test_cond_name       => l_transactions.test_cond_name ,
                                x_mode                 => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_inst_reference       => l_transactions.inst_reference,
                                x_auto_generated_flag  => l_transactions.auto_generated_flag,
                                x_system_code          => l_transactions.system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle           => l_transactions.ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular              => l_transactions.modular,
                                x_part_time            => l_transactions.part_time);
Line: 458

                 igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                x_updater                           => NULL,
                                x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                x_decision                          => NULL,
                                x_program_code                      => NULL,
                                x_campus                            => NULL,
                                x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                                x_entry_year                        => NULL,
                                x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                                x_soc                               => p_soc,
                                x_comments_in_offer                 => P_Free_Format,
                                x_return1                           => NULL,
                                x_return2                           => NULL,
                                x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                                x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                                x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                                x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 530

                    igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                  x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                  x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                  x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                  x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                  x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                  x_updater                           => NULL,
                                  x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                  x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                  x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                  x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                  x_decision                          => p_decision,
                                  x_program_code                      => NULL,
                                  x_campus                            => NULL,
                                  x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                                  x_entry_year                        => NULL,
                                  x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                                  x_soc                               => NULL,
                                  x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                                  x_return1                           => NULL,
                                  x_return2                           => NULL,
                                  x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                  x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                  x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL ,
                                  x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                                  x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                                  x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                  x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                  x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                  x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                  x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 583

                 igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                              x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                              x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                              x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                              x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                              x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                              x_updater                           => NULL,
                              x_error_code                        => NULL,
                              x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                              x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                              x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                              x_decision                          => NULL,
                              x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                              x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                              x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                              x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                              x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                              x_soc                               => NULL,
                              x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                              x_return1                           => NULL,
                              x_return2                           => NULL,
                              x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                              x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                              x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                              x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                              x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                              x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                              x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                              x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                              x_modular                           => p_modular,
                              x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 633

                 igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                              x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                              x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                              x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                              x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                              x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                              x_updater                           => NULL,
                              x_error_code                        => NULL,
                              x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                              x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                              x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                              x_decision                          => P_Decision,
                              x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                              x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                              x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                              x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                              x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                              x_soc                               => NULL,
                              x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                              x_return1                           => NULL,
                              x_return2                           => NULL,
                              x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                              x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                              x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                              x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                              x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                              x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                              x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                              x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                              x_modular                           => p_modular,
                              x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 716

                  igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                  x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                  x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                  x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                  x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                  x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                  x_updater                           => NULL,
                                  x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                  x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                  x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                  x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                  x_decision                          => NULL,
                                  x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                                  x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                                  x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                                  x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                                  x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                                  x_soc                               => NULL,
                                  x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                                  x_return1                           => NULL,
                                  x_return2                           => NULL,
                                  x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                  x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                  x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                                  x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                                  x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                                  x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                  x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                  x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                  x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                  x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 768

                igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                              x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                              x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                              x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                              x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                              x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                              x_updater                           => NULL,
                              x_error_code                        => NULL,
                              x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                              x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                              x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                              x_decision                          => NULL,
                              x_program_code                      => NULL,
                              x_campus                            => NULL,
                              x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                              x_entry_year                        => NULL,
                              x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                              x_soc                               => NULL,
                              x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                              x_return1                           => NULL,
                              x_return2                           => NULL,
                              x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                              x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                              x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                              x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                              x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                              x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                              x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                              x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                              x_modular                           => p_modular,
                              x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 852

                        igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                  x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                  x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                  x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                  x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                  x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                  x_updater                           => NULL,
                                  x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                  x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                  x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                  x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                  x_decision                          => NULL,
                                  x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                                  x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                                  x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                                  x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                                  x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                                  x_soc                               => NULL,
                                  x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                                  x_return1                           => NULL,
                                  x_return2                           => NULL,
                                  x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                  x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                  x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                                  x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                                  x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                                  x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                  x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                  x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                  x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                  x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 904

                  igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                              x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                              x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                              x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                              x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                              x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                              x_updater                           => NULL,
                              x_error_code                        => NULL,
                              x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                              x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                              x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                              x_decision                          => NULL,
                              x_program_code                      => NULL,
                              x_campus                            => NULL,
                              x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                              x_entry_year                        => NULL,
                              x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                              x_soc                               => NULL,
                              x_comments_in_offer                 => P_Free_Format,
                              x_return1                           => NULL,
                              x_return2                           => NULL,
                              x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                              x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                              x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                              x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                              x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                              x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                              x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                              x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                              x_modular                           => p_modular,
                              x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 955

                  igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                              x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                              x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                              x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                              x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                              x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                              x_updater                           => NULL,
                              x_error_code                        => NULL,
                              x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                              x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                              x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                              x_decision                          => NULL,
                              x_program_code                      => NULL,
                              x_campus                            => NULL,
                              x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                              x_entry_year                        => NULL,
                              x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                              x_soc                               => NULL,
                              x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                              x_return1                           => NULL,
                              x_return2                           => NULL,
                              x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                              x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                              x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                              x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                              x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference ,
                              x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                              x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                              x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                              x_modular                           => p_modular,
                              x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 1011

                 igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                              x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                              x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                              x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                              x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                              x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                              x_updater                           => NULL,
                              x_error_code                        => NULL,
                              x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                              x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                              x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                              x_decision                          => P_Decision,
                              x_program_code                      => NVL(P_Course,NULL),
                              x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                              x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                              x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                              x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                              x_soc                               => NULL,
                              x_comments_in_offer                 => NULL,
                              x_return1                           => NULL,
                              x_return2                           => NULL,
                              x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                              x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                              x_test_cond_cat                     => NULL,
                              x_test_cond_name                    => NULL,
                              x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                              x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                              x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                              x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                              x_modular                           => p_modular,
                              x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 1065

                  igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                              x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                              x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                              x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                              x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                              x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                              x_updater                           => NULL,
                              x_error_code                        => NULL,
                              x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                              x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                              x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                              x_decision                          => P_Decision,
                              x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                              x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                              x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                              x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                              x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                              x_soc                               => l_soc,
                              x_comments_in_offer                 => l_comments_in_offer,
                              x_return1                           => l_return1,
                              x_return2                           => l_return2,
                              x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                              x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                              x_test_cond_cat                     => P_cond_cat,
                              x_test_cond_name                    => P_cond_name,
                              x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                              x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                              x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                              x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                              x_modular                           => p_modular,
                              x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 1111

                                x_rowid                => l_transactions.rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id           => l_transactions.uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id       => l_transactions.transaction_id,
                                x_datetimestamp        => l_transactions.datetimestamp,
                                x_updater              => l_transactions.updater,
                                x_error_code           => l_transactions.error_code,
                                x_transaction_type     => l_transactions.transaction_type,
                                x_app_no               => l_transactions.app_no,
                                x_choice_no            => l_transactions.choice_no,
                                x_decision             => l_transactions.decision,
                                x_program_code         => l_transactions.program_code,
                                x_campus               => l_transactions.campus,
                                x_entry_month          => l_transactions.entry_month,
                                x_entry_year           => l_transactions.entry_year,
                                x_entry_point          => l_transactions.entry_point,
                                x_soc                  => l_transactions.soc ,
                                x_comments_in_offer    => l_transactions.comments_in_offer,
                                x_return1              => l_transactions.return1,
                                x_return2              => l_transactions.return2,
                                x_hold_flag            => 'Y',
                                x_sent_to_ucas         => l_transactions.sent_to_ucas,
                                x_test_cond_cat        => l_transactions.test_cond_cat,
                                x_test_cond_name       => l_transactions.test_cond_name ,
                                x_mode                 => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_inst_reference       => l_transactions.inst_reference,
                                x_auto_generated_flag  => l_transactions.auto_generated_flag,
                                x_system_code          => l_transactions.system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle           => l_transactions.ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular              => l_transactions.modular,
                                x_part_time            => l_transactions.part_time);
Line: 1163

                  igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                      x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                      x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                      x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                      x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                      x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                      x_updater                           => NULL,
                                      x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                      x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                      x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                      x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                      x_decision                          => P_Decision,
                                      x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                                      x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                                      x_entry_month                       => P_Entry_month,
                                      x_entry_year                        => P_Entry_year,
                                      x_entry_point                       => P_Entry_point,
                                      x_soc                               => l_soc,
                                      x_comments_in_offer                 => l_comments_in_offer,
                                      x_return1                           => l_return1,
                                      x_return2                           => l_return2,
                                      x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                      x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                      x_test_cond_cat                     => P_cond_cat,
                                      x_test_cond_name                    => P_cond_name,
                                      x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference ,
                                      x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                      x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                      x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                      x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                      x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 1209

                                x_rowid                => l_transactions.rowid,
                                x_uc_tran_id           => l_transactions.uc_tran_id,
                                x_transaction_id       => l_transactions.transaction_id,
                                x_datetimestamp        => l_transactions.datetimestamp,
                                x_updater              => l_transactions.updater,
                                x_error_code           => l_transactions.error_code,
                                x_transaction_type     => l_transactions.transaction_type,
                                x_app_no               => l_transactions.app_no,
                                x_choice_no            => l_transactions.choice_no,
                                x_decision             => l_transactions.decision,
                                x_program_code         => l_transactions.program_code,
                                x_campus               => l_transactions.campus,
                                x_entry_month          => l_transactions.entry_month,
                                x_entry_year           => l_transactions.entry_year,
                                x_entry_point          => l_transactions.entry_point,
                                x_soc                  => l_transactions.soc ,
                                x_comments_in_offer    => l_transactions.comments_in_offer,
                                x_return1              => l_transactions.return1,
                                x_return2              => l_transactions.return2,
                                x_hold_flag            => 'Y',
                                x_sent_to_ucas         => l_transactions.sent_to_ucas,
                                x_test_cond_cat        => l_transactions.test_cond_cat,
                                x_test_cond_name       => l_transactions.test_cond_name ,
                                x_mode                 => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                x_inst_reference       => l_transactions.inst_reference,
                                x_auto_generated_flag  => l_transactions.auto_generated_flag,
                                x_system_code          => l_transactions.system_code,
                                x_ucas_cycle           => l_transactions.ucas_cycle,
                                x_modular              => l_transactions.modular,
                                x_part_time            => l_transactions.part_time);
Line: 1276

                      igs_uc_transactions_pkg.insert_row (
                                  x_mode                              => p_mode,   --jchakrab modified for 4380412
                                  x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
                                  x_uc_tran_id                        => l_uc_tran_id,
                                  x_transaction_id                    => NULL,
                                  x_datetimestamp                     => NULL,
                                  x_updater                           => NULL,
                                  x_error_code                        => NULL,
                                  x_transaction_type                  => P_Tran_type,
                                  x_app_no                            => P_App_no,
                                  x_choice_no                         => P_Choice_no,
                                  x_decision                          => NULL,
                                  x_program_code                      => P_Course,
                                  x_campus                            => P_Campus,
                                  x_entry_month                       => NULL,
                                  x_entry_year                        => NULL,
                                  x_entry_point                       => NULL,
                                  x_soc                               => NULL,
                                  x_comments_in_offer                 => P_Free_Format,
                                  x_return1                           => l_return1,
                                  x_return2                           => l_return2,
                                  x_hold_flag                         => l_hold,
                                  x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'N',
                                  x_test_cond_cat                     => P_cond_cat,
                                  x_test_cond_name                    => P_cond_name,
                                  x_inst_reference                    => P_Inst_reference,
                                  x_auto_generated_flag               => P_auto_generated,
                                  x_system_code                       => p_system_code,
                                  x_ucas_cycle                        => p_ucas_cycle,
                                  x_modular                           => p_modular,
                                  x_part_time                         => p_part_time);
Line: 1354

  SELECT marvin_code, summ_of_cond FROM igs_uc_offer_conds
  WHERE condition_category = cp_condition_category
    AND condition_name = cp_condition_name;
Line: 1426

             Also updates igs_uc_transactions with info. from TRANIN and update the
             igs_uc_offer_conds table with status
    Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
    Change History
    Who             When            What
    rbezawad   4-Apr-2002           1) Inistitution Reference Column is added w.r.t. UCCR002 Data Model Change.
                                    2) Exception Handling part is modifiled
    rbezawad   2-May-2002           Modified w.r.t. UCCR003 Build.Bug No: 2311662
                                      In trans_write() procedure added validation for Checking Interface Type and perform validations accordingly.
    rbezawad   11-Jul-2002          Modified code in the exception handling part to raise the error when the exception occurs.
                                      Also while inserting records into traning, the columns TRANSACTIONID,TIMESTAMP,UPDATER,ERRORCODE values are passed as NULL.
                                      These modifications are done as part of 2450438.
    rbezawad   16-Jul-2002          While inserting Transactions into Tranin, for the program_code and Campus fields, logic is added to replace the '*' character with ' '.
                                      Added logic for better reporting while exporting transactions.  Modifications are done w.r.t. Bug 2462096
    rbezawad   16-Jul-2002          Added logic to populate the columns SUMM_OF_COND, LETTER_TEXT columns of table IGS_UC_OFFER_CONDS w.r.t. Bug 2461913.
    smaddali   02-oct-2002    Modified for bug 2603384
                               1) added new column auto_generated_flag to tbh calls to igs_uc_transactions_pkg
                               2) modified cursor cur_records_to_write to fetch column auto_generated_flag
                               3) modified igs_uc_transactions.update_row call to update test_cond_cat and name
                                   fields with proper values rather than with NULL
    ayedubat  05-DEC-2002    Changed the Log file generations of transactions being processed in the current run for bug: 2462078
                             Replaced the message, IGS_UC_TRANS_PROC_LOG with the new message 'IGS_UC_TRANS_LOG_HEADER' for dsiplaying
                             the header line for the transaction records.
    ayedubat  21-Mar-03      Removed local variable l_log_text w.r.t. Bug  2841582.
    pmarada   09-Jun-03      created this procedure Proc_Tranin_2003 and added cycle in required places. as per UCFD203 Multiple cycles
    arvsrini  26-APR-04      Added code to update IGS_UC_TRANSACTIONS.SOC based on errorcode value Bug#3576288

    (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

    CURSOR cur_records_to_write(cp_conf_cycle igs_uc_defaults.configured_cycle%TYPE) IS
       SELECT a.ROWID,a.uc_tran_id,a.transaction_id, a.datetimestamp,
              a.updater, a.error_code, a.transaction_type, a.app_no,
              a.choice_no, a.decision, a.program_code,
              a.campus, a.entry_month, a.entry_year, a.entry_point,
              a.soc, a.comments_in_offer, a.return1, a.return2,
              a.hold_flag, a.created_by, a.creation_date,
              a.last_updated_by, a.last_update_date, a.last_update_login,
              a.sent_to_ucas, a.test_cond_cat, a.test_cond_name, a.inst_reference ,
              a.auto_generated_flag, a.system_code , a.ucas_cycle, a.modular, a.part_time
       FROM igs_uc_transactions a, igs_uc_cyc_defaults b
       WHERE a.sent_to_ucas = 'N' AND a.hold_flag = 'N'
       AND a.ucas_cycle = cp_conf_cycle
       AND a.system_code = b.system_code
       AND a.ucas_cycle  = b.ucas_cycle
       AND b.ucas_interface = 'H'
       ORDER BY a.creation_date;
Line: 1474

    CURSOR cur_update_info(cp_appno igs_uc_transactions.app_no%TYPE) IS
       SELECT appno, choiceno, transactionID, errorcode,
              timestamp, updater, return1, return2, soc
       FROM  igs_uc_u_tranin_2003
       WHERE appno = cp_appno
       AND transactionID = (SELECT MAX(TransactionID)
                            FROM  igs_uc_u_tranin_2003
                            WHERE appno = cp_appno);
Line: 1485

       SELECT a.ROWID,a.condition_category, a.condition_name,
              a.effective_from, a.effective_to, a.status, a.marvin_code,
              a.summ_of_cond, a.letter_text, a.created_by,
              a.creation_date, a.last_updated_by,
              a.last_update_date, a.last_update_login, a.decision
       FROM   igs_uc_offer_conds a
       WHERE a.condition_category = cp_test_cond_cat
       AND   a.condition_name = cp_test_cond_name;
Line: 1505

        INSERT INTO igs_uc_u_tranin_2003(transactionid,
                 REPLACE(uc_transaction_rec.program_code, '*', ' '),
                 REPLACE(uc_transaction_rec.campus, '*', ' '),
Line: 1547

        FOR tranin_rec IN cur_update_info(l_app_no)

      IF tranin_rec.errorcode = 0 THEN  --to update the SOC based on the errorcode value
Line: 1556

          igs_uc_transactions_pkg.update_row (
                  x_mode                              => 'R',
                  x_rowid                             => uc_transaction_rec.ROWID,
                  x_uc_tran_id                        => uc_transaction_rec.UC_Tran_Id,
                  x_transaction_id                    => tranin_rec.transactionid,
                  x_datetimestamp                     => tranin_rec.timestamp,
                  x_updater                           => tranin_rec.updater,
                  x_error_code                        => tranin_rec.errorcode,
                  x_transaction_type                  => uc_transaction_rec.transaction_type,
                  x_app_no                            => uc_transaction_rec.app_no,
                  x_choice_no                         => uc_transaction_rec.choice_no,
                  x_decision                          => uc_transaction_rec.decision,
                  x_program_code                      => uc_transaction_rec.program_code,
                  x_campus                            => uc_transaction_rec.campus,
                  x_entry_month                       => uc_transaction_rec.entry_month,
                  x_entry_year                        => uc_transaction_rec.entry_year,
                  x_entry_point                       => uc_transaction_rec.entry_point,
                  x_soc                               => l_soc,
                  x_comments_in_offer                 => uc_transaction_rec.comments_in_offer,
                  x_return1                           => tranin_rec.return1,
                  x_return2                           => tranin_rec.return2,
                  x_hold_flag                         => uc_transaction_rec.hold_flag,
                  x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'Y',
                  x_test_cond_cat                     => uc_transaction_rec.test_cond_cat,
                  x_test_cond_name                    => uc_transaction_rec.test_cond_name,
                  x_inst_reference                    => uc_transaction_rec.inst_reference ,
                  x_auto_generated_flag               => uc_transaction_rec.auto_generated_flag,
                  x_system_code                       => uc_transaction_rec.system_code,
                  x_ucas_cycle                        => uc_transaction_rec.ucas_cycle,
                  x_modular                           => uc_transaction_rec.modular,
                  x_part_time                         => uc_transaction_rec.part_time);
Line: 1596

                igs_uc_offer_conds_pkg.update_row (
                                  x_mode                              => 'R',
                                  x_rowid                             => offer_conds_rec1.ROWID,
                                  x_condition_category                => offer_conds_rec1.condition_category,
                                  x_condition_name                    => offer_conds_rec1.condition_name,
                                  x_effective_from                    => offer_conds_rec1.effective_from,
                                  x_effective_to                      => offer_conds_rec1.effective_to,
                                  x_status                            => 'A',
                                  x_marvin_code                       => offer_conds_rec1.marvin_code,
                                  x_summ_of_cond                      => NVL(offer_conds_rec1.summ_of_cond, tranin_rec.soc),
                                  x_letter_text                       => tranin_rec.return2,
                                  x_decision                          => offer_conds_rec1.decision
Line: 1613

                igs_uc_offer_conds_pkg.update_row (
                                  x_mode                              => 'R',
                                  x_rowid                             => offer_conds_rec1.ROWID,
                                  x_condition_category                => offer_conds_rec1.condition_category,
                                  x_condition_name                    => offer_conds_rec1.condition_name,
                                  x_effective_from                    => offer_conds_rec1.effective_from,
                                  x_effective_to                      => offer_conds_rec1.effective_to,
                                  x_status                            => 'F',
                                  x_marvin_code                       => offer_conds_rec1.marvin_code,
                                  x_summ_of_cond                      => NVL(offer_conds_rec1.summ_of_cond, tranin_rec.soc),
                                  x_letter_text                       => tranin_rec.return2,
                                  x_decision                          => offer_conds_rec1.decision
Line: 1656

            Also updates igs_uc_transactions with info. from TRANIN, and update the
            igs_uc_offer_conds table with status.
   Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
   Change History  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

   Who        When         What
   jchakrab   23-May-2006  Modified for 5155053 - use roundno column (for choice no) for GTTR transactions
   jbaber     19-Aug-2005  Modified for UC307 - HERCULES Small Systems Support
                           Added p_system_code parameter
   jbaber     12-Jul-2004  Modified for UC315 - UCAS 2006 Support
                           Appended check_digit to appno when configured cycle > 2005
   arvsrini   26-Apr-2004  Added code to update IGS_UC_TRANSACTIONS.SOC based on
               the errorcode value Bug#3576288

    CURSOR cur_records_to_write(cp_conf_cycle igs_uc_defaults.configured_cycle%TYPE) IS
       SELECT a.ROWID,a.uc_tran_id,a.transaction_id, a.datetimestamp,
              a.updater, a.error_code, a.transaction_type, a.app_no,
              a.choice_no, a.decision, a.program_code,
              a.campus, a.entry_month, a.entry_year, a.entry_point,
              a.soc, a.comments_in_offer, a.return1, a.return2,
              a.hold_flag, a.created_by, a.creation_date,
              a.last_updated_by, a.last_update_date, a.last_update_login,
              a.sent_to_ucas, a.test_cond_cat, a.test_cond_name, a.inst_reference ,
              a.auto_generated_flag, a.system_code , a.ucas_cycle, a.modular, a.part_time
       FROM igs_uc_transactions a, igs_uc_cyc_defaults b
       WHERE a.sent_to_ucas = 'N' AND a.hold_flag = 'N'
       AND a.ucas_cycle = cp_conf_cycle
       AND a.system_code = p_system_code
       AND a.system_code = b.system_code
       AND a.ucas_cycle  = b.ucas_cycle
       AND b.ucas_interface = 'H'
       ORDER BY a.creation_date;
Line: 1690

    CURSOR cur_update_info(cp_appno igs_uc_transactions.app_no%TYPE) IS
       SELECT appno, choiceno, transactionID, errorcode,
              timestamp, updater, return1, return2, soc, roundno
       FROM igs_uc_u_tranin_2004
       WHERE appno = cp_appno
       AND transactionID = (SELECT MAX(TransactionID)
                            FROM igs_uc_u_tranin_2004
                            WHERE appno = cp_appno);
Line: 1701

       SELECT a.ROWID,a.condition_category, a.condition_name,
              a.effective_from, a.effective_to, a.status, a.marvin_code,
              a.summ_of_cond, a.letter_text, a.created_by,
              a.creation_date, a.last_updated_by,
              a.last_update_date, a.last_update_login, a.decision
       FROM   igs_uc_offer_conds a
       WHERE a.condition_category = cp_test_cond_cat
       AND   a.condition_name = cp_test_cond_name;
Line: 1712

       SELECT TO_NUMBER(app_no || check_digit)
       FROM igs_uc_applicants
       WHERE app_no = cp_appno;
Line: 1739

             INSERT INTO igs_uc_u_tranin_2004(transactionid,
                      REPLACE(uc_transaction_rec.program_code, '*', ' '),
                      REPLACE(uc_transaction_rec.campus, '*', ' '),
Line: 1786

             INSERT INTO igs_uc_u_tranin_2004(transactionid,
                      REPLACE(uc_transaction_rec.program_code, '*', ' '),
                      REPLACE(uc_transaction_rec.campus, '*', ' '),
Line: 1836

        FOR tranin_rec IN cur_update_info(l_appno)

      IF tranin_rec.errorcode = 0 THEN    --to update the SOC based on the errorcode value
Line: 1845

      igs_uc_transactions_pkg.update_row (
                  x_mode                              => 'R',
                  x_rowid                             => uc_transaction_rec.ROWID,
                  x_uc_tran_id                        => uc_transaction_rec.UC_Tran_Id,
                  x_transaction_id                    => tranin_rec.transactionid,
                  x_datetimestamp                     => tranin_rec.timestamp,
                  x_updater                           => tranin_rec.updater,
                  x_error_code                        => tranin_rec.errorcode,
                  x_transaction_type                  => uc_transaction_rec.transaction_type,
                  x_app_no                            => uc_transaction_rec.app_no,
                  x_choice_no                         => uc_transaction_rec.choice_no,
                  x_decision                          => uc_transaction_rec.decision,
                  x_program_code                      => uc_transaction_rec.program_code,
                  x_campus                            => uc_transaction_rec.campus,
                  x_entry_month                       => uc_transaction_rec.entry_month,
                  x_entry_year                        => uc_transaction_rec.entry_year,
                  x_entry_point                       => uc_transaction_rec.entry_point,
                  x_soc                               => l_soc,
                  x_comments_in_offer                 => uc_transaction_rec.comments_in_offer,
                  x_return1                           => tranin_rec.return1,
                  x_return2                           => tranin_rec.return2,
                  x_hold_flag                         => uc_transaction_rec.hold_flag,
                  x_sent_to_ucas                      => 'Y',
                  x_test_cond_cat                     => uc_transaction_rec.test_cond_cat,
                  x_test_cond_name                    => uc_transaction_rec.test_cond_name,
                  x_inst_reference                    => uc_transaction_rec.inst_reference ,
                  x_auto_generated_flag               => uc_transaction_rec.auto_generated_flag,
                  x_system_code                       => uc_transaction_rec.system_code,
                  x_ucas_cycle                        => uc_transaction_rec.ucas_cycle,
                  x_modular                           => uc_transaction_rec.modular,
                  x_part_time                         => uc_transaction_rec.part_time);
Line: 1885

                igs_uc_offer_conds_pkg.update_row (
                                  x_mode                              => 'R',
                                  x_rowid                             => offer_conds_rec1.ROWID,
                                  x_condition_category                => offer_conds_rec1.condition_category,
                                  x_condition_name                    => offer_conds_rec1.condition_name,
                                  x_effective_from                    => offer_conds_rec1.effective_from,
                                  x_effective_to                      => offer_conds_rec1.effective_to,
                                  x_status                            => 'A',
                                  x_marvin_code                       => offer_conds_rec1.marvin_code,
                                  x_summ_of_cond                      => NVL(offer_conds_rec1.summ_of_cond, tranin_rec.soc),
                                  x_letter_text                       => tranin_rec.return2,
                                  x_decision                          => offer_conds_rec1.decision
Line: 1903

                igs_uc_offer_conds_pkg.update_row (
                                  x_mode                              => 'R',
                                  x_rowid                             => offer_conds_rec1.ROWID,
                                  x_condition_category                => offer_conds_rec1.condition_category,
                                  x_condition_name                    => offer_conds_rec1.condition_name,
                                  x_effective_from                    => offer_conds_rec1.effective_from,
                                  x_effective_to                      => offer_conds_rec1.effective_to,
                                  x_status                            => 'F',
                                  x_marvin_code                       => offer_conds_rec1.marvin_code,
                                  x_summ_of_cond                      => NVL(offer_conds_rec1.summ_of_cond, tranin_rec.soc),
                                  x_letter_text                       => tranin_rec.return2,
                                  x_decision                          => offer_conds_rec1.decision
Line: 1969

    SELECT max(current_cycle) current_cycle, max(configured_cycle) configured_cycle
    FROM igs_uc_defaults ;
Line: 2023

                        which the Admission Application instance has to be updated with, after validating
                        the Old and New Outcome statuses and Offer Response Status against UCAS setup.
    Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
    Change History


  -- Cursor to find the system code associated with the UCAS application

  CURSOR c_sys_cd (cp_alt_appl_id igs_ad_appl_all.alt_appl_id%TYPE ) IS
    SELECT  system_code
    FROM igs_uc_applicants
    WHERE TO_CHAR(app_no) = cp_alt_appl_id;
Line: 2043

    SELECT decision_code
    FROM igs_uc_map_out_stat
    WHERE system_code = cp_system_code
    AND adm_outcome_status = cp_outcome_status
    AND closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 2056

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM igs_uc_map_off_resp
    WHERE decision_code= cp_decision_code
    AND system_code = cp_system_code
    AND closed_ind =  'N'
    AND reply_code = 'F'
    AND adm_offer_resp_status = cp_adm_offer_resp_status;
Line: 2075

    SELECT adm_offer_resp_status
    FROM igs_uc_map_off_resp
    WHERE system_code = cp_system_code
    AND decision_code= cp_decision_code
    AND  closed_ind =  'N'
    AND reply_code = 'F' ;