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Line 3104: po_vendor_sites_all pvs, mtl_system_items_b msib

3100: AND pll.tax_name IS NOT NULL)
3101: ,pll.ship_to_organization_id --Bug#6902111
3102: FROM po_headers_all ph, po_lines_all pl, po_line_locations_all pll,
3103: zx_lines_det_factors zxldet, po_vendors pv,
3104: po_vendor_sites_all pvs, mtl_system_items_b msib
3105: WHERE ph.po_header_id = pll.po_header_id
3106: AND pl.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
3107: AND pll.tax_attribute_update_code IS NOT NULL
3108: AND pll.tax_attribute_update_code <> 'DIST_DELETE'

Line 3404: LEFT OUTER JOIN mtl_system_items_b msib

3400: LEFT OUTER JOIN po_vendor_sites_all pvs
3401: ON (ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id)
3402: ,po_lines_all pl--Blanket/Scheduled header and line
3403: -- Join with items table for item information
3404: LEFT OUTER JOIN mtl_system_items_b msib
3405: ON (pl.item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
3406: AND pl.org_id = msib.organization_id)
3407: ,po_line_locations_all pll
3408: -- Conditions for getting Additional Tax Attributes

Line 3668: mtl_system_items_b msib, fnd_currencies fc

3664: AND prl.tax_name IS NOT NULL)
3665: ,prl.destination_organization_id --Bug#6902111
3666: FROM po_requisition_headers_all prh, po_requisition_lines_all prl,
3667: zx_lines_det_factors zxldet, po_vendors pv, po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
3668: mtl_system_items_b msib, fnd_currencies fc
3669: WHERE prh.requisition_header_id = p_requisition_header_id
3670: AND prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
3671: -- Conditions for getting Additional Tax Attributes
3672: -- Do not put a condition on zxldet.trx_id here because that would