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3072: -- We update the field with organization_name.
3074: SET HIST.PARAMC3 = ( SELECT hrou.name
3075: FROM hr_all_organization_units_vl HROU,
3077: WHERE RCV.transaction_id = HIST.paramn1
3078: AND HROU.organization_id = RCV.organization_id
3079: )


3089: -- statement to update all lines.
3090: -- We update the field with subinventory.
3092: SET HIST.PARAMC1 = ( SELECT rcv.subinventory
3094: WHERE RCV.transaction_id = HIST.paramn1
3095: )

Line 3403: Cursor Rcv_transactions_cur (p_order_header_Id Number, p_Order_Line_Id Number) IS

3399: and oola.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
3400: and oola.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id ;
3402: -- Define a cursor which gets all receiving transaction records for parent order line id
3403: Cursor Rcv_transactions_cur (p_order_header_Id Number, p_Order_Line_Id Number) IS
3404: Select rcvt.transaction_id, rcvt.quantity, rcvt.locator_id
3405: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt
3406: Where rcvt.Transaction_Type = 'DELIVER'
3407: and rcvt.oe_order_header_id = p_order_header_Id

Line 3405: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt

3402: -- Define a cursor which gets all receiving transaction records for parent order line id
3403: Cursor Rcv_transactions_cur (p_order_header_Id Number, p_Order_Line_Id Number) IS
3404: Select rcvt.transaction_id, rcvt.quantity, rcvt.locator_id
3405: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt
3406: Where rcvt.Transaction_Type = 'DELIVER'
3407: and rcvt.oe_order_header_id = p_order_header_Id
3408: and rcvt.oe_order_line_id in ( Select line_id from oe_order_lines_all
3409: start with line_id = p_Order_Line_Id

Line 3414: Cursor Single_Rcv_transactions_cur (p_order_header_Id Number, p_Order_Line_Id Number) IS

3410: connect by prior line_id = split_from_line_id ) ;
3412: -- Define a cursor which gets receiving transactions records for given order line id
3413: -- Following cursor definition is used when order line quantity is 1
3414: Cursor Single_Rcv_transactions_cur (p_order_header_Id Number, p_Order_Line_Id Number) IS
3415: Select rcvt.transaction_id, rcvt.quantity, rcvt.locator_id
3416: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt
3417: Where rcvt.Transaction_Type = 'DELIVER'
3418: and rcvt.oe_order_header_id = p_order_header_Id

Line 3416: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt

3412: -- Define a cursor which gets receiving transactions records for given order line id
3413: -- Following cursor definition is used when order line quantity is 1
3414: Cursor Single_Rcv_transactions_cur (p_order_header_Id Number, p_Order_Line_Id Number) IS
3415: Select rcvt.transaction_id, rcvt.quantity, rcvt.locator_id
3416: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt
3417: Where rcvt.Transaction_Type = 'DELIVER'
3418: and rcvt.oe_order_header_id = p_order_header_Id
3419: and rcvt.oe_order_line_id = p_Order_Line_Id ;

Line 3551: For Rcv_txn_rec In Single_Rcv_transactions_cur (v_order_header_id(j), v_order_line_id(j)) Loop

3547: l_procedure_Event := 'Processing RMA non serial record';
3548: -- Get all receiving transaction records for given order_header_id and order_line_id
3549: If (v_Quantity_Required(j) = 1) and (V_Prod_txn_status(j) = 'RECEIVED' )Then
3550: l_procedure_Event := 'Processing RMA non serial qty 1 and received';
3551: For Rcv_txn_rec In Single_Rcv_transactions_cur (v_order_header_id(j), v_order_line_id(j)) Loop
3552: v_Quantity_Received(j) := Rcv_txn_rec.quantity ;
3553: v_Locator_Id(j) := Rcv_txn_rec.locator_id ;
3554: End Loop ;
3555: Else

Line 3565: For Rcv_txn_rec In Rcv_transactions_cur (v_order_header_id(j), v_order_line_id(j)) Loop

3561: -- Quantity Received is total quantity received against that RMA
3562: -- Else Quantity Received is what is recorded in csd_repair_history table
3563: If v_Prod_txn_Status(j) = 'RECEIVED' Then
3564: l_procedure_Event := 'Processing RMA non serial qty > 1 and received';
3565: For Rcv_txn_rec In Rcv_transactions_cur (v_order_header_id(j), v_order_line_id(j)) Loop
3566: -- Cumulate quantity value for all lines split from parent line id
3567: v_Quantity_Received(j) := Nvl(v_Quantity_Received(j),0) + Rcv_txn_rec.Quantity ;
3568: v_Locator_id(j) := Rcv_Txn_Rec.Locator_Id;
3569: End Loop ;

Line 3572: For Rcv_txn_rec In Rcv_transactions_cur (v_order_header_id(j), v_order_line_id(j)) Loop

3568: v_Locator_id(j) := Rcv_Txn_Rec.Locator_Id;
3569: End Loop ;
3570: Else
3571: l_procedure_Event := 'Processing RMA non serial qty > 1 or not received';
3572: For Rcv_txn_rec In Rcv_transactions_cur (v_order_header_id(j), v_order_line_id(j)) Loop
3573: -- Check if current receving transaction id record information is updated
3574: -- in csd_repair_history table
3575: Begin
3576: Select Quantity

Line 3604: -- to 11i, PO creates lines in rcv_Transactions and rcv_serial_transactions for those

3600: Begin
3601: -- To fix bug 3842957/4140451 saupadhy
3602: -- In pre 11i RMA returns were handled by inventory module not receiving module.
3603: -- In 11i this functionality is handled by PO module.During migration from pre 11i
3604: -- to 11i, PO creates lines in rcv_Transactions and rcv_serial_transactions for those
3605: -- records that exist in SO_RMA interface table. There is a possibility that customer
3606: -- might have deleted records from SO_RMA interface table after those records are
3607: -- successfully received in inventory. In such cases there will be no record created
3608: -- in rcv_transactions table.So Depot has changed the logic for finding

Line 3608: -- in rcv_transactions table.So Depot has changed the logic for finding

3604: -- to 11i, PO creates lines in rcv_Transactions and rcv_serial_transactions for those
3605: -- records that exist in SO_RMA interface table. There is a possibility that customer
3606: -- might have deleted records from SO_RMA interface table after those records are
3607: -- successfully received in inventory. In such cases there will be no record created
3608: -- in rcv_transactions table.So Depot has changed the logic for finding
3609: -- serial number for recevied items, it looks for serial number information in
3610: -- rcv_transactions table but if the record does not exist it looks for the info in
3611: -- csd_repairs table, if the record is not found there too then Depot will assign
3612: -- blank values to source serial number column.

Line 3610: -- rcv_transactions table but if the record does not exist it looks for the info in

3606: -- might have deleted records from SO_RMA interface table after those records are
3607: -- successfully received in inventory. In such cases there will be no record created
3608: -- in rcv_transactions table.So Depot has changed the logic for finding
3609: -- serial number for recevied items, it looks for serial number information in
3610: -- rcv_transactions table but if the record does not exist it looks for the info in
3611: -- csd_repairs table, if the record is not found there too then Depot will assign
3612: -- blank values to source serial number column.
3613: -- This strategy will help upgrade process not to stop because of missing records in
3614: -- rcv_transactions table.

Line 3614: -- rcv_transactions table.

3610: -- rcv_transactions table but if the record does not exist it looks for the info in
3611: -- csd_repairs table, if the record is not found there too then Depot will assign
3612: -- blank values to source serial number column.
3613: -- This strategy will help upgrade process not to stop because of missing records in
3614: -- rcv_transactions table.
3615: -- Item is serial controlled
3616: l_procedure_Event := 'Delivery info for serial and received item';
3617: Begin
3618: Select rcvt.quantity, rcvt.locator_id , rst.serial_num

Line 3620: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt ,

3616: l_procedure_Event := 'Delivery info for serial and received item';
3617: Begin
3618: Select rcvt.quantity, rcvt.locator_id , rst.serial_num
3619: Into v_Quantity_Received(j), v_Locator_Id(j),v_Source_Serial_Number(j)
3620: From Rcv_Transactions Rcvt ,
3621: Rcv_Serial_Transactions rst
3622: Where rcvt.Transaction_Type = 'DELIVER'
3623: and rcvt.oe_order_header_id = v_order_header_id(j)
3624: and rcvt.oe_order_line_id = v_order_line_id(j)