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1 PACKAGE Oe_Oe_Html_Line_Ext AS
2 /* $Header: ONTHLIES.pls 120.0 2005/05/31 23:51:57 appldev noship $ */
4 TYPE Line_Dff_Rec_Type IS RECORD
5 (
6     attribute1                    VARCHAR2(240)
7 ,   attribute10                   VARCHAR2(240)
8 ,   attribute11                   VARCHAR2(240)
9 ,   attribute12                   VARCHAR2(240)
10 ,   attribute13                   VARCHAR2(240)
11 ,   attribute14                   VARCHAR2(240)
12 ,   attribute15                   VARCHAR2(240)
13 ,   attribute16                   VARCHAR2(240)
14 ,   attribute17                   VARCHAR2(240)
15 ,   attribute18                   VARCHAR2(240)
16 ,   attribute19                   VARCHAR2(240)
17 ,   attribute2                    VARCHAR2(240)
18 ,   attribute20                   VARCHAR2(240)
19 ,   attribute3                    VARCHAR2(240)
20 ,   attribute4                    VARCHAR2(240)
21 ,   attribute5                    VARCHAR2(240)
22 ,   attribute6                    VARCHAR2(240)
23 ,   attribute7                    VARCHAR2(240)
24 ,   attribute8                    VARCHAR2(240)
25 ,   attribute9                    VARCHAR2(240)
26 ,   global_attribute1             VARCHAR2(240)
27 ,   global_attribute10            VARCHAR2(240)
28 ,   global_attribute11            VARCHAR2(240)
29 ,   global_attribute12            VARCHAR2(240)
30 ,   global_attribute13            VARCHAR2(240)
31 ,   global_attribute14            VARCHAR2(240)
32 ,   global_attribute15            VARCHAR2(240)
33 ,   global_attribute16            VARCHAR2(240)
34 ,   global_attribute17            VARCHAR2(240)
35 ,   global_attribute18            VARCHAR2(240)
36 ,   global_attribute19            VARCHAR2(240)
37 ,   global_attribute2             VARCHAR2(240)
38 ,   global_attribute20            VARCHAR2(240)
39 ,   global_attribute3             VARCHAR2(240)
40 ,   global_attribute4             VARCHAR2(240)
41 ,   global_attribute5             VARCHAR2(240)
42 ,   global_attribute6             VARCHAR2(240)
43 ,   global_attribute7             VARCHAR2(240)
44 ,   global_attribute8             VARCHAR2(240)
45 ,   global_attribute9             VARCHAR2(240)
46 ,   global_attribute_category     VARCHAR2(30)
47 ,   line_id                       NUMBER
48 ,   industry_attribute1           VARCHAR2(240)
49 ,   industry_attribute10          VARCHAR2(240)
50 ,   industry_attribute11          VARCHAR2(240)
51 ,   industry_attribute12          VARCHAR2(240)
52 ,   industry_attribute13          VARCHAR2(240)
53 ,   industry_attribute14          VARCHAR2(240)
54 ,   industry_attribute15          VARCHAR2(240)
55 ,   industry_attribute16          VARCHAR2(240)
56 ,   industry_attribute17          VARCHAR2(240)
57 ,   industry_attribute18          VARCHAR2(240)
58 ,   industry_attribute19          VARCHAR2(240)
59 ,   industry_attribute20          VARCHAR2(240)
60 ,   industry_attribute21          VARCHAR2(240)
61 ,   industry_attribute22          VARCHAR2(240)
62 ,   industry_attribute23          VARCHAR2(240)
63 ,   industry_attribute24          VARCHAR2(240)
64 ,   industry_attribute25          VARCHAR2(240)
65 ,   industry_attribute26          VARCHAR2(240)
66 ,   industry_attribute27          VARCHAR2(240)
67 ,   industry_attribute28          VARCHAR2(240)
68 ,   industry_attribute29          VARCHAR2(240)
69 ,   industry_attribute30          VARCHAR2(240)
70 ,   industry_attribute2           VARCHAR2(240)
71 ,   industry_attribute3           VARCHAR2(240)
72 ,   industry_attribute4           VARCHAR2(240)
73 ,   industry_attribute5           VARCHAR2(240)
74 ,   industry_attribute6           VARCHAR2(240)
75 ,   industry_attribute7           VARCHAR2(240)
76 ,   industry_attribute8           VARCHAR2(240)
77 ,   industry_attribute9           VARCHAR2(240)
78 ,   industry_context              VARCHAR2(30)
79 ,   TP_CONTEXT                    VARCHAR2(30)
80 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE1                 VARCHAR2(240)
81 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE2                 VARCHAR2(240)
82 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE3                 VARCHAR2(240)
83 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE4                 VARCHAR2(240)
84 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE5                 VARCHAR2(240)
85 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE6                 VARCHAR2(240)
86 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE7                 VARCHAR2(240)
87 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE8                 VARCHAR2(240)
88 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE9                 VARCHAR2(240)
89 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE10                VARCHAR2(240)
90 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE11                VARCHAR2(240)
91 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE12                VARCHAR2(240)
92 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE13                VARCHAR2(240)
93 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE14                VARCHAR2(240)
94 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE15                VARCHAR2(240)
95 ,   return_attribute1             VARCHAR2(240)
96 ,   return_attribute10            VARCHAR2(240)
97 ,   return_attribute11            VARCHAR2(240)
98 ,   return_attribute12            VARCHAR2(240)
99 ,   return_attribute13            VARCHAR2(240)
100 ,   return_attribute14            VARCHAR2(240)
101 ,   return_attribute15            VARCHAR2(240)
102 ,   return_attribute2             VARCHAR2(240)
103 ,   return_attribute3             VARCHAR2(240)
104 ,   return_attribute4             VARCHAR2(240)
105 ,   return_attribute5             VARCHAR2(240)
106 ,   return_attribute6             VARCHAR2(240)
107 ,   return_attribute7             VARCHAR2(240)
108 ,   return_attribute8             VARCHAR2(240)
109 ,   return_attribute9             VARCHAR2(240)
110 ,   return_context                VARCHAR2(30)
111 );
113 TYPE Line_Dff_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Line_Dff_Rec_Type
116 PROCEDURE Save_Lines
117 (x_return_status                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
118 , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
119 , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
120 , x_cascade_flag                  OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
121 , p_line_tbl                      IN  OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
122 , p_old_line_tbl                  IN  OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
123 );
126 PROCEDURE Prepare_Lines_Dff_For_Save
127 (x_return_status                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
128 , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
129 , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
130 , x_line_dff_tbl                  IN  Oe_Oe_Html_Line_Ext.Line_Dff_Tbl_Type
131 );
135 TYPE Line_Ext_Val_Rec_Type IS RECORD
136 (   accounting_rule               VARCHAR2(240)
137 ,   agreement                     VARCHAR2(240)
138 ,   commitment                    VARCHAR2(240)
139 ,   commitment_applied_amount     NUMBER
140 ,   deliver_to_address1           VARCHAR2(240)
141 ,   deliver_to_address2           VARCHAR2(240)
142 ,   deliver_to_address3           VARCHAR2(240)
143 ,   deliver_to_address4           VARCHAR2(240)
144 ,   deliver_to_contact            VARCHAR2(360)
145 ,   deliver_to_location           VARCHAR2(240)
146 ,   deliver_to_org                VARCHAR2(240)
147 ,   deliver_to_state              VARCHAR2(240)
148 ,   deliver_to_city               VARCHAR2(240)
149 ,   deliver_to_zip                VARCHAR2(240)
150 ,   deliver_to_country            VARCHAR2(240)
151 ,   deliver_to_county             VARCHAR2(240)
152 ,   deliver_to_province           VARCHAR2(240)
153 ,   demand_class                  VARCHAR2(240)
154 ,   demand_bucket_type            VARCHAR2(240)
155 ,   fob_point                     VARCHAR2(240)
156 ,   freight_terms                 VARCHAR2(240)
157 ,   inventory_item                VARCHAR2(240)
158 ,   invoice_to_address1           VARCHAR2(240)
159 ,   invoice_to_address2           VARCHAR2(240)
160 ,   invoice_to_address3           VARCHAR2(240)
161 ,   invoice_to_address4           VARCHAR2(240)
162 ,   invoice_to_contact            VARCHAR2(360)
163 ,   invoice_to_location           VARCHAR2(240)
164 ,   invoice_to_org                VARCHAR2(240)
165 ,   invoice_to_state              VARCHAR2(240)
166 ,   invoice_to_city               VARCHAR2(240)
167 ,   invoice_to_zip                VARCHAR2(240)
168 ,   invoice_to_country            VARCHAR2(240)
169 ,   invoice_to_county             VARCHAR2(240)
170 ,   invoice_to_province           VARCHAR2(240)
171 ,   invoicing_rule                VARCHAR2(240)
172 ,   item_type                     VARCHAR2(240)
173 ,   line_type                     VARCHAR2(240)
174 ,   over_ship_reason            VARCHAR2(240)
175 ,   payment_term                  VARCHAR2(240)
176 ,   price_list                    VARCHAR2(240)
177 ,   project                       VARCHAR2(240)
178 ,   return_reason                 VARCHAR2(240)
179 ,   rla_schedule_type             VARCHAR2(240)
180 ,   salesrep               VARCHAR2(240)
181 ,   shipment_priority             VARCHAR2(240)
182 ,   ship_from_address1            VARCHAR2(240)
183 ,   ship_from_address2            VARCHAR2(240)
184 ,   ship_from_address3            VARCHAR2(240)
185 ,   ship_from_address4            VARCHAR2(240)
186 ,   ship_from_location            VARCHAR2(240)
187 ,   SHIP_FROM_CITY               Varchar(60)      -- Ship From Bug 2116166
188 ,   SHIP_FROM_POSTAL_CODE        Varchar(60)
189 ,   SHIP_FROM_COUNTRY            Varchar(60)
190 ,   SHIP_FROM_REGION1            Varchar2(240)
191 ,   SHIP_FROM_REGION2            Varchar2(240)
192 ,   SHIP_FROM_REGION3            Varchar2(240)
193 ,   ship_from_org                 VARCHAR2(240)
194 ,   ship_to_address1              VARCHAR2(240)
195 ,   ship_to_address2              VARCHAR2(240)
196 ,   ship_to_address3              VARCHAR2(240)
197 ,   ship_to_address4              VARCHAR2(240)
198 ,   ship_to_state                 VARCHAR2(240)
199 ,   ship_to_country               VARCHAR2(240)
200 ,   ship_to_zip                   VARCHAR2(240)
201 ,   ship_to_county                VARCHAR2(240)
202 ,   ship_to_province              VARCHAR2(240)
203 ,   ship_to_city                  VARCHAR2(240)
204 ,   ship_to_contact               VARCHAR2(360)
205 ,   ship_to_contact_last_name     VARCHAR2(240)
206 ,   ship_to_contact_first_name    VARCHAR2(240)
207 ,   ship_to_location              VARCHAR2(240)
208 ,   ship_to_org                   VARCHAR2(240)
209 ,   source_type                   VARCHAR2(240)
210 ,   intermed_ship_to_address1     VARCHAR2(240)
211 ,   intermed_ship_to_address2     VARCHAR2(240)
212 ,   intermed_ship_to_address3     VARCHAR2(240)
213 ,   intermed_ship_to_address4     VARCHAR2(240)
214 ,   intermed_ship_to_contact      VARCHAR2(240)
215 ,   intermed_ship_to_location     VARCHAR2(240)
216 ,   intermed_ship_to_org          VARCHAR2(240)
217 ,   intermed_ship_to_state             VARCHAR2(240)
218 ,   intermed_ship_to_city              VARCHAR2(240)
219 ,   intermed_ship_to_zip               VARCHAR2(240)
220 ,   intermed_ship_to_country           VARCHAR2(240)
221 ,   intermed_ship_to_county            VARCHAR2(240)
222 ,   intermed_ship_to_province          VARCHAR2(240)
223 ,   sold_to_org                   VARCHAR2(360)
224 ,   sold_from_org                 VARCHAR2(240)
225 ,   task                          VARCHAR2(240)
226 ,   tax_exempt                    VARCHAR2(240)
227 ,   tax_exempt_reason             VARCHAR2(240)
228 ,   tax_point                     VARCHAR2(240)
229 ,   veh_cus_item_cum_key          VARCHAR2(240)
230 ,   visible_demand                VARCHAR2(240)
231 ,   customer_payment_term       VARCHAR2(240)
232 ,   ref_order_number              NUMBER
233 ,   ref_line_number               NUMBER
234 ,   ref_shipment_number           NUMBER
235 ,   ref_option_number             NUMBER
236 ,   ref_invoice_number            VARCHAR2(20)
237 ,   ref_invoice_line_number       NUMBER
238 ,   credit_invoice_number         VARCHAR2(20)
239 ,   tax_group                     VARCHAR2(1)
240 ,   status                        VARCHAR2(240)
241 ,   freight_carrier               VARCHAR2(80)
242 ,   shipping_method               VARCHAR2(80)
243 ,   calculate_price_descr         VARCHAR2(240)
244 ,   ship_to_customer_name         VARCHAR2(360)
245 ,   invoice_to_customer_name      VARCHAR2(360)
246 ,   ship_to_customer_number       VARCHAR2(50)
247 ,   invoice_to_customer_number    VARCHAR2(50)
248 ,   ship_to_customer_id           NUMBER
249 ,   invoice_to_customer_id        NUMBER
250 ,   deliver_to_customer_id        NUMBER
251 ,   deliver_to_customer_number    VARCHAR2(50)
252 ,   deliver_to_customer_name      VARCHAR2(360)
253 ,   Original_Ordered_item         VARCHAR2(2000)
254 ,   Original_inventory_item       VARCHAR2(2000)
255 ,   Original_item_identifier_type VARCHAR2(240)
256 ,   deliver_to_customer_Number_oi    VARCHAR2(30)
257 ,   deliver_to_customer_Name_oi      VARCHAR2(360)
258 ,   ship_to_customer_Number_oi    VARCHAR2(30)
259 ,   ship_to_customer_Name_oi      VARCHAR2(360)
260 ,   invoice_to_customer_Number_oi    VARCHAR2(30)
261 ,   invoice_to_customer_Name_oi      VARCHAR2(360)
262 ,   item_relationship_type_dsp      VARCHAR2(100)
263 -- QUOTING changes
264 ,   transaction_phase                  VARCHAR2(240)
265 -- END QUOTING changes
266 -- distributed orders
267 ,   end_customer_name                VARCHAR2(360)
268 ,   end_customer_number              VARCHAR2(50)
269 ,   end_customer_contact             VARCHAR2(360)
270 ,   end_cust_contact_last_name       VARCHAR2(240)
271 ,   end_cust_contact_first_name      VARCHAR2(240)
272 ,   end_customer_site_address1       VARCHAR2(240)
273 ,   end_customer_site_address2       VARCHAR2(240)
274 ,   end_customer_site_address3       VARCHAR2(240)
275 ,   end_customer_site_address4       VARCHAR2(240)
276 ,   end_customer_site_location       VARCHAR2(240)
277 ,   end_customer_site_state          VARCHAR2(240)
278 ,   end_customer_site_country        VARCHAR2(240)
279 ,   end_customer_site_zip            VARCHAR2(240)
280 ,   end_customer_site_county         VARCHAR2(240)
281 ,   end_customer_site_province       VARCHAR2(240)
282 ,   end_customer_site_city           VARCHAR2(240)
283 ,   end_customer_site_postal_code    VARCHAR2(240)
284 -- distributed orders
285 ,   blanket_agreement_name           VARCHAR2(360)
286 ,   extended_price                   NUMBER
287 ,   unit_selling_price               NUMBER
288 ,   unit_list_price                  NUMBER
289 ,   line_number                      VARCHAR2(100)
290 ,   item_description                 VARCHAR2(1000)
291 );
293 TYPE Line_Ext_Val_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Line_Ext_Val_Rec_Type
298 Procedure Populate_Transient_Attributes
299 (
300   P_line_rec               IN Oe_Order_Pub.line_rec_type
301 , x_line_val_rec           OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */  line_Ext_Val_Rec_Type
302 , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
303 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
304 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
305 );
308 END Oe_Oe_Html_Line_Ext;