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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_gen_apint AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI79B.pls 115.10 2003/07/03 04:10:15 pathipat noship $ */
5   FUNCTION chk_liability_acc (p_n_ccid IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN AS
6   ------------------------------------------------------------------
7   --Created by  : Sanil Madathil, Oracle IDC
8   --Date created: 20 Feb 2003
9   --
10   --Purpose: Function to check validity of Liability Account CCID combination.
11   --         To check if Account CCID passed is of type Liability.
12   --
13   --
14   --
15   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
16   --
17   --Change History:
18   --Who         When            What
19   --pathipat    27-Jun-2003     Bug: 2992967 - Table based value set for segments
20   --                            Removed quotes and concatenation in the vrule string
21   -- SYKRISHN  06/MAR/03    Changed FND_FLEX_KEYVAL callout from validate_ccid to validate_segs
22   --                        as per bug 2832607
23   ------------------------------------------------------------------
27   BEGIN
28     --Invoke  FND_FLEX_KEYVAL.validate_segs for validating the CCID (Concat)  with appropriate vrule string.
29     --Return FALSE from this function if FND API returns FALSE.
31     IF fnd_flex_keyval.validate_segs(
32                        operation        =>'CHECK_COMBINATION',
33                        appl_short_name  =>'SQLGL',
34                        key_flex_code    =>'GL#',
35                        structure_number => igs_fi_gen_007.get_coa_id,
36                        concat_segments  => igs_fi_gen_007.get_ccid_concat(p_n_ccid),
37                        vrule  => l_v_rule_string)    THEN
38         RETURN TRUE;
39     ELSE
40         RETURN FALSE;
41     END IF;
42   END chk_liability_acc;
45   FUNCTION get_rfnd_destination  RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
46   ------------------------------------------------------------------
47   --Created by  : Sanil Madathil, Oracle IDC
48   --Date created: 20 Feb 2003
49   --
50   --Purpose: Function to fetch the value of  RFND_DESTINATION from IGS_FI_CONTROL
51   --
52   --
53   --
54   --
55   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
56   --
57   --Change History:
58   --Who         When            What
59   ------------------------------------------------------------------
60   CURSOR c_rfnd_destination IS
61   SELECT rfnd_destination
62   FROM   igs_fi_control;
64   l_v_rfnd_destination igs_fi_control_all.rfnd_destination%TYPE := NULL;
66   BEGIN
67    --Select the Refund Destination field from the IGS_FI_CONTROL table
68    OPEN   c_rfnd_destination;
69    FETCH  c_rfnd_destination INTO l_v_rfnd_destination;
70    CLOSE  c_rfnd_destination;
71    RETURN l_v_rfnd_destination;
73   END get_rfnd_destination ;
75   FUNCTION get_unit_section_desc( p_n_uoo_id               IN PLS_INTEGER,
76                                   p_v_unit_cd              IN VARCHAR2,
77                                   p_n_version_number       IN PLS_INTEGER,
78                                   p_v_cal_type             IN VARCHAR2,
79                                   p_n_ci_sequence_number   IN PLS_INTEGER,
80                                   p_v_location_cd          IN VARCHAR2,
81                                   p_v_unit_class           IN VARCHAR2
82                                  ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
83   ------------------------------------------------------------------
84   --Created by  : vvutukur, Oracle IDC
85   --Date created: 09-May-2003
86   --
87   --Purpose:
88   --
89   --
90   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
91   --
92   --Change History:
93   --Who         When            What
94   ------------------------------------------------------------------
96     --Cursor to fetch the unit section details.
97     CURSOR cur_uoo_details(cp_n_uoo_id   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
98     SELECT unit_cd, version_number, cal_type, ci_sequence_number, location_cd, unit_class
99     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all
100     WHERE  uoo_id = cp_n_uoo_id;
102     l_v_unit_cd            igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_cd%TYPE             := p_v_unit_cd;
103     l_n_version_number     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.version_number%TYPE      := p_n_version_number;
104     l_v_cal_type           igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.cal_type%TYPE            := p_v_cal_type;
105     l_n_ci_sequence_number igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.ci_sequence_number%TYPE  := p_n_ci_sequence_number;
106     l_v_location_cd        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.location_cd%TYPE         := p_v_location_cd;
107     l_v_unit_class         igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_class%TYPE          := p_v_unit_class;
109     --Cursor to get the Teaching Calendar for the Calendar Type and Calendar Instance Sequence Number.
110     CURSOR cur_cal_type (cp_v_cal_type   igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
111                          cp_n_seq_number igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE
112                          ) IS
113     SELECT alternate_code
114     FROM   igs_ca_inst
115     WHERE  cal_type        = cp_v_cal_type
116     AND    sequence_number = cp_n_seq_number;
118     l_v_alt_code        igs_ca_inst.alternate_code%TYPE;
119     l_v_uoo_id_desc     VARCHAR2(4000);
121   BEGIN
122     --Check if a value is passed to the p_n_uoo_id parameter. If no value is passed to this parameter then return NULL from this function.
123     IF p_n_uoo_id IS NULL THEN
124       RETURN NULL;
125     ELSE
126     --If p_n_uoo_id is not null, check if value to any of the Unit Sections attributes is not provided.
127       IF (l_v_unit_cd IS NULL OR
128           l_n_version_number IS NULL OR
129           l_v_cal_type IS NULL OR
130           l_n_ci_sequence_number IS NULL OR
131           l_v_location_cd IS NULL OR
132           l_v_unit_class IS NULL
133           )THEN
134         --If any one of the unit section attributes is null, then get these details from the Unit Section Offering Options based on the Unit
135         --Section Identifier(p_n_uoo_id).
136         OPEN cur_uoo_details(p_n_uoo_id);
137         FETCH cur_uoo_details INTO l_v_unit_cd,l_n_version_number,l_v_cal_type,l_n_ci_sequence_number,l_v_location_cd,l_v_unit_class;
139         IF cur_uoo_details%NOTFOUND THEN
140           CLOSE cur_uoo_details;
141           RETURN NULL;
142         END IF;
143         CLOSE cur_uoo_details;
144       END IF;
146       --Get the Teaching Calendar for the Calendar Type and Calendar Instance Sequence Number.
147       OPEN cur_cal_type(l_v_cal_type,l_n_ci_sequence_number);
148       FETCH cur_cal_type INTO l_v_alt_code;
149       CLOSE cur_cal_type;
151       --Return the unit section details in concatenated string separated by comma.
152       l_v_uoo_id_desc := l_v_unit_cd||', '||l_n_version_number||', '||l_v_location_cd||', '||l_v_unit_class||', '||l_v_alt_code;
153       RETURN l_v_uoo_id_desc;
154     END IF;
156   END get_unit_section_desc;
158   PROCEDURE get_segment_num(p_n_segment_num  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) AS
159   ------------------------------------------------------------------
160   --Created by  : Priya Athipatla, Oracle IDC
161   --Date created: 26-Jun-2003
162   --
163   --Purpose: To obtain the segment_num for the Natural Account Segment
164   --
165   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
166   --
167   --Change History:
168   --Who         When            What
169   ------------------------------------------------------------------
170   CURSOR cur_segment_num IS
171     SELECT fs.segment_num
172     FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values av,
173          fnd_id_flex_segments fs
174     WHERE av.application_id = 101
175     AND av.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
176     AND av.id_flex_num = igs_fi_gen_007.get_coa_id
177     AND fs.application_id = av.application_id
178     AND fs.id_flex_code = av.id_flex_code
179     AND fs.id_flex_num = av.id_flex_num
180     AND fs.application_column_name = av.application_column_name
181     AND av.segment_attribute_type = 'GL_ACCOUNT'
182     AND av.attribute_value = 'Y';
184   BEGIN
186     OPEN cur_segment_num;
187     FETCH cur_segment_num INTO p_n_segment_num;
188     CLOSE cur_segment_num;
190   END get_segment_num;
192   FUNCTION get_segment_desc(p_n_segment_num      IN NUMBER,
193                             p_v_natural_acc_seg  IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
194   ------------------------------------------------------------------
195   --Created by  : Priya Athipatla, Oracle IDC
196   --Date created: 02-Jul-2003
197   --
198   --Purpose: Returns the description of the natural account segment
199   --
200   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
201   --
202   --Change History:
203   --Who         When            What
204   ------------------------------------------------------------------
205   l_b_enabled     BOOLEAN := FALSE;
207   BEGIN
209      l_b_enabled := fnd_flex_keyval.validate_segs( operation        => 'CHECK_SEGMENTS',
210                                                    appl_short_name  => 'SQLGL',
211                                                    key_flex_code    => 'GL#',
212                                                    structure_number => igs_fi_gen_007.get_coa_id,
213                                                    displayable      => p_n_segment_num,
214                                                    allow_nulls      => TRUE,
215                                                    vrule            => 'GL_ACCOUNT\nGL_ACCOUNT_TYPE\nI\nAPPL=IGS;NAME=IGS_FI_ACC_REV\nR',
216                                                    concat_segments  => p_v_natural_acc_seg
217                                                  );
219      RETURN (fnd_flex_keyval.segment_description(p_n_segment_num)) ;
221   END get_segment_desc;
224 END igs_fi_gen_apint;