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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

                - INSERT_REQUEST_DETAILS : inserts a record into batch header with input details
                - GET_ITEM_LINE_ID       : fetches ITEM Invoice Distribution of TAX invoice distribution incase of AP transactions

                - PROCESS_PAYMENT        : records the recovered service tax into repository to the tune of payment amount
                w.r.t invoice amount and service tax distribution amount. this has all the required functional logic related
                to Payment reversals and apportioning of Service Tax if multiple payments exists for same invoice etc.

                - PROCESS_PAYMENTS       : This is the AP Processor that picks up all the eligible Payments(includes prepayments
                also) and invokes process_payment for each payment

2    19/03/2005   Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). FileVersion: 115.1
                    removed the usage of regime effective_date_from and replace it with regime creation_date as part of VAT Impl.
                    This is required as effective dates are removed Regime setup

3     12/04/2005  Brathod, for Bug# 4286646, Version 115.2
                  Issue :-
                    Because of change in Valueset from JA_IN_DATE to FND_STANDARD_DATE Concurrent was resulting
                    in error because JA_IN_DATE uses normal date format while FND_STANDARD_DATE uses NLS_DATE format
                    and it is passed as character value.
                  Fix :-
                    Procedure signature modified to convert p_trx_from_date, p_trx_from_date from date to
                    pv_trx_from_date, pv_trx_from_date varchar2.  And the varchar2 values are converted back
                    to date fromat using fnd_date.canonical_to_date function.

4.   14/04/2005   ssumaith - bug# 4284505 - File version 115.3

                  Added code to pick the third party taxes from the jai_Rcv_tp_inv_details table in case of
                  third party invoices.

                  This is done by adding code for checking - source in the ap_invoices_all table , if it
                  equals to 'RECEIPT' , getting the third party taxes from the jai_Rcv_tp_inv_Details table.

5.   24/05/2005   Ramananda for bug# 4388958 File Version: 116.1
                  Changed AP Lookup code from 'RECEIPT' to 'INDIA TAX INVOICE'

6. 08-Jun-2005  Version 116.3 jai_cmn_rgm_prc -Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
    as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.

7. 14-Jun-2005      rchandan for bug#4428980, Version 116.4
                        Modified the object to remove literals from DML statements and CURSORS.

8. 24-Jan-2006  Bug 4991017. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami version 120.4
                Merged the cursors c_ap_accounted_invoices and
		c_event_distributions  because of SLA uptake by base
		and removed the same.
		(1) Changed the reference to xla_ae_headers instead
		    of ap_ae_headers_all
 	        (2) Also added xla_transaction_entities to get the entity_id
		    and source_int_id_1 so that it can be joined with
		    transaction tables.
		(3) Discussed with shekhar and found that we should derive by
		    accounting_date and not on the creation_date.
		(4) Added accounting_event_id in cursor
		(5) Added local variable lv_entity_code

  IN60106  + 4068823 + 4245089

8. 29/07/2005   Aiyer - bug# 4523205 - File version 120.2 - (R12 Forward Porting FROM 11.5 bugs 4348774, 4357984)
                Procedure process has been changed for the bug. Please refer the details in the change history section
                of the procedure.

9. 08-Mar-2006 , Bug 4947102, By Aiyer , File Version 120.5
      Cursor c_period_payments has high cost of execution.

      Merged the cursors c_period_payments with c_invoice_distributions into c_period_payments so that the IL table in cursor
      can reduce the overall rows searched by the query.
      SQL-ID as reported in the repository is 14828450.

    Dependency Due to this bug :-

10. 09-JUNE-2007 ,Kunkumar for Bug 6012489 version 12.6
             Added an if condtion for assignment to local variable
             If action is accounting, then generated vat invoice number is picked
11. 05-SEP-2007  CSahoo for bug#5680459, File Version 120.23
		commented the part where lv_inv_gen_process_flag and lv_inv_gen_process_message
		were getting assigned as NULL.
		replaced the party_id by party_site_id as the second parameter in the call to check_reg_dealer procedure.

12. 04-OCT-2007  CSahoo for bug#6436576, File Version 120.24
		 added the following AND condition in the cursor c_period_payments in process_payments procedure.
		 AND	    apinvp.invoice_id			  = ainvd.invoice_id

13. 13-01-2009 vumaasha for bug 7684820

  CURSOR c_rgm_repository_id(cp_source IN VARCHAR2, cp_source_table_name IN VARCHAR2,
          cp_source_document_id IN NUMBER, cp_reference_id IN NUMBER) IS
    SELECT  repository_id
    FROM jai_rgm_trx_records
    WHERE source = cp_source
    AND source_table_name = cp_source_table_name
    AND source_document_id = cp_source_document_id
    AND reference_id = cp_reference_id;
Line: 123

    SELECT  nvl(credit_amount, debit_amount) amount
    FROM jai_rgm_trx_records
    WHERE source = cp_source
    AND source_table_name = cp_source_table_name
    AND source_document_id = cp_source_document_id
    AND reference_id = cp_reference_id;
Line: 131

    SELECT  reference_id, parent_reference_id, item_line_id, reversal_flag, nvl(recovered_amount, 0) recovered_amount,
            tax_type, recoverable_amount, nvl(discounted_amount,0) discounted_amount
    FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs
    WHERE source = cp_source
    AND invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
    AND line_id = cp_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 139

    SELECT  reference_id, parent_reference_id, item_line_id, reversal_flag, recovered_amount, tax_type,
    FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs
    WHERE reference_id = cp_reference_id;
Line: 145

    SELECT  a.invoice_id, a.invoice_distribution_id,
            a.invoice_line_number, /* INVOICE LINES UPTAKE */
            a.distribution_line_number, a.prepay_distribution_id,
            a.amount, a.reversal_flag, a.parent_reversal_id, a.accounting_event_id, a.posted_flag, a.org_id,
            a.accounting_date, b.invoice_amount, b.amount_paid, b.cancelled_date, b.invoice_type_lookup_code invoice_type,
            a.creation_date, a.po_distribution_id
    FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all a, ap_invoices_all b
    WHERE a.invoice_id = b.invoice_id
    AND invoice_distribution_id = cp_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 156

    SELECT  a.invoice_payment_id, a.check_id, a.amount, a.payment_base_amount, -- a.reversal_flag, reversal_inv_pmt_id,
            a.org_id, b.status_lookup_code, b.check_date, b.void_date, b.future_pay_due_date,
            a.accounting_date, a.reversal_inv_pmt_id, discount_taken
    FROM  ap_invoice_payments_all a, ap_checks_all b
    WHERE a.check_id = b.check_id
    AND   a.invoice_payment_id = cp_invoice_payment_id;
Line: 171

      SELECT invoice_distribution_id
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
      WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      AND (p_rcv_transaction_id IS NULL OR rcv_transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id)
      AND po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
      AND line_type_lookup_code = p_line_type_lookup_code--rchandan for bug#4428980
      AND parent_reversal_id IS NULL;   -- CHK
Line: 192

  PROCEDURE insert_request_details(
    p_batch_id                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    p_regime_id               IN         NUMBER,
    p_rgm_registration_num    IN         VARCHAR2,
    p_trx_from_date           IN         DATE,
    p_trx_till_date           IN         DATE
  ) IS

    ln_conc_request_id    FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.request_id%TYPE;
Line: 204

      SELECT request_date
      FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
      WHERE request_id = cp_request_id;
Line: 209

  lv_object_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'jai_cmn_rgm_processing_pkg.insert_request_details';
Line: 219

    INSERT INTO jai_rgm_conc_requests(
    ) VALUES (
    ) RETURNING batch_id INTO p_batch_id;
Line: 261

  END insert_request_details;
Line: 279

      SELECT b.ship_to_organization_id
      FROM po_distributions_all a, po_line_locations_all b
      WHERE a.line_location_id = b.line_location_id
      AND a.po_distribution_id = cp_po_distribution_id;*/
Line: 458

      UPDATE jai_rgm_trx_refs
      SET reversal_flag = 'Y',
        last_update_date = sysdate
      WHERE source = p_source
      AND invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      AND line_id in (p_inv_dist_id, r_dist.parent_reversal_id);
Line: 575

        p_repository_id          => ln_rgm_reposotory_id,
        p_regime_id              => p_regime_id,
        p_tax_type               => r_ref.tax_type,
        p_organization_type      => jai_constants.orgn_type_io     ,/*5694855*/
        p_organization_id        => ln_organization_id         ,/*5694855*/
        p_location_id            => ln_location_id,/*5694855*/
        p_service_type_code      => lv_service_type_code,/*5694855*/
        p_source                 => p_source,
        p_source_trx_type        => lv_src_trx_type,
        p_source_table_name      => p_payment_table_name,
        p_source_document_id     => p_payment_document_id,
        p_transaction_date       => ld_transaction_date,
        p_account_name           => null,
        p_charge_account_id      => null,
        p_balancing_account_id   => null,
        p_amount                 => ln_recovered_amount,
        p_discounted_amount      => ln_discounted_amount,
        p_inv_organization_id    => ln_organization_id,/*Bug 5879769 bduvarag*/
        p_trx_amount             => ln_recovered_amount,
        p_assessable_value       => null,
        p_tax_rate               => null,
        p_reference_id           => r_ref.reference_id,
        p_batch_id               => p_batch_id,
        p_called_from            => lv_called_from,   --rchandan for bug#4428980
        p_process_flag           => p_process_flag,
        p_process_message        => p_process_message,
        p_accntg_required_flag   => jai_constants.yes,
        p_accounting_date        => ld_accounting_date,
        p_balancing_orgn_type    => null,
        p_balancing_orgn_id      => null,
        p_balancing_location_id  => null,
        p_balancing_tax_type     => null,
        p_balancing_accnt_name   => null,
        p_currency_code          => jai_constants.func_curr,
        p_curr_conv_date         => null,
        p_curr_conv_type         => null,
        p_curr_conv_rate         => null
Line: 620

      p_source            => p_source,
      p_reference_id      => r_ref.reference_id,
      p_recovered_amount  => ln_recovered_amount,
      p_discounted_amount => ln_discounted_amount,     -- CHK (Implementation)
      p_process_flag      => p_process_flag,
      p_process_message   => p_process_message
Line: 672

      SELECT a.organization_id org_id,a.location_id /*Bug 5879769 bduvarag*/
      WHERE regime_id = cp_regime_id
      AND registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_others
      AND attribute_type_code = p_att_type_code--rchandan for bug#4428980
      AND organization_type = cp_orgn_type
      AND attribute_value = cp_registration_num
      AND a.organization_id   = nvl(cp_organization_id,a.organization_id) /*5694855*/;
Line: 684

      SELECT trunc(creation_date) effective_date_from  /* effective_date_from. Commneted this as part of VAT Impl. Vijay Shankar for Bug#425023(4245089) */
      WHERE regime_id = cp_regime_id;
Line: 690

	SELECT org_information3
	FROM   hr_organization_information
	AND    organization_id                = cp_organization_id;
Line: 723

      p_batch_id             => ln_batch_id,    -- OUT parameter
      p_regime_id            => p_regime_id,
      p_rgm_registration_num => p_rgm_registration_num,
      p_trx_from_date        => p_trx_from_date,
      p_trx_till_date        => p_trx_till_date
Line: 838

      SELECT trx_till_date+1
      FROM jai_rgm_conc_requests
      WHERE regime_id = cp_regime_id
      AND rgm_registration_num = cp_registration_num;
Line: 858

      SELECT aid.invoice_id, aid.invoice_distribution_id,
             aid.distribution_line_number, aid.invoice_line_number,
	     aid.reversal_flag, aid.parent_reversal_id,
	     aid.accrual_posted_flag, aid.cash_posted_flag,
	     aid.amount, aid.base_amount,
	     aid.po_distribution_id, aid.rcv_transaction_id,
	     -- Bug 4991017 Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami.
	     -- Added accounting_event_id in cursor.
	     aid.org_id, aid.accounting_event_id,
	     ai.vendor_id, ai.vendor_site_id, ai.invoice_currency_code,
	     aid.exchange_rate, aid.exchange_rate_type, aid.exchange_date,
      FROM xla_ae_headers xah ,
           xla_transaction_entities xte,
	   ap_invoices_all ai,
	   ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
      WHERE  xah.je_category_name = cp_ae_category
      AND xah.ledger_id = cp_sob_id
      AND xah.application_id =200
      and xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id
      AND xte.application_id = 200
      and xte.entity_code =lv_entity_code --'AP_INVOICES'
      and xte.source_id_int_1 = ai.invoice_id
      AND aid.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id
      and aid.accounting_event_id = xah.event_id
      AND ai.invoice_type_lookup_code IN (lv_standard_lookup, lv_debit_lookup)
      AND ai.cancelled_date IS NULL
      AND aid.line_type_lookup_code = jai_constants.misc_line
      AND aid.posted_flag = 'Y'
      AND trunc(xah.accounting_date) between cp_start_date AND cp_till_date
      AND trunc(aid.accounting_date) between cp_start_date AND cp_till_date
      and ai.org_id = p_org_id
      and aid.org_id = p_org_id
      ORDER BY aid.accounting_date, aid.invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 895

    SELECT invoice_id,
           prepay_distribution_id ,
           amount                 ,
           reversal_flag          ,
           parent_reversal_id     ,
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
     WHERE org_id                 = p_org_id
       AND line_type_lookup_code  = jai_constants.prepay_line
       AND invoice_id IN ( SELECT invoice_id
                             FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
                            WHERE po_distribution_id IN ( SELECT pda.po_distribution_id
			  FROM po_line_locations_all   pll,
		 	  po_distributions_all    pda,
			  jai_po_line_locations jpll
			 WHERE pll.line_location_id        = jpll.line_location_id
			 AND pll.line_location_id        = pda.line_location_id
			 AND pll.ship_to_organization_id = p_organization_id
			 AND (   (cp_start_date IS NULL AND creation_date < cp_till_date)
			OR (cp_start_date IS NOT NULL AND trunc(creation_date) between cp_start_date AND cp_till_date)
       AND prepay_distribution_id IS NOT NULL
       AND (   ( cp_start_date IS NULL AND  creation_date < cp_till_date)
            OR ( cp_start_date IS NOT  NULL AND trunc(creation_date) between cp_start_date AND cp_till_date)

     ORDER BY invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 927

      SELECT a.invoice_id, a.invoice_distribution_id, a.distribution_line_number, a.dist_match_type,
        a.invoicE_line_number,  /* INVOICE LINES UPTAKE */
        a.parent_reversal_id, a.reversal_flag, a.rcv_transaction_id, a.po_distribution_id
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all a, jai_rgm_trx_refs b /* second table is used for join just to take IL records */
      WHERE a.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      AND a.line_type_lookup_code = jai_constants.misc_line   -- <> 'PREPAY'
      AND b.source = jai_constants.source_ap
      and b.invoice_id = a.invoice_id
      and b.line_id = a.invoice_distribution_id
      ORDER BY a.invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 939

      SELECT 1 chk, a.tax_id, b.tax_rate, a.tax_amount, a.parent_invoice_distribution_id, b.tax_type,
            a.invoice_line_number,  /* INVOICE LINES UPTAKE */
            nvl(b.mod_cr_percentage,0) recoverable_ptg, a.base_amount
      WHERE a.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      -- AND a.distribution_line_number = cp_dist_line_no Modified as part of AP INVOICE Lines Uptake project
      AND a.invoice_distribution_id = cp_inv_distribution_id
      AND a.tax_id = b.tax_id
      AND b.tax_type = c.attribute_code
      and c.regime_id = cp_regime_id
      and c.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
      -- 5763527, modified and condition as below
      AND (    mod_cr_percentage = 100
          or  ( mod_cr_percentage > 0 and  mod_cr_percentage < 100 and nvl(recoverable_flag,'Y') <> 'N')
Line: 959

       SELECT 1 chk , a.tax_id , a.tax_rate , a.tax_amount , NULL ,a.tax_type ,
              a.line_number invoice_line_number,  /* INVOICE LINES UPTAKE */
              NVL(b.mod_cr_percentage,0) recoverable_ptg, NULL
       FROM   jai_rcv_tp_inv_details a , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL b  , jai_rcv_tp_invoices c, JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS d
       WHERE  c.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
       AND    a.batch_invoice_id = c.batch_invoice_id
       AND    a.tax_id = b.tax_id
       AND    a.line_number = cp_line_number  /*INVOICE LINES UPTAKE cp_dist_line_number */
       AND    b.tax_type = attribute_code
       and d.regime_id = cp_regime_id
       AND d.registration_type = jai_constants.regn_type_tax_types
       AND    b.mod_cr_percentage > 0;
Line: 974

      SELECT b.item_id
      FROM po_distributions_all a, po_lines_all b
      WHERE po_distribution_id = cp_po_distribution_id
      AND a.po_line_id = b.po_line_id;
Line: 980

      SELECT distinct invoice_id
      FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs
      WHERE batch_id = cp_batch_id
      AND source = cp_source;
Line: 986

      SELECT a.invoice_payment_id, a.check_id, a.amount, a.payment_base_amount, a.reversal_flag,
            a.reversal_inv_pmt_id, a.org_id
      FROM ap_invoice_payments_all a, ap_checks_all b
      WHERE a.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      AND a.check_id = b.check_id
      AND a.creation_date < cp_start_date
      AND nvl(b.future_pay_due_date, v_today) <= v_today
      AND a.amount <> 0 /* ssumaith bug# 6104491 */
      AND a.invoice_payment_id NOT IN (select source_document_id from jai_rgm_trx_records   -- CHK is this required
                                    where source = jai_constants.source_ap
                                    and source_table_name = jai_constants.ap_payments
                                    and source_document_id = a.invoice_payment_id
      ORDER BY invoice_payment_id;
Line: 1002

      SELECT invoice_distribution_id, reversal_flag, parent_reversal_id, amount, org_id
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
      WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      AND creation_date < cp_start_date
      ORDER BY invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 1017

            ainvd.invoice_line_number,  /* INVOICE LINES UPTAKE */
            ap_invoice_payments_all      apinvp,
            ap_checks_all                apc   ,
            ap_invoice_distributions_all ainvd ,
            jai_rgm_trx_refs             jrtr /* second table is used for join just to take IL records */
            apinvp.org_id                         = p_org_id
    AND     apinvp.check_id                       = apc.check_id
    AND     nvl(apc.future_pay_due_date, v_today) <= v_today
    AND     apinvp.accounting_date/*Commented by  nprashar for bug #6636517
    v_today*/     BETWEEN cp_start_date AND cp_till_date
    AND     ainvd.invoice_id     IN
          ( SELECT invoice_id
              FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
	     WHERE org_id = p_org_id
	       AND po_distribution_id in
	           (SELECT pda.po_distribution_id
		      FROM po_line_locations_all   pll,
		           po_distributions_all    pda,
			   jai_po_line_locations jpll
   		     WHERE pll.line_location_id        = jpll.line_location_id
		       AND pll.line_location_id        = pda.line_location_id
		       AND pll.ship_to_organization_id = p_organization_id
              /* Bug 7172723. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
	       * Added union clause.
	      SELECT jrti.invoice_id
	        FROM jai_rcv_tp_invoices jrti
	       WHERE jrti.vendor_id = apc.vendor_id
	         AND jrti.vendor_site_id = apc.vendor_site_id
		 AND apc.org_id = p_org_id


    AND     ainvd.line_type_lookup_code           = jai_constants.misc_line   -- <> 'PREPAY'
    AND     jrtr.source                           = jai_constants.source_ap
    AND     jrtr.invoice_id                       = ainvd.invoice_id
    AND	    apinvp.invoice_id			  = ainvd.invoice_id  --added by csahoo for bug#6436576
    AND     jrtr.line_id                          = ainvd.invoice_distribution_id
            apinvp.invoice_payment_id     ,
Line: 1077

      SELECT *
      FROM jai_rgm_trx_refs
      WHERE source = cp_source
      AND batch_id = cp_batch_id
      AND invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
      AND reversal_flag IS NULL
      ORDER by invoice_id, line_id;
Line: 1090

      SELECT 1
      FROM jai_rgm_trx_records
      WHERE source = jai_constants.source_ap
      AND source_table_name = jai_constants.ap_payments
      AND source_document_id = cp_source_document_id;
Line: 1179

        GOTO end_of_reference_insertion;
Line: 1224

        GOTO end_of_reference_insertion;
Line: 1233

        GOTO end_of_reference_insertion;
Line: 1269

        p_reference_id          => ln_reference_id,    -- OUT Variable
        p_organization_id       => p_organization_id,/*5694855*/
        p_source                => jai_constants.source_ap,
        p_invoice_id            => ap_acc_dist.invoice_id,
        p_line_id               => ap_acc_dist.invoice_distribution_id,
        p_tax_type              => r_tax_dist_dtl.tax_type,
        p_tax_id                => r_tax_dist_dtl.tax_id,
        p_tax_rate              => r_tax_dist_dtl.tax_rate,
        p_recoverable_ptg       => r_tax_dist_dtl.recoverable_ptg,
        p_recoverable_amount    => ln_recoverable_amount,
        p_party_type            => jai_constants.party_type_vendor,
        p_party_id              => ap_acc_dist.vendor_id,
        p_party_site_id         => ap_acc_dist.vendor_site_id,
        p_tax_amount            => ap_acc_dist.amount,
        p_recovered_amount      => 0,
        p_taxable_basis         => r_tax_dist_dtl.base_amount,       -- CHK << what amount i should populate >>
        p_item_line_id          => ln_item_line_id,
        p_item_id               => ln_item_id,
        p_trx_tax_amount        => ap_acc_dist.amount,
        p_trx_currency          => ap_acc_dist.invoice_currency_code,
        p_curr_conv_date        => ap_acc_dist.exchange_date,
        p_curr_conv_rate        => ap_acc_dist.exchange_rate,
        p_parent_reference_id   => r_parent_ref.reference_id,
        p_reversal_flag         => ap_acc_dist.reversal_flag,
        p_batch_id              => p_batch_id,
        p_process_flag          => lv_process_flag,
        p_process_message       => lv_process_message
Line: 1313

      IF p_debug = 'Y' THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Enter8 - Inserted Reference:'||ln_reference_id); END IF;
Line: 1315

Line: 1528

   SELECT hzcas.cust_acct_site_id
   FROM   hz_cust_site_uses_all         hzcsu ,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all        hzcas
   WHERE  hzcas.cust_acct_site_id   =   hzcsu.cust_acct_site_id
   AND    hzcsu.site_use_id         =   pn_site_use_id
   AND    hzcas.cust_account_id     =   pn_customer_id ;
Line: 1536

   SELECT vat_Reg_no
   WHERE  customer_id = pn_customer_id
   AND    address_id  = pn_address_id;
Line: 1642

                  Modified the procedure update_excise_invoice_no.
                  Changed the datatype of p_override_invoice_date from date to varchar2 as this parameter.
                  Also added the new parameter ld_override_invoice_date . The value in p_override_invoice_date would be converted to date format and
                  stored in the local variable ld_override_invoice_date.

                 Dependency due to this fix:-

3.    3-Feb-2007 srjayara for bug 4702156, file version 120.8
                 Forward porting for 11i bug#4542996

                 VAT invoice number and accounting was not happening for all the delivery lines in a delivery.

                 Possible reason identified is that the all lines are not inventory interfaced at the same time and
                 hence only those lines which are inventory interfaced are considered at the time vat processing concurrent
                 Added a check that only if all the delivery details are inventory interfaced , the delivery needs to be considered.

4.    4-jun-2007 ssumaith - bug#6109941 -
                 The Service tax by IO code was incorrectly forward ported to R12. There were some code missing and operating unit was being passed instead of inventory org. Such code has been corrected.

5    07-jun-2007  ssumaith - bug# 6109941 - divisor by zero error was coming . this has been resolved by checking
                  for zero divides before the divide is done.

6   25-jun-2007  ssumaith - bug#6147385 - when all delivery details in a delivery are not interfaced trip stopped
                 then, the program was returning instead of processing the next delivery.
                 It was because of a return statement, instead added the code to process the next delivery and increment the failure counter.

                Adde the nvl condition in the where clauseto use the table's registration number its passed as null
11. 12-Jul-2007		CSahoo for bug#6176277, File Version 120.20
									assigned the variable ln_excise_invoice_not_done to NULL before opening the cursor.

12. 13-jul-2007  ssumaith - bug# 6176277 - The variable - lv_inv_gen_process_flag was not re-initialised
                 re-initialised the variables - lv_inv_gen_process_flag , lv_inv_gen_process_message to NULL


    lv_acct_process_flag            VARCHAR2(10);
Line: 1711

    SELECT regime_id
    WHERE  regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime;
Line: 1717

    SELECT order_type_id , excise_invoice_no
    WHERE  delivery_id = cp_delivery_id;
Line: 1722

    SELECT attribute_Value
    WHERE  regime_id = p_regime_id
    AND    attribute_type_code = jai_constants.regn_type_others
    AND    attribute_code = jai_constants.attr_code_same_inv_no
    AND    organization_id = cp_organization_id
    AND    location_id = cp_location_id;
Line: 1731

    SELECT 1
    WHERE  delivery_id = cp_delivery_id;
Line: 1743

    SELECT 1
           wsh_delivery_details            wdd     ,
           wsh_new_deliveries              wnd     ,
           wsh_delivery_assignments        wda
           wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id             AND
           wda.Delivery_Id        = wnd.Delivery_Id                    AND
           wnd.Delivery_Id        = cp_delivery_id                 AND
           wdd.source_code        = 'OE'                               AND
           NVL(wdd.inv_interfaced_flag,'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 1807

        SELECT delivery_id , delivery_date , organization_id , location_id , vat_invoice_no,
               party_id , party_site_id , party_type ,
               vat_inv_gen_status , vat_acct_status
        WHERE  regime_id        = p_regime_id
        AND    registration_num = NVL(p_registration_num,registration_num)
        /* Where clause has been modified to add the regime_id
           and p_registration_number Added by aiyer - bug# 4523205 */
        /* added the nvl condition in the registration number where clause  - ssumaith - bug#6147385 */
        AND    delivery_id BETWEEN NVL(p_delivery_id_from,delivery_id) AND NVL(p_delivery_id_to,delivery_id)
        AND    TRUNC(delivery_date) BETWEEN NVL(TRUNC(p_delivery_date_from),delivery_date) AND NVL(TRUNC(p_delivery_date_to),delivery_date)
        AND    organization_id  = NVL(p_organization_id,organization_id)
        AND    location_id = NVL(p_location_id,location_id)
        AND    (vat_inv_gen_status <> 'C' OR vat_acct_status  <> 'C')
        ORDER  BY party_id , party_type, party_site_id

         /*commented by csahoo for bug#5680459
         lv_inv_gen_process_flag := NULL;
Line: 1945

                   UPDATE JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
                   SET    vat_invoice_no = excise_invoice_no,
                          vat_invoice_date = excise_invoice_date
                   WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 1954

                   UPDATE JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                   SET    vat_invoice_no      = lv_vat_invoice_number ,
                          vat_inv_gen_status  = 'C',
                          vat_inv_gen_err_message = NULL , /* added the following in the update columns - srjayara for bug 4702156*/
                          request_id = ln_conc_request_id,
                          program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                          program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                          last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id,
                          last_update_Date  = sysdate

                   WHERE  Delivery_id      = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 1992

          || API call again and again to the generation api . Just update the JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL table to set the
          || vat invoice number for the delivery and continue.
  || kunkumar - for   - bug# 5233925
if check_reg_dealer(mainrec.party_id,mainrec.party_site_id) then  --replaced party_id in the second parameter by party_site_id for bug#5680459
    lv_doc_type_class :='O';
Line: 2050

                    check the return status and update the JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL table to set the vat invoice number
                   IF lv_inv_gen_process_flag = jai_constants.successful THEN
                      IF lv_vat_invoice_number IS NOT NULL THEN
                         ln_success_delivery_Ctr := NVL(ln_success_Delivery_Ctr,0) + 1;
Line: 2056

                         UPDATE JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
                         SET    VAT_INVOICE_NO = lv_vat_invoice_number,
                                VAT_INVOICE_DATE = nvl(ld_override_invoice_date ,sysdate),
                                LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
                                LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = fnd_global.login_id,
                                LAST_UPDATED_BY   = fnd_global.user_id
                         WHERE  DELIVERY_ID = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 2064

                         UPDATE JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                         SET    vat_invoice_no    = lv_vat_invoice_number,
                                vat_inv_gen_status = 'C',
                                request_id = ln_conc_request_id,
                                program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                                program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                                last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id,
				last_update_date = sysdate /*added by srjayara for bug 4702156*/
                         WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 2089

                      || Update the vat_invoice_num field in JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL table for the current delivery.
                      UPDATE  JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
                      SET     vat_invoice_no = lv_vat_invoice_number,
                              VAT_INVOICE_DATE = nvl(ld_override_invoice_date ,sysdate),
                              last_update_date = sysdate,
                              last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
                              last_updated_by   = fnd_global.user_id
                      WHERE   delivery_id IN
                      (SELECT delivery_id
                       FROM   JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                       WHERE  party_id = ln_current_party_id
                       AND    party_site_id = ln_current_party_site_id
                       AND    party_type    = mainrec.party_type
                       AND    vat_inv_gen_status <> 'C'
                       AND    delivery_id between NVL(P_DELIVERY_ID_FROM,delivery_id) AND NVL(P_DELIVERY_ID_TO,delivery_id)
                       AND    delivery_Date between NVL(P_DELIVERY_DATE_FROM,Delivery_date) AND NVL(P_DELIVERY_DATE_TO,delivery_date)
Line: 2108

                      UPDATE  JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                      SET     vat_invoice_no             = lv_vat_invoice_number,
                              vat_inv_gen_status         = 'C',
                              request_id = ln_conc_request_id,
                              program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                              program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                              last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id
                      WHERE   delivery_id IN
                      (SELECT delivery_id
                       FROM   JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                       WHERE  party_id = ln_current_party_id
                       AND    party_site_id = ln_current_party_site_id
                       AND    party_type    = mainrec.party_type
                       AND    vat_inv_gen_status <> 'C'
                       AND    delivery_id between NVL(P_DELIVERY_ID_FROM,delivery_id) AND NVL(P_DELIVERY_ID_TO,delivery_id)
                       AND    delivery_Date between NVL(P_DELIVERY_DATE_FROM,Delivery_date) AND NVL(P_DELIVERY_DATE_TO,delivery_date)
Line: 2165

                       UPDATE JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL
                       SET    vat_invoice_no = lv_vat_invoice_number,
                              vat_invoice_date = nvl(ld_override_invoice_date ,sysdate),
                              last_update_date = sysdate,
                              last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
                              last_updated_by   = fnd_global.user_id
                       WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 2173

                       UPDATE JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                       SET    vat_invoice_no    = lv_vat_invoice_number,
                              vat_inv_gen_status = 'C',
                              vat_inv_gen_err_message = NULL , /*following columns added by srjayara for bug 4702156*/
                              request_id = ln_conc_request_id,
                              program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                              program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                              last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id,
                              last_update_date  = sysdate
                        WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 2190

                    UPDATE JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                    SET    vat_inv_gen_err_message   = substr(lv_inv_gen_process_message,1,1000),
                           vat_inv_gen_status = 'E',
                           request_id = ln_conc_request_id, /*following columns added by srjayara for bug 4702156*/
                           program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                           program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                           last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id,
                           last_update_date = sysdate
                    WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 2270

                       UPDATE JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                       SET    vat_acct_status         = 'C',
                       vat_inv_gen_err_message = NULL, /*following columns added by srjayara for bug 4702156*/
                       request_id = ln_conc_request_id,
                       program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                       program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                       last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id,
                       last_update_date  = sysdate
                       WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 2294

                       UPDATE JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                       SET    vat_inv_gen_err_message    = substr(lv_inv_gen_process_message,1,1000),
                              vat_inv_gen_status         = 'E',
                              request_id = ln_conc_request_id, /*following columns added by srjayara for bug 4702156*/
                              program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                              program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                              last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id,
                              last_update_date  = sysdate
                        WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;
Line: 2306

                       UPDATE JAI_RGM_INVOICE_GEN_T
                       SET    vat_acct_err_message    = substr(lv_acct_process_message,1,1000),
                              vat_acct_status         = 'E',
                              request_id = ln_conc_request_id, /*following columns added by srjayara for bug 4702156*/
                              program_id = ln_conc_progam_id,
                              program_application_id = ln_conc_prog_appl_id,
                              last_update_login = fnd_global.conc_login_id,
                              last_update_date  = sysdate

                      WHERE  delivery_id = mainrec.delivery_id;