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2 /* $Header: IGSPS01B.pls 120.11 2006/05/15 03:16:40 sarakshi ship $ */
3    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   --Change History:
5   --Who         When            What
6   --sarakshi    23-Jan-2004     Enh#3345205, created new procedure crsp_ins_term_instr_time and invoked the same from the main body
7   --schodava    17-Sep-2003     Bug # 2520994 PSP Inheritance Build
8   --                            Modified procedure crsp_ins_unit_section
9   --vvutukur    04-Aug-2003     Enh#3045069.PSP Enh Build. Modified crsp_ins_unit_section,change_unit_section_status.
10   --jdeekoll    28-July-2003    Bug#3060697 Modified the local procedure crsp_ins_cal_rec
11   --jbegum      23-July-2003    Bug#3060693 Modified the local procedure crsp_ins_ca_rec
12   --jbegum      27-jun-2003     Bug#2930935 Added the columns ACHIEVABLE_CREDIT_POINTS,ENROLLED_CREDIT_POINTS
13   --                            in the call to igs_ps_usec_cps_pkg.insert_row
14   --jbegum      16-Jun-2003     Bug#2983445 .Obsoleted the column award_title from igs_ps_award table.
15   --smvk        09-Jun-2003     Bug # 2858436. Modified the procedure crsp_ins_crs_ver.
16   --shtatiko    03-JUN-2003     Enh# 2831572, Modified crsp_ins_unit_section and crsp_ins_crs_ver
17         --Nalin Kumar 26-May-2003     Modified the call to the igs_ps_unitass_item_pkg.insert row;
18         --                            Passed the correct value to the newly added parameter (x_descroption) of the insert_row;
19         --                            This is as per Assessment Item Build. Bug# 2829291;
20         --
21   --sarakshi    24-Apr-2003     Enh#2858431,added procedure change_unit_section_status ,also modified the call to igs_ps_usec_ocur_ref_pkg.insert_row
22   --jbegum      21-Apr-2003     Enh bug#2833850 added columns preferred_region_code and no_set_day_ind to the call of
23   --                            igs_ps_usec_occurs_pkg.insert_row
24   --sarakshi    23-Feb-2003     Enh#2797116,modified cursor gc_coo_rec in crsp_ins_crs_ver procedure.Also modified
25   --                            cursor c_coo_new in crsp_ins_coi_rec procedure.
26   --vvutukur    01-Nov-2002     Enh#2636716.Modifications done in crsp_ins_unit_section.
27   --vvutukur    28-Oct-2002     Enh#2613933.Modifications done in crsp_ins_unit_section.
28   --shtatiko        21-OCT-2002        Added two parameters, program_length and program_length_measurement, to insert_row call of IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_PKG as per bug# 2608227.
29   --amuthu      24-Sep-02       added core_ind column to the cursor c_posu and also
30   --                            added it to the insert row call of igs_ps_pat_study_unt_pkg
31   --jbegum      11-Sep-02       1)As part of bug#2563596 modified CURSOR us_req_refcd.
32   --                            2)Also added a for loop which inserts into the igs_ps_usec_ref_cd
33   --                            all reference code records from old unit section to new unit section.
34   --                            3)Added an IF condition that checks if the function igs_ru_gen_002.rulp_ins_parser
35   --                            returns a TRUE or FALSE.
36   --                            4)Modified the values being passed to the parameters in call to igs_ru_gen_002.rulp_ins_parser
37   --sarakshi    5-Jun-2002      bug#2332807, changes are mentioned in detail in the code, procedure crsp_ins_unit_section.
38   --smadathi    02-May-2002     Bug 2261649. The procedure crsp_ins_unit_section modified.
39   --jbegum     19 April 02      As part of bug fix of bug #2322290 and bug#2250784
40   --                            Removed the following 4 columns
42   --                            from igs_ps_usec_cps_pkg.insert_row call
43   --prraj       14-Feb-2002     Parameter ACHIEVABLE_CREDIT_POINTS removed from call to
44   --                            tbh IGS_PS_USEC_CPS_PKG Bug# 2224366
45   --smadathi    24-AUG-2001     Bug No. 1956374 .The call to igs_ps_val_cop.genp_val_staff_prsn
46   --                            is changed to igs_ad_val_acai.genp_val_staff_prsn
47   --bayadav     19-Nov-2001     Bug no:2115430.Added column acad_perd_unit_set column in insert_orw call to IGS_PAT_OF_STUDY table
48   -- Nalin Kumar 20-Nov-2001    Added 'DEFAULT_IND' parameter to call igs_ps_award_pkg.insert_row.
49   --                            The changes are as per the UK Award Aims DLD. Bug ID: 1366899
50   --Nalin Kumar 28-Jan-2002    Modified Procedure 'crsp_ins_crs_ver'
51   --                           as pert of the HESA Intregation DLD (ENCR019). Bug# 2201753.
52   --ijeddy, Dec 3, 2003        Grade Book Enh build, bug no 3201661
53   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54  -- Bug No. 1956374 Procedure assp_val_gs_cur_fut reference is changed
57   p_old_course_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
58   p_old_version_number IN NUMBER ,
59   p_new_course_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
60   p_new_version_number IN NUMBER ,
61   p_message_name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
62    )
63   AS
64   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65   --Change History:
66   --Who         When            What
67   --smvk        09-Jun-2003     Bug # 2858436. Modified the cursor gc_ca_rec to select open program awards.
68   --shtatiko    23-MAY-2003     Enh# 2831572, Removed procedure crsp_ins_revseg_rec and removed
69   --                            cursor gc_revseg_rec.
70   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71          cst_ret_message_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVER_DETAI';
72         cst_max_error_range        CONSTANT NUMBER := -20999;
73         cst_min_error_range        CONSTANT NUMBER := -20000;
74         gv_cv_rec                IGS_PS_VER%ROWTYPE;
75         gv_con_rec                IGS_PS_OFR_NOTE%ROWTYPE;
76         gv_coon_rec                IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_NOTE%ROWTYPE;
77         gv_co_rec                IGS_PS_OFR%ROWTYPE;
78         gv_coo_rec                IGS_PS_OFR_OPT%ROWTYPE;
79         gv_ceprcd_rec                IGS_PS_ENT_PT_REF_CD%ROWTYPE;
80         gv_calulink_rec                IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD_U_LN%ROWTYPE;
81         gv_coi_rec                IGS_PS_OFR_INST%ROWTYPE;
82         gv_cop_rec                IGS_PS_OFR_PAT%ROWTYPE;
83         gv_copn_rec                IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_NOTE%ROWTYPE;
84         gv_ref_num                IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE;
85         gv_coo_seq_num                IGS_PS_OFR_OPT.coo_id%TYPE;
86         gv_cop_seq_num                IGS_PS_OFR_PAT.cop_id%TYPE;
87         gv_ca_rec                IGS_PS_AWARD%ROWTYPE;
88         gv_cao_rec                IGS_PS_AWD_OWN%ROWTYPE;
89         gv_cow_rec                IGS_PS_OWN%ROWTYPE;
90         gv_cvn_rec                IGS_PS_VER_NOTE%ROWTYPE;
91         gv_ae_rec                IGS_PE_ALTERNATV_EXT%ROWTYPE;
92         gv_cgm_rec                IGS_PS_GRP_MBR%ROWTYPE;
93         gv_fsr_rec                IGS_FI_FND_SRC_RSTN%ROWTYPE;
94         gv_cfos_rec                IGS_PS_FIELD_STUDY%ROWTYPE;
95         gv_ccat_rec                IGS_PS_CATEGORISE%ROWTYPE;
96         gv_crcd_rec                IGS_PS_REF_CD%ROWTYPE;
97         gv_cal_rec                IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD%ROWTYPE;
98         gv_revseg_rec           IGS_PS_ACCTS%ROWTYPE;
99         gv_err_msg_proc                VARCHAR2(255);
100         gv_err_msg_proc1        VARCHAR2(255);
101         gv_err_msg_proc2        VARCHAR2(255);
102         gv_err_msg_proc3        VARCHAR2(255);
103         gv_err_msg_proc4        VARCHAR2(255);
104         gv_err_msg_proc5        VARCHAR2(255);
105         gv_err_msg_proc6        VARCHAR2(255);
106         gv_err_msg_proc7        VARCHAR2(255);
107         gv_err_msg_proc8        VARCHAR2(255);
108         x_rowid                VARCHAR2(25);
110         --Next cursor added as per the HESA DLD Build. ENCR019 Bug# 2201753.
111         CURSOR cur_obj_exists IS
112         SELECT 1
113         FROM user_objects
114         WHERE object_name  = 'IGS_HE_PS_PKG';
115         l_status    NUMBER(3);
116         l_cur_obj_exists cur_obj_exists%ROWTYPE;
119         CURSOR        gc_cv_old_rec IS
120                 SELECT        *
121                 FROM        IGS_PS_VER
122                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
123                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
124         CURSOR        gc_cv_new_rec IS
125                  SELECT         *
126                 FROM        IGS_PS_VER
127                 WHERE        course_cd = p_new_course_cd AND
128                         version_number = p_new_version_number;
129         CURSOR        gc_ca_rec IS
130                 SELECT        *
131                 FROM           IGS_PS_AWARD
132                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
133                         version_number = p_old_version_number AND
134                         CLOSED_IND = 'N';
135         CURSOR        gc_cao_rec IS
136                 SELECT        *
137                 FROM           IGS_PS_AWD_OWN
138                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
139                         version_number = p_old_version_number AND
140                         award_cd = gv_ca_rec.award_cd;
141         CURSOR        gc_cow_rec IS
142                 SELECT        *
143                 FROM           IGS_PS_OWN
144                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
145                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
146         -- Only interested in notes that are not OLE type as
147         -- currently unable to copy long raw field within PL/SQL
148         CURSOR        gc_cvn_rec IS
149                 SELECT        *
150                 FROM           IGS_PS_VER_NOTE cvn
151                 WHERE        cvn.course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
152                        cvn.version_number = p_old_version_number AND
153                         EXISTS        (SELECT 1
154                                 FROM        IGS_GE_NOTE nte
155                                 WHERE        nte.reference_number = cvn.reference_number AND
156                                         nte.note_text IS NOT NULL);
157         CURSOR        gc_ae_rec IS
158                 SELECT        *
159                 FROM           IGS_PE_ALTERNATV_EXT
160                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
161                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
162         CURSOR        gc_cgm_rec IS
163                 SELECT        *
164                 FROM           IGS_PS_GRP_MBR
165                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
166                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
167         CURSOR        gc_fsr_rec IS
168                 SELECT        *
169                 FROM           IGS_FI_FND_SRC_RSTN
170                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
171                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
172         CURSOR        gc_cfos_rec IS
173                 SELECT        *
174                 FROM           IGS_PS_FIELD_STUDY
175                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
176                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
177         CURSOR        gc_ccat_rec IS
178                 SELECT        *
179                 FROM           IGS_PS_CATEGORISE
180                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
181                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
182         CURSOR        gc_crcd_rec IS
183                 SELECT        *
184                 FROM           IGS_PS_REF_CD
185                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
186                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
187         CURSOR        gc_cal_rec IS
188                 SELECT        *
189                 FROM           IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD
190                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
191                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
192         CURSOR        gc_calulink_rec IS
193                 SELECT        *
194                 FROM           IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD_U_LN
195                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
196                         crv_version_number = p_old_version_number AND
197                         yr_num = gv_cal_rec.yr_num AND
198                         effective_start_dt = gv_cal_rec.effective_start_dt;
199         CURSOR        c_co_rec IS
200                 SELECT         *
201                 FROM        IGS_PS_OFR
202                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
203                         version_number = p_old_version_number;
204         CURSOR        gc_coo_rec IS
205                 SELECT        *
206                 FROM           IGS_PS_OFR_OPT
207                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
208                         version_number = p_old_version_number AND
209                         cal_type = gv_co_rec.cal_type
210                         AND delete_flag = 'N';
212         CURSOR        gc_ceprcd_rec IS
213                 SELECT        *
214                 FROM           IGS_PS_ENT_PT_REF_CD
215                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
216                         version_number = p_old_version_number AND
217                         cal_type = gv_coo_rec.cal_type AND
218                         location_cd = gv_coo_rec.location_cd AND
219                         attendance_mode = gv_coo_rec.attendance_mode AND
220                         attendance_type = gv_coo_rec.attendance_type;
221         -- Only interested in notes that are not OLE type as
222         -- currently unable to copy long raw field within PL/SQL
223         CURSOR        gc_con_rec IS
224                 SELECT        *
225                 FROM           IGS_PS_OFR_NOTE con
226                 WHERE        con.course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
227                         con.version_number = p_old_version_number AND
228                         cal_type = gv_co_rec.cal_type AND
229                         EXISTS        (SELECT 1
230                                 FROM        IGS_GE_NOTE nte
231                                 WHERE        nte.reference_number = con.reference_number AND
232                                         nte.note_text IS NOT NULL);
233         -- Only interested in notes that are not OLE type as
234         -- currently unable to copy long raw field within PL/SQL
235         CURSOR        gc_coon_rec IS
236                 SELECT        *
237                 FROM           IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_NOTE coon
238                 WHERE        coon.course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
239                         coon.version_number = p_old_version_number AND
240                         coon.cal_type = gv_coo_rec.cal_type AND
241                         coon.location_cd = gv_coo_rec.location_cd AND
242                         coon.attendance_mode = gv_coo_rec.attendance_mode AND
243                         coon.attendance_type = gv_coo_rec.attendance_type AND
244                         EXISTS        (SELECT 1
245                                 FROM        IGS_GE_NOTE nte
246                                 WHERE        nte.reference_number = coon.reference_number AND
247                                         nte.note_text IS NOT NULL);
248         -- Find the latest IGS_CA_INST of IGS_PS_OFR_INST
249         -- which returns the list in descending order, and the first record
250         -- (ie. the latest instance) will be selected
251         CURSOR        gc_coi_rec IS
252                 SELECT         *
253                 FROM        IGS_PS_OFR_INST coi
254                 WHERE        coi.course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
255                         coi.version_number = p_old_version_number AND
256                         coi.cal_type = gv_co_rec.cal_type
257                 ORDER BY coi.ci_end_dt DESC, coi.ci_start_dt DESC;
258         CURSOR        gc_cop_rec IS
259                 SELECT  *
260                 FROM        IGS_PS_OFR_PAT
261                 WHERE        course_cd = p_old_course_cd AND
262                         version_number = p_old_version_number AND
263                         cal_type = gv_coi_rec.cal_type AND
264                         ci_sequence_number = gv_coi_rec.ci_sequence_number;
265         -- Only interested in notes that are not OLE type as
266         -- currently unable to copy long raw field within PL/SQL
267         CURSOR  gc_copn_rec IS
268                 SELECT        *
269                 FROM         IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_NOTE cop
270                 WHERE        cop.cop_id = gv_cop_rec.cop_id AND
271                         EXISTS        (SELECT 1
272                                 FROM        IGS_GE_NOTE nte
273                                 WHERE        nte.reference_number = cop.reference_number AND
274                                                 nte.note_text IS NOT NULL);
276         -- Removed cursor gc_revseg_rec as part of Enh# 2831572.
278         CURSOR  gc_ref_num IS
279                 SELECT         IGS_GE_NOTE_RF_NUM_S.NEXTVAL
280                 FROM        DUAL;
281         CURSOR  gc_coo_seq_num IS
282                 SELECT         IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_COO_ID_S.NEXTVAL
283                 FROM        DUAL;
285         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_GE_NOTE and IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_NOTE records
286         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_coon_rec (
287                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
288                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
290                 CURSOR Cur_SGN IS
291                                 SELECT rowid,IGS_GE_NOTE.*
292                                 FROM IGS_GE_NOTE
293                                 WHERE reference_number = gv_coon_rec.reference_number;
294         BEGIN
295                 OPEN  gc_ref_num;
296                 FETCH gc_ref_num INTO gv_ref_num;
297                 CLOSE gc_ref_num;
298                 -- inserting IGS_GE_NOTE record with this next reference_number
299                 -- Currently unable to copy Long Raw columns in PL/SQL.
301                 For SGN_Rec in CUR_SGN
302                 Loop
303                         x_rowid        :=        NULL;
304                         IGS_GE_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
305                                                 X_ROWID               => X_ROWID,
306                                                 X_REFERENCE_NUMBER    =>gv_ref_num,
307                                                 X_S_NOTE_FORMAT_TYPE  =>SGN_Rec.s_note_format_type,
308                                                 X_NOTE_TEXT           =>SGN_Rec.note_text,
309                                                 X_MODE                =>'R');
310                 End Loop;
313                 -- inserting IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_NOTE records
314                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
315                 IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
316                         X_ROWID             =>  X_ROWID,
317                         X_COURSE_CD         =>         p_new_course_cd,
318                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>         p_new_version_number,
319                         X_CAL_TYPE          =>         gv_coon_rec.cal_type,
320                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE   =>         gv_coon_rec.attendance_mode,
321                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER  =>        gv_ref_num,
322                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE   =>         gv_coon_rec.attendance_type,
323                         X_LOCATION_CD       =>         gv_coon_rec.location_cd,
324                         X_COO_ID            =>         gv_coo_seq_num,
325                         X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE     =>         gv_coon_rec.crs_note_type,
326                         X_MODE              =>        'R'
327                         );
329         EXCEPTION
330                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
331                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
332                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
333                         ELSE
334                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
335                         END IF;
336         END crsp_ins_coon_rec;
337         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_GE_NOTE and IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_NOTE records
339         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_copn_rec (
340                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
341                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
342         CURSOR Cur_SGN
343         IS
344         SELECT
345                 rowid , IGS_GE_NOTE.*
346         FROM
347                 IGS_GE_NOTE
348         WHERE
349                 reference_number = gv_copn_rec.reference_number;
350         BEGIN
351                 -- select the next reference_number from the system
352                 OPEN  gc_ref_num;
353                 FETCH gc_ref_num INTO gv_ref_num;
354                 CLOSE gc_ref_num;
355                 -- inserting IGS_GE_NOTE record with this next reference_number
356                 -- Currently unable to copy Long Raw columns in PL/SQL.
357                 FOR Rec_SGN IN Cur_SGN        LOOP
358                         x_rowid        :=        NULL;
359                         IGS_GE_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
360                                 X_ROWID              => x_rowid,
361                                 X_REFERENCE_NUMBER   =>        gv_ref_num,
362                                 X_S_NOTE_FORMAT_TYPE =>        Rec_SGN.s_note_format_type,
363                                 X_NOTE_TEXT          =>        Rec_SGN.note_text,
364                                 X_MODE               => 'R'
365                                 );
366                 END LOOP;
368                 -- inserting IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_NOTE records
369                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
370                 IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
371                         X_ROWID               =>        x_rowid,
372                         X_COURSE_CD           =>         p_new_course_cd,
373                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER  =>         gv_copn_rec.ci_sequence_number,
374                         X_CAL_TYPE            =>         gv_copn_rec.cal_type,
375                         X_VERSION_NUMBER      =>         p_new_version_number,
376                         X_LOCATION_CD         =>         gv_copn_rec.location_cd,
377                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE     =>         gv_copn_rec.attendance_type,
378                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER    =>         gv_ref_num,
379                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE     =>         gv_copn_rec.attendance_mode,
380                         X_COP_ID              =>         gv_cop_seq_num,
381                         X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE       =>        gv_copn_rec.crs_note_type,
382                         X_MODE                =>         'R'
383                         );
384         EXCEPTION
385                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
386                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
387                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
388                         ELSE
389                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
390                         END IF;
391         END crsp_ins_copn_rec;
392         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_GE_NOTE and IGS_PS_OFR_PAT records
394         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cop_rec (
395                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
396                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
397         BEGIN
398         DECLARE
399                 v_gs_version_number        IGS_AS_GRD_SCHEMA.version_number%TYPE;
400                 v_message_name                VARCHAR2(30);
401                 CURSOR c_latest_gs_version (
402                         cp_gs_cd                IGS_AS_GRD_SCHEMA.grading_schema_cd%TYPE) IS
403                         SELECT        MAX(gs.version_number)
404                         FROM        IGS_AS_GRD_SCHEMA        gs
405                         WHERE        gs.grading_schema_cd        = cp_gs_cd;
406         BEGIN
407                 -- select the next sequence_number from the system
408                 SELECT         IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_COP_ID_S.NEXTVAL
409                 INTO        gv_cop_seq_num
410                 FROM        DUAL;
411                 -- get the latest grading schema version number
412                 OPEN c_latest_gs_version (
413                                 gv_cop_rec.grading_schema_cd);
414                 FETCH c_latest_gs_version INTO v_gs_version_number;
415                 CLOSE c_latest_gs_version;
416                 IF IGS_AS_VAL_GSG.assp_val_gs_cur_fut (
417                                                 gv_cop_rec.grading_schema_cd,
418                                                 v_gs_version_number,
419                                                 v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
420                         -- The latest grading schema fails the current or vuture valildation
421                         gv_cop_rec.grading_schema_cd := NULL;
422                         gv_cop_rec.gs_version_number := NULL;
423                 ELSE
424                         gv_cop_rec.gs_version_number := v_gs_version_number;
425                 END IF;
426                 -- check if a IGS_PE_PERSON fails the staff IGS_PE_PERSON validation
427                 IF igs_ad_val_acai.genp_val_staff_prsn (
428                                         gv_cop_rec.adm_ass_officer_person_id,
429                                         v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
430                         gv_cop_rec.adm_ass_officer_person_id := NULL;
431                 END IF;
432                 IF igs_ad_val_acai.genp_val_staff_prsn (
433                                         gv_cop_rec.adm_contact_person_id,
434                                         v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
435                         gv_cop_rec.adm_contact_person_id := NULL;
436                 END IF;
437                 -- inserting IGS_PS_OFR_PAT records with this next sequence_number
438                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
439                 IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
440                         X_ROWID                         =>                X_ROWID,
441                         X_COURSE_CD                     =>               p_new_course_cd,
442                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER            =>               gv_cop_rec.ci_sequence_number,
443                         X_CAL_TYPE                      =>               gv_cop_rec.cal_type,
444                         X_VERSION_NUMBER                =>               p_new_version_number,
445                         X_LOCATION_CD                   =>               gv_cop_rec.location_cd,
446                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE               =>               gv_cop_rec.attendance_type,
447                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE               =>               gv_cop_rec.attendance_mode,
448                         X_COP_ID                        =>               gv_cop_seq_num,
449                         X_COO_ID                        =>               gv_coo_seq_num,
450                         X_OFFERED_IND                   =>               gv_cop_rec.offered_ind,
451                         X_CONFIRMED_OFFERING_IND        =>               gv_cop_rec.confirmed_offering_ind,
452                         X_ENTRY_POINT_IND               =>               gv_cop_rec.entry_point_ind,
453                         X_PRE_ENROL_UNITS_IND           =>               gv_cop_rec.pre_enrol_units_ind,
454                         X_ENROLLABLE_IND                =>               gv_cop_rec.enrollable_ind,
455                         X_IVRS_AVAILABLE_IND                    =>               gv_cop_rec.ivrs_available_ind,
456                         X_MIN_ENTRY_ASS_SCORE           =>               NULL,
457                         X_GUARANTEED_ENTRY_ASS_SCR        =>                    NULL,
458                         X_MAX_CROSS_FACULTY_CP          =>                 NULL,
459                         X_MAX_CROSS_LOCATION_CP         =>                 NULL,
460                         X_MAX_CROSS_MODE_CP             =>                 NULL,
461                         X_MAX_HIST_CROSS_FACULTY_CP     =>                 NULL,
462                         X_ADM_ASS_OFFICER_PERSON_ID     =>                 gv_cop_rec.adm_ass_officer_person_id,
463                         X_ADM_CONTACT_PERSON_ID         =>                 gv_cop_rec.adm_contact_person_id,
464                         X_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD             =>                 gv_cop_rec.grading_schema_cd,
465                         X_GS_VERSION_NUMBER             =>                gv_cop_rec.gs_version_number,
466                         X_MODE                          =>                 'R'
467                 );
468                 -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR_PAT_NOTE records
469                 -- associated with each IGS_PS_OFR_PAT record
470                 OPEN gc_copn_rec;
471                 LOOP
472                         FETCH gc_copn_rec INTO gv_copn_rec;
473                         IF gc_copn_rec%FOUND THEN
474                                 crsp_ins_copn_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
475                         ELSE
476                                 EXIT;
477                         END IF;
478                 END LOOP;
479                 CLOSE gc_copn_rec;
480         EXCEPTION
481                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
482                         IF c_latest_gs_version%ISOPEN THEN
483                                 CLOSE c_latest_gs_version;
484                         END IF;
485                         IF gc_copn_rec%ISOPEN THEN
486                                 CLOSE gc_copn_rec;
487                         END IF;
488                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
489         END;
490         EXCEPTION
491                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
492                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
493                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
494                         ELSE
495                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
496                         END IF;
497         END crsp_ins_cop_rec;
498         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_GE_NOTE and IGS_PS_OFR_NOTE records
499         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_con_rec (
500                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
501                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
502         CURSOR
503                 Cur_SGN
504         IS
505         SELECT
506                 rowid,IGS_GE_NOTE.*
507         FROM
508                 IGS_GE_NOTE
509         WHERE
510                 reference_number = gv_con_rec.reference_number;
512         BEGIN
513                 -- select the next reference_number from the system
514                 OPEN  gc_ref_num;
515                 FETCH gc_ref_num INTO gv_ref_num;
516                 CLOSE gc_ref_num;
517                 -- inserting IGS_GE_NOTE record with this next reference_number
518                 -- Currently unable to copy Long Raw columns in PL/SQL.
519                 For Rec_SGN IN Cur_SGN        LOOP
520                         x_rowid        :=        NULL;
521                         IGS_GE_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
522                                 X_ROWID               => x_rowid,
523                                 X_REFERENCE_NUMBER    => gv_ref_num,
524                                 X_S_NOTE_FORMAT_TYPE  => Rec_SGN.s_note_format_type,
525                                 X_NOTE_TEXT           => Rec_SGN.note_text,
526                                 X_MODE                => 'R'
527                                 );
528                 END LOOP;
529                 -- inserting IGS_PS_OFR_NOTE records
530                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
531                 IGS_PS_OFR_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW (
532                         X_ROWID              =>          x_rowid,
533                         X_COURSE_CD          =>          p_new_course_cd,
534                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER   =>          gv_ref_num,
535                         X_CAL_TYPE           =>          gv_con_rec.cal_type,
536                         X_VERSION_NUMBER     =>          p_new_version_number,
537                         X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE      =>          gv_con_rec.crs_note_type,
538                         X_MODE                   =>         'R'
539                         );
540             EXCEPTION
541                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
542                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
543                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
544                         ELSE
545                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
546                         END IF;
547         END crsp_ins_con_rec;
548         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_ENT_PT_REF_CD records
549         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_ceprcd_rec (
550                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
551                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
552         BEGIN
553                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
554                 IGS_PS_ENT_PT_REF_CD_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
555                         X_ROWID                     =>          x_rowid,
556                         X_COURSE_CD                 =>           p_new_course_cd,
557                         X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER              =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.sequence_number,
558                         X_REFERENCE_CD_TYPE            =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.reference_cd_type,
559                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE              =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.attendance_type,
560                         X_CAL_TYPE                     =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.cal_type,
561                         X_LOCATION_CD                  =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.location_cd,
562                         X_VERSION_NUMBER               =>        p_new_version_number,
563                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE              =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.attendance_mode,
564                         X_COO_ID                       =>        gv_coo_seq_num,
565                         X_UNIT_SET_CD                  =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.unit_set_cd,
566                         X_US_VERSION_NUMBER            =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.us_version_number,
567                         X_REFERENCE_CD                 =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.reference_cd,
568                         X_DESCRIPTION                  =>        gv_ceprcd_rec.description,
569                         X_MODE                         =>        'R'
570                         );
571         EXCEPTION
572                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
573                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
574                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
575                         ELSE
576                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
577                         END IF;
578         END crsp_ins_ceprcd_rec;
579         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_cooac_rec
580         IS
581         BEGIN
582         DECLARE
583                 CURSOR c_cooac IS
584                         SELECT         cooac.cal_type,
585                                  cooac.location_cd,
586                                  cooac.attendance_mode,
587                                  cooac.attendance_type,
588                                  cooac.admission_cat,
589                                 cooac.system_default_ind
590                         FROM        IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT cooac
591                         WHERE        cooac.course_cd                = p_old_course_cd AND
592                                 cooac.version_number        = p_old_version_number AND
593                                 cooac.cal_type                = gv_coo_rec.cal_type AND
594                                 cooac.location_cd                = gv_coo_rec.location_cd AND
595                                 cooac.attendance_mode        = gv_coo_rec.attendance_mode AND
596                                 cooac.attendance_type        = gv_coo_rec.attendance_type;
597                 CURSOR c_cacus (
598                                 cp_cooac_cal_type                IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT.cal_type%TYPE,
599                                 cp_cooac_location_cd                IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT.location_cd%TYPE,
600                                 cp_cooac_attendance_mode        IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT.attendance_mode%TYPE,
601                                 cp_cooac_attendance_type        IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT.attendance_type%TYPE,
602                                 cp_cooac_admission_cat                IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT.admission_cat%TYPE) IS
603                         SELECT         cacus.cal_type,
604                                  cacus.location_cd,
605                                  cacus.attendance_mode,
606                                  cacus.attendance_type,
607                                  cacus.admission_cat,
608                                  cacus.unit_set_cd,
609                                  cacus.us_version_number
610                         FROM        IGS_PS_COO_AD_UNIT_S cacus
611                         WHERE        cacus.course_cd                        = p_old_course_cd AND
612                                 cacus.crv_version_number        = p_old_version_number AND
613                                 cacus.cal_type                        = cp_cooac_cal_type AND
614                                 cacus.location_cd                        = cp_cooac_location_cd AND
615                                 cacus.attendance_mode                = cp_cooac_attendance_mode AND
616                                 cacus.attendance_type                = cp_cooac_attendance_type AND
617                                 cacus.admission_cat                = cp_cooac_admission_cat;
618         BEGIN
619                 FOR v_cooac_rec IN c_cooac LOOP
620                         BEGIN
621                                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
622                                 IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
623                                         X_ROWID                =>         x_rowid,
624                                         X_COURSE_CD            =>        p_new_course_cd,
625                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER       =>        p_new_version_number,
626                                         X_CAL_TYPE             =>        v_cooac_rec.cal_type,
627                                         X_LOCATION_CD          =>        v_cooac_rec.location_cd,
628                                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE      =>        v_cooac_rec.attendance_type,
629                                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE      =>        v_cooac_rec.attendance_mode,
630                                         X_ADMISSION_CAT        =>        v_cooac_rec.admission_cat,
631                                         X_COO_ID               =>        gv_coo_seq_num,
632                                         X_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_IND   =>        v_cooac_rec.system_default_ind,
633                                         X_MODE                 =>        'R'
634                                         );
635                                 FOR v_cacus_rec IN c_cacus(
636                                                         v_cooac_rec.cal_type,
637                                                         v_cooac_rec.location_cd,
638                                                         v_cooac_rec.attendance_mode,
639                                                         v_cooac_rec.attendance_type,
640                                                         v_cooac_rec.admission_cat) LOOP
642                                         x_rowid        :=        NULL;
643                                         IGS_PS_COO_AD_UNIT_S_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
644                                                 X_ROWID               =>        x_rowid,
645                                                 X_COURSE_CD           =>        p_new_course_cd,
646                                                 X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER  =>         p_new_version_number,
647                                                 X_CAL_TYPE            =>         v_cacus_rec.cal_type,
648                                                 X_LOCATION_CD         =>         v_cacus_rec.location_cd,
649                                                 X_ATTENDANCE_MODE     =>         v_cacus_rec.attendance_mode,
650                                                 X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE     =>         v_cacus_rec.attendance_type,
651                                                 X_ADMISSION_CAT       =>         v_cacus_rec.admission_cat,
652                                                 X_UNIT_SET_CD         =>         v_cacus_rec.unit_set_cd,
653                                                 X_US_VERSION_NUMBER   =>         v_cacus_rec.us_version_number,
654                                                 X_MODE                =>         'R'
655                                         );
657                                 END LOOP;
658                         EXCEPTION
659                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
660                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
661                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
662                                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
663                                         ELSE
664                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
665                                         END IF;
666                         END;
667                 END LOOP;
668         EXCEPTION
669                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
670                         IF (c_cooac%ISOPEN) THEN
671                                 CLOSE c_cooac;
672                         END IF;
673                         IF (c_cacus%ISOPEN) THEN
674                                 CLOSE c_cacus;
675                         END IF;
676                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
677         END;
678         EXCEPTION
679                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
680                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
681                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
682                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
683                         ELSE
684                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
685                         END IF;
686         END crspl_ins_cooac_rec;
687         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_OFR_OPT records
688         --modified by shtatiko on 21-OCT-2002 to incorporate the addition of two new columns to IGS_PS_OFR_OPT viz. program_length, program_length_measurement.
689         --this has been done as per bug# 2608227.
690         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_coo_rec(
691                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
692                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
693         BEGIN
694         DECLARE
695                 CURSOR c_coous IS
696                         SELECT  coous.cal_type,
697                                 coous.location_cd,
698                                 coous.attendance_mode,
699                                 coous.attendance_type,
700                                 coous.unit_set_cd,
701                                 coous.us_version_number
702                         FROM        IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST coous
703                         WHERE        coous.course_cd                 = p_old_course_cd AND
704                                 coous.crv_version_number = p_old_version_number AND
705                                 coous.cal_type                 = gv_coo_rec.cal_type AND
706                                 coous.location_cd                 = gv_coo_rec.location_cd AND
707                                 coous.attendance_mode         = gv_coo_rec.attendance_mode AND
708                                 coous.attendance_type         = gv_coo_rec.attendance_type AND
709                                 EXISTS        (SELECT        'X'
710                                                  FROM                IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET cous
711                                                  WHERE        cous.course_cd                = p_new_course_cd AND
712                                                                 cous.crv_version_number        = p_new_version_number AND
713                                                                 cous.cal_type                = coous.cal_type AND
714                                                                 cous.unit_set_cd                = coous.unit_set_cd AND
715                                                                 cous.us_version_number        = coous.us_version_number);
716                 l_org_id                NUMBER(15);
717         BEGIN
718                 -- select the next IGS_PS_OFR_OPT reference_number
719                 -- from the system
720                 OPEN  gc_coo_seq_num;
721                 FETCH gc_coo_seq_num INTO gv_coo_seq_num;
722                 CLOSE gc_coo_seq_num;
723                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
724                 l_org_id := IGS_GE_GEN_003.GET_ORG_ID;
725                 IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
726                         X_ROWID                    =>                x_rowid,
727                         X_COURSE_CD                =>            p_new_course_cd,
728                         X_VERSION_NUMBER           =>            p_new_version_number,
729                         X_CAL_TYPE                 =>            gv_coo_rec.cal_type,
730                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE          =>            gv_coo_rec.attendance_mode,
731                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE          =>            gv_coo_rec.attendance_type,
732                         X_LOCATION_CD              =>            gv_coo_rec.location_cd,
733                         X_COO_ID                   =>            gv_coo_seq_num,
734                         X_FORCED_LOCATION_IND      =>            gv_coo_rec.forced_location_ind,
735                         X_FORCED_ATT_MODE_IND      =>            gv_coo_rec.forced_att_mode_ind,
736                         X_FORCED_ATT_TYPE_IND      =>            gv_coo_rec.forced_att_type_ind,
737                         X_TIME_LIMITATION          =>            gv_coo_rec.time_limitation,
738                         X_ENR_OFFICER_PERSON_ID    =>            gv_coo_rec.enr_officer_person_id,
739                         X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY       =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute_category,
740                         X_ATTRIBUTE1                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute1,
741                         X_ATTRIBUTE2                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute2,
742                         X_ATTRIBUTE3                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute3,
743                         X_ATTRIBUTE4                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute4,
744                         X_ATTRIBUTE5                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute5,
745                         X_ATTRIBUTE6                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute6,
746                         X_ATTRIBUTE7                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute7,
747                         X_ATTRIBUTE8                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute8,
748                         X_ATTRIBUTE9                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute9,
749                         X_ATTRIBUTE10                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute10,
750                         X_ATTRIBUTE11                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute11,
751                         X_ATTRIBUTE12                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute12,
752                         X_ATTRIBUTE13                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute13,
753                         X_ATTRIBUTE14                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute14,
754                         X_ATTRIBUTE15                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute15,
755                         X_ATTRIBUTE16                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute16,
756                         X_ATTRIBUTE17                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute17,
757                         X_ATTRIBUTE18                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute18,
758                         X_ATTRIBUTE19                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute19,
759                         X_ATTRIBUTE20                   =>                gv_coo_rec.attribute20,
760                           X_MODE                     =>                'R',
761                           X_ORG_ID                    =>                l_org_id ,
762                         x_program_length           =>                gv_coo_rec.program_length, --added as per bug# 2608227
763                         x_program_length_measurement           =>                gv_coo_rec.program_length_measurement  --added as per bug# 2608227
764                         );
765                 -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_NOTE records
766                 -- associated with each IGS_PS_OFR_OPT record
767                 OPEN gc_coon_rec;
768                 LOOP
769                         FETCH gc_coon_rec INTO gv_coon_rec;
770                         IF gc_coon_rec%FOUND THEN
771                                 crsp_ins_coon_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
772                         ELSE
773                                 EXIT;
774                         END IF;
775                 END LOOP;
776                 CLOSE gc_coon_rec;
777                 -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_ENT_PT_REF_CD records
778                 -- associated with each IGS_PS_OFR instance record
779                  OPEN gc_ceprcd_rec;
780                 LOOP
781                            FETCH gc_ceprcd_rec INTO gv_ceprcd_rec;
782                         IF gc_ceprcd_rec%FOUND THEN
783                                 crsp_ins_ceprcd_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
784                         ELSE
785                                 EXIT;
786                         END IF;
787                 END LOOP;
788                 CLOSE gc_ceprcd_rec;
789                 FOR v_coous_rec IN c_coous LOOP
790                         x_rowid        :=        NULL;
791                         IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
792                                 X_ROWID                =>                x_rowid,
793                                 X_COURSE_CD            =>                p_new_course_cd,
794                                 X_LOCATION_CD          =>                v_coous_rec.location_cd,
795                                 X_ATTENDANCE_MODE      =>                v_coous_rec.attendance_mode,
796                                 X_CAL_TYPE             =>                 v_coous_rec.cal_type,
797                                 X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER   =>                p_new_version_number,
798                                 X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE      =>                v_coous_rec.attendance_type,
799                                 X_US_VERSION_NUMBER    =>                v_coous_rec.us_version_number,
800                                 X_UNIT_SET_CD          =>                v_coous_rec.unit_set_cd,
801                                 X_COO_ID               =>                gv_coo_seq_num,
802                                 X_MODE                 =>                'R'
803                                 );
804                 END LOOP; -- coous
805                 -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OF_OPT_AD_CAT records
806                 -- and its child table IGS_PS_COO_AD_UNIT_S
807                 crspl_ins_cooac_rec;
808         EXCEPTION
809                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
810                         IF ( gc_coo_seq_num%ISOPEN) THEN
811                                 CLOSE gc_coo_seq_num;
812                         END IF;
813                         IF ( gc_ceprcd_rec%ISOPEN) THEN
814                                 CLOSE gc_ceprcd_rec;
815                         END IF;
816                         IF ( gc_ceprcd_rec%ISOPEN) THEN
817                                 CLOSE gc_ceprcd_rec;
818                         END IF;
819                         IF (c_coous%ISOPEN) THEN
820                                 CLOSE c_coous;
821                         END IF;
822                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
823         END;
824         EXCEPTION
825                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
826                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
827                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
828                         ELSE
829                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
830                         END IF;
831         END crsp_ins_coo_rec;
832         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_OFR_INST records
833         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_coi_rec (
834                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
835                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE)
836         IS
837         BEGIN
838         DECLARE
839                 CURSOR c_coo_new (
840                         cp_cal_type                IGS_PS_OFR_OPT.cal_type%TYPE,
841                         cp_location_cd                IGS_PS_OFR_OPT.location_cd%TYPE,
842                         cp_attendance_mode        IGS_PS_OFR_OPT.attendance_mode%TYPE,
843                         cp_attendance_type        IGS_PS_OFR_OPT.attendance_type%TYPE) IS
844                         SELECT        'x'
845                         FROM        IGS_PS_OFR_OPT        coo
846                         WHERE        coo.course_cd                = p_new_course_cd        AND
847                                 coo.version_number        = p_new_version_number        AND
848                                 coo.cal_type                = cp_cal_type                AND
849                                 coo.location_cd                = cp_location_cd        AND
850                                 coo.attendance_mode        = cp_attendance_mode        AND
851                                 coo.attendance_type        = cp_attendance_type    AND
852                                 coo.delete_flag         = 'N';
853                 v_dummy                VARCHAR2(1);
854         BEGIN
855                 x_rowid        := NULL;
856                 IGS_PS_OFR_INST_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
857                         X_ROWID                     =>        x_rowid,
858                         X_COURSE_CD                 =>           p_new_course_cd,
859                         X_VERSION_NUMBER            =>           p_new_version_number,
860                         X_CAL_TYPE                  =>           gv_coi_rec.cal_type,
861                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER        =>           gv_coi_rec.ci_sequence_number,
862                         X_CI_START_DT               =>           gv_coi_rec.ci_start_dt,
863                         X_CI_END_DT                 =>           gv_coi_rec.ci_end_dt,
864                         X_MIN_ENTRY_ASS_SCORE       =>           gv_coi_rec.min_entry_ass_score,
865                         X_GUARANTEED_ENTRY_ASS_SCR  =>           gv_coi_rec.guaranteed_entry_ass_scr,
866                         X_MODE                      =>        'R' );
867                 -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR_PAT records
868                 -- associated with each IGS_PS_OFR instance record
869                 OPEN gc_cop_rec;
870                 LOOP
871                         FETCH gc_cop_rec INTO gv_cop_rec;
872                         IF gc_cop_rec%FOUND THEN
873                                 -- check COO paraents exists
874                                 OPEN c_coo_new (
875                                                 gv_cop_rec.cal_type,
876                                                 gv_cop_rec.location_cd,
877                                                 gv_cop_rec.attendance_mode,
878                                                 gv_cop_rec.attendance_type);
879                                 FETCH c_coo_new INTO v_dummy;
880                                 IF c_coo_new%FOUND THEN
881                                         -- coo paraents exists then process this record
882                                         CLOSE c_coo_new;
883                                         crsp_ins_cop_rec(
884                                                         p_new_course_cd,
885                                                         p_new_version_number);
886                                 ELSE
887                                         p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
888                                         CLOSE c_coo_new;
889                                 END IF;
890                         ELSE
891                                 EXIT;
892                         END IF;
893                 END LOOP;
894                 CLOSE gc_cop_rec;
895         EXCEPTION
896                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
897                         IF c_coo_new%ISOPEN THEN
898                                 CLOSE c_coo_new;
899                         END IF;
900                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
901         END;
902         EXCEPTION
903                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
904                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
905                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
906                         ELSE
907                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
908                         END IF;
909         END crsp_ins_coi_rec;
910         -- inserts into IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY and its child tables including
912         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_pos_rec
913         IS
914 	--WHo      When         WHAT
915 	--sarakshi 15-May-2006  Bug#3460640,modified the call to IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD_PKG.INSERT_ROW with correct values
916         BEGIN
917         DECLARE
918                 v_pos_seq_num                        IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY.sequence_number%TYPE;
919                 v_posp_seq_num                        IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD.sequence_number%TYPE;
920                 v_posu_seq_num                        IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT.sequence_number%TYPE;
921                 CURSOR c_pos_seq_num IS
922                         SELECT IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY_POS_NUM_S.NEXTVAL
923                         FROM         DUAL;
924                 CURSOR c_posp_seq_num IS
926                         FROM         DUAL;
927                 CURSOR c_posu_seq_num IS
928                         SELECT IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT_SEQ_NUM_S.NEXTVAL
929                         FROM         DUAL;
930                 CURSOR c_pos IS
931                         SELECT         pos.cal_type,
932                                  pos.sequence_number,
933                                  pos.location_cd,
934                                  pos.attendance_mode,
935                                  pos.attendance_type,
936                                  pos.unit_set_cd,
937                                  pos.admission_cal_type,
938                                  pos.admission_cat,
939                                  pos.aprvd_ci_sequence_number,
940                                  pos.number_of_periods,
941                                  pos.always_pre_enrol_ind,
942                                  pos.acad_perd_unit_set
943                         FROM        IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY pos
944                         WHERE        pos.course_cd                = p_old_course_cd AND
945                                 pos.version_number        = p_old_version_number AND
946                                 pos.cal_type                = gv_co_rec.cal_type;
947                 CURSOR c_posp (
948                                 cp_pos_seq_num                IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
949                         SELECT         posp.cal_type,
950                                 posp.pos_sequence_number,
951                                 posp.sequence_number,
952                                 posp.acad_period_num,
953                                 posp.teach_cal_type,
954                                 posp.description
955                         FROM        IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD posp
956                         WHERE        posp.course_cd                = p_old_course_cd AND
957                                 posp.version_number        = p_old_version_number AND
958                                 posp.cal_type                = gv_co_rec.cal_type AND
959                                 posp.pos_sequence_number = cp_pos_seq_num;
960                 CURSOR c_posu (
961                                 cp_pos_seq_num                IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY.sequence_number%TYPE,
962                                 cp_posp_seq_num                IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
963                         SELECT        posu.cal_type,
964                                  posu.pos_sequence_number,
965                                  posu.posp_sequence_number,
966                                  posu.sequence_number,
967                                  posu.unit_cd,
968                                  posu.unit_location_cd,
969                                  posu.unit_class,
970                                  posu.description,
971                                 posu.core_ind
972                         FROM        IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT posu
973                         WHERE        posu.course_cd                        = p_old_course_cd AND
974                                 posu.version_number                = p_old_version_number AND
975                                 posu.cal_type                        = gv_co_rec.cal_type AND
976                                 posu.pos_sequence_number         = cp_pos_seq_num        AND
977                                 posu.posp_sequence_number         = cp_posp_seq_num;
978         BEGIN
979                 FOR v_pos_rec IN c_pos LOOP
980                         BEGIN
981                                 OPEN c_pos_seq_num;
982                                 FETCH c_pos_seq_num INTO v_pos_seq_num;
983                                 CLOSE c_pos_seq_num;
984                                 X_ROWID := NULL;
985                                 IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
986                                         X_ROWID                                  =>        x_rowid,
987                                         X_COURSE_CD                   =>         p_new_course_cd,
988                                         X_CAL_TYPE                    =>         v_pos_rec.cal_type,
989                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER              =>         p_new_version_number,
990                                         X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER             =>         v_pos_seq_num,
991                                         X_LOCATION_CD                 =>         v_pos_rec.location_cd,
992                                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE             =>         v_pos_rec.attendance_mode,
993                                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE             =>         v_pos_rec.attendance_type,
994                                         X_UNIT_SET_CD                 =>         v_pos_rec.unit_set_cd,
995                                         X_ADMISSION_CAL_TYPE          =>         v_pos_rec.admission_cal_type,
996                                         X_ADMISSION_CAT               =>         v_pos_rec.admission_cat,
997                                         X_APRVD_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER    =>         v_pos_rec.aprvd_ci_sequence_number,
998                                         X_NUMBER_OF_PERIODS           =>         v_pos_rec.number_of_periods,
999                                         X_ALWAYS_PRE_ENROL_IND        =>         v_pos_rec.always_pre_enrol_ind,
1000                                         X_acad_perd_unit_set         =>         v_pos_rec.acad_perd_unit_set,
1001                                         X_MODE                        =>        'R'
1002                                         );
1003                                 -- inserts into pattern_of_study_period table
1004                                 FOR v_posp_rec IN c_posp (
1005                                                         v_pos_rec.sequence_number) LOOP
1006                                         OPEN c_posp_seq_num;
1007                                         FETCH c_posp_seq_num INTO v_posp_seq_num;
1008                                         CLOSE c_posp_seq_num;
1009                                         x_rowid := NULL;
1010                                         IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1011                                                 X_ROWID                 =>               x_rowid,
1012                                                 X_COURSE_CD             =>               p_new_course_cd,
1013                                                 X_VERSION_NUMBER        =>               p_new_version_number,
1014                                                 X_POS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   =>               v_pos_seq_num,--this is the FK
1015                                                 X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER       =>               v_posp_seq_num,--this is the PK
1016                                                 X_CAL_TYPE              =>               v_posp_rec.cal_type,
1017                                                 X_ACAD_PERIOD_NUM       =>               v_posp_rec.acad_period_num,
1018                                                 X_TEACH_CAL_TYPE        =>               v_posp_rec.teach_cal_type,
1019                                                 X_DESCRIPTION           =>               v_posp_rec.description,
1020                                                 X_MODE                  =>                'R'
1021                                                 );
1022                                         -- inserts into IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT table
1023                                         FOR v_posu_rec IN c_posu (
1024                                                 v_pos_rec.sequence_number,
1025                                                 v_posp_rec.sequence_number) LOOP
1026                                                 OPEN c_posu_seq_num;
1027                                                 FETCH c_posu_seq_num INTO v_posu_seq_num;
1028                                                 CLOSE c_posu_seq_num;
1029                                                 x_rowid := NULL;
1030                                                 IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1031                                                         X_ROWID                   =>                x_rowid,
1032                                                         X_COURSE_CD               =>             p_new_course_cd,
1033                                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER          =>             p_new_version_number,
1034                                                         X_POS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER     =>             v_pos_seq_num,
1035                                                         X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER         =>             v_posu_seq_num,
1036                                                         X_POSP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER    =>             v_posp_seq_num,
1037                                                         X_CAL_TYPE                =>             v_posu_rec.cal_type,
1038                                                         X_UNIT_CD                 =>             v_posu_rec.unit_cd,
1039                                                         X_UNIT_LOCATION_CD        =>             v_posu_rec.unit_location_cd,
1040                                                         X_UNIT_CLASS              =>             v_posu_rec.unit_class,
1041                                                         X_DESCRIPTION             =>             v_posu_rec.description,
1042                                                         X_MODE                    =>                'R',
1043                                                         X_CORE_IND                =>        v_posu_rec.core_ind
1044                                                         );
1045                                         END LOOP; -- c_posu_rec
1046                                 END LOOP;  -- c_posp_rec
1047                         EXCEPTION
1048                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1049                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1050                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1051                                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1052                                         ELSE
1053                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1054                                         END IF;
1055                         END;
1056                 END LOOP; -- c_pos_rec
1057         EXCEPTION
1058                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1059                         IF (c_pos%ISOPEN) THEN
1060                                 CLOSE c_pos;
1061                         END IF;
1062                         IF (c_posp%ISOPEN) THEN
1063                                 CLOSE c_posp;
1064                         END IF;
1065                         IF (c_posu%ISOPEN) THEN
1066                                 CLOSE c_posu;
1067                         END IF;
1068                         IF (c_pos_seq_num%ISOPEN) THEN
1069                                 CLOSE c_pos_seq_num;
1070                         END IF;
1071                         IF (c_posp_seq_num%ISOPEN) THEN
1072                                 CLOSE c_posp_seq_num;
1073                         END IF;
1074                         IF (c_posu_seq_num%ISOPEN) THEN
1075                                 CLOSE c_posu_seq_num;
1076                         END IF;
1077                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1078         END;
1079         EXCEPTION
1080                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1081                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1082                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1083                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1084                         ELSE
1085                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1086                         END IF;
1087         END crspl_ins_pos_rec;
1089 PROCEDURE crspl_ins_cous_rec
1090         AS
1091         BEGIN
1092         DECLARE
1093                 CURSOR c_cous IS
1094                         SELECT  cous.cal_type,
1095                                 cous.unit_set_cd,
1096                                 cous.us_version_number,
1097                                 cous.override_title,
1098                                 cous.only_as_sub_ind,
1099                                 cous.show_on_official_ntfctn_ind
1100                         FROM        IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET cous
1101                         WHERE        cous.course_cd                         = p_old_course_cd AND
1102                                 cous.crv_version_number          = p_old_version_number AND
1103                                 cous.cal_type                        = gv_co_rec.cal_type;
1104                 CURSOR c_cousr IS
1105                         SELECT  cousr.cal_type,
1106                                 cousr.sup_unit_set_cd,
1107                                 cousr.sup_us_version_number,
1108                                 cousr.sub_unit_set_cd,
1109                                 cousr.sub_us_version_number
1110                         FROM        IGS_PS_OF_UNT_SET_RL cousr,
1111                                 IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET cous_sup,
1112                                 IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET cous_sub
1113                         WHERE        cousr.course_cd                     = p_old_course_cd AND
1114                                 cousr.crv_version_number         = p_old_version_number AND
1115                                 cousr.cal_type                        = gv_co_rec.cal_type AND
1116                                 cousr.cal_type                        = cous_sub.cal_type AND
1117                                 cousr.sub_unit_set_cd                = cous_sub.unit_set_cd AND
1118                                 cousr.sub_us_version_number        = cous_sub.us_version_number AND
1119                                 cousr.course_cd                        = cous_sub.course_cd        AND
1120                                 cousr.crv_version_number         = cous_sub.crv_version_number AND
1121                                 cousr.sup_unit_set_cd                = cous_sup.unit_set_cd AND
1122                                 cousr.sup_us_version_number        = cous_sup.us_version_number AND
1123                                 cousr.course_cd                        = cous_sup.course_cd        AND
1124                                 cousr.crv_version_number         = cous_sup.crv_version_number AND
1125                                 cousr.cal_type                        = cous_sup.cal_type AND
1126                                 EXISTS        (SELECT        'X'
1127                                                  FROM                IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET cous
1128                                                  WHERE        cous.course_cd                = p_new_course_cd AND
1129                                                                 cous.crv_version_number = p_new_version_number AND
1130                                                                 cous.cal_type                = cous_sup.cal_type AND
1131                                                                 cous.unit_set_cd                = cous_sup.unit_set_cd AND
1132                                                                 cous.us_version_number         = cous_sup.us_version_number) AND
1133                                 EXISTS        (SELECT        'X'
1134                                                  FROM                IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET cous
1135                                                  WHERE        cous.course_cd                = p_new_course_cd AND
1136                                                                 cous.crv_version_number = p_new_version_number AND
1137                                                                 cous.cal_type                = cous_sub.cal_type AND
1138                                                                 cous.unit_set_cd                = cous_sub.unit_set_cd AND
1139                                                                 cous.us_version_number         = cous_sub.us_version_number);
1140                 l_org_id                NUMBER(15);
1141         BEGIN
1142                 FOR v_cous_rec IN c_cous LOOP
1143                         BEGIN
1144                                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1145                                 IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1146                                         X_ROWID                        =>         x_rowid,
1147                                         X_COURSE_CD                    =>        p_new_course_cd,
1148                                         X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER           =>        p_new_version_number,
1149                                         X_CAL_TYPE                     =>        v_cous_rec.cal_type,
1150                                         X_UNIT_SET_CD                  =>        v_cous_rec.unit_set_cd,
1151                                         X_US_VERSION_NUMBER            =>        v_cous_rec.us_version_number,
1152                                         X_OVERRIDE_TITLE               =>        v_cous_rec.override_title,
1153                                         X_ONLY_AS_SUB_IND              =>        v_cous_rec.only_as_sub_ind,
1154                                         X_SHOW_ON_OFFICIAL_NTFCTN_IND  =>        v_cous_rec.show_on_official_ntfctn_ind,
1155                                         X_MODE                         =>        'R'
1156                                         );
1157                         EXCEPTION
1158                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1159                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1160                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1161                                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1162                                         ELSE
1163                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1164                                         END IF;
1165                         END;
1166                 END LOOP;  -- c_cous
1167                 FOR v_cousr_rec IN c_cousr LOOP
1168                                 X_ROWID        := NULL;
1169                                 IGS_PS_OF_UNT_SET_RL_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1170                                         X_ROWID                               =>        x_rowid,
1171                                         X_COURSE_CD                   =>         p_new_course_cd,
1172                                         X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER          =>         p_new_version_number,
1173                                         X_SUP_US_VERSION_NUMBER       =>         v_cousr_rec.sup_us_version_number,
1174                                         X_SUB_UNIT_SET_CD             =>         v_cousr_rec.sub_unit_set_cd,
1175                                         X_SUP_UNIT_SET_CD             =>         v_cousr_rec.sup_unit_set_cd,
1176                                         X_CAL_TYPE                    =>         v_cousr_rec.cal_type,
1177                                         X_SUB_US_VERSION_NUMBER       =>         v_cousr_rec.sub_us_version_number,
1178                                         X_MODE                        =>        'R'
1179                                         );
1180                 END LOOP; -- cousr_sub
1181         EXCEPTION
1182                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1183                         IF (c_cous%ISOPEN) THEN
1184                                 CLOSE c_cous;
1185                         END IF;
1186                         IF (c_cousr%ISOPEN) THEN
1187                                 CLOSE c_cousr;
1188                         END IF;
1189                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1190         END;
1191         EXCEPTION
1192                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1193                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1194                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1195                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1196                         ELSE
1197                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1198                         END IF;
1199         END crspl_ins_cous_rec;
1200         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_OFR records
1201         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_co_rec (
1202                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1203                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1205                 l_org_id                NUMBER(15);
1206         BEGIN
1207                 X_ROWID        := NULL;
1208                 l_org_id := IGS_GE_GEN_003.GET_ORG_ID;
1209                 IGS_PS_OFR_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1210                         X_ROWID                      =>                x_rowid,
1211                         X_COURSE_CD                  =>                  p_new_course_cd,
1212                         X_VERSION_NUMBER              =>                  p_new_version_number,
1213                         X_CAL_TYPE                    =>                  gv_co_rec.cal_type,
1214                         X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY       =>                gv_co_rec.attribute_category,
1215                         X_ATTRIBUTE1                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute1,
1216                         X_ATTRIBUTE2                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute2,
1217                         X_ATTRIBUTE3                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute3,
1218                         X_ATTRIBUTE4                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute4,
1219                         X_ATTRIBUTE5                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute5,
1220                         X_ATTRIBUTE6                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute6,
1221                         X_ATTRIBUTE7                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute7,
1222                         X_ATTRIBUTE8                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute8,
1223                         X_ATTRIBUTE9                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute9,
1224                         X_ATTRIBUTE10                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute10,
1225                         X_ATTRIBUTE11                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute11,
1226                         X_ATTRIBUTE12                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute12,
1227                         X_ATTRIBUTE13                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute13,
1228                         X_ATTRIBUTE14                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute14,
1229                         X_ATTRIBUTE15                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute15,
1230                         X_ATTRIBUTE16                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute16,
1231                         X_ATTRIBUTE17                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute17,
1232                         X_ATTRIBUTE18                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute18,
1233                         X_ATTRIBUTE19                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute19,
1234                         X_ATTRIBUTE20                   =>                gv_co_rec.attribute20,
1235                         X_MODE                       =>                'R' ,
1236                         X_ORG_ID                   =>                l_org_id
1237                         );
1238                         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET records
1239                         -- and its child tables IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST and
1240                         -- IGS_PS_OF_UNT_SET_RL
1241                         crspl_ins_cous_rec;
1242                         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR_OPT records
1243                         -- associated with each IGS_PS_OFR record
1244                         OPEN gc_coo_rec;
1245                         LOOP
1246                                    FETCH gc_coo_rec INTO gv_coo_rec;
1247                                 IF gc_coo_rec%FOUND THEN
1248                                         crsp_ins_coo_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1249                                 ELSE
1250                                         EXIT;
1251                                 END IF;
1252                         END LOOP;
1253                         CLOSE gc_coo_rec;
1254                         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR_INST records
1255                         -- associated with each IGS_PS_OFR record
1256                         OPEN gc_coi_rec;
1257                         FETCH gc_coi_rec INTO gv_coi_rec;
1258                         IF gc_coi_rec%FOUND THEN
1259                                 -- if found, only the latest one needs to be copied over.
1260                                 crsp_ins_coi_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1261                         END IF;
1262                         CLOSE gc_coi_rec;
1263                         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR_NOTE records
1264                         -- associated with each IGS_PS_OFR record
1265                         OPEN gc_con_rec;
1266                         LOOP
1267                                 FETCH gc_con_rec INTO gv_con_rec;
1268                                 IF gc_con_rec%FOUND THEN
1269                                         crsp_ins_con_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1270                                 ELSE
1271                                         EXIT;
1272                                 END IF;
1273                         END LOOP;
1274                         CLOSE gc_con_rec;
1275                         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY records
1276                         crspl_ins_pos_rec;
1277         EXCEPTION
1278                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1279                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1280                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1281                         ELSE
1282                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1283                         END IF;
1284         END crsp_ins_co_rec;
1285         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_AWD_OWN records
1286         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cao_rec (
1287                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1288                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1289         BEGIN
1290                 X_ROWID        :=        NULL ;
1291                 IGS_PS_AWD_OWN_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1292                         X_ROWID             =>                 x_rowid,
1293                         X_COURSE_CD         =>           p_new_course_cd,
1294                         X_ORG_UNIT_CD       =>           gv_cao_rec.org_unit_cd,
1295                         X_OU_START_DT       =>           gv_cao_rec.ou_start_dt,
1296                         X_AWARD_CD          =>           gv_cao_rec.award_cd,
1297                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           p_new_version_number,
1298                         X_PERCENTAGE        =>           gv_cao_rec.percentage,
1299                         X_MODE              =>           'R'
1300                         );
1301         EXCEPTION
1302                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1303                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1304                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1305                         ELSE
1306                                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1307                         END IF;
1308         END crsp_ins_cao_rec;
1309         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD_U_LN records
1310         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_calulink_rec (
1311                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1312                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1313         BEGIN
1314                 x_rowid := NULL;
1315                 IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD_U_LN_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1316                         X_ROWID               =>        x_rowid,
1317                         X_COURSE_CD           =>         p_new_course_cd,
1318                         X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER  =>         p_new_version_number,
1319                         X_EFFECTIVE_START_DT  =>         gv_calulink_rec.effective_start_dt,
1320                         X_YR_NUM              =>         gv_calulink_rec.yr_num,
1321                         X_UV_VERSION_NUMBER   =>         gv_calulink_rec.uv_version_number,
1322                         X_UNIT_CD             =>         gv_calulink_rec.unit_cd,
1323                         X_MODE                =>        'R'
1324                         );
1325         EXCEPTION
1326                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1327                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1328                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1329                         ELSE
1330                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1331                         END IF;
1332         END crsp_ins_calulink_rec;
1333         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_AWARD records
1334         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_ca_rec (
1335                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1336                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1337         BEGIN
1338                 -- Bug#2983445 Removed the column award_title from call to igs_ps_award_pkg.insert_row.
1339                 -- inserting IGS_PS_AWARD records
1341                 -- Bug#3060693 Modified the call to IGS_PS_AWARD_PKG.INSERT_ROW.
1342                 -- Replaced the string 'Y' with gv_ca_rec.default_ind as the parameter being passed to X_DEFAULT_IND
1345                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1346                 IGS_PS_AWARD_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1347                         X_ROWID             =>        x_rowid,
1348                         X_COURSE_CD         =>        p_new_course_cd,
1349                         X_AWARD_CD          =>        gv_ca_rec.award_cd,
1350                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>        p_new_version_number,
1351                         X_MODE              =>        'R',
1352                         X_DEFAULT_IND       =>        gv_ca_rec.default_ind,
1353                         X_CLOSED_IND        =>        gv_ca_rec.closed_ind
1354                         );
1355                 -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_AWD_OWN records
1356                 -- associated with each IGS_PS_AWARD record
1357                 OPEN gc_cao_rec;
1358                 LOOP
1359                         FETCH gc_cao_rec INTO gv_cao_rec;
1360                         IF gc_cao_rec%FOUND THEN
1361                                 crsp_ins_cao_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1362                         ELSE
1363                                 EXIT;
1364                         END IF;
1365                 END LOOP;
1366                 CLOSE gc_cao_rec;
1367         EXCEPTION
1368                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1369                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1370                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1371                         ELSE
1372                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1373                         END IF;
1374         END crsp_ins_ca_rec;
1375         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_OWN records
1376         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cow_rec (
1377                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1378                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1379         BEGIN
1380                 X_ROWID        :=         NULL ;
1381                 IGS_PS_OWN_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1382                         X_ROWID             =>           x_rowid,
1383                         X_COURSE_CD         =>           p_new_course_cd,
1384                         X_OU_START_DT       =>           gv_cow_rec.ou_start_dt,
1385                         X_ORG_UNIT_CD       =>           gv_cow_rec.org_unit_cd,
1386                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           p_new_version_number,
1387                         X_PERCENTAGE        =>           gv_cow_rec.percentage,
1388                         X_MODE              =>                'R'
1389                         );
1390         EXCEPTION
1391                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1392                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1393                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1394                         ELSE
1395                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1396                         END IF;
1397         END crsp_ins_cow_rec;
1398         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PE_ALTERNATV_EXT records
1399         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_ae_rec (
1400                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1401                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1402         BEGIN
1403                 X_ROWID        :=        NULL;
1405                         X_ROWID              =>                X_ROWID,
1406                         X_COURSE_CD          =>          p_new_course_cd,
1407                         X_VERSION_NUMBER     =>          p_new_version_number,
1408                         X_EXIT_COURSE_CD     =>          gv_ae_rec.exit_course_cd,
1409                         X_EXIT_VERSION_SET   =>          gv_ae_rec.exit_version_set,
1410                         X_MODE               =>          'R'
1411                         );
1412         EXCEPTION
1413                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1414                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1415                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1416                         ELSE
1417                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1418                         END IF;
1419         END crsp_ins_ae_rec;
1420         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_GRP_MBR records
1421         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cgm_rec (
1422                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1423                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1424         BEGIN
1425                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1426                 IGS_PS_GRP_MBR_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1427                         X_ROWID             =>           x_rowid,
1428                         X_COURSE_CD         =>           p_new_course_cd,
1429                         X_COURSE_GROUP_CD   =>           gv_cgm_rec.course_group_cd,
1430                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           p_new_version_number,
1431                         X_MODE              =>                'R'
1432                         );
1433         EXCEPTION
1434                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1435                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1436                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1437                         ELSE
1438                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1439                         END IF;
1440         END crsp_ins_cgm_rec;
1442         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_FI_FND_SRC_RSTN records
1444         -- Bug#3060697 Modified the call to IGS_FI_FND_SRC_RSTN_PKG.INSERT_ROW.
1445         -- Replaced the string 'Y' with gv_fsr_rec.restricted_ind as the parameter being passed to X_RESTRICTED_IND
1448         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_fsr_rec (
1449                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1450                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1451         BEGIN
1452                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1453                 IGS_FI_FND_SRC_RSTN_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1454                         X_ROWID             =>                x_rowid,
1455                         X_COURSE_CD         =>           p_new_course_cd,
1456                         X_FUNDING_SOURCE    =>           gv_fsr_rec.funding_source,
1457                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           p_new_version_number,
1458                         X_DFLT_IND          =>           gv_fsr_rec.dflt_ind,
1459                         X_RESTRICTED_IND    =>           gv_fsr_rec.restricted_ind,
1460                         X_MODE              =>                'R'
1461                         );
1462         EXCEPTION
1463                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1464                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1465                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1466                         ELSE
1467                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1468                         END IF;
1469         END  crsp_ins_fsr_rec;
1470         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_FIELD_STUDY records
1471         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cfos_rec (
1472                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1473                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1474         BEGIN
1475                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1476                 IGS_PS_FIELD_STUDY_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1477                         X_ROWID             =>                   x_rowid,
1478                         X_COURSE_CD         =>                   p_new_course_cd,
1479                         X_FIELD_OF_STUDY    =>                   gv_cfos_rec.field_of_study,
1480                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           p_new_version_number,
1481                         X_MAJOR_FIELD_IND   =>           gv_cfos_rec.major_field_ind,
1482                         X_PERCENTAGE        =>           gv_cfos_rec.percentage,
1483                         X_MODE              =>                'R'
1484                         );
1485         EXCEPTION
1486                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1487                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1488                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1489                         ELSE
1490                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1491                         END IF;
1492         END crsp_ins_cfos_rec;
1493         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_CATEGORISE records
1494         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_ccat_rec (
1495                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1496                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1498                 l_org_id                NUMBER(15);
1499         BEGIN
1500                 x_rowid        :=         NULL;
1501                 l_org_id := IGS_GE_GEN_003.GET_ORG_ID;
1502                 IGS_PS_CATEGORISE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1503                         X_ROWID            =>                x_rowid,
1504                         X_COURSE_CD        =>            p_new_course_cd,
1505                         X_VERSION_NUMBER   =>            p_new_version_number,
1506                         X_COURSE_CAT       =>            gv_ccat_rec.course_cat,
1507                         X_MODE             =>            'R',
1508                         X_ORG_ID           =>                l_org_id
1509                         );
1510         EXCEPTION
1511                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1512                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1513                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1514                         ELSE
1515                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1516                         END IF;
1517         END crsp_ins_ccat_rec;
1518         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_REF_CD records
1519         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_crcd_rec (
1520                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1521                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1522         BEGIN
1523                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1524                 IGS_PS_REF_CD_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1525                 X_ROWID              =>                x_rowid,
1526                 X_COURSE_CD          =>          p_new_course_cd,
1527                 X_VERSION_NUMBER     =>          p_new_version_number,
1528                 X_REFERENCE_CD       =>          gv_crcd_rec.reference_cd,
1529                 X_REFERENCE_CD_TYPE  =>          gv_crcd_rec.reference_cd_type,
1530                 X_DESCRIPTION        =>          gv_crcd_rec.description,
1531                 X_MODE               =>                'R'
1532                 );
1533         EXCEPTION
1534                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1535                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1536                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1537                         ELSE
1538                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1539                         END IF;
1540         END  crsp_ins_crcd_rec;
1541         -- procedure for inserting new IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD records
1542         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cal_rec (
1543                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1544                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE) AS
1545         BEGIN
1546                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1547                 IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1548                         X_ROWID                    =>                x_rowid,
1549                         X_VERSION_NUMBER           =>            p_new_version_number,
1550                         X_COURSE_CD                =>            p_new_course_cd,
1551                         X_YR_NUM                   =>            gv_cal_rec.yr_num,
1552                         X_EFFECTIVE_START_DT           =>                gv_cal_rec.effective_start_dt,
1553                         X_EFFECTIVE_END_DT             =>                gv_cal_rec.effective_end_dt,
1554                         X_ANNUAL_LOAD_VAL              =>                gv_cal_rec.annual_load_val,
1555                         X_MODE                         =>                'R'
1556                         );
1557                 -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD_U_LN records
1558                 -- associated with each IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD record
1559                 OPEN gc_calulink_rec;
1560                 LOOP
1561                          FETCH gc_calulink_rec INTO gv_calulink_rec;
1562                         IF gc_calulink_rec%FOUND THEN
1563                                 crsp_ins_calulink_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1564                         ELSE
1565                                    EXIT;
1566                         END IF;
1567                 END LOOP;
1568                 CLOSE gc_calulink_rec;
1569         EXCEPTION
1570                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1571                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1572                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1573                         ELSE
1574                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1575                         END IF;
1576         END crsp_ins_cal_rec;
1577         -- inserting new IGS_GE_NOTE and IGS_PS_VER_NOTE records
1578         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_cvn_rec (
1579                 p_new_course_cd                IGS_PS_VER.course_cd%TYPE,
1580                 p_new_version_number        IGS_PS_VER.version_number%TYPE)
1581         AS
1582         CURSOR Cur_SGN IS
1583                         SELECT rowid,IGS_GE_NOTE.*
1584                         FROM IGS_GE_NOTE
1585                         WHERE        reference_number = gv_cvn_rec.reference_number;
1586         BEGIN
1587                 -- select the next reference_number from the system
1588                 OPEN  gc_ref_num;
1589                 FETCH gc_ref_num INTO gv_ref_num;
1590                 CLOSE gc_ref_num;
1591                 -- inserting IGS_GE_NOTE record with this next reference_number
1592                 -- Currently unable to copy Long Raw columns in PL/SQL.
1595                 FOR Rec_SGN IN Cur_SGN        LOOP
1596                         x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1597                         IGS_GE_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1598                                                 X_ROWID               => X_ROWID,
1599                                                 X_REFERENCE_NUMBER    =>gv_ref_num,
1600                                                 X_S_NOTE_FORMAT_TYPE  => Rec_SGN.s_note_format_type,
1601                                                 X_NOTE_TEXT           =>Rec_SGN.note_text,
1602                                                 X_MODE                =>'R');
1603                 END LOOP;
1604                 -- inserting new IGS_PS_VER_NOTE records
1605                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1606                 IGS_PS_VER_NOTE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1607                         X_ROWID             =>                x_rowid,
1608                         X_COURSE_CD         =>           p_new_course_cd,
1609                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           p_new_version_number,
1610                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER  =>           gv_ref_num,
1611                         X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE     =>           gv_cvn_rec.crs_note_type,
1612                         X_MODE              =>                'R'
1613                         );
1614         EXCEPTION
1615                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1616                         IF (SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range) THEN
1617                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1618                         ELSE
1619                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1620                         END IF;
1621         END crsp_ins_cvn_rec;
1622         -- inserts into IGS_PS_STAGE and its child table IGS_PS_STAGE_RU table
1623         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_cst_rec
1624         AS
1625         BEGIN
1626         DECLARE
1627                 v_cst_seq_num                IGS_PS_STAGE.sequence_number%TYPE;
1628                 v_new_rul_seq_num         IGS_PS_STAGE_RU.rul_sequence_number%TYPE;
1629                 CURSOR c_cst_seq_num IS
1630                         SELECT IGS_PS_STAGE_SEQ_NUM_S.NEXTVAL
1631                         FROM         DUAL;
1632                 CURSOR c_cst IS
1633                         SELECT         cst.sequence_number,
1634                                 cst.course_stage_type,
1635                                 cst.description,
1636                                 cst.comments
1637                         FROM        IGS_PS_STAGE cst
1638                         WHERE        cst.course_cd                = p_old_course_cd AND
1639                                 cst.version_number        = p_old_version_number;
1640                 CURSOR c_csr (
1641                                 cp_cst_seq_num                IGS_PS_STAGE.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
1642                         SELECT        csr.cst_sequence_number,
1643                                  csr.s_rule_call_cd,
1644                                  csr.rul_sequence_number
1645                         FROM        IGS_PS_STAGE_RU csr
1646                         WHERE        csr.course_cd                = p_old_course_cd AND
1647                                 csr.version_number        = p_old_version_number AND
1648                                 csr.cst_sequence_number        = cp_cst_seq_num;
1649         BEGIN
1650                 FOR v_cst_rec IN c_cst LOOP
1651                         BEGIN
1652                                 OPEN c_cst_seq_num;
1653                                 FETCH c_cst_seq_num INTO v_cst_seq_num;
1654                                 CLOSE c_cst_seq_num;
1655                                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1656                                 IGS_PS_STAGE_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1657                                         X_ROWID              =>                x_rowid,
1658                                         X_COURSE_CD          =>          p_new_course_cd,
1659                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER     =>          p_new_version_number,
1660                                         X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER    =>          v_cst_seq_num,
1661                                         X_COURSE_STAGE_TYPE  =>          v_cst_rec.course_stage_type,
1662                                         X_DESCRIPTION        =>          v_cst_rec.description,
1663                                         X_COMMENTS           =>          v_cst_rec.comments,
1664                                         X_MODE               =>          'R'
1665                                         );
1666                                         FOR v_csr_rec IN c_csr (
1667                                                          v_cst_rec.sequence_number) LOOP
1668                                                 v_new_rul_seq_num := IGS_RU_GEN_003.rulp_ins_copy_rule(
1669                                                                 v_csr_rec.s_rule_call_cd,
1670                                                                 v_csr_rec.rul_sequence_number);
1671                                                         X_ROWID        :=        NULL;
1672                                                         IGS_PS_STAGE_RU_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1673                                                                 X_ROWID                 =>        x_rowid,
1674                                                                 X_COURSE_CD             =>           p_new_course_cd,
1675                                                                 X_VERSION_NUMBER        =>           p_new_version_number,
1676                                                                 X_S_RULE_CALL_CD        =>           v_csr_rec.s_rule_call_cd,
1677                                                                 X_CST_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   =>           v_cst_seq_num,
1678                                                                 X_RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   =>           v_new_rul_seq_num,
1679                                                                 X_MODE                  =>        'R'
1680                                                                 );
1681                                         END LOOP;
1682                         EXCEPTION
1683                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1684                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1685                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1686                                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1687                                         ELSE
1688                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1689                                         END IF;
1690                         END;
1691                 END LOOP;
1692         EXCEPTION
1693                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1694                         IF (c_cst%ISOPEN) THEN
1695                                 CLOSE c_cst;
1696                         END IF;
1697                         IF (c_csr%ISOPEN) THEN
1698                                 CLOSE c_csr;
1699                         END IF;
1700                         IF (c_cst_seq_num%ISOPEN) THEN
1701                                 CLOSE c_cst_seq_num;
1702                         END IF;
1703                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1704         END;
1705         EXCEPTION
1706                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1707                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1708                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1709                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1710                         ELSE
1711                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1712                         END IF;
1713         END crspl_ins_cst_rec;
1714 --------------------------------------------------------------------
1715         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_cvr_rec
1716         AS
1717         BEGIN
1718         DECLARE
1719                 v_new_rul_seq_number         IGS_PS_VER_RU.rul_sequence_number%TYPE;
1720                 CURSOR c_cvr IS
1721                         SELECT        cvr.s_rule_call_cd,
1722                                 cvr.rul_sequence_number
1723                         FROM        IGS_PS_VER_RU cvr
1724                         WHERE        cvr.course_cd                = p_old_course_cd AND
1725                                 cvr.version_number        = p_old_version_number;
1726         BEGIN
1727                 FOR v_cvr_rec IN c_cvr LOOP
1728                         BEGIN
1729                                 v_new_rul_seq_number := IGS_RU_GEN_003.rulp_ins_copy_rule(
1730                                                                 v_cvr_rec.s_rule_call_cd,
1731                                                                 v_cvr_rec.rul_sequence_number);
1732                                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1733                                 IGS_PS_VER_RU_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1734                                         X_ROWID               =>        x_rowid,
1735                                         X_COURSE_CD           =>         p_new_course_cd,
1736                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER      =>         p_new_version_number,
1737                                         X_S_RULE_CALL_CD      =>         v_cvr_rec.s_rule_call_cd,
1738                                         X_RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER =>         v_new_rul_seq_number,
1739                                         X_MODE                =>        'R'
1740                                         );
1741                         EXCEPTION
1742                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1743                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1744                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1745                                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1746                                         ELSE
1747                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1748                                         END IF;
1749                         END;
1750                 END LOOP;
1751         EXCEPTION
1752                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1753                         IF (c_cvr%ISOPEN) THEN
1754                                 CLOSE c_cvr;
1755                         END IF;
1756                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1757         END;
1758         EXCEPTION
1759                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1760                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1761                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1762                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1763                         ELSE
1764                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1765                         END IF;
1766         END crspl_ins_cvr_rec;
1767 -----------------------------------------------------------
1768         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_dms_rec
1769         AS
1771         BEGIN
1772         DECLARE
1773                 v_seq_num        IGS_RE_DFLT_MS_SET.sequence_number%TYPE;
1774                 l_org_id                NUMBER(15);
1775                 CURSOR c_dms IS
1776                         SELECT        dms.milestone_type,
1777                                 dms.attendance_type,
1778                                 dms.attendance_mode,
1779                                 dms.offset_days,
1780                                 dms.comments
1781                         FROM        IGS_RE_DFLT_MS_SET        dms
1782                         WHERE        dms.course_cd                = p_old_course_cd AND
1783                                 dms.version_number        = p_old_version_number;
1784                 CURSOR c_dms_seq IS
1785                         SELECT        IGS_RE_DFLT_MS_SET_SEQ_NUM_S.NEXTVAL
1786                         FROM        DUAL;
1787         BEGIN
1788                 FOR v_dms_rec IN c_dms LOOP
1789                         BEGIN
1790                                 OPEN c_dms_seq;
1791                                 FETCH c_dms_seq INTO v_seq_num;
1792                                 CLOSE c_dms_seq;
1793                                 x_rowid        :=        NULL;
1794                                 l_org_id := IGS_GE_GEN_003.get_org_id;
1795                                 IGS_RE_DFLT_MS_SET_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1796                                         X_ROWID            =>                x_rowid,
1797                                         X_COURSE_CD        =>            p_new_course_cd,
1798                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER   =>            p_new_version_number,
1799                                         X_MILESTONE_TYPE   =>            v_dms_rec.milestone_type,
1800                                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE  =>            v_dms_rec.attendance_type,
1801                                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE  =>           v_dms_rec.attendance_mode,
1802                                         X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER  =>            v_seq_num,
1803                                         X_OFFSET_DAYS      =>            v_dms_rec.offset_days,
1804                                         X_COMMENTS         =>            v_dms_rec.comments,
1805                                         X_MODE             =>                'R' ,
1806                                         X_ORG_ID           =>                l_org_id
1807                                         );
1808                         EXCEPTION
1809                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1810                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND
1811                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1812                                                 p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1813                                         ELSE
1814                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1815                                         END IF;
1816                         END;
1817                 END LOOP;
1818         EXCEPTION
1819                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1820                         IF c_dms%ISOPEN THEN
1821                                 CLOSE c_dms;
1822                         END IF;
1823                         IF c_dms_seq%ISOPEN THEN
1824                                 CLOSE c_dms_seq;
1825                         END IF;
1826                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1827         END;
1828         EXCEPTION
1829                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1830                         Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
1831                         Fnd_Message.Set_Token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_001.crspl_ins_dms_rec');
1832                         IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
1833                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1834         END crspl_ins_dms_rec;
1836 	PROCEDURE crsp_ins_term_instr_time AS
1837           CURSOR c_psv_term IS
1838 	  SELECT *
1839           FROM   igs_en_psv_term_it
1840           WHERE  course_cd = p_old_course_cd
1841           AND    version_number = p_old_version_number;
1842           l_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
1844 	BEGIN
1845 	  --Rolllover the term instruction time from one version of program to another when duplicate record is done
1846           FOR l_psv_term_rec IN c_psv_term LOOP
1847 	    BEGIN
1848               l_rowid := NULL;
1849   	      igs_en_psv_term_it_pkg.insert_row(x_rowid                 => l_rowid,
1850                                                 x_cal_type              => l_psv_term_rec.cal_type,
1851                                                 x_sequence_number       => l_psv_term_rec.sequence_number,
1852                                                 x_course_cd             => p_new_course_cd,
1853                                                 x_version_number        => p_new_version_number,
1854                                                 x_term_instruction_time => l_psv_term_rec.term_instruction_time);
1855             EXCEPTION
1856               WHEN OTHERS THEN
1857                 IF SQLCODE >= cst_max_error_range AND SQLCODE <= cst_min_error_range THEN
1858                    p_message_name := cst_ret_message_name;
1859                 ELSE
1860                   app_exception.raise_exception;
1861                 END IF;
1862             END;
1863 	  END LOOP;
1865 	END crsp_ins_term_instr_time;
1867         -- Removed procedure crsp_ins_revseg_rec as part of Enh# 2831572.
1868         -- As per this Enh#, Revenue Account Segments are not rolled over to new program version.
1870 ----------------------------------------MAIN------------------------------
1871 BEGIN        -- main procedure
1872         -- This procedure is responsible for transferring all the details of one
1873         -- IGS_PS_COURSE version to another. It gets records (old version_number) and
1874         -- transfers (duplicates)  them all over to a new version_number. An
1875         -- exception handler is raised when an error  number is found to be in the
1876         -- range -20000 to -20999 (which indicates that the exception is user
1877         --  defined - one of the validation routines within the system). If not
1878         -- within this range, it will be raised by standard exception handling.
1879         --  If the insertion  of a IGS_PS_COURSE IGS_GE_NOTE fails, the associated IGS_GE_NOTE is removed.
1880         -- IGS_GE_NOTE:        If any tables to be added, be careful to ensure relational integrity
1881         --                is preserved. Please check that all foreign keys are catered for.
1882         --                (For example, IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST relies on
1883         --                IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET and IGS_PS_OFR_OPT populated first.
1884         --                Only then can the records be created for the new version provided
1885         --                the parent records exist.)
1886         -- This checks if the specified new IGS_PS_COURSE version exists
1888         l_status := NULL;
1890         OPEN gc_cv_new_rec;
1891         FETCH gc_cv_new_rec INTO gv_cv_rec;
1892         IF gc_cv_new_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
1893                 p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
1894                 CLOSE gc_cv_new_rec;
1895                 RETURN;
1896         END IF;
1897         CLOSE gc_cv_new_rec;
1898         -- This checks if the specified old IGS_PS_COURSE version exists
1899         OPEN gc_cv_old_rec;
1900         FETCH gc_cv_old_rec INTO gv_cv_rec;
1901         IF gc_cv_old_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
1902                 p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
1903                 CLOSE gc_cv_old_rec;
1904                 RETURN;
1905         END IF;
1906         CLOSE gc_cv_old_rec;
1907         -- if validation is successful
1908         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESS_COPY_PRGVER';
1909         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_AWARD records
1910         OPEN gc_ca_rec;
1911         LOOP
1912                 FETCH gc_ca_rec INTO gv_ca_rec;
1913                 IF gc_ca_rec%FOUND THEN
1914                         crsp_ins_ca_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1915                 ELSE
1916                            EXIT;
1917                 END IF;
1918         END LOOP;
1919         CLOSE gc_ca_rec;
1920         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OWN records
1921         OPEN gc_cow_rec;
1922         LOOP
1923                 FETCH gc_cow_rec INTO gv_cow_rec;
1924                 IF gc_cow_rec%FOUND THEN
1925                         crsp_ins_cow_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1926                 ELSE
1927                            EXIT;
1928                 END IF;
1929         END LOOP;
1930         CLOSE gc_cow_rec;
1931         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PE_ALTERNATV_EXT records
1932         OPEN gc_ae_rec;
1933         LOOP
1934                 FETCH gc_ae_rec INTO gv_ae_rec;
1935                 IF gc_ae_rec%FOUND THEN
1936                         crsp_ins_ae_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1937                 ELSE
1938                            EXIT;
1939                 END IF;
1940         END LOOP;
1941         CLOSE gc_ae_rec;
1942         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_FI_FND_SRC_RSTN records
1943         OPEN gc_fsr_rec;
1944         LOOP
1945                 FETCH gc_fsr_rec INTO gv_fsr_rec;
1946                 IF gc_fsr_rec%FOUND THEN
1947                         crsp_ins_fsr_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1948                 ELSE
1949                            EXIT;
1950                 END IF;
1951         END LOOP;
1952         CLOSE gc_fsr_rec;
1953         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_FIELD_STUDY records
1954         OPEN gc_cfos_rec;
1955         LOOP
1956                 FETCH gc_cfos_rec INTO gv_cfos_rec;
1957                 IF gc_cfos_rec%FOUND THEN
1958                         crsp_ins_cfos_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1959                 ELSE
1960                            EXIT;
1961                 END IF;
1962         END LOOP;
1963         CLOSE gc_cfos_rec;
1964         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_GRP_MBR records
1965         OPEN gc_cgm_rec;
1966         LOOP
1967                 FETCH gc_cgm_rec INTO gv_cgm_rec;
1968                 IF gc_cgm_rec%FOUND THEN
1969                         crsp_ins_cgm_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1970                 ELSE
1971                            EXIT;
1972                 END IF;
1973         END LOOP;
1974         CLOSE gc_cgm_rec;
1975         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_CATEGORISE records
1976         OPEN gc_ccat_rec;
1977         LOOP
1978                 FETCH gc_ccat_rec INTO gv_ccat_rec;
1979                 IF gc_ccat_rec%FOUND THEN
1980                         crsp_ins_ccat_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1981                 ELSE
1982                            EXIT;
1983                 END IF;
1984         END LOOP;
1985         CLOSE gc_ccat_rec;
1986         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_REF_CD records
1987         OPEN gc_crcd_rec;
1988         LOOP
1989                 FETCH gc_crcd_rec INTO gv_crcd_rec;
1990                 IF gc_crcd_rec%FOUND THEN
1991                         crsp_ins_crcd_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
1992                 ELSE
1993                            EXIT;
1994                 END IF;
1995         END LOOP;
1996         CLOSE gc_crcd_rec;
1997         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_ANL_LOAD records
1998         OPEN gc_cal_rec;
1999         LOOP
2000                 FETCH gc_cal_rec INTO gv_cal_rec;
2001                 IF gc_cal_rec%FOUND THEN
2002                         crsp_ins_cal_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
2003                 ELSE
2004                            EXIT;
2005                 END IF;
2006         END LOOP;
2007         CLOSE gc_cal_rec;
2008         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_VER_NOTE records
2009         OPEN gc_cvn_rec;
2010         LOOP
2011                 FETCH gc_cvn_rec INTO gv_cvn_rec;
2012                 IF gc_cvn_rec%FOUND THEN
2013                         crsp_ins_cvn_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
2014                 ELSE
2015                         EXIT;
2016                 END IF;
2017         END LOOP;
2018         CLOSE gc_cvn_rec;
2019         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_OFR records
2020         OPEN c_co_rec;
2021         LOOP
2022                 FETCH c_co_rec INTO gv_co_rec;
2023                 IF c_co_rec%FOUND THEN
2024                         crsp_ins_co_rec(p_new_course_cd, p_new_version_number);
2025                 ELSE
2026                         EXIT;
2027                 END IF;
2028         END LOOP;
2029         CLOSE c_co_rec;
2031         -- Removed code to insert records into igs_ps_accounts table as part of Enh# 2831572
2033         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_STAGE records and its
2034         -- child records
2035         crspl_ins_cst_rec;
2036         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_PS_VER_RU records
2037         crspl_ins_cvr_rec;
2038         -- calling procedure to insert IGS_RE_DFLT_MS_SET records
2039         crspl_ins_dms_rec;
2041         --Enh#3345205, calling procedure to insert IGS_EN_PSV_TERM_IT records
2042         crsp_ins_term_instr_time;
2044         --
2045         -- Start of new code as per the HESA DLD Build. ENCR019 Bug# 2201753.
2046         --
2048         --
2049         --Get the OSS_COUNTRY_CODE
2050         --
2051         IF fnd_profile.value('OSS_COUNTRY_CODE') = 'GB' THEN
2052           OPEN cur_obj_exists;
2053           FETCH cur_obj_exists INTO l_cur_obj_exists;
2054           IF cur_obj_exists%FOUND THEN
2055             CLOSE cur_obj_exists;
2056             l_status := 0;
2057             EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
2058             'BEGIN
2059               IGS_HE_PS_PKG.COPY_PROG_VERSION(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6);
2060             END;'
2061             USING p_old_course_cd,
2062                   p_old_version_number,
2063                   p_new_course_cd,
2064                   p_new_version_number,
2065                   out p_message_name,
2066                   out l_status;
2068             IF NVL(l_Status,0) = 2 THEN -- ie. The procedure call has resulted in error.
2069               Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS', p_message_name);
2070               IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
2071               App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2072             END IF;
2073           ELSE
2074             CLOSE cur_obj_exists;
2075           END IF;
2076         END IF;
2077         --
2078         -- End of new code added as per the HESA DLD Build. ENCR019 Bug# 2201753.
2079         --
2080         EXCEPTION
2081         WHEN OTHERS THEN
2082                 Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
2083                 Fnd_Message.Set_Token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_001.CRSP_INS_CRS_VER');
2084                 IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
2085                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2086    END crsp_ins_crs_ver; -- main procedure
2089 /*******************  UNIT SECTION DETAILS ROLLOVER *******************************************************/
2092  -- Procedure to duplicate child records of unit section.
2093 PROCEDURE crsp_ins_unit_section(
2094   p_old_uoo_id IN NUMBER,
2095   p_new_uoo_id IN NUMBER,
2096   p_message_name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
2097   p_log_creation_date DATE )
2098   AS
2099   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2100   --Change History:
2101   --Who         When            What
2102   --sommukhe	08-JAN-2006     Bug#3305881,modified cursor c_ou by replacing IGS_OR_UNIT with IGS_OR_INST_ORG_BASE_V
2103   --sarakshi    12-Jan-2006     BUg#4926548,modified cursor c_fee_type_exists and c_fee_type_cal_exists to address performance issues, created pl-sql table.
2104   --sommukhe    23-NOV-2005     Bug#4726560, added cursors cur_usec_tchr_lead,cur_usec_tchr1, c_tch_ins and cur_usec_gs_df.
2105   --sarakshi    17-Oct-2005     Bug#4657596, added fnd logging
2106   --sarakshi    12-Sep-2005     Bug#45772, placed flexfield attributes in the call to the occurrence insert row with the local variables.
2107   --sommukhe    01-SEP-2005     Bug# 4538540 , Added cursor cur_ass_item .
2108   --sarakshi    14-Sep-2004     Enh#3888835, added cursor c_rtn_us,c_rtn_us_dtl and c_fee_type_cal_exists  and it's related logic (of retention rollover).
2109   --sarakshi    12-Jul-2004     Bug#3729462, Added the column DELETE_FLAG in the where clause of the cursor cur_waitlist_chk .
2110   --sarakshi    02-Jun-2004     Bug#3658126,modified cursor usec_unitass and its usage, also added cursor cur_unitassgrp_new and its usage
2111   --sarakshi    04-Nov-2003     Enh#3116171,added field billing_credit_points in igs_ps_usec_cps insert_row.Also coded logic for rolling over igs_ps_usec_sp_fees data.
2112   --sarakshi    21-oct-2003     Enh# 3052452, removed the validation related to max_auditors_allowed
2113   --schodava    17-Sep-2003     Bug # 2520994 PSP Inheritance Build
2114   --                            Modified cursor wlst_pri and cursor cur_wlst_pri_new, to obsolete column UNIT_SECTION_LIMIT_WAITLIST_ID
2115   --                            and use column UOO_ID instead.
2116   --sarakshi    29-Aug-2003     Bug#3076021,before inserting the records checking if the record already exists for all the usec details .
2117   --                            Also max auditors field can be rolled over if auditable checkbox is chhecked.Also changed the length of the variable lv_rule_unprocessed
2118   --vvutukur    04-Aug-2003     Enh#3045069.PSP Enh Build. Removed cursor usec_rptc and related code as this cursor
2119   --                            refers to table igs_ps_usec_rpt_cond which is obsoleted as part of this design.
2120   --smvk        25-jun-2003     Enh bug#2918094. Added column cancel_flag.
2121   --shtatiko    23-MAY-2003     Enh# 2831572, Removed cursor cur_usec_accts and also removed code to rollover Revenue Account
2122   --                            Code into igs_ps_usec_accts
2123   --sarakshi    25-Apr-2003     Enh#2858431,modified call to igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd_pkg.insert_row
2124   --vvutukur    01-Nov-2002     Enh#2636716.Added new column max_auditors_allowd in the tbh call to
2125   --                            igs_ps_usec_lim_wlst_pkg.insert_row.
2126   --vvutukur    28-Oct-2002     Enh#2613933.Modified cursor usec_x_grpmem to select 2 new columns max_enr_group,
2127   --                            max_ovr_group.Also modified the tbh call to igs_ps_usec_x_grp_pkg.insert_row.
2128   --smadathi    02-May-2002     Bug 2261649. The procedure crsp_ins_unit_section contains reference to table IGS_PS_USEC_CHARGE.
2129   --                            The table became obsolete. The references to the same have been removed. The declarartion of cursor
2130   --                            usec_add_chrg and asscociated section of opening of cursor and calling the TBH of the above tables
2131   --                            removed.
2132   --smadathi    01-JUN-2001     The procedure crsp_ins_unit_section contains reference to tables IGS_PS_USEC_RPT_FMLY and
2133   --                            IGS_PS_USEC_PRV_GRAD . These tables became obsolete . The references to the same have been
2134   --                            removed . The declarartion of cursors usec_rfmly and usec_pgrad removed and asscociated section
2135   --                            of opening of cursor and calling the TBH of the above tables removed .The changes are as per DLD
2136   --skoppula    09-AUG-2001     Added code to rollover unit sectin account segment values.This comes as 27th cursor
2137   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2138   gv_new_usec_rec                igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt%ROWTYPE;
2139   gv_old_usec_rec                igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt%ROWTYPE;
2141   -- get the old unit section values
2142   CURSOR  gc_usec_old_rec IS
2143   SELECT  *
2144   FROM    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2145   WHERE   uoo_id = p_old_uoo_id ;
2147   -- get the new unit section values
2148   CURSOR  gc_usec_new_rec IS
2149   SELECT  *
2150   FROM    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2151   WHERE   uoo_id = p_new_uoo_id ;
2153   --1
2154   CURSOR usec_occurs( p_uoo_id  NUMBER ) IS
2155   SELECT *
2156   FROM   igs_ps_usec_occurs
2157   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2159   --2
2160   CURSOR usec_occurs_refcd( p_usec_id NUMBER ) IS
2161   SELECT *
2162   FROM   igs_ps_usec_ocur_ref
2163   WHERE  unit_section_occurrence_id = p_usec_id;
2165   --3
2166   --Enhancement bug no 1800179 , pmarada, added this cursor for unit section instructors
2167   CURSOR usec_instr(cp_Unit_Section_occurrence_id NUMBER) IS
2168   SELECT *
2169   FROM   igs_ps_uso_instrctrs
2170   WHERE  unit_section_occurrence_id =  cp_Unit_Section_occurrence_id;
2172   --4
2173   CURSOR wlst_limit( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2174   SELECT *
2175   FROM  igs_ps_usec_lim_wlst
2176   WHERE uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2179   --5
2180   CURSOR wlst_pri(p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2181   SELECT *
2182   FROM   igs_ps_usec_wlst_pri
2183   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2185   --6
2186   CURSOR wlst_prf(p_usec_pri_id  NUMBER) IS
2187   SELECT *
2188   FROM   igs_ps_usec_wlst_prf
2189   WHERE  unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id = p_usec_pri_id;
2191   --7
2192   CURSOR usec_cps( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2193   SELECT *
2194   FROM   igs_ps_usec_cps
2195   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2197   --8
2198   CURSOR usec_x_grp (cp_grp_name VARCHAR2, cp_cal_type VARCHAR2, cp_seq_no NUMBER) IS
2199   SELECT *
2200   FROM  igs_ps_usec_x_grp
2201   WHERE usec_x_listed_group_name = cp_grp_name
2202   AND   cal_type = cp_cal_type
2203   AND   ci_sequence_number = cp_seq_no ;
2205   --9
2206   CURSOR usec_x_grpmem (cp_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2207   SELECT grpmem.*, grp.usec_x_listed_group_name , grp.location_inheritance,
2208          grp.max_enr_group,max_ovr_group
2209   FROM   igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem grpmem, igs_ps_usec_x_grp grp
2210   WHERE  grp.usec_x_listed_group_id = grpmem.usec_x_listed_group_id
2211   AND    grpmem.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
2213   -- 10
2214   CURSOR usec_spn ( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2215   SELECT *
2216   FROM   igs_ps_usec_spnsrshp
2217   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2219   --11
2220   CURSOR usec_tchr ( p_uoo_id NUMBER)  IS
2221   SELECT *
2222   FROM   igs_ps_usec_tch_resp
2223   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2225   --12
2226   CURSOR usec_as ( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2227   SELECT *
2228   FROM   igs_ps_usec_as
2229   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2231   --13.1
2232   CURSOR usec_unitassgrp ( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2233   SELECT *
2234   FROM   igs_as_us_ai_group
2235   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2237   --13.2
2238   CURSOR usec_unitass ( cp_uoo_id igs_ps_unitass_item.uoo_id%TYPE,
2239                         cp_us_ass_item_group_id igs_ps_unitass_item.us_ass_item_group_id%TYPE) IS
2240   SELECT *
2241   FROM   igs_ps_unitass_item
2242   WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
2243   AND    us_ass_item_group_id=cp_us_ass_item_group_id;
2245   --14
2246   CURSOR usec_ref ( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2247   SELECT *
2248   FROM   igs_ps_usec_ref
2249   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2251   --15
2252   CURSOR usec_refcd( p_usec_ref_id NUMBER ) IS
2253   SELECT *
2254   FROM   igs_ps_usec_ref_cd
2255   WHERE  unit_section_reference_id = p_usec_ref_id;
2257   --Modified CURSOR us_req_refcd as part of bug#2563596.In the where condition the column unit_section_req_ref_cd_id
2258   --was replaced with column unit_section_reference_id.This was causing no unit section requirements reference codes
2259   --records to be selected for rollover
2260   --Enhancement bug no 1800179 , pmarada
2262   --16
2263   CURSOR us_req_refcd ( cp_usec_ref_id NUMBER) IS
2264   SELECT *
2265   FROM   igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd
2266   WHERE  unit_section_reference_id = cp_usec_ref_id;
2268   --17
2269   CURSOR usec_grdsch ( p_uoo_id NUMBER ) IS
2270   SELECT *
2271   FROM   igs_ps_usec_grd_schm
2272   WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
2274   -- 18
2275   CURSOR c_unt_ofr_opt_n (cp_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2276   SELECT snote.*,  genote.s_note_format_type, genote.note_text
2277   FROM   igs_ps_unt_ofr_opt_n snote,  igs_ge_note genote
2278   WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
2279   AND    snote.reference_number = geNote.reference_number;
2281   -- 19
2282   CURSOR usec_pre_co_req_rule (cp_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2283   SELECT *
2284   FROM   igs_ps_usec_ru_v
2285   WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
2287   -- 20
2288   CURSOR usec_cat (cp_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2289   SELECT *
2290   FROM   igs_ps_usec_category
2291   WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
2293   -- 21
2294   CURSOR usec_plushr (cp_uoo_id NUMBER)  IS
2295   SELECT *
2296   FROM   igs_ps_us_unsched_cl
2297   WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
2299   --22
2300   CURSOR usec_tro (cp_uoo_id NUMBER)  IS
2301   SELECT *
2302   FROM   igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd
2303   WHERE  uoo_id =  cp_uoo_id;
2305   --23
2306   CURSOR c_usec_spl_fees (cp_uoo_id NUMBER)  IS
2307   SELECT *
2308   FROM   igs_ps_usec_sp_fees
2309   WHERE  uoo_id =  cp_uoo_id;
2311   CURSOR c_rtn_us IS
2312   SELECT a.*
2313   FROM  igs_ps_nsus_rtn a,
2314         igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all b
2315   WHERE a.uoo_id = p_old_uoo_id
2316   AND   a.uoo_id = b.uoo_id
2317   AND   b.non_std_usec_ind = 'Y'
2318   AND   a.definition_code IN ('UNIT_SECTION','UNIT_SECTION_FEE_TYPE');
2320   CURSOR c_rtn_us_dtl(cp_non_std_usec_rtn_id igs_ps_nsus_rtn_dtl.non_std_usec_rtn_id%TYPE) IS
2321   SELECT *
2322   FROM  igs_ps_nsus_rtn_dtl
2323   WHERE non_std_usec_rtn_id = cp_non_std_usec_rtn_id;
2325   CURSOR usec_fac(cp_unit_section_occurrence_id  igs_ps_uso_facility.unit_section_occurrence_id%TYPE) IS
2326   SELECT *
2327   FROM igs_ps_uso_facility
2328   WHERE  unit_section_occurrence_id =  cp_unit_section_occurrence_id;
2330   CURSOR c_fee_type_cal_exists(cp_c_source_fee_type   igs_fi_fee_type.fee_type%TYPE) IS
2331   SELECT ci.cal_type,ci.sequence_number
2332   FROM  igs_fi_fee_type ft,
2333         igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst ftci,
2334         igs_ca_inst ci,
2335         igs_ca_type ct,
2336         igs_ca_stat cs
2337   WHERE ft.s_fee_type IN ('TUTNFEE', 'OTHER', 'SPECIAL', 'AUDIT')
2338   AND   ft.closed_ind = 'N'
2339   AND   ft.fee_type = ftci.fee_type
2340   AND   ft.fee_type = cp_c_source_fee_type
2341   AND   ftci.fee_cal_type = ci.cal_type
2342   AND   ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number
2343   AND   ci.cal_type = ct.cal_type
2344   AND   ct.s_cal_cat = 'FEE'
2345   AND   ci.cal_status = cs.cal_status
2346   AND   cs.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE';
2348   CURSOR c_teach_date(cp_cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE ,cp_seq_num  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2349   SELECT start_dt,end_dt
2350   FROM   igs_ca_inst_all
2351   WHERE  cal_type = cp_cal_type
2352   AND    sequence_number = cp_seq_num;
2354   l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt  DATE;
2355   l_d_src_teach_cal_end_dt    DATE;
2356   l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt  DATE;
2357   l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt    DATE;
2359   CURSOR cur_config IS
2360   SELECT *
2361   FROM igs_ps_sch_ocr_cfig;
2362   l_rec_config cur_config%ROWTYPE;
2363   l_config_rec_found  BOOLEAN;
2365   CURSOR cur_ass_item(cp_uoo_id IN NUMBER, cp_us_ass_item_group_id IN NUMBER) IS
2366   SELECT 'X'
2367   FROM   igs_ps_unitass_item
2368   WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
2369   AND    us_ass_item_group_id = cp_us_ass_item_group_id;
2370   l_c_var  VARCHAR2(1);
2372   --To find if there is any lead instructor in the Destination
2373   CURSOR cur_usec_tchr_lead(cp_uoo_id         igs_ps_usec_tch_resp.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
2374   SELECT instructor_id
2375   FROM  igs_ps_usec_tch_resp
2376   WHERE uoo_id =  cp_uoo_id
2377   AND lead_instructor_flag = 'Y';
2378   cur_usec_tchr_lead_rec cur_usec_tchr_lead%ROWTYPE;
2380   --To find if the occurrence instructor passed is a lead in the source.
2381   CURSOR cur_usec_tchr1(cp_uoo_id  igs_ps_usec_tch_resp.uoo_id%TYPE,cp_ins igs_ps_usec_tch_resp.instructor_id%TYPE) IS
2382   SELECT instructor_id
2383   FROM  igs_ps_usec_tch_resp
2384   WHERE uoo_id =  cp_uoo_id
2385   AND lead_instructor_flag = 'Y'
2386   AND instructor_id = cp_ins;
2387   cur_usec_tchr1_rec cur_usec_tchr1%ROWTYPE;
2390   l_resp_flag BOOLEAN ;
2391   l_dest_lead_inst_id igs_ps_usec_tch_resp.instructor_id%TYPE;
2393  ---------------------------
2394  CURSOR cur_ftci(cp_c_cal_type igs_ca_teach_to_load_v.teach_cal_type%TYPE,
2395                  cp_n_sequence_number igs_ca_teach_to_load_v.teach_ci_sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2396  SELECT sup_cal_type cal_type, sup_ci_sequence_number sequence_number
2397  FROM   igs_ca_inst_rel
2398  WHERE (sub_cal_type,sub_ci_sequence_number) IN (SELECT load_cal_type, load_ci_sequence_number
2399                                                  FROM   igs_ca_teach_to_load_v
2400 						 WHERE  teach_cal_type = cp_c_cal_type
2401 						 AND    teach_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number);
2402   TYPE teach_cal_rec IS RECORD(
2403 			       cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
2404 			       sequence_number igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE
2405 			       );
2406   TYPE teachCalendar IS TABLE OF teach_cal_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
2407   teachCalendar_tbl teachCalendar;
2408   l_n_counter NUMBER(10);
2409   l_c_proceed BOOLEAN ;
2413 BEGIN
2414   -- This PROCEDURE IS responsible FOR transferring ALL the details OF one unit offering OPTION TO
2415   -- another.It gets records (OLD location_cd AND unit class) AND transfers (duplicates)  them ALL
2416   -- over TO a NEW unit offering option. An EXCEPTION handler IS raised WHEN an error occurs.
2418   -- This checks IF the specified NEW unit offering OPTION exists
2419   OPEN gc_usec_new_rec;
2420   FETCH gc_usec_new_rec INTO gv_new_usec_rec;
2421   IF gc_usec_new_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
2422      p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
2423      CLOSE gc_usec_new_rec;
2424      RETURN;
2425   END IF;
2426   CLOSE gc_usec_new_rec;
2428   -- This checks IF the specified OLD unit offering OPTION NOT exists
2429   OPEN gc_usec_old_rec;
2430   FETCH gc_usec_old_rec INTO gv_old_usec_rec;
2431   IF gc_usec_old_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
2432      p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
2433      CLOSE gc_usec_old_rec;
2434      RETURN;
2435   END IF;
2436   CLOSE gc_usec_old_rec;
2438   -- Validation SUCCESSFUL
2440   -- Rollover of unit section occurrence records
2442   OPEN c_teach_date(gv_old_usec_rec.cal_type,gv_old_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number);
2443   FETCH c_teach_date INTO l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt,l_d_src_teach_cal_end_dt;
2444   CLOSE c_teach_date;
2446   OPEN c_teach_date(gv_new_usec_rec.cal_type,gv_new_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number);
2447   FETCH c_teach_date INTO l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt,l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt;
2448   CLOSE c_teach_date;
2450   OPEN cur_config;
2451   FETCH cur_config INTO l_rec_config;
2452   IF cur_config%NOTFOUND THEN
2453     l_config_rec_found:= FALSE;
2454   ELSE
2455     l_config_rec_found:= TRUE;
2456   END IF;
2457   CLOSE cur_config;
2459   FOR  usec_occurs_rec IN  usec_occurs (p_old_uoo_Id ) LOOP
2460     DECLARE
2462        CURSOR cur_occur_new (cp_uoo_id   igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.uoo_id%TYPE,
2463                              cp_occurrence_identifier igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.occurrence_identifier%TYPE) IS
2464        SELECT 'X'
2465        FROM   igs_ps_usec_occurs_all
2466        WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
2467        AND    occurrence_identifier=cp_occurrence_identifier
2468        AND    ROWNUM = 1 ;
2469        l_cur_occur_new   cur_occur_new%ROWTYPE;
2471        lv_rowid  VARCHAR2(25);
2472        l_usec_id NUMBER;
2473        l_org_id  NUMBER(15);
2474        l_d_uso_dest_start_dt       DATE;
2475        l_d_uso_dest_end_dt         DATE;
2476        l_n_num_st_days             NUMBER;
2477        l_n_num_end_days            NUMBER;
2480        l_c_monday igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.monday%TYPE;
2481        l_c_tuesday igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.tuesday%TYPE;
2482        l_c_wednesday igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.wednesday%TYPE;
2483        l_c_thursday igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.thursday%TYPE;
2484        l_c_friday igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.friday%TYPE;
2485        l_c_saturday igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.saturday%TYPE;
2486        l_c_sunday igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.sunday%TYPE;
2487        l_d_start_time igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.start_time%TYPE;
2488        l_d_end_time igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.end_time%TYPE;
2489        l_c_building_code igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.building_code%TYPE;
2490        l_c_room_code igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.room_code%TYPE;
2491        l_c_dedicated_building_code igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.dedicated_building_code%TYPE;
2492        l_c_dedicated_room_code igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.dedicated_room_code%TYPE;
2493        l_c_preferred_building_code igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.preferred_building_code%TYPE;
2494        l_c_preferred_room_code igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.preferred_room_code%TYPE;
2495        l_c_preferred_region_code igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.preferred_region_code%TYPE;
2496        l_c_inst_change_notify   igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.inst_notify_ind%TYPE;
2497        l_c_attribute_category igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute_category%TYPE;
2498        l_c_attribute1  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute1%TYPE;
2499        l_c_attribute2  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute2%TYPE;
2500        l_c_attribute3  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute3%TYPE;
2501        l_c_attribute4  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute4%TYPE;
2502        l_c_attribute5  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute5%TYPE;
2503        l_c_attribute6  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute6%TYPE;
2504        l_c_attribute7  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute7%TYPE;
2505        l_c_attribute8  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute8%TYPE;
2506        l_c_attribute9  igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute9%TYPE;
2507        l_c_attribute10 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute10%TYPE;
2508        l_c_attribute11 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute11%TYPE;
2509        l_c_attribute12 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute12%TYPE;
2510        l_c_attribute13 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute13%TYPE;
2511        l_c_attribute14 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute14%TYPE;
2512        l_c_attribute15 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute15%TYPE;
2513        l_c_attribute16 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute16%TYPE;
2514        l_c_attribute17 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute17%TYPE;
2515        l_c_attribute18 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute18%TYPE;
2516        l_c_attribute19 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute19%TYPE;
2517        l_c_attribute20 igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.attribute20%TYPE;
2518        l_occur_roll_allowed BOOLEAN;
2519     BEGIN
2520       l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
2522       IF usec_occurs_rec.start_date IS NOT NULL THEN
2523         l_n_num_st_days       := usec_occurs_rec.start_date - NVL(gv_old_usec_rec.unit_section_start_date,l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt);
2524         l_d_uso_dest_start_dt := NVL(gv_new_usec_rec.unit_section_start_date,l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt) + l_n_num_st_days;
2525       ELSE
2526         l_d_uso_dest_start_dt := NULL;
2527       END IF;
2529       IF usec_occurs_rec.end_date IS NOT NULL THEN
2530         l_n_num_end_days      := NVL(gv_old_usec_rec.unit_section_end_date,l_d_src_teach_cal_end_dt) - usec_occurs_rec.end_date ;
2531         l_d_uso_dest_end_dt   := NVL(gv_new_usec_rec.unit_section_end_date,l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt) - l_n_num_end_days;
2532       ELSE
2533         l_d_uso_dest_end_dt   := NULL;
2534       END IF;
2536       --Unit section occurrence start date must not be greater than the unit section end date if exists ,
2537       --if does not exists then must not be greater than teaching calendar end date
2538       IF l_d_uso_dest_start_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
2539           IF l_d_uso_dest_start_dt >  NVL(l_d_uso_dest_end_dt,NVL(gv_new_usec_rec.unit_section_end_date,l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt)) THEN
2540              l_d_uso_dest_start_dt :=  NVL(gv_new_usec_rec.unit_section_start_date,l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt);
2541 	  END IF;
2542       END IF;
2543       --Unit section occurrence end date must not be less than the unit section start date if exists ,
2544       --if does not exists then must not be less than teaching calendar start date
2545       IF l_d_uso_dest_end_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
2546           IF l_d_uso_dest_end_dt < NVL(l_d_uso_dest_start_dt,NVL(gv_new_usec_rec.unit_section_start_date,l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt)) THEN
2547              l_d_uso_dest_end_dt := NVL(gv_new_usec_rec.unit_section_end_date,l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt);
2548 	  END IF;
2549       END IF;
2551       -- As part of bug#2833850 added columns preferred_region_code and no_set_day_ind to the call of
2552       -- igs_ps_usec_occurs_pkg.insert_row
2554       --Added as a part of scheduling Enhancement IGS.M
2555       l_occur_roll_allowed := TRUE;
2557       IF l_config_rec_found = FALSE THEN
2558         l_c_monday:= usec_occurs_rec.monday;
2559         l_c_tuesday:= usec_occurs_rec.tuesday;
2560         l_c_wednesday:= usec_occurs_rec.wednesday;
2561         l_c_thursday:= usec_occurs_rec.thursday;
2562         l_c_friday:= usec_occurs_rec.friday;
2563         l_c_saturday:= usec_occurs_rec.saturday;
2564         l_c_sunday:= usec_occurs_rec.sunday;
2565         l_d_start_time:= usec_occurs_rec.start_time;
2566         l_d_end_time:= usec_occurs_rec.end_time;
2567         l_c_building_code:= usec_occurs_rec.building_code;
2568         l_c_room_code:= usec_occurs_rec.room_code;
2569         l_c_dedicated_building_code:= usec_occurs_rec.dedicated_building_code;
2570         l_c_dedicated_room_code:= usec_occurs_rec.dedicated_room_code;
2571         l_c_preferred_building_code:= usec_occurs_rec.preferred_building_code;
2572         l_c_preferred_room_code:= usec_occurs_rec.preferred_room_code;
2573         l_c_preferred_region_code:= usec_occurs_rec.preferred_region_code;
2574         l_c_inst_change_notify:= usec_occurs_rec.inst_notify_ind;
2575         l_c_attribute_category :=usec_occurs_rec.attribute_category;
2576         l_c_attribute1 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute1;
2577         l_c_attribute2 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute2;
2578         l_c_attribute3 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute3;
2579         l_c_attribute4 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute4;
2580         l_c_attribute5 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute5;
2581         l_c_attribute6 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute6;
2582         l_c_attribute7 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute7;
2583         l_c_attribute8 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute8;
2584         l_c_attribute9 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute9;
2585         l_c_attribute10 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute10;
2586         l_c_attribute11 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute11;
2587         l_c_attribute12 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute12;
2588         l_c_attribute13 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute13;
2589         l_c_attribute14 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute14;
2590         l_c_attribute15 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute15;
2591         l_c_attribute16 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute16;
2592         l_c_attribute17 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute17;
2593         l_c_attribute18 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute18;
2594         l_c_attribute19 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute19;
2595         l_c_attribute20 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute20;
2597       ELSE
2598         --If scheduling Not required/TBA checkbox is unchecked in configuration form then do not rollover Not required/TBA occurrences
2599 	IF (l_rec_config.to_be_announced_roll_flag = 'N' AND usec_occurs_rec.to_be_announced='Y') OR (l_rec_config.schd_not_rqd_roll_flag = 'N' AND usec_occurs_rec.no_set_day_ind ='Y')  THEN
2600           l_occur_roll_allowed := FALSE;
2601 	END IF;
2603         IF l_rec_config.day_roll_flag ='Y' THEN
2604           l_c_monday:= usec_occurs_rec.monday;
2605           l_c_tuesday:= usec_occurs_rec.tuesday;
2606           l_c_wednesday:= usec_occurs_rec.wednesday;
2607           l_c_thursday:= usec_occurs_rec.thursday;
2608           l_c_friday:= usec_occurs_rec.friday;
2609           l_c_saturday:= usec_occurs_rec.saturday;
2610           l_c_sunday:= usec_occurs_rec.sunday;
2611 	ELSE
2612 	  IF l_rec_config.schd_not_rqd_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2613             l_c_monday:= 'N';
2614             l_c_tuesday:= 'N';
2615             l_c_wednesday:= 'N';
2616             l_c_thursday:= 'N';
2617             l_c_friday:= 'N';
2618             l_c_saturday:= 'N';
2619             l_c_sunday:= 'N';
2620           ELSE
2621             l_c_monday:= usec_occurs_rec.monday;
2622             l_c_tuesday:= usec_occurs_rec.tuesday;
2623             l_c_wednesday:= usec_occurs_rec.wednesday;
2624             l_c_thursday:= usec_occurs_rec.thursday;
2625             l_c_friday:= usec_occurs_rec.friday;
2626             l_c_saturday:= usec_occurs_rec.saturday;
2627             l_c_sunday:= usec_occurs_rec.sunday;
2628 	  END IF;
2629 	END IF;
2631 	IF l_rec_config.time_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2632           l_d_start_time:= usec_occurs_rec.start_time;
2633           l_d_end_time:= usec_occurs_rec.end_time;
2634         ELSE
2635           l_d_start_time:= NULL;
2636           l_d_end_time:= NULL;
2637 	END IF;
2639         IF l_rec_config.scheduled_bld_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2640           l_c_building_code:= usec_occurs_rec.building_code;
2641 	ELSE
2642           l_c_building_code:= NULL;
2643 	END IF;
2645         IF l_rec_config.scheduled_room_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2646           l_c_room_code:= usec_occurs_rec.room_code;
2647 	ELSE
2648           l_c_room_code:= NULL;
2649 	END IF;
2651         IF l_rec_config.dedicated_bld_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2652           l_c_dedicated_building_code:= usec_occurs_rec.dedicated_building_code;
2653 	ELSE
2654           l_c_dedicated_building_code:= NULL;
2655 	END IF;
2657         IF l_rec_config.dedicated_room_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2658           l_c_dedicated_room_code:= usec_occurs_rec.dedicated_room_code;
2659 	ELSE
2660           l_c_dedicated_room_code:= NULL;
2661 	END IF;
2663         IF l_rec_config.preferred_bld_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2664           l_c_preferred_building_code:= usec_occurs_rec.preferred_building_code;
2665 	ELSE
2666           l_c_preferred_building_code:= NULL;
2667 	END IF;
2669         IF l_rec_config.preferred_room_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2670           l_c_preferred_room_code:= usec_occurs_rec.preferred_room_code;
2671 	ELSE
2672           l_c_preferred_room_code:= NULL;
2673 	END IF;
2675         IF l_rec_config.preferred_region_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2676           l_c_preferred_region_code:= usec_occurs_rec.preferred_region_code;
2677 	ELSE
2678           l_c_preferred_region_code:= NULL;
2679 	END IF;
2681         IF l_rec_config.inc_ins_change_notfy_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2682           l_c_inst_change_notify:= usec_occurs_rec.inst_notify_ind;
2683 	ELSE
2684           l_c_inst_change_notify:= NULL;
2685 	END IF;
2687         IF l_rec_config.occur_flexfield_roll_flag = 'Y' THEN
2688           l_c_attribute_category :=usec_occurs_rec.attribute_category;
2689           l_c_attribute1 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute1;
2690           l_c_attribute2 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute2;
2691           l_c_attribute3 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute3;
2692           l_c_attribute4 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute4;
2693           l_c_attribute5 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute5;
2694           l_c_attribute6 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute6;
2695           l_c_attribute7 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute7;
2696           l_c_attribute8 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute8;
2697           l_c_attribute9 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute9;
2698           l_c_attribute10 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute10;
2699           l_c_attribute11 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute11;
2700           l_c_attribute12 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute12;
2701           l_c_attribute13 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute13;
2702           l_c_attribute14 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute14;
2703           l_c_attribute15 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute15;
2704           l_c_attribute16 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute16;
2705           l_c_attribute17 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute17;
2706           l_c_attribute18 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute18;
2707           l_c_attribute19 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute19;
2708           l_c_attribute20 := usec_occurs_rec.attribute20;
2709         ELSE
2710           l_c_attribute_category :=NULL;
2711           l_c_attribute1 := NULL;
2712           l_c_attribute2 := NULL;
2713           l_c_attribute3 := NULL;
2714           l_c_attribute4 := NULL;
2715           l_c_attribute5 := NULL;
2716           l_c_attribute6 := NULL;
2717           l_c_attribute7 := NULL;
2718           l_c_attribute8 := NULL;
2719           l_c_attribute9 := NULL;
2720           l_c_attribute10 := NULL;
2721           l_c_attribute11 := NULL;
2722           l_c_attribute12 := NULL;
2723           l_c_attribute13 := NULL;
2724           l_c_attribute14 := NULL;
2725           l_c_attribute15 := NULL;
2726           l_c_attribute16 := NULL;
2727           l_c_attribute17 := NULL;
2728           l_c_attribute18 := NULL;
2729           l_c_attribute19 := NULL;
2730           l_c_attribute20 := NULL;
2731 	END IF;
2734       END IF;
2736       IF l_occur_roll_allowed = TRUE THEN
2737 	OPEN cur_occur_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_occurs_rec.occurrence_identifier);
2738 	FETCH cur_occur_new INTO l_cur_occur_new;
2739 	IF cur_occur_new%NOTFOUND THEN
2741 	      igs_ps_usec_occurs_pkg.insert_row (
2742 		x_rowid                     => lv_rowid,
2743 		x_unit_section_occurrence_id=> l_usec_id,
2744 		x_uoo_id                    =>  p_new_uoo_id ,
2745 		x_monday                    =>  l_c_monday,
2746 		x_tuesday                   =>  l_c_tuesday,
2747 		x_wednesday                 =>  l_c_wednesday,
2748 		x_thursday                  =>  l_c_thursday,
2749 		x_friday                    =>  l_c_friday,
2750 		x_saturday                  =>  l_c_saturday,
2751 		x_sunday                    =>  l_c_sunday,
2752 		x_start_time                =>  l_d_start_time,
2753 		x_end_time                  =>  l_d_end_time,
2754 		x_building_code             =>  l_c_building_code,
2755 		x_room_code                 =>  l_c_room_code,
2756 		x_schedule_status           =>  NULL,
2757 		x_status_last_updated       =>  NULL,
2758 		x_instructor_id             =>  usec_occurs_rec.instructor_id  ,
2759 		x_error_text                =>  NULL,
2760 		x_mode                      =>  'R' ,
2761 		x_org_id                    => l_org_id,
2762 		x_start_date                => l_d_uso_dest_start_dt,
2763 		x_end_date                  => l_d_uso_dest_end_dt,
2764 		x_to_be_announced           => usec_occurs_rec.to_be_announced,
2765 		x_attribute_category        => l_c_attribute_category,
2766 		x_attribute1                => l_c_attribute1,
2767 		x_attribute2                => l_c_attribute2,
2768 		x_attribute3                => l_c_attribute3,
2769 		x_attribute4                => l_c_attribute4,
2770 		x_attribute5                => l_c_attribute5,
2771 		x_attribute6                => l_c_attribute6,
2772 		x_attribute7                => l_c_attribute7,
2773 		x_attribute8                => l_c_attribute8,
2774 		x_attribute9                => l_c_attribute9,
2775 		x_attribute10               => l_c_attribute10,
2776 		x_attribute11               => l_c_attribute11,
2777 		x_attribute12               => l_c_attribute12,
2778 		x_attribute13               => l_c_attribute13,
2779 		x_attribute14               => l_c_attribute14,
2780 		x_attribute15               => l_c_attribute15,
2781 		x_attribute16               => l_c_attribute16,
2782 		x_attribute17               => l_c_attribute17,
2783 		x_attribute18               => l_c_attribute18,
2784 		x_attribute19               => l_c_attribute19,
2785 		x_attribute20               => l_c_attribute20,
2786 		x_inst_notify_ind           => l_c_inst_change_notify,
2787 		x_notify_status             => 'NEW',
2788 		x_dedicated_building_code   => l_c_dedicated_building_code,
2789 		x_dedicated_room_code       => l_c_dedicated_room_code,
2790 		x_preferred_building_code   => l_c_preferred_building_code,
2791 		x_preferred_room_code       => l_c_preferred_room_code,
2792 		x_preferred_region_code     => l_c_preferred_region_code,
2793 		x_no_set_day_ind            => usec_occurs_rec.no_set_day_ind,
2794 		x_cancel_flag               => 'N',
2795 		x_occurrence_identifier     => usec_occurs_rec.occurrence_identifier,
2796 		x_abort_flag                => 'N');
2798 	    -- Rollover of unit section occurrence reference code records
2799 	    --Added this if condition as a part of scheduling Enhancement IGS.M
2800 	    IF l_config_rec_found = FALSE OR l_rec_config.ref_cd_roll_flag ='Y' THEN
2801 	      FOR  usec_occurs_refcd_rec IN usec_occurs_refcd(usec_occurs_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id ) LOOP
2802 		DECLARE
2803 		  lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
2804 		  l_usec_ref_id NUMBER;
2805 		BEGIN
2806 		  igs_ps_usec_ocur_ref_pkg.insert_row(
2807 		    x_rowid                       => lv_rowid,
2808 		    x_unit_sec_occur_reference_id => l_usec_ref_id,
2809 		    x_unit_section_occurrence_id  => l_usec_id,
2810 		    x_reference_code_type         => usec_occurs_refcd_rec.reference_code_type,
2811 		    x_reference_code              => usec_occurs_refcd_rec.reference_code,
2812 		    x_mode                        => 'R',
2813 		    x_reference_code_desc         => usec_occurs_refcd_rec.reference_code_desc);
2816 		    --Fnd log implementation
2817 		    IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2818 		      fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
2819 	              SUBSTRB('Unit Section Occurrence Id:'||usec_occurs_refcd_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id||'  '||'Reference Code Type:'||usec_occurs_refcd_rec.reference_code_type||'  '||
2820 		      'Reference Code:'||usec_occurs_refcd_rec.reference_code||'  '||NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
2821 		    END IF;
2822 		END;
2823 	      END LOOP;
2824 	    END IF;
2826 	    --Enhancement bug no 1800179 , pmarada
2827 	    -- Rollover of unit section occurrence Instructor records
2828 	    --Added this if condition as a part of scheduling Enhancement IGS.M
2831 	    IF l_config_rec_found = FALSE OR l_rec_config.instructor_roll_flag ='Y' THEN
2832 	    OPEN cur_usec_tchr_lead(p_new_uoo_id);
2833 	    FETCH cur_usec_tchr_lead INTO l_dest_lead_inst_id;
2834             CLOSE cur_usec_tchr_lead;
2836 	      FOR usec_instr_rec IN usec_instr (usec_occurs_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id) Loop
2837 		DECLARE
2838 		  lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
2839 		  l_uso_instructor_id NUMBER;
2840 		BEGIN
2842 		  OPEN cur_usec_tchr1(p_old_uoo_Id,usec_instr_rec.instructor_id);
2843 		  FETCH cur_usec_tchr1 INTO cur_usec_tchr1_rec;
2844 		  IF cur_usec_tchr1%FOUND AND l_dest_lead_inst_id IS NOT NULL THEN
2845                     IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2846 			fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'igs.plsql.IGS_PS_GEN_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.instructor_not_rolled_over_one_lead_already_in_destination_unit_section',
2847 			'Not rolling over Lead Instructo:'||usec_instr_rec.instructor_id||'  '||'from Source UOO:'||p_old_uoo_Id||'  '||
2848 			'to Destination UOO:'||p_new_uoo_id||'  '||'as there already exists a different Lead Instructor:'||cur_usec_tchr_lead_rec.instructor_id||'  '||
2849 			'in the Destination');
2850 		    END IF;
2851 		    CLOSE cur_usec_tchr1;
2852 		  ELSE
2853 		    igs_ps_uso_instrctrs_pkg.insert_row (
2854 		    x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
2855 		    x_uso_instructor_id          => l_uso_instructor_id,
2856 		    x_unit_section_occurrence_id => l_usec_id,
2857 		    x_instructor_id              => usec_instr_rec.instructor_id,
2858 		    x_mode                       => 'R' );
2859 		    CLOSE cur_usec_tchr1;
2860                     END IF;
2863 		    --Fnd log implementation
2864 		    IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2865 		      fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
2866 	              SUBSTRB('Unit Section Occurrence Id:'||usec_instr_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id||'  '||'Instructor Id:'||usec_instr_rec.instructor_id||'  '||
2867 		      NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
2868 		    END IF;
2869 		END;
2870 	      END LOOP;
2871 	    END IF;
2873 	    -- Rollover of unit section occurrence facilities records
2874 	    --Added this as a part of scheduling Enhancement IGS.M
2875 	    IF l_config_rec_found = FALSE OR l_rec_config.facility_roll_flag ='Y' THEN
2876 	      FOR usec_fac_rec IN usec_fac (usec_occurs_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id) LOOP
2877 		DECLARE
2878 		  lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
2879 		  l_uso_facility_id NUMBER;
2880 		BEGIN
2881 		  igs_ps_uso_facility_pkg.insert_row (
2882 		    x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
2883 		    x_uso_facility_id            => l_uso_facility_id,
2884 		    x_unit_section_occurrence_id => l_usec_id,
2885 		    x_facility_code              => usec_fac_rec.facility_code,
2886 		    x_mode                       => 'R' );
2889 		    --Fnd log implementation
2890 		    IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2891 		      fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
2892 	              SUBSTRB('Unit Section Occurrence Id:'||usec_fac_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id||'  '||'Facility Code:'||usec_fac_rec.facility_code||'  '||
2893 		      NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
2894 		    END IF;
2895 		END;
2896 	      END LOOP;
2897 	    END IF;
2899 	 END IF; --end of cur_occur_new
2900 	 CLOSE cur_occur_new;
2902        END IF; --Roll allowed
2904     EXCEPTION
2906 	--Fnd log implementation
2907 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2908 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
2909 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Section Occurrence Id:'||usec_occurs_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id||'  '||'Occurrence Identifier:'||usec_occurs_rec.occurrence_identifier||'  '||
2910 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
2911 	END IF;
2912     END;
2914   END LOOP;
2917   --Enhancement bug no 1800179 , pmarada
2918   -- Rollover of unit section enrollment limit records
2919   FOR wlst_limit_rec IN wlst_limit (p_old_uoo_Id ) LOOP
2920     DECLARE
2921       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
2922       l_usec_lim_id NUMBER;
2924       --following two  cursors are added by sarakshi,bug#2332807
2925       CURSOR  cur_get_parameters IS
2926       SELECT unit_cd,version_number,cal_type,ci_sequence_number
2927       FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2928       WHERE  uoo_id=p_new_uoo_id;
2929       l_cur_get_parameters cur_get_parameters%ROWTYPE;
2931       CURSOR cur_waitlist_chk(cp_unit_cd            igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE,
2932                               cp_version_number     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.version_number%TYPE,
2933                               cp_cal_type           igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.cal_type%TYPE,
2934                               cp_ci_sequence_number igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.ci_sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2935       SELECT waitlist_allowed
2936       FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat
2937       WHERE  unit_cd=cp_unit_cd
2938       AND    version_number=cp_version_number
2939       AND    cal_type=cp_cal_type
2940       AND    ci_sequence_number=cp_ci_sequence_number
2941       AND    delete_flag = 'N';
2942       l_cur_waitlist  cur_waitlist_chk%ROWTYPE;
2944       CURSOR cur_wlst_limit_new (cp_uoo_id   igs_ps_usec_lim_wlst.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
2945       SELECT unit_section_limit_waitlist_id ,waitlist_allowed
2946       FROM   igs_ps_usec_lim_wlst
2947       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
2948       AND    ROWNUM = 1 ;
2949       l_cur_wlst_limit_new   cur_wlst_limit_new%ROWTYPE;
2951     BEGIN
2953       OPEN cur_wlst_limit_new(p_new_uoo_id);
2954       FETCH cur_wlst_limit_new INTO l_cur_wlst_limit_new;
2955       IF cur_wlst_limit_new%NOTFOUND THEN
2956         --following validation is added by sarakshi,bug#2332807
2957         --if waitlist allowed is set to N at unit pattern level then in igs_ps_usec_lim_wlst we should pass N only
2958         --and not allow any insert in priority and preferences table.
2959         OPEN cur_get_parameters;
2960         FETCH cur_get_parameters INTO l_cur_get_parameters;
2961         CLOSE cur_get_parameters;
2963         OPEN cur_waitlist_chk(l_cur_get_parameters.unit_cd,l_cur_get_parameters.version_number,
2964                               l_cur_get_parameters.cal_type,l_cur_get_parameters.ci_sequence_number);
2965         FETCH cur_waitlist_chk INTO l_cur_waitlist;
2966         CLOSE cur_waitlist_chk;
2967         IF NVL(l_cur_waitlist.waitlist_allowed,'N') = 'N' THEN
2968           wlst_limit_rec.waitlist_allowed:='N';
2969           wlst_limit_rec.max_students_per_waitlist:=0;
2970         END IF;
2973         igs_ps_usec_lim_wlst_pkg.insert_row(
2974           x_rowid                        => lv_rowid,
2975           x_unit_section_limit_wlst_id   => l_usec_lim_id,
2976           x_uoo_id                       => p_new_uoo_id,
2977           x_enrollment_expected          => wlst_limit_rec.enrollment_expected ,
2978           x_enrollment_minimum           => wlst_limit_rec.enrollment_minimum  ,
2979           x_enrollment_maximum           => wlst_limit_rec.enrollment_maximum ,
2980           x_advance_maximum              => wlst_limit_rec.advance_maximum,
2981           x_override_enrollment_max      => wlst_limit_rec.override_enrollment_max,
2982           x_waitlist_allowed             => wlst_limit_rec.waitlist_allowed ,
2983           x_max_students_per_waitlist    => wlst_limit_rec.max_students_per_waitlist,
2984           x_max_auditors_allowed         => wlst_limit_rec.max_auditors_allowed,
2985           x_mode                         => 'R'
2986         );
2987       END IF;
2988       CLOSE cur_wlst_limit_new;
2989       IF NVL(l_cur_waitlist.waitlist_allowed,l_cur_wlst_limit_new.waitlist_allowed) = 'Y' THEN
2990         -- Rollover of unit section waitlist priority records
2991         FOR wlst_pri_rec IN wlst_pri (p_old_uoo_Id) LOOP
2992           DECLARE
2993             CURSOR cur_wlst_pri_new(cp_uoo_id                       igs_ps_usec_wlst_pri.uoo_id%TYPE,
2994                                     cp_priority_number              igs_ps_usec_wlst_pri.priority_number%TYPE,
2995                                     cp_priority_value               igs_ps_usec_wlst_pri.priority_value%TYPE)  IS
2996             SELECT unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id
2997             FROM   igs_ps_usec_wlst_pri
2998             WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
2999             AND    priority_number = cp_priority_number
3000             AND    priority_value  = cp_priority_value
3001             AND    ROWNUM = 1 ;
3002             l_cur_wlst_pri_new  cur_wlst_pri_new%ROWTYPE;
3004             lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3005             l_usec_pri_id NUMBER;
3006           BEGIN
3007 	    OPEN cur_wlst_pri_new(p_new_uoo_id, wlst_pri_rec.priority_number, wlst_pri_rec.priority_value);
3008             FETCH cur_wlst_pri_new INTO l_cur_wlst_pri_new;
3009             IF cur_wlst_pri_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3010               igs_ps_usec_wlst_pri_pkg.insert_row(
3011                 x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
3012                 x_unit_sec_wlst_priority_id  => l_usec_pri_id,
3013                 x_priority_number            => wlst_pri_rec.priority_number  ,
3014                 x_priority_value             => wlst_pri_rec.priority_value    ,
3015 		x_uoo_id                     => p_new_uoo_Id,
3016                 x_mode                       => 'R'
3017                 );
3018             END IF;
3019             CLOSE cur_wlst_pri_new;
3021             -- Rollover of unit section waitlist preference records
3022             FOR wlst_prf_rec IN wlst_prf (wlst_pri_rec.unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id ) LOOP
3023               DECLARE
3024                 CURSOR cur_wlst_prf_new(cp_unit_sec_wlst_priority_id   igs_ps_usec_wlst_prf.unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id%TYPE,
3025                                         cp_preference_code             igs_ps_usec_wlst_prf.preference_code%TYPE,
3026                                         cp_preference_version          igs_ps_usec_wlst_prf.preference_version%TYPE)  IS
3027                 SELECT 'X'
3028                 FROM   igs_ps_usec_wlst_prf
3029                 WHERE  unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id = cp_unit_sec_wlst_priority_id
3030                 AND    preference_code = cp_preference_code
3031                 AND    preference_version  = cp_preference_version
3032                 AND    ROWNUM = 1 ;
3033                 l_cur_wlst_prf_new  cur_wlst_prf_new%ROWTYPE;
3035                 lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3036                 l_usec_prf_id NUMBER;
3037               BEGIN
3039                 OPEN cur_wlst_prf_new(NVL(l_usec_pri_id,l_cur_wlst_pri_new.unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id), wlst_prf_rec.preference_code, wlst_prf_rec.preference_version);
3040                 FETCH cur_wlst_prf_new INTO l_cur_wlst_prf_new;
3041                 IF cur_wlst_prf_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3042                   igs_ps_usec_wlst_prf_pkg.insert_row(
3043                     x_rowid                     => lv_rowid,
3044                     x_unit_sec_waitlist_pref_id => l_usec_prf_id,
3045                     x_unit_sec_wlst_priority_id => NVL(l_usec_pri_id,l_cur_wlst_pri_new.unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id),
3046                     x_preference_order          => wlst_prf_rec.preference_order ,
3047                     x_preference_code           => wlst_prf_rec.preference_code ,
3048                     x_preference_version        => wlst_prf_rec.preference_version  ,
3049                     x_mode                      => 'R');
3050                 END IF;
3051                 CLOSE cur_wlst_prf_new;
3053               EXCEPTION
3054                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
3055 		  --Fnd log implementation
3056 		  IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3057 		    fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3058 		    SUBSTRB('Unit Sec Waitlist Pref Id:'||wlst_prf_rec.unit_sec_waitlist_pref_id||'  '||
3059 		    NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3060 		  END IF;
3061               END;
3062             END LOOP;
3064           EXCEPTION
3065             WHEN OTHERS THEN
3066 	      --Fnd log implementation
3067 	      IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3068 		fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3069 		SUBSTRB('Unit Sec Wait Priority Id:'||wlst_pri_rec.unit_sec_waitlist_priority_id||'  '||
3070 		NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3071 	      END IF;
3072           END;
3073         END LOOP;
3074       END IF;
3075     EXCEPTION
3077 	--Fnd log implementation
3078 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3079 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3080 	  SUBSTRB('unit section limit wlst id:'||wlst_limit_rec.unit_section_limit_waitlist_id||'  '||
3081 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3082 	END IF;
3083     END;
3084   END LOOP;
3086   -- Rollover of unit section credit points records
3087   FOR usec_cps_rec IN usec_cps(p_old_uoo_Id ) LOOP
3088     DECLARE
3089       CURSOR cur_usec_cps_new (cp_uoo_id   igs_ps_usec_cps.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
3090       SELECT 'X'
3091       FROM   igs_ps_usec_cps
3092       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3093       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3094       l_cur_usec_cps_new   cur_usec_cps_new%ROWTYPE;
3096       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3097       l_usec_cps_id NUMBER;
3098     BEGIN
3100       OPEN cur_usec_cps_new(p_new_uoo_id);
3101       FETCH cur_usec_cps_new INTO l_cur_usec_cps_new;
3102       IF cur_usec_cps_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3103         igs_ps_usec_cps_pkg.insert_row(
3104           x_rowid                        => lv_rowid,
3105           x_unit_sec_credit_points_id    => l_usec_cps_id,
3106           x_uoo_id                       => p_new_uoo_id,
3107           x_minimum_credit_points        => usec_cps_rec.minimum_credit_points ,
3108           x_maximum_credit_points        => usec_cps_rec.maximum_credit_points ,
3109           x_variable_increment           => usec_cps_rec.variable_increment ,
3110           x_lecture_credit_points        => usec_cps_rec.lecture_credit_points ,
3111           x_lab_credit_points            => usec_cps_rec.lab_credit_points ,
3112           x_other_credit_points          => usec_cps_rec.other_credit_points ,
3113           x_clock_hours                  => usec_cps_rec.clock_hours ,
3114           x_work_load_cp_lecture         => usec_cps_rec.work_load_cp_lecture ,
3115           x_work_load_cp_lab             => usec_cps_rec.work_load_cp_lab ,
3116           x_continuing_education_units   => usec_cps_rec.continuing_education_units ,
3117           x_work_load_other              => usec_cps_rec.work_load_other,
3118           x_contact_hrs_lecture          => usec_cps_rec.contact_hrs_lecture ,
3119           x_contact_hrs_lab              => usec_cps_rec.contact_hrs_lab,
3120           x_contact_hrs_other            => usec_cps_rec.contact_hrs_other,
3121           x_non_schd_required_hrs        => usec_cps_rec.non_schd_required_hrs,
3122           x_exclude_from_max_cp_limit    => usec_cps_rec.exclude_from_max_cp_limit,
3123           x_mode                         => 'R',
3124           x_claimable_hours		 => usec_cps_rec.claimable_hours,
3125           x_achievable_credit_points     => usec_cps_rec.achievable_credit_points,
3126           x_enrolled_credit_points       => usec_cps_rec.enrolled_credit_points,
3127 	  x_billing_credit_points        => usec_cps_rec.billing_credit_points,
3128           x_billing_hrs                  => usec_cps_rec.billing_hrs
3129           );
3130       END IF;
3131       CLOSE cur_usec_cps_new;
3133     EXCEPTION
3135 	--Fnd log implementation
3136 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3137 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3138 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Sec Credit Points Id:'||usec_cps_rec.unit_sec_credit_points_id||'  '||
3139 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3140 	END IF;
3141     END;
3142   END LOOP;
3144   -- Enhancement bug no 1800179, pmarada
3145   -- removed unit section cross listed units and unit section cross list unit sections
3146   -- added the unit section cross list group and unit section group member.
3147   -- Unit SECTION cross list GROUP
3148   DECLARE
3149     CURSOR cur_usec_x_grpmem_new (cp_uoo_id   igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
3150     SELECT 'X'
3151     FROM   igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem
3152     WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3153     AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3154     l_cur_usec_x_grpmem_new   cur_usec_x_grpmem_new%ROWTYPE;
3156     lnusec_x_listed_group_mem_id  NUMBER;
3157     lv_GrpMemrowid                VARCHAR2(25);
3158     lnUsec_X_Grp_Id               NUMBER;
3159     usec_x_grp_rec                usec_x_grp%ROWTYPE;
3160     lvGRp_Row_ID                  VARCHAR2(25);
3161     --added var l_parent and its usage inside this block,bug#2563596
3162     l_parent                      VARCHAR2(1);
3163     -- See IF the GROUP name OF which the OLD unit SECTION IS a member already exists
3165   BEGIN
3166     FOR usec_x_grpmem_rec IN usec_x_grpmem(p_old_uoo_Id) LOOP
3167       OPEN usec_x_grp(usec_x_grpmem_rec.usec_x_listed_group_name, gv_new_usec_rec.cal_type, gv_new_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number);
3168       FETCH usec_x_grp INTO usec_x_grp_rec;
3170       IF  usec_x_grp%FOUND THEN
3171         lnUsec_X_Grp_Id := usec_x_grp_rec.usec_x_listed_group_id;
3172         CLOSE  usec_x_grp;
3173         l_parent:='N';
3175       ELSE
3176         CLOSE  usec_x_grp;
3177         igs_ps_usec_x_grp_pkg.insert_row (
3178         x_rowid                    => lvGRp_Row_ID,
3179         x_usec_x_listed_group_id   => lnUsec_X_Grp_Id,
3180         x_usec_x_listed_group_name => usec_x_grpmem_rec.usec_x_listed_group_name,
3181         x_location_inheritance     => usec_x_grpmem_rec.location_inheritance,
3182         x_cal_type                 => gv_new_usec_rec.cal_type,
3183         x_ci_sequence_number       => gv_new_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number,
3184         x_max_enr_group            => usec_x_grpmem_rec.max_enr_group,
3185         x_max_ovr_group            => usec_x_grpmem_rec.max_ovr_group,
3186         x_mode                     => 'R' );
3188         l_parent:='Y';
3189       END IF;
3191       OPEN cur_usec_x_grpmem_new(p_new_uoo_id);
3192       FETCH cur_usec_x_grpmem_new INTO l_cur_usec_x_grpmem_new;
3193       IF cur_usec_x_grpmem_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3194         -- Rollover of unit section in cross listed group
3195         igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem_pkg.insert_row (
3196           x_rowid                      => lv_GrpMemrowid,
3197           x_usec_x_listed_group_mem_id => lnusec_x_listed_group_mem_id,
3198           x_usec_x_listed_group_id     => lnUsec_X_Grp_Id,
3199           x_uoo_id                     => p_new_uoo_id,
3200           x_parent                     => l_parent,
3201           x_mode                       => 'R' );
3202       END IF;
3203       CLOSE cur_usec_x_grpmem_new;
3205     END LOOP;
3208 	--Fnd log implementation
3209 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3210 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3211 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Section-CrossListed:'||p_old_uoo_id||'  '||
3212 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3213 	END IF;
3214   END;
3217   --Enhancement bug no 1800179, pmarada
3218   -- Rollover of unit section sponsorship records
3219   FOR usec_spn_rec IN usec_spn (p_old_uoo_Id ) LOOP
3220     DECLARE
3221       CURSOR cur_usec_spn_new (cp_uoo_id             igs_ps_usec_spnsrshp.uoo_id%TYPE,
3222                                cp_organization_code  igs_ps_usec_spnsrshp.organization_code%TYPE) IS
3223       SELECT 'X'
3224       FROM   igs_ps_usec_spnsrshp
3225       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3226       AND    organization_code = cp_organization_code
3227       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3228       l_cur_usec_spn_new   cur_usec_spn_new%ROWTYPE;
3230       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3231       l_usec_spn_id NUMBER;
3232     BEGIN
3234       OPEN cur_usec_spn_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_spn_rec.organization_code);
3235       FETCH cur_usec_spn_new INTO l_cur_usec_spn_new;
3236       IF cur_usec_spn_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3237         igs_ps_usec_spnsrshp_pkg.insert_row (
3238           x_rowid                       => lv_rowid,
3239           x_unit_section_sponsorship_id => l_usec_spn_id,
3240           x_uoo_id                      => p_new_uoo_id,
3241           x_organization_code           => usec_spn_rec.organization_code ,
3242           x_sponsorship_percentage      => usec_spn_rec.sponsorship_percentage  ,
3243           x_mode                        => 'R'
3244         );
3245       END IF;
3246       CLOSE cur_usec_spn_new;
3248     EXCEPTION
3250 	--Fnd log implementation
3251 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3252 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3253 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Section Sponsorship Id:'||usec_spn_rec.unit_section_sponsorship_id||'  '||
3254 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3255         END IF;
3256     END;
3257   END LOOP;
3260   -- Rollover of unit section teaching responsibility records
3261   FOR usec_tchr_rec IN usec_tchr(p_old_uoo_Id ) LOOP
3262     DECLARE
3263       CURSOR cur_usec_tchr_new (cp_uoo_id         igs_ps_usec_tch_resp.uoo_id%TYPE,
3264                                 cp_instructor_id  igs_ps_usec_tch_resp.instructor_id%TYPE) IS
3265       SELECT 'X'
3266       FROM   igs_ps_usec_tch_resp
3267       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3268       AND    instructor_id = cp_instructor_id
3269       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3270       l_cur_usec_tchr_new   cur_usec_tchr_new%ROWTYPE;
3272       CURSOR c_tch_ins(cp_uoo_id igs_ps_usec_occurs_all.uoo_id%TYPE,cp_ins_id igs_ps_uso_instrctrs.instructor_id%TYPE) IS
3273       SELECT 'X'
3274       FROM igs_ps_usec_occurs_all a,igs_ps_uso_instrctrs b
3276       AND a.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3277       AND b.instructor_id= cp_ins_id;
3278       c_tch_ins_rec c_tch_ins%ROWTYPE;
3280       l_ins_exists BOOLEAN := TRUE;
3281       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3282       l_usec_tchr_id NUMBER;
3283     BEGIN
3285       OPEN c_tch_ins(p_new_uoo_id, usec_tchr_rec.instructor_id);
3286       FETCH c_tch_ins INTO c_tch_ins_rec;
3287       IF c_tch_ins%NOTFOUND THEN
3288         l_ins_exists := FALSE;
3289       END IF;
3290       CLOSE c_tch_ins;
3291       OPEN cur_usec_tchr_new(p_new_uoo_id, usec_tchr_rec.instructor_id);
3292       FETCH cur_usec_tchr_new INTO l_cur_usec_tchr_new;
3293       IF cur_usec_tchr_new%NOTFOUND AND l_ins_exists THEN
3294         igs_ps_usec_tch_resp_pkg.insert_row(
3295           x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
3296           x_unit_section_teach_resp_id => l_usec_tchr_id,
3297           x_instructor_id              =>  usec_tchr_rec.instructor_id ,
3298           x_confirmed_flag             =>  usec_tchr_rec.confirmed_flag ,
3299           x_percentage_allocation      =>  usec_tchr_rec.percentage_allocation ,
3300           x_instructional_load         =>  usec_tchr_rec.instructional_load ,
3301           x_lead_instructor_flag       =>  usec_tchr_rec.lead_instructor_flag ,
3302           x_uoo_id                     => p_new_uoo_id,
3303           x_instructional_load_lab     => usec_tchr_rec.instructional_load_lab,
3304           x_instructional_load_lecture => usec_tchr_rec.instructional_load_lecture,
3305           x_mode                       => 'R'
3306         );
3307       END IF;
3308       CLOSE cur_usec_tchr_new;
3310     EXCEPTION
3312 	--Fnd log implementation
3313 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3314 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3315 	  SUBSTRB('unit section teach resp id:'||usec_tchr_rec.unit_section_teach_resp_id||'  '||
3316 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3317         END IF;
3318     END;
3319   END LOOP;
3321   -- Rollover of unit section assessment records
3322   FOR usec_as_rec IN usec_as (p_old_uoo_Id ) LOOP
3323     DECLARE
3324       CURSOR cur_usec_as_new (cp_uoo_id     igs_ps_usec_as.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
3325       SELECT 'X'
3326       FROM   igs_ps_usec_as
3327       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3328       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3329       l_cur_usec_as_new   cur_usec_as_new%ROWTYPE;
3331       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3332       l_usec_ass_id NUMBER;
3333     BEGIN
3335       OPEN cur_usec_as_new(p_new_uoo_id);
3336       FETCH cur_usec_as_new INTO l_cur_usec_as_new;
3337       IF cur_usec_as_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3338         igs_ps_usec_as_pkg.insert_row(
3339           x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
3340           x_unit_section_assessment_id => l_usec_ass_id,
3341           x_uoo_id                     => p_new_uoo_id,
3342           x_final_exam_date            => usec_as_rec.final_exam_date ,
3343           x_exam_start_time            => usec_as_rec.exam_start_time ,
3344           x_exam_end_time              => usec_as_rec.exam_end_time ,
3345           x_location_cd                => usec_as_rec.location_cd  ,
3346           x_building_code              => usec_as_rec.building_code ,
3347           x_room_code                  => usec_as_rec.room_code ,
3348           x_mode                       => 'R'
3349         );
3350       END IF;
3351       CLOSE cur_usec_as_new;
3353     EXCEPTION
3355 	--Fnd log implementation
3356 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3357 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3358 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Section Assessment Id-Exam:'||usec_as_rec.unit_section_assessment_id||'  '||
3359 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3360         END IF;
3361     END;
3362   END LOOP;
3364   --ijeddy, Grade Book Enh build, bug no 3201661, Dec 3, 2003.
3365   FOR usec_unitassgrp_rec IN usec_unitassgrp (p_old_uoo_id) LOOP
3366    DECLARE
3367     CURSOR cur_unitassgrp_new (cp_uoo_id     igs_as_us_ai_group.uoo_id%TYPE,
3368                                cp_group_name igs_as_us_ai_group.group_name%TYPE) IS
3369     SELECT us_ass_item_group_id
3370     FROM   igs_as_us_ai_group
3371     WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3372     AND    group_name = cp_group_name;
3373     l_rowid                       VARCHAR2(25);
3374     l_us_ass_item_group_id        NUMBER;
3375    BEGIN
3376     l_rowid := NULL;
3377     l_us_ass_item_group_id := NULL;
3378     OPEN cur_unitassgrp_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_unitassgrp_rec.group_name);
3379     FETCH cur_unitassgrp_new INTO l_us_ass_item_group_id;
3380     IF cur_unitassgrp_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3381       igs_as_us_ai_group_pkg.insert_row (
3382       x_rowid                             => l_rowid,
3383       x_us_ass_item_group_id              => l_us_ass_item_group_id,
3384       x_uoo_id                            => p_new_uoo_id,
3385       x_group_name                        => usec_unitassgrp_rec.group_name,
3386       x_midterm_formula_code              => usec_unitassgrp_rec.midterm_formula_code,
3387       x_midterm_formula_qty               => usec_unitassgrp_rec.midterm_formula_qty,
3388       x_midterm_weight_qty                => usec_unitassgrp_rec.midterm_weight_qty,
3389       x_final_formula_code                => usec_unitassgrp_rec.final_formula_code,
3390       x_final_formula_qty                 => usec_unitassgrp_rec.final_formula_qty,
3391       x_final_weight_qty                  => usec_unitassgrp_rec.final_weight_qty,
3392       x_mode                              => 'R'
3393       );
3394     END IF;
3395     CLOSE cur_unitassgrp_new;
3397     -- Rollover of unit section assessment item records
3398     --Rollover asssessmnet items if there is none for the section and group combination
3399     OPEN cur_ass_item(p_new_uoo_id,l_us_ass_item_group_id);
3400     FETCH cur_ass_item INTO l_c_var;
3401     IF cur_ass_item%NOTFOUND THEN
3402       FOR usec_unitass_rec IN usec_unitass (p_old_uoo_Id,usec_unitassgrp_rec.us_ass_item_group_id ) LOOP
3404 	  lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3405 	  l_usec_assitem_id NUMBER;
3406 	  l_sequence_number NUMBER;
3407 	  l_ci_start_dt DATE;
3408 	  l_ci_end_dt DATE;
3409 	BEGIN
3410 	    --  Modification of the procedure call is done by DDEY as a part of Bug #2162831
3411 	    igs_ps_unitass_item_pkg.insert_row(
3412 	      x_rowid                       => lv_rowid,
3413 	      x_unit_section_ass_item_id    => l_usec_assitem_id,
3414 	      x_uoo_id                      => p_new_uoo_id,
3415 	      x_ass_id                      => usec_unitass_rec.ass_id ,
3416 	      x_sequence_number             => l_sequence_number,
3417 	      x_ci_start_dt                 => l_ci_start_dt,
3418 	      x_ci_end_dt                   => l_ci_end_dt,
3419 	      x_due_dt                      => usec_unitass_rec.due_dt ,
3420 	      x_reference                   => usec_unitass_rec.reference     ,
3421 	      x_dflt_item_ind               => usec_unitass_rec.dflt_item_ind  ,
3422 	      x_logical_delete_dt           => usec_unitass_rec.logical_delete_dt ,
3423 	      x_action_dt                   => usec_unitass_rec.action_dt  ,
3424 	      x_exam_cal_type               => usec_unitass_rec.exam_cal_type ,
3425 	      x_exam_ci_sequence_number     => usec_unitass_rec.exam_ci_sequence_number ,
3426 	      x_mode                        => 'R'  ,
3427 	      x_grading_schema_cd           => usec_unitass_rec.grading_schema_cd,
3428 	      x_gs_version_number           => usec_unitass_rec.gs_version_number,
3429 	      x_release_date                => usec_unitass_rec.release_date,
3430 	      x_description                 => usec_unitass_rec.description,
3431 	      x_us_ass_item_group_id        => l_us_ass_item_group_id,
3432 	      x_midterm_mandatory_type_code => usec_unitass_rec.midterm_mandatory_type_code,
3433 	      x_midterm_weight_qty          => usec_unitass_rec.midterm_weight_qty,
3434 	      x_final_mandatory_type_code   => usec_unitass_rec.final_mandatory_type_code,
3435 	      x_final_weight_qty            => usec_unitass_rec.final_weight_qty
3436 	    );
3439 	    --Fnd log implementation
3440 	    IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3441 	      fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3442 	      SUBSTRB('Unit Section Ass Item Id:'||usec_unitass_rec.unit_section_ass_item_id||'  '||
3443 	      NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3444 	    END IF;
3445 	END;
3446       END LOOP;
3447     END IF;
3448     CLOSE cur_ass_item;
3450     EXCEPTION
3452 	--Fnd log implementation
3453 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3454 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3455 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Section Ass Item Group Id:'||usec_unitassgrp_rec.us_ass_item_group_id||'  '||
3456 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3457 	END IF;
3458     END;
3460   END LOOP;
3462   -- Rollover of unit section reference records
3463   FOR usec_ref_rec IN usec_ref  (p_old_uoo_Id ) LOOP
3464     DECLARE
3465       CURSOR usec_reference ( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
3466       SELECT *
3467       FROM   igs_ps_usec_ref
3468       WHERE  uoo_id = p_uoo_id;
3469       l_usec_ref  usec_reference%ROWTYPE;
3470     BEGIN
3471       --added by sarakshi, bug#2332807
3472       --Unit section TBH automatically inserts in igs_ps_usec_ref and igs_ps_usec_ref_cd, so removed those inserts
3473       --only igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd insertion is required
3475       OPEN usec_reference(p_new_uoo_id);
3476       FETCH usec_reference INTO l_usec_ref;
3477       CLOSE usec_reference;
3479       --Added the following For loop as part of bug#2563596
3480       --The Unit section TBH automatically inserts in igs_ps_usec_ref ,but inserts into igs_ps_usec_ref_cd only
3481       --if the reference codes are of mandatory ref code types.Hence an explicit insert into igs_ps_usec_ref_cd
3482       --table has been added here for rolling over all unit section reference code records of old unit section
3483       --into the new unit section
3485       -- Rollover of unit section reference code records
3486       FOR  usec_refcd_rec IN usec_refcd (usec_ref_rec.unit_section_reference_id ) LOOP
3487         DECLARE
3488           CURSOR cur_usec_refcd_new (cp_unit_section_reference_id     igs_ps_usec_ref_cd.unit_section_reference_id%TYPE,
3489                                      cp_reference_code_type           igs_ps_usec_ref_cd.reference_code_type%TYPE,
3490                                      cp_reference_code                igs_ps_usec_ref_cd.reference_code%TYPE) IS
3491           SELECT 'X'
3492           FROM   igs_ps_usec_ref_cd
3493           WHERE  unit_section_reference_id = cp_unit_section_reference_id
3494           AND    reference_code_type = cp_reference_code_type
3495           AND    reference_code = cp_reference_code
3496           AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3497           l_cur_usec_refcd_new   cur_usec_refcd_new%ROWTYPE;
3499           lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3500           l_unit_section_reference_cd_id NUMBER;
3501         BEGIN
3503           OPEN cur_usec_refcd_new(l_usec_ref.unit_section_reference_id, usec_refcd_rec.reference_code_type, usec_refcd_rec.reference_code);
3504           FETCH cur_usec_refcd_new INTO l_cur_usec_refcd_new;
3505           IF cur_usec_refcd_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3506             igs_ps_usec_ref_cd_pkg.insert_row (
3507               x_rowid                        => lv_rowid,
3508               x_unit_section_reference_cd_id => l_unit_section_reference_cd_id,
3509               x_unit_section_reference_id    => l_usec_ref.unit_section_reference_id,
3510               x_mode                         => 'R',
3511               x_reference_code_type          => usec_refcd_rec.reference_code_type,
3512               x_reference_code               => usec_refcd_rec.reference_code,
3513               x_reference_code_desc          => usec_refcd_rec.reference_code_desc
3514             );
3515           END IF;
3516           CLOSE cur_usec_refcd_new;
3518         EXCEPTION
3519           WHEN OTHERS THEN
3520 	    --Fnd log implementation
3521 	    IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3522 	      fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3523 	      SUBSTRB('Unit Section Reference Id:'||usec_refcd_rec.unit_section_reference_id||'  '||'Reference Code Type:'||usec_refcd_rec.reference_code_type||'  '||'Reference Code:'||usec_refcd_rec.reference_code||'  '||
3524 	      NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3525 	    END IF;
3526         END;
3527       END LOOP;
3529       --Enhancement bug no 1800179 , pmarada
3530       -- Rollover of unit section requirement reference code records
3531       FOR  us_req_refcd_rec IN us_req_refcd (usec_ref_rec.unit_section_reference_id ) LOOP
3532         DECLARE
3533           CURSOR cur_us_req_refcd_new (cp_unit_section_reference_id     igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd.unit_section_reference_id%TYPE,
3534                                        cp_reference_cd_type             igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd.reference_cd_type%TYPE,
3535                                        cp_reference_code                igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd.reference_code%TYPE) IS
3536           SELECT 'X'
3537           FROM   igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd
3538           WHERE  unit_section_reference_id = cp_unit_section_reference_id
3539           AND    reference_cd_type = cp_reference_cd_type
3540           AND    reference_code = cp_reference_code
3541           AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3542           l_cur_us_req_refcd_new   cur_us_req_refcd_new%ROWTYPE;
3544           lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3545           l_unit_section_req_ref_cd_id NUMBER;
3546         BEGIN
3548           OPEN cur_us_req_refcd_new(l_usec_ref.unit_section_reference_id,us_req_refcd_rec.reference_cd_type, us_req_refcd_rec.reference_code);
3549           FETCH cur_us_req_refcd_new INTO l_cur_us_req_refcd_new;
3550           IF cur_us_req_refcd_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3551             igs_ps_us_req_ref_cd_pkg.insert_row (
3552               x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
3553               x_unit_section_req_ref_cd_id => l_unit_section_req_ref_cd_id,
3554               x_unit_section_reference_id  => l_usec_ref.unit_section_reference_id,
3555               x_reference_cd_type          => us_req_refcd_rec.reference_cd_type,
3556               x_mode                       => 'R',
3557               x_reference_code             => us_req_refcd_rec.reference_code,
3558               x_reference_code_desc        => us_req_refcd_rec.reference_code_desc
3559             );
3560           END IF;
3561           CLOSE cur_us_req_refcd_new;
3563         EXCEPTION
3564           WHEN OTHERS THEN
3565 	    --Fnd log implementation
3566 	    IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3567 	      fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3568 	      SUBSTRB('Unit Section Reference Id:'||us_req_refcd_rec.unit_section_reference_id||'  '||'Reference Cd Type:'||us_req_refcd_rec.reference_cd_type||'  '||'Reference Cd:'||us_req_refcd_rec.reference_code||'  '||
3569 	      NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3570 	    END IF;
3571         END;
3572       END LOOP;
3574     END;
3575   END LOOP;
3577   -- Rollover of unit section grading schema records
3578   FOR usec_grdsch_rec IN usec_grdsch  (p_old_uoo_Id )LOOP
3579     DECLARE
3580       CURSOR cur_usec_grdsch_new (cp_uoo_id                  igs_ps_usec_grd_schm.uoo_id%TYPE,
3581                                   cp_grading_schema_code     igs_ps_usec_grd_schm.grading_schema_code%TYPE,
3582                                   cp_grd_schm_version_number igs_ps_usec_grd_schm.grd_schm_version_number%TYPE) IS
3583       SELECT 'X'
3584       FROM   igs_ps_usec_grd_schm
3585       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3586       AND    grading_schema_code = cp_grading_schema_code
3587       AND    grd_schm_version_number = cp_grd_schm_version_number
3588       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3589       l_cur_usec_grdsch_new   cur_usec_grdsch_new%ROWTYPE;
3591       CURSOR cur_usec_gs_df(cp_uoo_id         igs_ps_usec_grd_schm.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
3592       SELECT grading_schema_code,grd_schm_version_number
3593       FROM  igs_ps_usec_grd_schm
3594       WHERE uoo_id =  cp_uoo_id
3595       AND default_flag = 'Y';
3596       cur_usec_gs_df_rec cur_usec_gs_df%ROWTYPE;
3598       l_default_flag BOOLEAN := TRUE;
3599       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3600       l_usec_grdsch_id NUMBER;
3601     BEGIN
3603       OPEN cur_usec_gs_df(p_new_uoo_id);
3604       FETCH cur_usec_gs_df INTO cur_usec_gs_df_rec;
3605       IF cur_usec_gs_df%FOUND AND usec_grdsch_rec.default_flag ='Y' THEN
3606 	l_default_flag := FALSE;
3607 	IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3608 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'igs.plsql.IGS_PS_GEN_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.usec_grading_schema_not_rolled_over_one_default_already_in_destination_unit_section',
3609 	  'Not rolling over Default Grading Schema code'||usec_grdsch_rec.grading_schema_code||'  '||
3610 	  'version number:'||usec_grdsch_rec.grd_schm_version_number||'  '||'from Source UOO'||p_old_uoo_Id||'  '||
3611 	  'to Destination UOO:'||p_new_uoo_id||'  '||'as there already exists a different Default Grading Schema code'||cur_usec_gs_df_rec.grading_schema_code||'  '||
3612 	  'version number'||cur_usec_gs_df_rec.grd_schm_version_number||'  '||'in the destination');
3613 	END IF;
3614       END IF;
3615       CLOSE cur_usec_gs_df;
3616       OPEN cur_usec_grdsch_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_grdsch_rec.grading_schema_code,usec_grdsch_rec.grd_schm_version_number );
3617       FETCH cur_usec_grdsch_new INTO l_cur_usec_grdsch_new;
3618       IF cur_usec_grdsch_new%NOTFOUND AND l_default_flag THEN
3619         igs_ps_usec_grd_schm_pkg.insert_row(
3620           x_rowid                       => lv_rowid,
3621           x_unit_section_grad_schema_id => l_usec_grdsch_id,
3622           x_uoo_id                      => p_new_uoo_id,
3623           x_grading_schema_code         => usec_grdsch_rec.grading_schema_code  ,
3624           x_grd_schm_version_number     => usec_grdsch_rec.grd_schm_version_number ,
3625           x_default_flag                => usec_grdsch_rec.default_flag ,
3626           x_mode                        => 'R'
3627         );
3628       END IF;
3629       CLOSE cur_usec_grdsch_new;
3631     EXCEPTION
3633 	--Fnd log implementation
3634 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3635 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3636 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Section Grad Schema Id:'||usec_grdsch_rec.unit_section_grading_schema_id||'  '||
3637 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3638 	END IF;
3639     END;
3640   END LOOP;
3642   -- Enhancement bug no 1800179 , pmarada
3643   -- Rollover of unit section note records
3644   FOR c_unt_ofr_opt_n_rec IN c_unt_ofr_opt_n( p_old_uoo_id ) LOOP
3645     DECLARE
3646       CURSOR cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new (cp_uoo_id            igs_ps_unt_ofr_opt_n.uoo_id%TYPE,
3647                                       cp_crs_note_type     igs_ps_unt_ofr_opt_n.crs_note_type%TYPE) IS
3648       SELECT 'X'
3649       FROM   igs_ps_unt_ofr_opt_n
3650       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3651       AND    crs_note_type = cp_crs_note_type
3652       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3653       l_cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new   cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new%ROWTYPE;
3655       lv_usrowid VARCHAR2(25);
3656       lv_gerowid VARCHAR2(25);
3657       lnnote_ref_number NUMBER;
3658     BEGIN
3660       OPEN cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new(p_new_uoo_id, c_unt_ofr_opt_n_rec.crs_note_type);
3661       FETCH cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new INTO l_cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new;
3662       IF cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3663         --insert a record in the igs_ge_note table corresponding to the reference number create
3664         -- for unit section note.
3666         SELECT IGS_GE_NOTE_RF_NUM_S.NEXTVAL INTO lnnote_ref_number  FROM dual;
3668         igs_ge_note_pkg.insert_row(
3669           x_rowid              => lv_gerowid,
3670           x_reference_number   => lnnote_ref_number  ,
3671           x_s_note_format_type => c_unt_ofr_opt_n_rec.s_note_format_type,
3672           x_note_text          => c_unt_ofr_opt_n_rec.Note_text,
3673           x_mode               => 'R' );
3675         igs_ps_unt_ofr_opt_n_pkg.insert_row(
3676           x_rowid              => lv_usrowid,
3677           x_unit_cd            => gv_new_usec_rec.unit_cd,
3678           x_version_number     => gv_new_usec_rec.version_number,
3679           x_ci_sequence_number => gv_new_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number,
3680           x_unit_class         => gv_new_usec_rec.unit_class,
3681           x_reference_number   => lnnote_ref_number,
3682           x_location_cd        => gv_new_usec_rec.location_cd,
3683           x_cal_type           => gv_new_usec_rec.cal_type,
3684           x_uoo_id             => gv_new_usec_rec.uoo_id,
3685           x_crs_note_type      => c_unt_ofr_opt_n_rec.crs_note_type,
3686           x_mode               =>'R' );
3687       END IF;
3688       CLOSE cur_c_unt_ofr_opt_n_new;
3690     EXCEPTION
3692 	--Fnd log implementation
3693 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3694 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3695 	  SUBSTRB('Crs Note Type:'||c_unt_ofr_opt_n_rec.crs_note_type||'  '||'Unit Section:'||p_old_uoo_id||'  '||
3696 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3697 	END IF;
3698     END;
3699   END LOOP;
3701   -- Rollover of unit section rule records
3702   FOR  usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec IN usec_pre_co_req_rule (p_old_uoo_id ) LOOP
3703     DECLARE
3704       CURSOR cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new (cp_uoo_id             igs_ps_usec_ru.uoo_id%TYPE,
3705                                            cp_s_rule_call_cd     igs_ps_usec_ru.s_rule_call_cd%TYPE) IS
3706       SELECT 'X'
3707       FROM   igs_ps_usec_ru
3708       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3709       AND    s_rule_call_cd = cp_s_rule_call_cd
3710       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3711       l_cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new   cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new%ROWTYPE;
3713       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3714       l_usecru_id NUMBER;
3715       lv_rule_unprocessed VARCHAR2(4500);
3716       ln_rule_number igs_ps_usec_ru.rul_sequence_number%TYPE;
3717       ln_lov_number NUMBER;
3718       x BOOLEAN;
3719     BEGIN
3721       OPEN cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.s_rule_call_cd);
3722       FETCH cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new INTO l_cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new;
3723       IF cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3724         -- CREATE the relevant data IN rule SCHEMA TABLE AND returns the rule SEQUENCE NUMBER
3725         -- TO be used FOR the rule created FOR NEW unit section.
3727         lv_rule_unprocessed := NULL;
3728         ln_lov_number := NULL;
3729         -- As part of bug fix bug#2563596
3730         -- Modified the values being passed to the parameters in call to igs_ru_gen_002.rulp_ins_parser
3731         -- Passing value usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.rule_text to parameter p_rule_processed instead of
3732         -- local variable lv_rule_processed.
3735         x := igs_ru_gen_002.rulp_ins_parser (
3736           p_group            => usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.select_group,
3737           p_return_type      => usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.s_return_type,
3738           p_rule_description => usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.rule_description,
3739           p_rule_processed   => usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.rule_text,
3740           p_rule_unprocessed => lv_rule_unprocessed,
3741           p_generate_rule    => TRUE,
3742           p_rule_number      => ln_rule_number,
3743           p_lov_number       => ln_lov_number );
3746         -- USE the returned SEQUENCE NUMBER FOR inserting the NEW RECORD FOR the
3747         -- NEW Unit section.
3749         -- As part of bug fix bug#2563596
3750         -- Added an IF condition that checks if the function igs_ru_gen_002.rulp_ins_parser
3751         -- returns a TRUE or FALSE.Only if it returns TRUE then insert into igs_ps_usec_ru
3753         IF x THEN
3754           igs_ps_usec_ru_pkg.insert_row (
3755             x_rowid               => lv_rowid,
3756             x_usecru_id           => l_usecru_id,
3757             x_uoo_id              => p_new_uoo_id,
3758             x_s_rule_call_cd      => usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.s_rule_call_cd,
3759             x_rul_sequence_number => ln_rule_number,
3760             x_mode                => 'R' );
3761         END IF;
3762       END IF;
3763       CLOSE cur_usec_pre_co_req_rule_new;
3765     EXCEPTION
3767 	--Fnd log implementation
3768 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3769 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3770 	  SUBSTRB('S Rule Call Cd:'||usec_pre_co_req_rule_rec.s_rule_call_cd||'  '||'Unit Section:'||p_old_uoo_id||'  '||
3771 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3772 	END IF;
3773     END;
3774   END LOOP;
3776   -- Rollover of unit section categories record
3777   FOR usec_cat_rec IN usec_cat (p_old_uoo_id ) LOOP
3778     DECLARE
3779       CURSOR cur_usec_cat_new (cp_uoo_id             igs_ps_usec_category.uoo_id%TYPE,
3780                                cp_unit_cat           igs_ps_usec_category.unit_cat%TYPE) IS
3781       SELECT 'X'
3782       FROM   igs_ps_usec_category
3783       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3784       AND    unit_cat = cp_unit_cat
3785       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3786       l_cur_usec_cat_new   cur_usec_cat_new%ROWTYPE;
3788       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3789       l_usec_cat_id NUMBER;
3790     BEGIN
3792       OPEN cur_usec_cat_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_cat_rec.unit_cat);
3793       FETCH cur_usec_cat_new INTO l_cur_usec_cat_new;
3794       IF cur_usec_cat_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3795         igs_ps_usec_category_pkg.insert_row (
3796           x_rowid       => lv_rowid,
3797           x_usec_cat_id => l_usec_cat_id,
3798           x_uoo_id      => p_new_uoo_id,
3799           x_unit_cat    => usec_cat_rec.unit_cat,
3800           x_mode        => 'R' );
3801       END IF;
3802       CLOSE cur_usec_cat_new;
3804     EXCEPTION
3806 	--Fnd log implementation
3807 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3808 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3809 	  SUBSTRB('unit Cat:'||usec_cat_rec.unit_cat||'  '||'Unit Section:'||p_old_uoo_id||'  '||
3810 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3811 	END IF;
3812     END;
3813   END LOOP;
3815   -- Rollover of unit section plus hour records
3816   FOR usec_plushr_rec IN usec_plushr (p_old_uoo_id ) LOOP
3817     DECLARE
3818       CURSOR cur_usec_plushr_new (cp_uoo_id             igs_ps_us_unsched_cl.uoo_id%TYPE,
3819                                   cp_activity_type_id   igs_ps_us_unsched_cl.activity_type_id%TYPE,
3820                                   cp_location_cd        igs_ps_us_unsched_cl.location_cd%TYPE,
3821                                   cp_building_id        igs_ps_us_unsched_cl.building_id%TYPE,
3822                                   cp_room_id            igs_ps_us_unsched_cl.room_id%TYPE) IS
3823       SELECT 'X'
3824       FROM   igs_ps_us_unsched_cl
3825       WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
3826       AND    activity_type_id = cp_activity_type_id
3827       AND    location_cd = cp_location_cd
3828       AND    building_id = cp_building_id
3829       AND    room_id = cp_room_id
3830       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3831       l_cur_usec_plushr_new   cur_usec_plushr_new%ROWTYPE;
3833       lv_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
3834       l_us_unscheduled_cl_id NUMBER;
3835     BEGIN
3837       OPEN cur_usec_plushr_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_plushr_rec.activity_type_id,usec_plushr_rec.location_cd,usec_plushr_rec.building_id,usec_plushr_rec.room_id);
3838       FETCH cur_usec_plushr_new INTO l_cur_usec_plushr_new;
3839       IF cur_usec_plushr_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3840         igs_ps_us_unsched_cl_pkg.insert_row (
3841           x_rowid                => lv_rowid,
3842           x_us_unscheduled_cl_id => l_us_unscheduled_cl_id,
3843           x_uoo_id               => p_new_uoo_id,
3844           x_activity_type_id     => usec_plushr_rec.activity_type_id,
3845           x_location_cd          => usec_plushr_rec.location_cd,
3846           x_building_id          => usec_plushr_rec.building_id,
3847           x_room_id              => usec_plushr_rec.room_id,
3848           x_number_of_students   => usec_plushr_rec.number_of_students,
3849           x_hours_per_student    => usec_plushr_rec.hours_per_student,
3850           x_hours_per_faculty    => usec_plushr_rec.hours_per_faculty,
3851           x_instructor_id        => usec_plushr_rec.instructor_id,
3852           x_mode                 => 'R' );
3853       END IF;
3854       CLOSE cur_usec_plushr_new;
3856     EXCEPTION
3858 	--Fnd log implementation
3859 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3860 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3861 	  SUBSTRB('Us Unscheduled Cl Id:'||usec_plushr_rec.us_unscheduled_cl_id||'  '||
3862 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3863 	END IF;
3864     END;
3865   END LOOP;
3868   -- Rollover of unit section teaching responsibility override records
3869   FOR usec_tro_rec IN usec_tro (p_old_uoo_id ) LOOP
3870     DECLARE
3871       cst_active        CONSTANT        VARCHAR2(6) := 'ACTIVE';
3872       l_ou_exists                       VARCHAR2(1);
3873       l_rowid                           VARCHAR2(25);
3875       CURSOR cur_usec_tro_new (cp_unit_cd               igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.unit_cd%TYPE,
3876                                cp_version_number        igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.version_number%TYPE,
3877                                cp_cal_type              igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.cal_type%TYPE,
3878                                cp_ci_sequence_number    igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
3879                                cp_location_cd           igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.location_cd%TYPE,
3880                                cp_unit_class            igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.unit_class%TYPE,
3881                                cp_org_unit_cd           igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.org_unit_cd%TYPE,
3882                                cp_ou_start_dt           igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd.ou_start_dt%TYPE) IS
3883       SELECT 'X'
3884       FROM   igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd
3885       WHERE  unit_cd = cp_unit_cd
3886       AND    version_number = cp_version_number
3887       AND    cal_type = cp_cal_type
3888       AND    ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number
3889       AND    location_cd = cp_location_cd
3890       AND    unit_class = cp_unit_class
3891       AND    org_unit_cd = cp_org_unit_cd
3892       AND    ou_start_dt = cp_ou_start_dt
3893       AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3894       l_cur_usec_tro_new   cur_usec_tro_new%ROWTYPE;
3897       CURSOR    c_ou( cp_org_unit_cd          igs_or_unit.org_unit_cd%TYPE,
3898                       cp_start_dt             igs_or_unit.start_dt%TYPE) IS
3899       SELECT    'x'
3900       FROM      igs_or_inst_org_base_v  ou,
3901                 igs_or_status   os
3902       WHERE     ou.party_number  = cp_org_unit_cd
3903       AND       ou.start_dt      = cp_start_dt
3904       AND       os.org_status   = ou.org_status
3905       AND       os.s_org_status = cst_active;
3907       l_org_id                        NUMBER(15);
3909     BEGIN
3911       OPEN cur_usec_tro_new(gv_new_usec_rec.unit_cd,gv_new_usec_rec.version_number,gv_new_usec_rec.cal_type,
3912                             gv_new_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number,gv_new_usec_rec.location_cd,gv_new_usec_rec.unit_class,
3913                             usec_tro_rec.org_unit_cd, usec_tro_rec.ou_start_dt );
3914       FETCH cur_usec_tro_new INTO l_cur_usec_tro_new;
3915       IF cur_usec_tro_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3917         -- Validate the status of the org IGS_PS_UNIT.
3918         -- If the org IGS_PS_UNIT code is not 'ACTIVE' then do not perform the insert else perform the insert
3920         OPEN c_ou( usec_tro_rec.org_unit_cd,
3921                    usec_tro_rec.ou_start_dt);
3922         FETCH c_ou INTO l_ou_exists;
3923         IF c_ou%FOUND THEN
3924           l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
3926           igs_ps_tch_resp_ovrd_pkg.insert_row(
3927             x_rowid                 =>   l_rowid,
3928             x_unit_cd               =>   gv_new_usec_rec.unit_cd,
3929             x_version_number        =>   gv_new_usec_rec.version_number,
3930             x_cal_type              =>   gv_new_usec_rec.cal_type,
3931             x_ci_sequence_number    =>   gv_new_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number,
3932             x_location_cd           =>   gv_new_usec_rec.location_cd,
3933             x_unit_class            =>   gv_new_usec_rec.unit_class,
3934             x_ou_start_dt           =>   usec_tro_rec.ou_start_dt,
3935             x_org_unit_cd           =>   usec_tro_rec.org_unit_cd,
3936             x_uoo_id                =>   p_new_uoo_id,
3937             x_percentage            =>   usec_tro_rec.percentage,
3938             x_mode                  =>   'R',
3939             x_org_id                =>   l_org_id);
3940         END IF;
3941         CLOSE c_ou;
3942       END IF;
3943       CLOSE cur_usec_tro_new;
3945     EXCEPTION
3947 	--Fnd log implementation
3948 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3949 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3950 	  SUBSTRB('Org Unit Cd:'||usec_tro_rec.org_unit_cd||'  '||'Unit Section:'||p_old_uoo_id||'  '||
3951 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3952 	END IF;
3953     END;
3954   END LOOP;
3957   --Create a pl-sql table which will hold the ftci calendar instances for the new teaching calendar instances.
3958   l_n_counter :=1;
3959   FOR cur_ftci_rec IN cur_ftci(gv_new_usec_rec.cal_type,gv_new_usec_rec.ci_sequence_number) LOOP
3960       teachCalendar_tbl(l_n_counter).cal_type :=cur_ftci_rec.cal_type;
3961       teachCalendar_tbl(l_n_counter).sequence_number :=cur_ftci_rec.sequence_number;
3962       l_n_counter:=l_n_counter+1;
3963   END LOOP;
3965   -- Rollover of unit section special fees records
3966   IF teachCalendar_tbl.EXISTS(1) THEN
3967     FOR usec_spl_fees_rec IN c_usec_spl_fees (p_old_uoo_id ) LOOP
3968       DECLARE
3969 	CURSOR cur_usec_spl_fees_new(cp_n_uoo_id    igs_ps_usec_sp_fees.uoo_id%TYPE,
3970 				     cp_c_fee_type  igs_ps_usec_sp_fees.fee_type%TYPE) IS
3971 	SELECT 'x'
3972 	FROM   igs_ps_usec_sp_fees
3973 	WHERE  uoo_id = cp_n_uoo_id
3974 	AND    fee_type = cp_c_fee_type
3975 	AND    ROWNUM = 1;
3976 	l_cur_usec_spl_fees_new   cur_usec_spl_fees_new%ROWTYPE;
3978 	CURSOR c_fee_type_exists(cp_source_fee_type      igs_fi_fee_type.fee_type%TYPE) IS
3979 	SELECT ci.cal_type,ci.sequence_number
3980 	FROM  igs_fi_fee_type ft,
3981 	      igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst ftci,
3982 	      igs_ca_inst ci,
3983 	      igs_ca_type ct,
3984 	      igs_ca_stat cs
3985 	WHERE ft.s_fee_type = 'SPECIAL'
3986 	AND   ft.closed_ind = 'N'
3987 	AND   ft.fee_type = ftci.fee_type
3988 	AND   ft.fee_type = cp_source_fee_type
3989 	AND   ftci.fee_cal_type = ci.cal_type
3990 	AND   ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number
3991 	AND   ci.cal_type = ct.cal_type
3992 	AND   ct.s_cal_cat = 'FEE'
3993 	AND   ci.cal_status = cs.cal_status
3994 	AND   cs.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE' ;
3996 	lv_rowid           VARCHAR2(25);
3997 	l_usec_sp_fees_id  NUMBER;
3998 	l_c_var            VARCHAR2(1);
3999       BEGIN
4001 	OPEN cur_usec_spl_fees_new(p_new_uoo_id,usec_spl_fees_rec.fee_type);
4002 	FETCH cur_usec_spl_fees_new INTO l_cur_usec_spl_fees_new;
4003 	IF cur_usec_spl_fees_new%NOTFOUND THEN
4004  	  l_c_proceed:= FALSE;
4005 	  FOR  c_fee_type_exists_rec IN c_fee_type_exists(usec_spl_fees_rec.fee_type) LOOP
4007 	     FOR i IN 1..teachCalendar_tbl.last LOOP
4008 	       IF c_fee_type_exists_rec.cal_type=teachCalendar_tbl(i).cal_type AND
4009 		  c_fee_type_exists_rec.sequence_number=teachCalendar_tbl(i).sequence_number THEN
4010 		  l_c_proceed:= TRUE;
4011 		  EXIT;
4012 	       END IF;
4013 	     END LOOP;
4014 	     IF l_c_proceed THEN
4015 	       EXIT;
4016              END IF;
4018 	  END LOOP;
4020 	  IF l_c_proceed THEN
4021 	    igs_ps_usec_sp_fees_pkg.insert_row (
4022 	      x_rowid            => lv_rowid,
4023 	      x_usec_sp_fees_id  => l_usec_sp_fees_id,
4024 	      x_uoo_id           => p_new_uoo_id,
4025 	      x_fee_type         => usec_spl_fees_rec.fee_type,
4026 	      x_sp_fee_amt       => usec_spl_fees_rec.sp_fee_amt,
4027 	      x_closed_flag      => usec_spl_fees_rec.closed_flag,
4028 	      x_mode             => 'R' );
4029 	  END IF;
4030 	END IF;
4031 	CLOSE cur_usec_spl_fees_new;
4033       EXCEPTION
4035 	  --Fnd log implementation
4036 	  IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4037 	    fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
4038 	    SUBSTRB('Fee Type-Special Fees:'||usec_spl_fees_rec.fee_type||'  '||'Unit Section:'||p_old_uoo_id||'  '||
4039 	    NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
4040 	  END IF;
4041       END;
4042     END LOOP;
4044   END IF;
4046   IF gv_new_usec_rec.non_std_usec_ind = 'Y' THEN
4047     --Rollover of unit section retention
4048     FOR c_rtn_us_rec IN c_rtn_us LOOP
4049       DECLARE
4050         CURSOR c_rtn_us_new(cp_uoo_id   igs_ps_nsus_rtn.uoo_id%TYPE,
4051                             cp_fee_type igs_ps_nsus_rtn.fee_type%TYPE) IS
4052         SELECT non_std_usec_rtn_id
4053         FROM   igs_ps_nsus_rtn
4054         WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
4055         AND    fee_type = cp_fee_type;
4057         CURSOR c_rtn_us_new_1(cp_uoo_id   igs_ps_nsus_rtn.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
4058         SELECT non_std_usec_rtn_id
4059         FROM   igs_ps_nsus_rtn
4060         WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id
4061         AND    definition_code ='UNIT_SECTION';
4064         lv_rowid                 VARCHAR2(25);
4065         l_non_std_usec_rtn_id    igs_ps_nsus_rtn.non_std_usec_rtn_id%TYPE;
4066         l_b_fee_exists           BOOLEAN ;
4067         l_c_var                  VARCHAR2(1);
4068       BEGIN
4069         l_b_fee_exists := TRUE;
4070         IF c_rtn_us_rec.fee_type IS NOT NULL THEN
4072  	  l_c_proceed:= FALSE;
4073 	  FOR  c_fee_type_cal_exists_rec IN c_fee_type_cal_exists(c_rtn_us_rec.fee_type) LOOP
4075 	     FOR i IN 1..teachCalendar_tbl.last LOOP
4076 	       IF c_fee_type_cal_exists_rec.cal_type=teachCalendar_tbl(i).cal_type AND
4077 		  c_fee_type_cal_exists_rec.sequence_number=teachCalendar_tbl(i).sequence_number THEN
4078 		  l_c_proceed:= TRUE;
4079 		  EXIT;
4080 	       END IF;
4081 	     END LOOP;
4082 	     IF l_c_proceed THEN
4083 	       EXIT;
4084              END IF;
4086 	  END LOOP;
4088 	  IF l_c_proceed = FALSE THEN
4089              l_b_fee_exists := FALSE;
4090 	  END IF;
4092         END IF;
4094         IF l_b_fee_exists THEN
4096           IF c_rtn_us_rec.definition_code = 'UNIT_SECTION_FEE_TYPE' THEN
4097             OPEN c_rtn_us_new(p_new_uoo_id,c_rtn_us_rec.fee_type);
4098             FETCH c_rtn_us_new INTO l_non_std_usec_rtn_id;
4099 	    IF c_rtn_us_new%NOTFOUND THEN
4100               l_non_std_usec_rtn_id := NULL;
4101 	    END IF;
4102 	    CLOSE c_rtn_us_new;
4103           ELSIF c_rtn_us_rec.definition_code = 'UNIT_SECTION' THEN
4104             OPEN c_rtn_us_new_1(p_new_uoo_id);
4105             FETCH c_rtn_us_new_1 INTO l_non_std_usec_rtn_id;
4106 	    IF c_rtn_us_new_1%NOTFOUND THEN
4107               l_non_std_usec_rtn_id := NULL;
4108 	    END IF;
4109 	    CLOSE c_rtn_us_new_1;
4110 	  END IF;
4112           IF l_non_std_usec_rtn_id IS NULL THEN
4114             igs_ps_nsus_rtn_pkg.insert_row(
4115             x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
4116             x_non_std_usec_rtn_id        => l_non_std_usec_rtn_id,
4117             x_uoo_id                     => p_new_uoo_id,
4118             x_fee_type                   => c_rtn_us_rec.fee_type,
4119             x_definition_code            => c_rtn_us_rec.definition_code,
4120             x_formula_method             => c_rtn_us_rec.formula_method,
4121             x_round_method               => c_rtn_us_rec.round_method,
4122             x_incl_wkend_duration_flag   => c_rtn_us_rec.incl_wkend_duration_flag,
4123             x_mode                       => 'R'
4124             );
4125           END IF;
4127           FOR c_rtn_us_dtl_rec IN c_rtn_us_dtl (c_rtn_us_rec.non_std_usec_rtn_id) LOOP
4128             DECLARE
4129               CURSOR c_rtn_us_dtl_new(cp_non_std_usec_rtn_id   igs_ps_nsus_rtn_dtl.non_std_usec_rtn_id%TYPE,
4130                                       cp_offset_value          igs_ps_nsus_rtn_dtl.offset_value%TYPE) IS
4131               SELECT 'X'
4132               FROM   igs_ps_nsus_rtn_dtl
4133               WHERE  non_std_usec_rtn_id = cp_non_std_usec_rtn_id
4134               AND    offset_value = cp_offset_value;
4136   	      l_c_var                     VARCHAR2(1);
4137               lv_rowid                    VARCHAR2(25);
4138               l_non_std_usec_rtn_dtl_id   igs_ps_nsus_rtn_dtl.non_std_usec_rtn_dtl_id%TYPE;
4139 	      l_offset_date               DATE;
4140 	    BEGIN
4141               OPEN c_rtn_us_new(l_non_std_usec_rtn_id,c_rtn_us_dtl_rec.offset_value);
4142               FETCH c_rtn_us_new INTO l_c_var;
4143               IF c_rtn_us_new%NOTFOUND THEN
4145   	        l_offset_date := igs_ps_gen_004.f_retention_offset_date(
4146 	                                      p_n_uoo_id                   => p_new_uoo_id,
4147 	                                      p_c_formula_method           => c_rtn_us_rec.formula_method,
4148 	  	                              p_c_round_method             => c_rtn_us_rec.round_method,
4149 		                              p_c_incl_wkend_duration      => c_rtn_us_rec.incl_wkend_duration_flag,
4150 			                      p_n_offset_value             => c_rtn_us_dtl_rec.offset_value);
4152     	        igs_ps_nsus_rtn_dtl_pkg.insert_row(
4153 	          x_rowid                      => lv_rowid,
4154 	          x_non_std_usec_rtn_dtl_id    => l_non_std_usec_rtn_dtl_id,
4155 	          x_non_std_usec_rtn_id        => l_non_std_usec_rtn_id,
4156 	          x_offset_value               => c_rtn_us_dtl_rec.offset_value,
4157 	          x_retention_percent          => c_rtn_us_dtl_rec.retention_percent,
4158 	          x_retention_amount           => c_rtn_us_dtl_rec.retention_amount,
4159 	          x_offset_date                => l_offset_date,
4160 	          x_override_date_flag         => 'N',  -- calculating the dates while rolling over. So if in the source if it is overriden here it is calculated, to keep the data in the correct calendar.
4161 	          x_mode                       => 'R'
4162 	          );
4163               END IF;
4164               CLOSE c_rtn_us_new;
4166             EXCEPTION
4167   	       WHEN OTHERS THEN
4168 		--Fnd log implementation
4169 		IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4170 		  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
4171 		  SUBSTRB('Non Std Usec Rtn Dtl Id:'||c_rtn_us_dtl_rec.non_std_usec_rtn_dtl_id||'  '||
4172 		  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
4173 		END IF;
4174 	    END;
4175           END LOOP;
4176         END IF;
4178       EXCEPTION
4179         WHEN OTHERS THEN
4180 	  --Fnd log implementation
4181 	  IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4182 	    fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
4183 	    SUBSTRB('Non Std Usec Rtn Id:'||c_rtn_us_rec.non_std_usec_rtn_id||'  '||
4184 	    NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
4185 	  END IF;
4186       END;
4187     END LOOP;
4188   END IF;
4190   IF teachCalendar_tbl.EXISTS(1) THEN
4191       teachCalendar_tbl.DELETE;
4192    END IF;
4194   --SUCCESSFUL condition.
4195   p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_USEC_DUP_TRN_SUCC';
4197 END crsp_ins_unit_section;
4200 PROCEDURE change_unit_section_status(p_c_old_cal_status      IN  VARCHAR2,
4201                                      p_c_new_cal_status      IN  VARCHAR2,
4202                                      p_c_cal_type            IN  VARCHAR2,
4203                                      p_n_ci_sequence_number  IN  NUMBER,
4204                                      p_b_ret_status          OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
4205                                      p_c_message_name        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
4206    /*
4207         ||  Created By : sarakshi
4208         ||  Created On : 24-Apr-2003
4209         ||  Purpose:Updates unit section status to 'Not Offered' if the calendar status is changes to INACTIVE
4210         ||          for those unit section of the calendar instance which are not having any enrollment
4211         ||          activity,also changes the status to OPEN when calendar status is updated from INACTIVE
4212         ||          to ACTIVE.This procedure returns status(p_b_ret_status), if this is false then p_c_message
4213         ||          _name will contain the error message name which needs to be shown to the calling env and
4214         ||          process needs to be stopped.
4215         ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
4216         ||  Change History :
4217         ||  Who             When            What
4218         ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
4219         ||  sarakshi    21-oct-2003     Enh#3052452,used function igs_ps_gen_003.enrollment_for_uoo_check for checking the
4220         ||                              existance of record in igs_en_su_attempt rather than explicitly coding a cursor locally.
4221 	||  sarakshi    18-sep-2003     Enh#3052452, added new parameters relation_type,sup_uoo_id,default_enroll_flag to the
4222 	||                              call of igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row .
4223 	||  vvutukur    04-Aug-2003     Enh#3045069.PSP Enh Build.Modified the calls to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row to add
4224 	||                              new parameter not_multiple_section_flag.
4225         */
4227   CURSOR c_uoo_id IS
4228   SELECT usec.* ,usec.rowid
4229   FROM igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all usec
4230   WHERE cal_type=p_c_cal_type
4231   AND ci_sequence_number=p_n_ci_sequence_number;
4233   l_b_found BOOLEAN := FALSE;
4234 BEGIN
4235   p_c_message_name:=NULL;
4236   p_b_ret_status:=TRUE;
4238   --If old calendar status and new status is same then do nothing
4239   IF p_c_old_cal_status = p_c_new_cal_status THEN
4240     p_b_ret_status:=TRUE;
4241     RETURN;
4242   END IF;
4244   --If the new calendar status is INACTIVE then  check if any enrollment activity exist for the
4245   --unit sections for the calendar instance, if exists then return false with error message name else
4246   --return true by updating the unit section statuses of all the unit section under this calendar
4247   --with value 'NOT_OFFERED'
4249   IF p_c_new_cal_status = 'INACTIVE' THEN
4251     FOR l_uoo_id IN c_uoo_id LOOP
4253       IF igs_ps_gen_003.enrollment_for_uoo_check(l_uoo_id.uoo_id) THEN
4254         l_b_found:=TRUE;
4255         EXIT;
4256       END IF;
4258     END LOOP;
4260     IF l_b_found THEN
4261       p_b_ret_status:=FALSE;
4262       p_c_message_name:='IGS_PS_STATUS_NOT_UPD_ALLOWED';
4263       RETURN;
4264     ELSE
4265       FOR l_uoo_id IN c_uoo_id LOOP
4266          igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row( x_rowid                        =>l_uoo_id.rowid,
4267                                              x_unit_cd                      =>l_uoo_id.unit_cd,
4268                                              x_version_number               =>l_uoo_id.version_number,
4269                                              x_cal_type                     =>l_uoo_id.cal_type,
4270                                              x_ci_sequence_number           =>l_uoo_id.ci_sequence_number,
4271                                              x_location_cd                  =>l_uoo_id.location_cd,
4272                                              x_unit_class                   =>l_uoo_id.unit_class,
4273                                              x_uoo_id                       =>l_uoo_id.uoo_id,
4274                                              x_ivrs_available_ind           =>l_uoo_id.ivrs_available_ind,
4275                                              x_call_number                  =>l_uoo_id.call_number,
4276                                              x_unit_section_status          => 'NOT_OFFERED',
4277                                              x_unit_section_start_date      =>l_uoo_id.unit_section_start_date,
4278                                              x_unit_section_end_date        =>l_uoo_id.unit_section_end_date,
4279                                              x_enrollment_actual            =>l_uoo_id.enrollment_actual,
4280                                              x_waitlist_actual              =>l_uoo_id.waitlist_actual,
4281                                              x_offered_ind                  =>l_uoo_id.offered_ind,
4282                                              x_state_financial_aid          =>l_uoo_id.state_financial_aid,
4283                                              x_grading_schema_prcdnce_ind   =>l_uoo_id.grading_schema_prcdnce_ind,
4284                                              x_federal_financial_aid        =>l_uoo_id.federal_financial_aid,
4285                                              x_unit_quota                   =>l_uoo_id.unit_quota,
4286                                              x_unit_quota_reserved_places   =>l_uoo_id.unit_quota_reserved_places,
4287                                              x_institutional_financial_aid  =>l_uoo_id.institutional_financial_aid,
4288                                              x_unit_contact                 =>l_uoo_id.unit_contact,
4289                                              x_grading_schema_cd            =>l_uoo_id.grading_schema_cd,
4290                                              x_gs_version_number            =>l_uoo_id.gs_version_number,
4291                                              x_owner_org_unit_cd            =>l_uoo_id.owner_org_unit_cd,
4292                                              x_attendance_required_ind      =>l_uoo_id.attendance_required_ind,
4293                                              x_reserved_seating_allowed     =>l_uoo_id.reserved_seating_allowed,
4294                                              x_special_permission_ind       =>l_uoo_id.special_permission_ind,
4295                                              x_ss_display_ind               =>l_uoo_id.ss_display_ind,
4296                                              x_mode                         =>'R',
4297                                              x_ss_enrol_ind                 =>l_uoo_id.ss_enrol_ind,
4298                                              x_dir_enrollment               =>l_uoo_id.dir_enrollment,
4299                                              x_enr_from_wlst                =>l_uoo_id.enr_from_wlst,
4300                                              x_inq_not_wlst                 =>l_uoo_id.inq_not_wlst,
4301                                              x_rev_account_cd               =>l_uoo_id.rev_account_cd,
4302                                              x_anon_unit_grading_ind        =>l_uoo_id.anon_unit_grading_ind,
4303                                              x_anon_assess_grading_ind      =>l_uoo_id.anon_assess_grading_ind,
4304                                              x_non_std_usec_ind             =>l_uoo_id.non_std_usec_ind,
4305                                              x_auditable_ind                =>l_uoo_id.auditable_ind,
4306                                              x_audit_permission_ind         =>l_uoo_id.audit_permission_ind,
4307 					     x_not_multiple_section_flag    =>l_uoo_id.not_multiple_section_flag,
4308 					     x_sup_uoo_id                   =>l_uoo_id.sup_uoo_id,
4309 					     x_relation_type                =>l_uoo_id.relation_type,
4310 					     x_default_enroll_flag          =>l_uoo_id.default_enroll_flag ,
4311 					     x_abort_flag                   =>l_uoo_id.abort_flag
4312                                             );
4313       END LOOP;
4314       p_b_ret_status:=TRUE;
4315       RETURN;
4316     END IF;
4318   --If the new calendar status is ACTIVE and old status is INACTIVE then update the unit section status
4319   --to OPEN for all the unit section under the calendar instance
4321   ELSIF p_c_new_cal_status = 'ACTIVE' AND p_c_old_cal_status ='INACTIVE' THEN
4322     FOR l_uoo_id IN c_uoo_id LOOP
4323         igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row( x_rowid                        =>l_uoo_id.rowid,
4324                                             x_unit_cd                      =>l_uoo_id.unit_cd,
4325                                             x_version_number               =>l_uoo_id.version_number,
4326                                             x_cal_type                     =>l_uoo_id.cal_type,
4327                                             x_ci_sequence_number           =>l_uoo_id.ci_sequence_number,
4328                                             x_location_cd                  =>l_uoo_id.location_cd,
4329                                             x_unit_class                   =>l_uoo_id.unit_class,
4330                                             x_uoo_id                       =>l_uoo_id.uoo_id,
4331                                             x_ivrs_available_ind           =>l_uoo_id.ivrs_available_ind,
4332                                             x_call_number                  =>l_uoo_id.call_number,
4333                                             x_unit_section_status          => 'OPEN',
4334                                             x_unit_section_start_date      =>l_uoo_id.unit_section_start_date,
4335                                             x_unit_section_end_date        =>l_uoo_id.unit_section_end_date,
4336                                             x_enrollment_actual            =>l_uoo_id.enrollment_actual,
4337                                             x_waitlist_actual              =>l_uoo_id.waitlist_actual,
4338                                             x_offered_ind                  =>l_uoo_id.offered_ind,
4339                                             x_state_financial_aid          =>l_uoo_id.state_financial_aid,
4340                                             x_grading_schema_prcdnce_ind   =>l_uoo_id.grading_schema_prcdnce_ind,
4341                                             x_federal_financial_aid        =>l_uoo_id.federal_financial_aid,
4342                                             x_unit_quota                   =>l_uoo_id.unit_quota,
4343                                             x_unit_quota_reserved_places   =>l_uoo_id.unit_quota_reserved_places,
4344                                             x_institutional_financial_aid  =>l_uoo_id.institutional_financial_aid,
4345                                             x_unit_contact                 =>l_uoo_id.unit_contact,
4346                                             x_grading_schema_cd            =>l_uoo_id.grading_schema_cd,
4347                                             x_gs_version_number            =>l_uoo_id.gs_version_number,
4348                                             x_owner_org_unit_cd            =>l_uoo_id.owner_org_unit_cd,
4349                                             x_attendance_required_ind      =>l_uoo_id.attendance_required_ind,
4350                                             x_reserved_seating_allowed     =>l_uoo_id.reserved_seating_allowed,
4351                                             x_special_permission_ind       =>l_uoo_id.special_permission_ind,
4352                                             x_ss_display_ind               =>l_uoo_id.ss_display_ind,
4353                                             x_mode                         =>'R',
4354                                             x_ss_enrol_ind                 =>l_uoo_id.ss_enrol_ind,
4355                                             x_dir_enrollment               =>l_uoo_id.dir_enrollment,
4356                                             x_enr_from_wlst                =>l_uoo_id.enr_from_wlst,
4357                                             x_inq_not_wlst                 =>l_uoo_id.inq_not_wlst,
4358                                             x_rev_account_cd               =>l_uoo_id.rev_account_cd,
4359                                             x_anon_unit_grading_ind        =>l_uoo_id.anon_unit_grading_ind,
4360                                             x_anon_assess_grading_ind      =>l_uoo_id.anon_assess_grading_ind,
4361                                             x_non_std_usec_ind             =>l_uoo_id.non_std_usec_ind,
4362                                             x_auditable_ind                =>l_uoo_id.auditable_ind,
4363                                             x_audit_permission_ind         =>l_uoo_id.audit_permission_ind,
4364                                             x_not_multiple_section_flag    =>l_uoo_id.not_multiple_section_flag,
4365    					    x_sup_uoo_id                   =>l_uoo_id.sup_uoo_id,
4366 					    x_relation_type                =>l_uoo_id.relation_type,
4367 					    x_default_enroll_flag          =>l_uoo_id.default_enroll_flag,
4368 				            x_abort_flag                   =>l_uoo_id.abort_flag
4369                                           );
4370     END LOOP;
4371     p_b_ret_status:=TRUE;
4372     RETURN;
4374   END IF;
4376 END change_unit_section_status;
4378   FUNCTION fac_exceed_exp_wl(
4379                              p_c_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
4380                              p_n_cal_seq_num IN NUMBER,
4381                              p_n_person_id IN NUMBER,
4382                              p_n_curr_wl IN NUMBER,
4383                              p_n_tot_fac_wl OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
4384                              p_n_exp_wl OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN
4385     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4386           --Created by  : jdeekoll ( Oracle IDC)
4387           --Date created: 06-May-2003
4388           --
4389           --Purpose:  HR Integration build(# 2833853) - This function will be called when the passed calendar type is Load/Academic
4390           --
4391           --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
4392           --
4393           --Change History:
4394           --Who         When            What
4395           --sommukhe    09-Aug-2005     Bug#4318183, modified type for variable l_n_fac_assign_wl
4396    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4397   AS
4399      /* Cursor to get the Calendar Category */
4400        CURSOR c_cal_cat IS
4401                           SELECT calendar_cat
4402                           FROM igs_ps_exp_wl;
4404        l_c_cal_cat_code igs_ps_exp_wl.calendar_cat%TYPE;
4406       l_c_emp_cat_code igs_ps_emp_cats_wl.emp_cat_code%TYPE;
4408      /* Cursor to get the expected workload for the respective employment category */
4409      CURSOR c_exp_wl(cp_c_emp_cat_code igs_ps_emp_cats_wl.emp_cat_code%TYPE,cp_n_cal_cat_code igs_ps_exp_wl.calendar_cat%TYPE) IS
4410                   SELECT ecw.expected_wl_num
4411                    FROM igs_ps_emp_cats_wl ecw
4412                    WHERE ecw.emp_cat_code = cp_c_emp_cat_code AND
4413                          cal_cat_code = cp_n_cal_cat_code ORDER BY ecw.last_update_date desc;
4415      l_n_exp_wl igs_ps_emp_cats_wl.expected_wl_num%TYPE:=0;
4417      /* Cursor to get the override expected workload */
4418      CURSOR c_fac_ovr_wl(cp_n_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
4419                          cp_c_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
4420                          cp_n_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE
4421                         ) IS
4422                            SELECT NVL(fow.new_exp_wl,0)
4423                            FROM igs_ps_fac_wl fw,igs_ps_fac_ovr_wl fow
4424                            WHERE fw.person_id =  cp_n_person_id AND
4425                                  fow.fac_wl_id = fw.fac_wl_id AND
4426                                  fw.cal_type = cp_c_cal_type AND
4427                                  fw.ci_sequence_number=cp_n_cal_seq_num AND
4428                                  SYSDATE BETWEEN fow.start_date AND NVL(fow.end_date,SYSDATE);
4430      l_n_fac_ovr_wl igs_ps_fac_ovr_wl.new_exp_wl%TYPE:=0;
4432      /* Cursor to get sum of workload from assigned workload */
4433      CURSOR c_fac_assign_wl(cp_n_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
4434                             cp_c_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
4435                               cp_n_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE
4436                             ) IS
4437                              SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(fat.default_wl,0)),0)
4438                              FROM igs_ps_fac_wl fw,igs_ps_fac_asg_task fat
4439                              WHERE fw.person_id =  cp_n_person_id AND
4440                                    fat.fac_wl_id = fw.fac_wl_id AND
4441                                    fw.cal_type = cp_c_cal_type AND
4442                                    fw.ci_sequence_number=cp_n_cal_seq_num AND
4443                                    fat.confirmed_ind = 'Y';
4445      l_n_fac_assign_wl NUMBER:=0;
4447      /* Cursor to get sum of workload from Unit Section Teaching Responsibility */
4448      CURSOR c_tch_resp_wl(cp_n_person_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
4449                           cp_c_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
4450                           cp_n_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE
4451                           )IS
4452                            SELECT NVL(utr.INSTRUCTIONAL_LOAD_LAB,0) +
4453                                  NVL(utr.INSTRUCTIONAL_LOAD_LECTURE,0) +
4454                                  NVL(utr.INSTRUCTIONAL_LOAD,0) teach_wl
4455                             FROM igs_ps_usec_tch_resp utr,igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all opt
4456                            WHERE utr.instructor_id =  cp_n_person_id AND
4457                                 utr.uoo_id = opt.uoo_id AND
4458                                 opt.cal_type = cp_c_cal_type AND
4459                                 utr.confirmed_flag = 'Y' AND
4460                                 opt.ci_sequence_number = cp_n_cal_seq_num AND
4461                                 opt.unit_section_status NOT IN ('CANCELLED','NOT_OFFERED');
4463      l_n_wl NUMBER:=0;
4464      l_n_tch_resp_wl NUMBER:=0;
4465      l_c_s_cal_cat igs_ca_type.s_cal_cat%TYPE;
4466      l_c_tch_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
4467      l_n_tch_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
4469      TYPE ref_cur_get_teach_cal IS REF CURSOR;
4470      c_get_tch_cal ref_cur_get_teach_cal;
4473   BEGIN
4474      --Added this code as gscc warning was comming for file.sql.35
4475      l_c_emp_cat_code :=igs_pe_gen_002.get_active_emp_cat(p_n_person_id);
4476      l_c_s_cal_cat    :='TEACHING';
4478      /* Calendar category cursor*/
4479      OPEN c_cal_cat;
4480      FETCH c_cal_cat INTO l_c_cal_cat_code;
4481      CLOSE c_cal_cat;
4483      /* employment category cursor*/
4484      OPEN c_exp_wl(l_c_emp_cat_code,l_c_cal_cat_code);
4485      FETCH c_exp_wl INTO l_n_exp_wl;
4486      CLOSE c_exp_wl;
4488      /* Override expected workload cursor */
4489      OPEN c_fac_ovr_wl(p_n_person_id,p_c_cal_type,p_n_cal_seq_num);
4490      FETCH c_fac_ovr_wl INTO l_n_fac_ovr_wl;
4491      CLOSE c_fac_ovr_wl;
4493      /* Assigned workload cursor*/
4494      OPEN c_fac_assign_wl(p_n_person_id,p_c_cal_type,p_n_cal_seq_num);
4495      FETCH c_fac_assign_wl INTO l_n_fac_assign_wl;
4496      CLOSE c_fac_assign_wl;
4498      /* Load To Teaching calendar cursor */
4500      IF l_c_cal_cat_code = 'LOAD' THEN
4502      /* Cursor to get the teaching calendars for the respective load calendar */
4504        OPEN c_get_tch_cal FOR 'SELECT teach_cal_type,teach_ci_sequence_number'||
4505                                 ' FROM igs_ca_load_to_teach_v WHERE load_cal_type = :1 AND'||
4506                                 ' load_ci_sequence_number = :2 ' USING p_c_cal_type,p_n_cal_seq_num;
4508       ELSIF l_c_cal_cat_code = 'ACADEMIC' THEN
4510      /* Cursor to get teaching calendars for respective Academic calendars */
4512        OPEN c_get_tch_cal FOR 'SELECT cir.sub_cal_type,cir.sub_ci_sequence_number'||
4513                                 ' FROM igs_ca_inst_rel cir, igs_ca_type ct'||
4514                                 ' WHERE cir.sub_cal_type = ct.cal_type AND'||
4515                                 ' ct.s_cal_cat = :1 AND'||
4516                                 ' sup_cal_type = :2 AND'||
4517                                     ' sup_ci_sequence_number = :3 ' USING l_c_s_cal_cat,p_c_cal_type,p_n_cal_seq_num;
4518       END IF;
4520       IF l_c_cal_cat_code IN ('LOAD','ACADEMIC') THEN
4521         LOOP
4522           FETCH c_get_tch_cal INTO l_c_tch_cal_type,l_n_tch_cal_seq_num;
4523           EXIT WHEN c_get_tch_cal%NOTFOUND;
4524           l_n_wl :=0;
4526          /* Unit Section Teaching Responsibility workload cursor */
4528             FOR c_tch_resp_wl_rec IN c_tch_resp_wl(p_n_person_id,l_c_tch_cal_type,l_n_tch_cal_seq_num)
4529           LOOP
4530             l_n_wl := l_n_wl + NVL(c_tch_resp_wl_rec.teach_wl,0);
4531           END LOOP;
4533           l_n_tch_resp_wl := l_n_tch_resp_wl + l_n_wl;
4535          END LOOP;
4536        /* Close the cursor */
4537           CLOSE c_get_tch_cal;
4538        END IF;
4540      /* Total Faculty assigned workload, including the current workload passed (at present this is only from Unit Section Teaching Responsibility */
4542      p_n_tot_fac_wl := NVL(l_n_fac_assign_wl,0) + NVL(l_n_tch_resp_wl,0)+NVL(p_n_curr_wl,0);
4544      /* If override workload > 0 then, the total faculty assigned workload should be compared with override expected workload, else expected workload */
4546        IF NVL(l_n_fac_ovr_wl,0) > 0 THEN
4547          p_n_exp_wl := NVL(l_n_fac_ovr_wl,0);
4548        ELSE
4549          p_n_exp_wl := NVL(l_n_exp_wl,0);
4550        END IF;
4552        IF NVL(p_n_tot_fac_wl,0) > p_n_exp_wl THEN
4553          RETURN TRUE;
4554        ELSE
4555         RETURN FALSE;
4556        END IF;
4558   END fac_exceed_exp_wl;
4560   FUNCTION teach_fac_wl(
4561                          p_c_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
4562                          p_n_cal_seq_num IN NUMBER,
4563                          p_n_person_id IN NUMBER,
4564                          p_n_curr_wl IN NUMBER,
4565                          p_n_tot_fac_wl OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
4566                          p_n_exp_wl OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN
4567     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4568           --Created by  : jdeekoll ( Oracle IDC)
4569           --Date created: 11-May-2003
4570           --
4571           --Purpose:  HR Integration build - This function will be called when the passed calendar type is teaching
4572           --
4573           --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
4574           --
4575           --Change History:
4576           --Who         When            What
4577    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4578   AS
4580      /* Cursor to get the Calendar Category */
4581        CURSOR c_cal_cat IS
4582                           SELECT calendar_cat
4583                           FROM igs_ps_exp_wl;
4585        l_c_cal_cat_code igs_ps_exp_wl.calendar_cat%TYPE;
4586        l_c_s_cal_cat igs_ca_type.s_cal_cat%TYPE;
4587        l_c_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
4588        l_n_cal_seq_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
4591        TYPE ref_cur_get_cal IS REF CURSOR;
4592        c_get_cal ref_cur_get_cal;
4595   BEGIN
4596      --Added as it was giving file.sql.35 warning
4597      l_c_s_cal_cat :='ACADEMIC';
4599      /* Calendar category cursor*/
4600      OPEN c_cal_cat;
4601      FETCH c_cal_cat INTO l_c_cal_cat_code;
4602      CLOSE c_cal_cat;
4604      IF l_c_cal_cat_code = 'LOAD' THEN
4606      /* Cursor for to get Load calendar when Teach cal is passed */
4608        OPEN c_get_cal FOR 'SELECT load_cal_type,load_ci_sequence_number'||
4609                                 ' FROM igs_ca_teach_to_load_v WHERE teach_cal_type = :1 AND'||
4610                                 ' teach_ci_sequence_number = :2 ' USING p_c_cal_type,p_n_cal_seq_num;
4612       ELSIF l_c_cal_cat_code = 'ACADEMIC' THEN
4614      /* Cursor for to get Academic calendar when Teach cal is passed */
4616        OPEN c_get_cal FOR 'SELECT cir.sup_cal_type,cir.sup_ci_sequence_number'||
4617                                 ' FROM igs_ca_inst_rel cir, igs_ca_type ct'||
4618                                 ' WHERE cir.sup_cal_type = ct.cal_type AND'||
4619                                 ' ct.s_cal_cat = :1 AND'||
4620                                 ' sub_cal_type = :2 AND'||
4621                                 ' sub_ci_sequence_number = :3 ' USING l_c_s_cal_cat,p_c_cal_type,p_n_cal_seq_num;
4622      END IF;
4624      IF l_c_cal_cat_code IN ('LOAD','ACADEMIC') THEN
4625        LOOP
4627          FETCH c_get_cal INTO l_c_cal_type,l_n_cal_seq_num;
4628            EXIT WHEN c_get_cal%NOTFOUND;
4630          /* If any one of the worklaod is exceeded with in particular Load calendar, then exist, else continue */
4632          IF igs_ps_gen_001.fac_exceed_exp_wl(
4633                                             l_c_cal_type,
4634                                             l_n_cal_seq_num,
4635                                             p_n_person_id,
4636                                             p_n_curr_wl,
4637                                             p_n_tot_fac_wl,
4638                                             p_n_exp_wl
4639                                            ) THEN
4640                        RETURN TRUE;
4641          END IF;
4642        END LOOP;
4643        /* Close the cursor */
4644        CLOSE c_get_cal;
4645      END IF;
4647      /* It will come to this step, only if the staff has not exceeded in any of the load calendars */
4649      RETURN FALSE;
4651   END teach_fac_wl;
4653 END IGS_PS_GEN_001;