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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 115

    n_rows_inserted        NUMBER;  /* into xla_events_int_gt table */
Line: 143

    select count(*) into n_hdrs  from gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt;  -- xxxremove
Line: 144

    select count(*) into n_lines from gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt;  -- xxxremove
Line: 168

    g_log_msg := 'Calling proc GMF_XLA_PKG.update_extract_gt to set entity codes';
Line: 180

    update_extract_gt('SET_ENTITY_CODES', NULL);
Line: 198

                SELECT distinct entity_code
                  FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
      g_log_msg := 'Calling function GMF_XLA_PKG.insert_into_xla_events_gt for entity ' || i.entity_code ||
                   ' (if entity is Inventory when process was submitted for PUR/OM, then we have some' ||
                   ' internal order transfers)';
Line: 217

      n_rows_inserted := insert_into_xla_events_gt(i.entity_code);
Line: 223

      IF n_rows_inserted = 0
        g_log_msg := 'No events to create for entity ' || i.entity_code || '. User might be running the process more than once.' ||
                     ' We will still update extract headers and lines, since amounts might ' ||
                     ' differ from last run';
Line: 262

        SELECT entity_code
          INTO l_entity_type_code
          FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
         WHERE rownum = 1
Line: 280

        select count(*) into n_events from xla_events
         where application_id = 555
           and reference_num_1 = p_reference_no;     -- xxxremove
Line: 303

      IF n_rows_inserted = 0
        g_log_msg := 'No events were created for entity ' || i.entity_code ||'. So, no need to update extract_headers gt with event ids';
Line: 318

        g_log_msg := 'Calling proc XLA_EVENTS_PKG.update_extract_gt to set event ids for entity ' || i.entity_code;
Line: 331

        update_extract_gt('SET_EVENT_IDS', i.entity_code);
Line: 335

      DELETE FROM xla_events_int_gt; -- Cleanup for next run
Line: 343

    g_log_msg := 'Calling proc update_extract_header';
Line: 355

Line: 361

    g_log_msg := 'Calling proc XLA_EVENTS_PKG.update_extract_lines';
Line: 373

Line: 415

    DELETE FROM xla_events_int_gt;
Line: 437

    DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt;
Line: 438

    DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt;
Line: 490

  PROCEDURE update_extract_gt (
    p_what_to_update  IN VARCHAR2,
    p_entity_code     IN VARCHAR2

    l_procedure_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'UPDATE_EXTRACT_GT';
Line: 525

    CASE p_what_to_update
      -- setting entity_code, event_class_code, event_type_code
      g_log_msg := 'Setting entity_code, event_class_code, and event_type_code now.';
Line: 545

      update gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt
         set (entity_code, event_class_code, event_type_code) =
                (SELECT entity_code, event_class_code, event_type_code
                   FROM gmf_xla_event_model em
                    (   em.transaction_source_type_id     = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id
                    AND em.transaction_action_id          = ehgt.transaction_action_id
                    AND nvl(em.organization, 'x')         = nvl(ehgt.organization, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.transfer_type, 'x')        = nvl(ehgt.transfer_type, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.transfer_price_flag, 'x')  = nvl(ehgt.transfer_price_flag, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.transaction_type, 'x')     = nvl(ehgt.transaction_type, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.fob_point, 99)             = nvl(ehgt.fob_point, 99)
                    AND nvl(ehgt.transaction_type, 'x')   <> 'RESOURCE_TRANSACTIONS'
                      nvl(ehgt.transaction_type, 'x')     = em.transaction_type -- 'RESOURCE_TRANSACTIONS'
Line: 566

      g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated';
Line: 595

                    SELECT transaction_id, transaction_source_type_id, transaction_action_id,
                           source_document_id, source_line_id,
                           nvl(organization, 'x')        as organization,
                           nvl(transfer_type, 'x')       as transfer_type,
                           nvl(transfer_price_flag, 'x') as transfer_price_flag,
                           nvl(fob_point, 99)            as fob_point,
                           nvl(transaction_type, 'x')    as transaction_type
                      FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
                     WHERE entity_code IS NULL or event_class_code IS NULL OR event_type_code IS NULL

          g_log_msg := i.transaction_id || '/' ||
                       i.transaction_source_type_id || '/' || i.transaction_action_id || '/' ||
                       i.organization || '/' || i.transfer_type || '/' ||
                       i.transfer_price_flag || '/' || i.fob_point || '/' ||
                       i.transaction_type || '/' ||
                       i.source_document_id || '/' ||
Line: 627

        DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt
         where header_id in (SELECT header_id
                               FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
                              WHERE entity_code IS NULL or event_class_code IS NULL OR event_type_code IS NULL)
Line: 632

        DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
         WHERE entity_code IS NULL or event_class_code IS NULL OR event_type_code IS NULL
Line: 662

      UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt
         SET event_id = (SELECT event_id
                           FROM xla_events_int_gt egt
                          WHERE egt.source_id_int_1            = ehgt.transaction_id
                            AND egt.source_id_int_2            = ehgt.ledger_id
                            AND egt.source_id_int_3            = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
                            /* AND egt.source_id_int_4            = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
                            AND egt.source_id_char_1           = ehgt.event_class_code
                            /* AND nvl(egt.source_id_char_2, 'x') = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
       WHERE entity_code = p_entity_code
Line: 677

      g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated';
Line: 690

    END CASE update_extract_hdr_gt;
Line: 705

  END update_extract_gt;
Line: 708

  FUNCTION insert_into_xla_events_gt (p_entity_code IN VARCHAR2)

    l_procedure_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'INSERT_INTO_XLA_EVENTS_GT';
Line: 713

    n_rows_inserted    NUMBER;
Line: 738

      INSERT INTO xla_events_int_gt
        , application_id
        , ledger_id
        , legal_entity_id
        , entity_code
        , transaction_number
        , source_id_int_1
        , source_id_int_2
        , source_id_int_3
        , source_id_int_4
        , source_id_char_1
        , source_id_char_2
        , source_id_char_3
        , source_id_char_4
        , event_id
        , event_class_code
        , event_type_code
        , event_number
        , event_date
        , event_status_code
        , process_status_code
        , reference_num_1
        , reference_num_2
        , reference_num_3
        , reference_num_4
        , reference_char_1
        , reference_char_2
        , reference_char_3
        , reference_char_4
        , reference_date_1
        , reference_date_2
        , reference_date_3
        , reference_date_4
        , valuation_method
        , security_id_int_1
        , security_id_int_2
        , security_id_int_3
        , security_id_char_1
        , security_id_char_2
        , security_id_char_3
        , on_hold_flag
        , transaction_date
        NULL                    -- entity_id
        , 555                     -- application_id
        , ledger_id
        , legal_entity_id
        , entity_code
        , transaction_id              -- transaction_number
        , transaction_id              -- SOURCE_ID_INT_1
        , ledger_id                   -- SOURCE_ID_INT_2
        , valuation_cost_type_id      -- SOURCE_ID_INT_3
        /* , transaction_source_type_id  -- SOURCE_ID_INT_4 INVCONV */
        , NULL                        -- SOURCE_ID_INT_4
        , event_class_code            -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
        /* , lot_number                  -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_2 INVCONV */
        , NULL                        -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_2
        , NULL                        -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_3
        , NULL                        -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_4
        , NULL                        -- event_id
        , event_class_code
        , event_type_code
        , NULL                    -- event_number
        , transaction_date        -- event_date
        , xla_events_pub_pkg.C_EVENT_UNPROCESSED  -- event_status_code
        , NULL                    -- process_status_code
        , reference_no            -- REFERENCE_NUM_1
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_NUM_2
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_NUM_3
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_NUM_4
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_1
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_2
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_3
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_4
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_1
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_2
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_3
        , NULL                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_4
        , valuation_cost_type     -- valuation_method
        , ehgt.organization_id    -- SECURITY_ID_INT_1
        , ehgt.operating_unit     -- SECURITY_ID_INT_2
        , legal_entity_id         -- SECURITY_ID_INT_3  Bug 6601963
        , NULL                    -- SECURITY_ID_CHAR_1
        , NULL                    -- SECURITY_ID_CHAR_2
        , NULL                    -- SECURITY_ID_CHAR_3
        , NULL
        , transaction_date
        gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt
        entity_code = p_entity_code
        not exists (SELECT 'txns for which events created'
                     FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers eh
                    WHERE eh.transaction_id             = ehgt.transaction_id
                      AND eh.legal_entity_id            = ehgt.legal_entity_id
                      AND eh.ledger_id                  = ehgt.ledger_id
                      AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id     = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
                      /* AND eh.transaction_source_type_id = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
                      AND eh.event_class_code           = ehgt.event_class_code
                      /* AND nvl(eh.lot_number, 'x')       = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
Line: 847

    n_rows_inserted := sql%rowcount;
Line: 849

    g_log_msg := n_rows_inserted || ' rows inserted into xla_events_int_gt';
Line: 873

    RETURN n_rows_inserted;
Line: 875

  END insert_into_xla_events_gt;
Line: 877

  PROCEDURE update_extract_headers_table

    l_procedure_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'UPDATE_EXTRACT_HEADERS_TABLE';
Line: 909

                  , event_id
                  , entity_code
                  , event_class_code
                  , event_type_code
                  , legal_entity_id
                  , ledger_id
                  , xfer_legal_entity_id
                  , xfer_ledger_id
                  , operating_unit
                  , base_currency
                  , transaction_id
                  , transaction_date
                  , valuation_cost_type_id
                  , valuation_cost_type
                  , inventory_item_id
                  -- , item_revision
                  , organization_id
                  , lot_number
                  , transaction_quantity
                  , transaction_uom
                  , transaction_source_type_id
                  , transaction_action_id
                  , transaction_type_id
                  , transaction_value
                  , transaction_value_raw
                  , transaction_currency
                  , txn_source
                  , source_document_id
                  , source_line_id
                  , currency_code
                  , currency_conversion_date
                  , currency_conversion_type
                  , currency_conversion_rate -- Bug 6792803
                  , resources
                  -- , resource_class
                  , line_type
                  , ar_trx_type_id
                  , order_type
                  , reason_id
                  , charge_id
                  , customer_id
                  , customer_site_id
                  , taxauth_id
                  , vendor_id
                  , vendor_site_id
                  , routing_id
                  , customer_gl_class
                  , itemcost_class
                  , vendor_gl_class
                  , cost_category_id
                  , gl_business_class_cat_id
                  , gl_product_line_cat_id
                  , jv_qty_ind
                  , quantity_um
                  , accounted_flag
                  , actual_posting_date
                  , invoiced_flag
                  , shipment_costed
             FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt) ehgt
    ON    (    eh.transaction_id              = ehgt.transaction_id
           AND eh.ledger_id                   = ehgt.ledger_id
           AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id      = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
           /* AND eh.transaction_source_type_id  = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
           AND eh.event_class_code            = ehgt.event_class_code
           /* AND nvl(eh.lot_number, 'x')        = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
          eh.transaction_quantity  = ehgt.transaction_quantity
        , eh.transaction_value     = ehgt.transaction_value
        , eh.transaction_value_raw = ehgt.transaction_value_raw
        , eh.reference_no          = ehgt.reference_no
        , eh.shipment_costed       = ehgt.shipment_costed
        , eh.invoiced_flag         = ehgt.invoiced_flag
        , eh.last_update_date      = sysdate
	      , eh.last_updated_by       = g_user_id
	      , eh.last_update_login     = g_login_id
	      , eh.program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
	      , eh.program_id            = g_program_id
	      , eh.request_id            = g_request_id
        , eh.currency_conversion_rate         = ehgt.currency_conversion_rate
          , reference_no
          , event_id
          , entity_code
          , event_class_code
          , event_type_code
          , legal_entity_id
          , ledger_id
          , xfer_legal_entity_id
          , xfer_ledger_id
          , operating_unit
          , base_currency
          , transaction_id
          , transaction_date
          , valuation_cost_type_id
          , valuation_cost_type
          , inventory_item_id
          -- , item_revision
          , organization_id
          , lot_number
          , transaction_quantity
          , transaction_uom
          , transaction_source_type_id
          , transaction_action_id
          , transaction_type_id
          , transaction_value
          , transaction_value_raw
          , transaction_currency
          , txn_source
          , source_document_id
          , source_line_id
          , currency_code
          , currency_conversion_date
          , currency_conversion_type
          , currency_conversion_rate -- Bug 6792803
          , resources
          -- , resource_class
          , line_type
          , ar_trx_type_id
          , order_type
          , reason_id
          , charge_id
          , customer_id
          , customer_site_id
          , taxauth_id
          , vendor_id
          , vendor_site_id
          , routing_id
          , customer_gl_class
          , itemcost_class
          , vendor_gl_class
          , cost_category_id
          , gl_business_class_cat_id
          , gl_product_line_cat_id
          , jv_qty_ind
          , quantity_um
          , accounted_flag
          , actual_posting_date
          , creation_date
          , created_by
          , last_update_date
          , last_updated_by
          , last_update_login
          , program_application_id
          , program_id
          , request_id
            gmf_xla_extract_headers_s.NEXTVAL  -- header_id
          , ehgt.reference_no
          , ehgt.event_id
          , ehgt.entity_code
          , ehgt.event_class_code
          , ehgt.event_type_code
          , ehgt.legal_entity_id
          , ehgt.ledger_id
          , ehgt.xfer_legal_entity_id
          , ehgt.xfer_ledger_id
          , ehgt.operating_unit
          , ehgt.base_currency
          , ehgt.transaction_id
          , ehgt.transaction_date
          , ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
          , ehgt.valuation_cost_type
          , ehgt.inventory_item_id
          -- , ehgt.item_revision
          , ehgt.organization_id
          , ehgt.lot_number
          , ehgt.transaction_quantity
          , ehgt.transaction_uom
          , ehgt.transaction_source_type_id
          , ehgt.transaction_action_id
          , ehgt.transaction_type_id
          , ehgt.transaction_value
          , ehgt.transaction_value_raw
          , ehgt.transaction_currency
          , ehgt.txn_source
          , ehgt.source_document_id
          , ehgt.source_line_id
          , ehgt.currency_code
          , ehgt.currency_conversion_date
          , ehgt.currency_conversion_type
          , ehgt.currency_conversion_rate
          , ehgt.resources
          -- , ehgt.resource_class
          , ehgt.line_type
          , ehgt.ar_trx_type_id
          , ehgt.order_type
          , ehgt.reason_id
          , ehgt.charge_id
          , ehgt.customer_id
          , ehgt.customer_site_id
          , ehgt.taxauth_id
          , ehgt.vendor_id
          , ehgt.vendor_site_id
          , ehgt.routing_id
          , ehgt.customer_gl_class
          , ehgt.itemcost_class
          , ehgt.vendor_gl_class
          , ehgt.cost_category_id
          , ehgt.gl_business_class_cat_id
          , ehgt.gl_product_line_cat_id
          , ehgt.jv_qty_ind
          , ehgt.quantity_um
          , 'N'   -- ehgt.accounted_flag
          , ehgt.actual_posting_date
          , sysdate
          , g_user_id
          , sysdate
          , g_user_id
          , g_login_id
          , g_prog_appl_id
          , g_program_id
          , g_request_id
Line: 1168

  END update_extract_headers_table;
Line: 1170

  PROCEDURE update_extract_lines_table

    l_procedure_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'UPDATE_EXTRACT_LINES_TABLE';
Line: 1193

    UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
       SET (header_id, event_id) =
                               eh.header_id, eh.event_id
                               gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt,
                               gmf_xla_extract_headers    eh
                               ehgt.header_id                 = elgt.header_id
                           AND eh.legal_entity_id             = ehgt.legal_entity_id
                           AND eh.ledger_id                   = ehgt.ledger_id
                           AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id      = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
                           AND eh.transaction_id              = ehgt.transaction_id
                           /* AND eh.transaction_source_type_id  = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
                           AND eh.event_class_code            = ehgt.event_class_code
                           /* AND nvl(eh.lot_number, 'x')        = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
Line: 1213

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated with header_id and event_id in extract_lines_gt table';
Line: 1230

    DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines el
       -- reference_no <> g_reference_no AND
       header_id in
                SELECT header_id
                  FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
                 -- WHERE ehgt.header_id = el.header_id
Line: 1241

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' old rows deleted from extract_lines table';
Line: 1256

    INSERT INTO gmf_xla_extract_lines
      , header_id
      , reference_no
      , event_id
      , ledger_id
      , line_number
      , journal_line_type
      , cost_cmpntcls_id
      , cost_analysis_code
      , component_cost
      , usage_ind
      , cost_level
      , aqui_cost_id
      , trans_amount_raw
      , base_amount_raw
      , trans_amount
      , base_amount
      , dr_cr_sign
      , organization_id
      , subinv_organization_id
      , subinventory_code
      , xfer_subinventory_code
      , lot_number
      , locator_id
      , transaction_account_id
      , entered_amount
      , accounted_amount
      , creation_date
      , created_by
      , last_update_date
      , last_updated_by
      , program_application_id
      , program_id
      , request_id
        gmf_xla_extract_lines_s.NEXTVAL  -- line_id
      , elgt.header_id
      , elgt.reference_no
      , elgt.event_id
      , elgt.ledger_id
      , row_number() over(partition by header_id order by header_id)                   -- line_number
      , elgt.journal_line_type
      , elgt.cost_cmpntcls_id
      , elgt.cost_analysis_code
      , elgt.component_cost
      , elgt.usage_ind
      , elgt.cost_level
      , elgt.aqui_cost_id
      , elgt.trans_amount_raw
      , elgt.base_amount_raw
      , elgt.trans_amount
      , elgt.base_amount
      , elgt.dr_cr_sign
      , elgt.organization_id
      , elgt.organization_id
      , elgt.subinventory_code
      , elgt.xfer_subinventory_code
      , elgt.lot_number
      , elgt.locator_id
      , elgt.transaction_account_id
      , elgt.entered_amount
      , elgt.accounted_amount
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , g_prog_appl_id
      , g_program_id
      , g_request_id
      gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
Line: 1332

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows inserted into extract_lines table';
Line: 1358

  END update_extract_lines_table;
Line: 1380

    delete from gmf_transaction_valuation
     where (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id,
            -- transaction_source_type_id,
            event_class_code) IN
             (select eh.transaction_id, eh.ledger_id, eh.valuation_cost_type_id,
                     -- eh.transaction_source_type_id,
                from gmf_xla_extract_headers eh,
                     gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
               where eh.header_id = elgt.header_id
                 and eh.event_id  = elgt.event_id
Line: 1395

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' previous rows deleted from GVT';
Line: 1407

    INSERT INTO gmf_transaction_valuation
      , header_id
      , event_id
      , ledger_id
      , legal_entity_id
      , ledger_currency
      , valuation_cost_type
      , valuation_cost_type_id
      , reference_no
      , transaction_source
      , transaction_id
      , doc_id
      , line_id
      , org_id
      , organization_id
      , inventory_item_id
      , item_number
      , lot_number
      , resources
      , transaction_date
      , transaction_source_type_id
      , transaction_action_id
      , transaction_type_id
      , entity_code
      , event_class_code
      , event_type_code
      , final_posting_date
      , accounted_flag
      , line_type
      , transaction_source_type
      , journal_line_type
      , subinventory_code
      , component_class_usage
      , component_class_usage_type
      , cost_level
      , txn_base_value_raw
      , txn_base_value
      , creation_date
      , created_by
      , last_update_date
      , last_updated_by
      , program_application_id
      , program_id
      , request_id
      , a.header_id
      , a.event_id
      , a.ledger_id
      , a.legal_entity_id
      , a.ledger_currency
      , a.valuation_cost_type
      , a.valuation_cost_type_id
      , a.reference_no
      , a.transaction_source
      , a.transaction_id
      , a.doc_id
      , a.line_id
      , a.org_id
      , a.organization_id
      , a.inventory_item_id
      , a.item_number
      , a.lot_number
      , a.resources
      , a.transaction_date
      , a.transaction_source_type_id
      , a.transaction_action_id
      , a.transaction_type_id
      , a.entity_code
      , a.event_class_code
      , a.event_type_code
      , a.final_posting_date
      , a.accounted_flag
      , a.line_type
      , a.transaction_source_type
      , a.journal_line_type
      , a.subinventory_code
      , a.component_class_usage
      , a.component_class_usage_type
      , a.cost_level
      , a.txn_base_value_raw
      , a.txn_base_value
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , g_prog_appl_id
      , g_program_id
      , g_request_id
              , eh.event_id
              , eh.ledger_id
              , eh.legal_entity_id
              , eh.base_currency           as ledger_currency
              , eh.valuation_cost_type
              , eh.valuation_cost_type_id
              , eh.reference_no
              , decode(eh.txn_source,   'INV', 'INVENTORY',
                                        'PUR', 'PURCHASING',
                                        'OM',  'ORDERMANAGEMENT',
                                        'PM',  'PRODUCTION',
                                        'RVAL',  'COSTREVALUATION')
                                           as transaction_source
              , eh.transaction_id
              , eh.source_document_id    as doc_id
              , eh.source_line_id        as line_id
              , eh.operating_unit        as org_id
              , eh.organization_id
              , eh.inventory_item_id
              , item.concatenated_segments as item_number
              , NULL as lot_number
              , eh.resources
              , eh.transaction_date
              , eh.transaction_source_type_id
              , eh.transaction_action_id
              , eh.transaction_type_id
              , eh.entity_code
              , eh.event_class_code
              , eh.event_type_code
              , eh.actual_posting_date  as final_posting_date
              , eh.accounted_flag
              , eh.line_type
              , nvl(ts.transaction_source_type_name, ' ')  as transaction_source_type
              , elgt.journal_line_type
              , elgt.subinventory_code
              , decode(elgt.usage_ind, 1, 'Material',
                                       2, 'Overhead',
                                       3, 'Resource',
                                       4, 'Expense Alloc',
                                       5, 'Std Cost Adj') as component_class_usage
              , elgt.usage_ind as component_class_usage_type
              , elgt.cost_level
              , sum(elgt.BASE_AMOUNT_RAW)      as txn_base_value_raw
              , sum(elgt.BASE_AMOUNT)          as txn_base_value
              FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers eh,
                   gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt,
                   mtl_system_items_kfv item,
                   mtl_txn_source_types ts
             WHERE eh.header_id                     = elgt.header_id
               AND eh.event_id                      = elgt.event_id
               -- Need an outer join here since for batch close rows, item id is null
               AND item.organization_id(+)          = eh.organization_id
               AND item.inventory_item_id(+)        = eh.inventory_item_id
               AND ts.transaction_source_type_id(+) = eh.transaction_source_type_id
             GROUP BY
              , eh.event_id
              , eh.ledger_id
              , eh.legal_entity_id
              , eh.base_currency
              , eh.valuation_cost_type
              , eh.valuation_cost_type_id
              , eh.reference_no
              , decode(eh.txn_source,   'INV', 'INVENTORY',
                                        'PUR', 'PURCHASING',
                                        'OM',  'ORDERMANAGEMENT',
                                        'PM',  'PRODUCTION',
                                        'RVAL',  'COSTREVALUATION')
              , eh.transaction_id
              , eh.source_document_id
              , eh.source_line_id
              , eh.operating_unit
              , eh.organization_id
              , eh.inventory_item_id
              , item.concatenated_segments
              , eh.lot_number
              , eh.resources
              , eh.transaction_date
              , eh.transaction_source_type_id
              , eh.transaction_action_id
              , eh.transaction_type_id
              , eh.entity_code
              , eh.event_class_code
              , eh.event_type_code
              , eh.actual_posting_date
              , eh.accounted_flag
              , eh.line_type
              , ts.transaction_source_type_name
              , elgt.journal_line_type
              , elgt.subinventory_code
              , decode(elgt.usage_ind, 1, 'Material',
                                       2, 'Overhead',
                                       3, 'Resource',
                                       4, 'Expense Alloc',
                                       5, 'Std Cost Adj')
              , elgt.usage_ind
              , elgt.cost_level
           ) a
Line: 1604

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows inserted into GVT';
Line: 1651

 |      parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_process_category:
 |      This parameter is the "process category" of the events to account. This
 |      parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter.Possible values are as following:
 |      +------------+------------------------------------------+
 |      | Value      | Meaning                                  |
 |      +------------+------------------------------------------+
 |      | 'Invoices' | process invoices                         |
 |      | 'Payments' | process payments and reconciled payments |
 |      | 'All'      | process everything                       |
 |      +------------+------------------------------------------+
 |    p_end_date
 |      This parameter is the maximum event date of the events to be processed
 |      in this run of the accounting. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_accounting_mode
 |      This parameter is the "accounting mode" that the accounting is being
 |      run in. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |      +-------+------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | Value | Meaning                                                    |
 |      +-------+------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | 'D'   | The accounting is being run in "draft mode". Draft mode is |
 |      |       | used to examine what the accounting entries would look for |
 |      |       | an event without actually creating the accounting entries. |
 |      |       | without actually creating the accounting entries.          |
 |      | 'F'   | The accounting is being run in "final mode". Final mode is |
 |      |       | used to create accounting entries.                         |
 |      +-------+------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    p_valuation_method
 |      This parameter is unused by AP. This parameter is purely informational.
 |      This procedure selects from the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does
 |      not include events incompatible with this parameter.
 |    p_security_id_int_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_report_request_id
 |      This parameter is the concurrent request ID of the concurrent request
 |      that is this run of the accounting. This parameter is used to specify
 |      which events in the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view are to be accounted in
 |      this run of the accounting. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |  NOTES:
 |    1) This procedure is run in final mode and draft mode.
 |    2) This procedure is run in batch mode but not in document mode.
 |    3) This procedure is in its own commit cycle.
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change
  PROCEDURE preaccounting
   ( p_application_id       IN           NUMBER
   , p_ledger_id            IN           NUMBER
   , p_process_category     IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_end_date             IN           DATE
   , p_accounting_mode      IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_valuation_method     IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_security_id_int_1    IN           NUMBER
   , p_security_id_int_2    IN           NUMBER
   , p_security_id_int_3    IN           NUMBER
   , p_security_id_char_1   IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_security_id_char_2   IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_security_id_char_3   IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_report_request_id    IN           NUMBER

Line: 1841

 |      parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_process_category
 |      This parameter is the "process category" of the events to account.
 |      This parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from
 |      the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events
 |      incompatible with this parameter.Possible values are as following:
 |      +------------+-------------------------------+
 |      | Value      | Meaning                       |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------+
 |      | 'Invoices' | process invoices              |
 |      | 'Payments' | process payments and receipts |
 |      | 'All'      | process everything            |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------+
 |    p_end_date
 |      This parameter is the maximum event date of the events to be processed
 |      in this run of the accounting. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_accounting_mode
 |      This parameter is the "accounting mode" that the accounting is being
 |      run in. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |      +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | Value | Meaning                                                     |
 |      +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | 'D'   | The accounting is being run in "draft mode". Draft mode is  |
 |      |       | used to examine what the accounting entries would look for  |
 |      |       | an event without actually creating the accounting entries.  |
 |      | 'F'   | The accounting is being run in "final mode". Final mode is  |
 |      |       | used to create accounting entries.                          |
 |      +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    p_valuation_method
 |       This parameter is unused by AP. This parameter is purely informational
 |       This procedure selects from the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does
 |       not include events incompatible with this parameter.
 |    p_security_id_int_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_report_request_id
 |      This parameter is the concurrent request ID of the concurrent request
 |      that is this run of the accounting. This parameter is used to specify
 |      which events in the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view are to be accounted in
 |      this run of the accounting. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |  NOTES:
 |    1) This procedure is run in final mode and draft mode.
 |    2) This procedure is run in batch mode but not in document mode.
 |    3) This procedure is in its own commit cycle.
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change
  PROCEDURE postaccounting
    ( p_application_id       IN           NUMBER
    , p_ledger_id            IN           NUMBER
    , p_process_category     IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_end_date             IN           DATE
    , p_accounting_mode      IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_valuation_method     IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_security_id_int_1    IN           NUMBER
    , p_security_id_int_2    IN           NUMBER
    , p_security_id_int_3    IN           NUMBER
    , p_security_id_char_1   IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_security_id_char_2   IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_security_id_char_3   IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_report_request_id    IN           NUMBER

Line: 2072

    FOR i in (SELECT DISTINCT process_category
                FROM gmf_xla_event_model em
               WHERE exists (SELECT 'X'
                               FROM xla_post_acctg_events_v ae
                              WHERE ae.event_class_code = em.event_class_code)

      g_log_msg := 'Post-Processing for '|| i.process_category;
Line: 2209

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2230

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 2258

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 2281

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 2308

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  IN (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                         AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                         AND xpae.event_class_code NOT IN ('FOB_RCPT_SENDER_RCPT', 'FOB_SHIP_RECIPIENT_SHIP')
Line: 2329

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 2353

          g_log_msg := 'Updating receiving rows of subInv/Staging Transfers updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 2364

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
             SET   opm_costed_flag       = NULL
                 , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE transaction_source_type_id in (2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13)
             AND transaction_action_id      in (2, 28)
             AND transfer_transaction_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                           AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                           AND xpae.event_class_code in ('SUBINV_XFER')
Line: 2387

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' receiving rows of subInv/Staging Transfers updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 2416

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
             SET   shipment_costed       = 'Y'
                 , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE transaction_source_type_id in (7, 8, 13)
             AND transaction_action_id      in (12, 21)
             AND transaction_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                           AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                           AND xpae.event_class_code in ('FOB_RCPT_SENDER_RCPT', 'FOB_SHIP_RECIPIENT_SHIP')
Line: 2439

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows of Inv Transfers updated to set shipment_costed flag to Y in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 2502

 |                update gmf_invoice_distributions table
  PROCEDURE process_pur_txns(p_event VARCHAR2)
    l_procedure_name    CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(100) := 'process_pur_txns';
Line: 2548

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2569

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 2597

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 2620

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 2648

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2668

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 2694

          UPDATE gmf_rcv_accounting_txns
             SET    accounted_flag      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE accounting_txn_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVING_RECEIVE','RECEIVING_DELIVER_EXPENSE',
                                                         'RECEIVING_LOG_RET_TO_VENDOR', 'RECEIVING_LOG_RECEIVE',
                                                         'RECEIVING_ADJUST_RECEIVE', 'RECEIVING_ADJUST_DELIVER')
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2718

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns table';
Line: 2744

            /* update the accounting  */
          UPDATE gmf_invoice_distributions SET
                 Accounted_flag = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F',  NULL )
                ,final_posting_date   = DECODE (G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
                ,last_update_date      = sysdate
                ,last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                ,last_update_login     = g_login_id
                ,program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                ,program_id            = g_program_id
                ,request_id            = g_request_id
          WHERE distribution_id
                 IN (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                     FROM   xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                            gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                     WHERE  gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                       AND  gxem.transaction_type IN ('PAYABLES_INVOICE_IPV_ADJ','PAYABLES_INVOICE_ERV_ADJ')
                       AND  xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2763

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_invoice_distributions table';
Line: 2867

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2888

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 2916

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 2939

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 2967

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and gxem.event_class_code = G_batch_material
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2988

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 3018

        UPDATE gmf_incoming_material_layers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
         WHERE (mmt_transaction_id)
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3036

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_incoming_material_layers table';
Line: 3069

          UPDATE gme_resource_txns
             SET   posted_ind            = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE poc_trans_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                           and gxem.event_class_code = G_batch_resource
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3090

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gme_resource_txns table';
Line: 3118

          UPDATE gme_batch_header
             SET   gl_posted_ind         = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
           WHERE batch_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                           and gxem.event_class_code = g_batch_close
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3136

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gme_batch_header table';
Line: 3240

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_order_management
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3261

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 3289

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_order_management
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 3312

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 3340

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_order_management
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3360

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 3390

        UPDATE cst_cogs_events
           SET costed                 = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
             , last_update_date       = sysdate
	           , last_updated_by        = g_user_id
	           , last_update_login      = g_login_id
	           , program_application_id = g_prog_appl_id
	           , program_id             = g_program_id
	           , request_id             = g_request_id
              exists (SELECT 'x'
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem,
                             gmf_xla_extract_headers eh
                             eh.transaction_id         = xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                         AND eh.ledger_id              = xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2
                         AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id = xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3
                         AND eh.event_class_code       = xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                         AND eh.transaction_action_id  = 36
                         AND gxem.process_category     = G_order_management
                         AND xpae.event_class_code     = gxem.event_class_code
                         AND cogs_om_line_id           = eh.source_line_id
                         AND cce.mmt_transaction_id    = eh.transaction_id
Line: 3417

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in cst_cogs_events table';
Line: 3530

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3551

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 3579

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 3602

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 3631

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET opm_costed_flag = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3645

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 3658

        SELECT cost_type
          INTO l_cost_method_type
          FROM cm_mthd_mst
         WHERE cost_type_id = (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3
                                 FROM xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae
                                WHERE rownum = 1)
Line: 3689

          UPDATE gmf_lot_cost_adjustments
             SET   gl_posted_ind      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE adjustment_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'LOT_COST_ADJUSTMENTS' /* Bug#5597804 ANTHIYAG 06-Nov-2006 */
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3710

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_lot_cost_adjustments table';
Line: 3740

          UPDATE gmf_period_balances
             SET   costed_flag           = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE period_balance_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'COST_REVALUATIONS' /*changed LOT_COST_ADJUSTMENTS to COST_REVALUATIONS jboppana*/
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3761

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_period_balances table';
Line: 3787

                UPDATE cm_adjs_dtl
                   SET   gl_posted_ind      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                       , last_update_date      = sysdate
                       , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                       , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                       , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                       , program_id            = g_program_id
                       , request_id            = g_request_id
                   WHERE cost_adjust_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'ACTUAL_COST_ADJUSTMENTS'
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3808

                g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in cm_adjs_dtl table';
Line: 3838

                UPDATE gl_aloc_dtl
                   SET   gl_posted_ind      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                       , last_update_date      = sysdate
                       , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                       , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                       , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                       , program_id            = g_program_id
                       , request_id            = g_request_id
                   WHERE allocdtl_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'GL_COST_ALLOCATIONS'
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3859

                g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gl_aloc_dtl table';
Line: 4001

            SELECT organization_id
              INTO l_security_id_int_1
              FROM mtl_material_transactions
             WHERE transaction_id = p_source_id_int_1;
Line: 4024

            SELECT rcv_transaction_id
              INTO l_source_id_int_1
              FROM mtl_material_transactions
             WHERE transaction_id = p_source_id_int_1
Line: 4037

	    SELECT event_source_id
	      INTO l_source_id_int_1
	      FROM gmf_rcv_accounting_txns
	     WHERE accounting_txn_id = p_source_id_int_1;
Line: 4063

            SELECT a.batch_id,
              INTO l_batch_id,
            FROM  gme_batch_step_resources a,
                  gme_resource_txns grt
            WHERE grt.poc_trans_id = p_source_id_int_1
               AND grt.line_id     = a.batchstep_resource_id;