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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

|    05/04/94   Julie Maeyama   updated code                                |
|                                                                           |

/*---------------------- bmvrtgh_validate_rtg_header -----------------------*/
    bmvrtgh_validate_rtg_header - validate routing data
    validate the routing header information before loading into the
    production tables.

    err_text 	out buffer to return error message
    0 if successful
    SQLCODE if unsuccessful
FUNCTION bmvrtgh_validate_rtg_header (
    org_id		NUMBER,
    all_org		NUMBER,
    user_id		NUMBER,
    login_id		NUMBER,
    prog_appid		NUMBER,
    prog_id		NUMBER,
    request_id		NUMBER,
    err_text  IN OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
    return INTEGER
    CURSOR c1 is select
	organization_id OI, routing_sequence_id RSI,
	assembly_item_id AII, common_routing_sequence_id CRSI,
	completion_locator_id CLI, routing_type RT,
	common_assembly_item_id CAII, completion_subinventory CS,
	alternate_routing_designator ARD, transaction_id TI
	from bom_op_routings_interface
	where process_flag = 2
	and rownum < 500;
Line: 88

           select organization_id
             into dummy_id
            from mtl_parameters
           where organization_id = c1rec.OI;
Line: 106

               update bom_op_routings_interface set
                       process_flag = 3
               where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 118

              select 1
                into dummy_id
                from bom_alternate_designators
               where organization_id = c1rec.OI
                 and alternate_designator_code = c1rec.ARD;
Line: 137

                  update bom_op_routings_interface set
                          process_flag = 3
                  where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 166

            update bom_op_routings_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 190

            update bom_op_routings_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 218

	    update bom_op_routings_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 253

	    update bom_op_routings_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 283

	    update bom_op_routings_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 315

                update bom_op_routings_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
                 where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 348

	    update bom_op_routings_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 366

          goto update_comp;
Line: 369

        select inventory_asset_flag,restrict_subinventories_code,
               restrict_locators_code, location_control_code
          into inv_asst, r_subinv, r_loc, loc_ctl
          from mtl_system_items
         where inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII
           and organization_id = c1rec.OI;
Line: 412

               select locator_type
                 into sub_loc_code
                 from mtl_secondary_inventories
                where secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.CS
                  and organization_id = c1rec.OI
                  and nvl(disable_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
                  and quantity_tracked = 1;
Line: 425

               select locator_type
                 into sub_loc_code
                 from mtl_secondary_inventories
                where secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.CS
                  and organization_id = c1rec.OI
                  and nvl(disable_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
                  and ((inv_asst = 'Y' and asset_inventory = 1 and
                        quantity_tracked = 1)
                       (inv_asst = 'N')
Line: 444

               select locator_type
                 into sub_loc_code
                 from mtl_secondary_inventories sub,
                      mtl_item_sub_inventories item
                where item.organization_id = sub.organization_id
                  and item.secondary_inventory = sub.secondary_inventory_name
                  and item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII
                  and sub.secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.CS
                  and sub.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                  and nvl(sub.disable_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1) >
                  and sub.quantity_tracked = 1;
Line: 462

               select locator_type
                 into sub_loc_code
                 from mtl_secondary_inventories sub,
                      mtl_item_sub_inventories item
                where item.organization_id = sub.organization_id
                  and item.secondary_inventory = sub.secondary_inventory_name
                  and item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII
                  and sub.secondary_inventory_name = c1rec.CS
                  and sub.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                  and nvl(sub.disable_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1) >
                  and ((inv_asst = 'Y' and sub.asset_inventory = 1 and
                        sub.quantity_tracked = 1)
                       (inv_asst = 'N')
Line: 488

        select stock_locator_control_code
          into org_loc
          from mtl_parameters
         where organization_id = c1rec.OI;
Line: 504

                 select 'loc exists'
                   into dummy
                   from mtl_item_locations
                  where inventory_location_id = c1rec.CLI
                    and organization_id = c1rec.OI
                    and subinventory_code = c1rec.CS
                   and nvl(disable_date,trunc(SYSDATE)+1) > trunc(SYSDATE);
Line: 517

                 select 'restricted loc exists'
                   into dummy
                   from mtl_item_locations loc,
                        mtl_secondary_locators item
                  where loc.inventory_location_id = c1rec.CLI
                    and loc.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                    and loc.subinventory_code = c1rec.CS
                    and nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(SYSDATE)+1) >
                    and loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                    and loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                    and item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII;
Line: 555

                        select 'loc exists'
                          into dummy
                          from mtl_item_locations
                         where inventory_location_id = c1rec.CLI
                           and organization_id = c1rec.OI
                           and subinventory_code = c1rec.CS
                           and nvl(disable_date,trunc(SYSDATE)+1) >
Line: 569

                       select 'restricted loc exists'
                         into dummy
                         from mtl_item_locations loc,
                              mtl_secondary_locators item
                        where loc.inventory_location_id = c1rec.CLI
                         and loc.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                         and loc.subinventory_code = c1rec.CS
                         and nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(SYSDATE)+1) >
                         and loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                         and loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                         and item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII;
Line: 609

                        select 'loc exists'
                          into dummy
                          from mtl_item_locations
                         where inventory_location_id = c1rec.CLI
                           and organization_id = c1rec.OI
                           and subinventory_code = c1rec.CS
                           and nvl(disable_date,trunc(SYSDATE)+1) >
Line: 623

                       select 'restricted loc exists'
                         into dummy
                         from mtl_item_locations loc,
                              mtl_secondary_locators item
                        where loc.inventory_location_id = c1rec.CLI
                         and loc.organization_id = c1rec.OI
                         and loc.subinventory_code = c1rec.CS
                         and nvl(loc.disable_date,trunc(SYSDATE)+1) >
                         and loc.inventory_location_id = item.secondary_locator
                         and loc.organization_id = item.organization_id
                         and item.inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII;
Line: 647

      goto update_comp;
Line: 662

        update bom_op_routings_interface set
            process_flag = 3
        where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 684

        update bom_op_routings_interface set
            process_flag = 3
        where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 693

     stmt_num := 10;
Line: 695

     update bom_op_routings_interface
        set process_flag = 4
      where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 751

	select operation_sequence_id OSI, routing_sequence_id RSI,
		department_id DI, count_point_type CPT,
		backflush_flag BF, option_dependent_flag ODF,
		minimum_transfer_quantity MTQ, standard_operation_id SOI,
		transaction_id TI, operation_lead_time_percent OLTP,
		to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ED,
		to_char(disable_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') DD,
/** Changed for bug 2647027
		to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') ED,
		to_char(disable_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') DD,
**/		operation_seq_num OSN,
		organization_id OI
	from bom_op_sequences_interface
	where process_flag = 2
          and rownum < 500;
Line: 789

            update bom_op_sequences_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 819

	    update bom_op_sequences_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 850

            update bom_op_sequences_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 880

	    update bom_op_sequences_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 912

	    update bom_op_sequences_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 943

	    update bom_op_sequences_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 958

            select 'Is pointing to a common'
            into dummy
            from bom_operational_routings
            where routing_sequence_id = c1rec.RSI
            and   common_routing_sequence_id <> c1rec.RSI;
Line: 976

            update bom_op_sequences_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 989

            select 'Is pointing to a common'
            into dummy
            from bom_op_routings_interface
            where routing_sequence_id = c1rec.RSI
            and   process_flag = 4
            and   common_routing_sequence_id <> c1rec.RSI;
Line: 1008

            update bom_op_sequences_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1070

            update bom_op_sequences_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1080

	update bom_op_sequences_interface
           set process_flag = 4
	where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1143

	select operation_sequence_id OSI, transaction_id TI,
		organization_id OI
	from bom_op_resources_interface
        where process_flag = 2
        and rownum < 500
        group by transaction_id, operation_sequence_id, organization_id;
Line: 1168

select count(distinct operation_sequence_id)
  into total_recs
  from bom_op_resources_interface
 where process_flag = 2;
Line: 1179

        select count(*)
          into dummy
          from bom_op_resources_interface
         where transaction_id = c1rec.TI
           and resource_seq_num is null;
Line: 1200

         update bom_op_resources_interface set
             process_flag = 3
          where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1230

            update bom_op_resources_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1245

	    select department_id, effectivity_date
	    into dept_id, dummy_eff
	    from bom_op_sequences_interface
	    where operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
              and process_flag = 4;
Line: 1252

	        select department_id, effectivity_date
	        into dept_id, dummy_eff
	        from bom_operation_sequences
	        where operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI;
Line: 1264

	select count(*)
	into res_cnt
	from bom_op_resources_interface ori
	where ori.operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
	and   ori.resource_id not in (select br.resource_id
		from bom_Resources br, bom_department_resources bdr
		where br.resource_id = ori.resource_id
		and   nvl(br.disable_date, dummy_eff + 1) > dummy_eff
		and   bdr.department_id = dept_id
		and   bdr.resource_id = ori.resource_id);
Line: 1287

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		    process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1300

        select count(*)
        into   res_cnt
        from bom_op_resources_interface ori
        where operation_Sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
        and   activity_id is not null
        and   activity_id not in (select activity_id
                from cst_activities ca
                where ca.activity_id = ori.activity_id
                and   nvl(ca.organization_id, ori.organization_id)
                        = ori.organization_id
                and   nvl(ca.disable_date, dummy_eff + 1) > dummy_eff);
Line: 1324

            update bom_op_resources_interface set
                process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1352

            update bom_op_resources_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1388

    select uom_class
	into hr_uom_class
	from mtl_units_of_measure
	where uom_code = hr_uom;
Line: 1394

	  into dummy_code
	   from org_organization_definitions ood,
	        gl_sets_of_books gsb
	  where ood.organization_id = c1rec.OI
            and ood.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id;
Line: 1401

	select count(*)
	into res_cnt
	from bom_op_resources_interface ori, bom_resources br,
		mtl_units_of_measure uom
	where ori.operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
	and   ori.schedule_flag = 1
	and   ori.resource_id = br.resource_id
        and   uom.uom_code = br.unit_of_measure
  	and  ((br.unit_of_measure = dummy_code)
	      (uom.uom_class <> hr_uom_class)
 	      (not exists (select 'No conversion exists'
			from mtl_uom_conversions a,
			     mtl_uom_conversions b
			where a.uom_code = uom.uom_code
			and   a.uom_class = uom.uom_class
			and   a.inventory_item_id = 0
			and   nvl(a.disable_date, sysdate + 1) > sysdate
			and   b.uom_code = hr_uom
			and   b.inventory_item_id = 0
			and   b.uom_class = hr_uom_class ))
Line: 1438

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1469

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1496

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1510

	select count(*)
	into res_cnt
	from bom_op_resources_interface bori
	where operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
	and   process_flag <> 3 and process_flag <> 7
	and   usage_rate_or_amount < 0
        and   (autocharge_type in (3,4)
              (hr_uom_class in
         	      (select uom_class
                         from mtl_units_of_measure mum,
			      bom_resources br
                        where br.resource_id = bori.resource_id
			  and mum.uom_code = br.unit_of_measure))
Line: 1538

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1553

	select count(*)
	into res_cnt
	from bom_op_resources_interface ori
	where operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
	and   assigned_units <= .00001;
Line: 1572

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1586

	select count(*)
	into res_cnt
	from bom_op_resources_interface ori
	where operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
	and   ( (basis_type not in (1,2))
		(standard_rate_flag not in (1, 2))
		(schedule_flag not in (1,2,3,4))
		(autocharge_type not in (1,2,3,4))
Line: 1611

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1642

	    update bom_op_resources_interface set
		process_flag = 3
	    where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1653

        select count(*)
        into res_cnt
        from bom_op_resources_interface ori
        where operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
	  and resource_offset_percent not between 0 and 100
	  and resource_offset_percent is not null;
Line: 1673

            update bom_op_resources_interface set
                process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1685

        select count(*)
        into res_cnt
        from bom_op_resources_interface ori
        where operation_sequence_id = c1rec.OSI
	  and round(usage_rate_or_amount,G_round_off_val) <>
Line: 1707

            update bom_op_resources_interface set
                process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1717

        update bom_op_resources_interface
           set process_flag = 4
         where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 1771

        select 1
        into dummy
        from bom_operation_resources a, bom_op_resources_interface b
        where b.transaction_id = trans_id
        and   a.operation_sequence_id = b.operation_sequence_id
        and   a.resource_seq_num =
        and rownum = 1;
Line: 1793

    select count(*)
        into dummy
        from bom_op_resources_interface a
        where transaction_id = trans_id
        and   exists (select 'same resource'
                from bom_op_resources_interface b
                where b.transaction_id = trans_id
                and   b.rowid <> a.rowid
                and   b.resource_seq_num =
                and   b.process_flag <> 3
                and   b.process_flag <> 7)
        and   process_flag <> 3
        and   process_flag <> 7;
Line: 1857

        select inventory_item_id AII, organization_id OI,
	       process_revision PR, transaction_id TI
        from mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface
        where process_flag = 2
          and rownum < 500;
Line: 1864

        select inventory_item_id AII, organization_id OI
        from mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface
        where process_flag = 99
          and rownum < 500
        group by organization_id, inventory_item_id;
Line: 1871

        select 'x'
          from mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface
         where process_flag = 99
        group by organization_id, inventory_item_id;
Line: 1907

         update mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface set
             process_flag = 3
          where transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 1921

           select organization_id
             into dummy_id
            from mtl_parameters
           where organization_id = c0rec.OI;
Line: 1939

               update mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface set
                       process_flag = 3
               where transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 1967

            update mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
            where transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 1981

     select count(*)
       into dummy_rtg
      from bom_operational_routings
     where organization_id = c0rec.OI
       and assembly_item_id = c0rec.AII;
Line: 1988

            select count(*)
	      into dummy_rtg
	      from bom_op_routings_interface
	     where process_flag = 4
	       and organization_id = c0rec.OI
               and assembly_item_id = c0rec.AII;
Line: 2008

               update mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface set
                    process_flag = 3
               where transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 2019

     update mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface set
            process_flag = 99
      where transaction_id = c0rec.TI;
Line: 2110

        select process_revision PR, effectivity_date ED,
                transaction_id TI
        from mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface
        where organization_id = org_id
        and   inventory_item_id = assy_id
        and   process_flag = 99;
Line: 2127

        select count(*)
          into err_cnt
          from mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface a
         where transaction_id <> c1rec.TI
           and   inventory_item_id = assy_id
           and   organization_id = org_id
           and   process_flag = 4
           and ( (process_revision = c1rec.PR)
                 (effectivity_date > c1rec.ED
                  and process_revision < c1rec.PR)
                 (effectivity_date < c1rec.ED
                  and process_revision > c1rec.PR)
Line: 2148

        select count(*)
	    into err_cnt
            from mtl_rtg_item_revisions
            where inventory_item_id = assy_id
            and   organization_id = org_id
            and ( (process_revision = c1rec.PR)
                  (effectivity_date > c1rec.ED
                   and process_revision < c1rec.PR)
                  (effectivity_date < c1rec.ED
                   and process_revision > c1rec.PR)
Line: 2167

        update mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface set
            process_flag = 4
        where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2185

        update mtl_rtg_item_revs_interface set
            process_flag = 3
        where transaction_id = c1rec.TI;
Line: 2242

        select routing_sequence_id
	into cnt
	from bom_operational_routings
	where routing_sequence_id = cmn_rtg_id
        and   nvl(alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE') =
                nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
        and   common_routing_sequence_id = routing_sequence_id
        and   assembly_item_id <> item_id
        and   organization_id = org_id
	and   ((rtg_type <> 1)
  	       (rtg_type = 1
		routing_type = 1
Line: 2267

        select routing_sequence_id
        into cnt
        from bom_op_routings_interface
        where routing_sequence_id = cmn_rtg_id
        and   nvl(alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE') =
                nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
        and   common_routing_sequence_id = routing_sequence_id
        and   assembly_item_id <> item_id
        and   organization_id = org_id
        and   process_flag = 4
        and   ((rtg_type <> 1)
               (rtg_type = 1
                routing_type = 1
Line: 2325

    select 1
	into cnt
	from mtl_system_items
	where organization_id = org_id
	and   inventory_item_id = assy_id
	and   bom_item_type <> 3
	and   bom_enabled_flag = 'Y'
	and   pick_components_flag = 'N'
	and   ((rtg_type = 2)
	       (rtg_type = 1
		eng_item_flag = 'N')
Line: 2386

    	select routing_sequence_id
	into cnt
	from bom_operational_routings
	where routing_sequence_id = rtg_seq_id;
Line: 2407

    select count(*)
	into cnt
	from bom_op_routings_interface
	where routing_sequence_id = rtg_seq_id
	and   process_flag = 4;
Line: 2477

        select routing_sequence_id
	into cnt
	from bom_operational_routings
	where organization_id = org_id
	and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
	and   nvl(alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE');
Line: 2497

        select routing_sequence_id
	into cnt
	from bom_op_routings_interface
	where organization_id = org_id
	and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
	and   nvl(alternate_routing_designator, 'NONE') =
		nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE')
        and   rownum = 1
	and   process_flag = 4;
Line: 2524

	    select routing_sequence_id
	    into cnt
	    from bom_operational_routings
	    where organization_id = org_id
	    and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
	    and   alternate_routing_designator is null
            and   ((rtg_type = 2)
                   (rtg_type =1 and routing_type = 1)
Line: 2544

	    select routing_sequence_id
	    into cnt
	    from bom_op_routings_interface
	    where organization_id = org_id
	    and   assembly_item_id = assy_id
	    and   alternate_routing_designator is null
            and   ((rtg_type = 2)
                   (rtg_type =1 and routing_type = 1)
            and   process_flag = 4
	    and   rownum = 1;
Line: 2607

        select 1
	into cnt
	from bom_operation_sequences
	where operation_sequence_id = op_seq_id;
Line: 2628

    select count(*)
	into cnt
	from bom_op_sequences_interface
	where operation_sequence_id = op_seq_id
	and   process_flag = 4;
Line: 2694

        select operation_sequence_id
        into cnt
        from bom_operation_sequences
        where routing_sequence_id = rtg_seq_id
        and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') = eff_date  -- Changed for bug 2647027
--      and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') = eff_date
        and   operation_seq_num = op_seq;
Line: 2714

        select operation_sequence_id
        into cnt
        from bom_op_sequences_interface
        where routing_sequence_id = rtg_seq_id
        and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') = eff_date  -- Changed for bug 2647027
--      and   to_char(effectivity_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') = eff_date
        and   operation_seq_num = op_seq
        and   rownum = 1
        and   process_flag = 4;
Line: 2777

        select count(*)
	into cnt
	from bom_operation_sequences
	where routing_sequence_id = rtg_id
	and   operation_seq_num = op_num
        and   ((dis_date is null
                and to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') <
                  nvl(disable_date, to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') +1))
               (dis_date is not null
                and to_date(dis_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') > effectivity_date
                and to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') <
                   nvl(disable_date,to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') +1))
Line: 2797

    select count(*)
	into cnt
	from bom_op_sequences_interface
	where routing_sequence_id = rtg_id
	and   operation_seq_num = op_num
        and   process_flag = 4
        and   ((dis_date is null
                and to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') <
                  nvl(disable_date, to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') +1))
               (dis_date is not null
                and to_date(dis_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') > effectivity_date
                and to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') <
                   nvl(disable_date,to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') +1))
Line: 2853

   select 'x'
     into dummy
     from bom_departments
   where organization_id = org_id
    and   department_id = dept_id
    and   nvl(DISABLE_DATE, to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI') +1) >
              to_date(eff_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI');
Line: 2897

	select count(*)
	into res_cnt
	from bom_op_resources_interface
	where operation_sequence_id = op_seq
	and   schedule_flag = sched_type
	and   process_flag <> 3 and process_flag <> 7;
Line: 2913

	select count(*)
	into res_cnt
	from bom_operation_resources bor
	where operation_sequence_id = op_seq
	and   schedule_flag = sched_type;
Line: 2961

    select count(*)
	into cnt
	from bom_op_resources_interface ori
	where operation_sequence_id = op_seq
	and   autocharge_type in (3,4)
	and   not exists (select 'no dept loc or res pur item'
		    from bom_departments bd
		    where bd.department_id = dept_id
		    and   bd.location_id is not null);
Line: 2976

    select count(*)
    	into cnt
    	from bom_op_resources_interface ori
	where operation_sequence_id = op_seq
	and autocharge_type = 4
        and process_flag <> 3 and process_flag <> 7;
Line: 2988

	select count(*)
	into cnt
	from bom_operation_resources
	where operation_sequence_id = op_seq
	and   autocharge_type = 4;