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2 -- $Header: PAFCUTLS.pls 120.13.12000000.2 2007/04/20 08:27:51 rshaik ship $
4 --Global variables declared to  use as one level cache
5 -- this improves the performance significantly
6   	g_project_id		pa_bc_packets.project_id%type := null;
7 	g_bdgt_version_id	pa_bc_packets.budget_version_id%type := null;
8 	g_calling_mode		VARCHAR2(25)  := null;
9 	g_calling_mode1		VARCHAR2(25)  := null;
10 	g_calling_mode2		VARCHAR2(25)  := null;
11 	g_calling_mode3		VARCHAR2(25)  := null;
12 	g_task_id		pa_bc_packets.task_id%type  := null;
13 	g_exp_type		pa_bc_packets.expenditure_type%type  := null;
14 	g_exp_item_date		DATE  := null;
15 	g_exp_org_id		pa_bc_packets.expenditure_organization_id%type := null;
16 	g_budget_ccid		pa_bc_packets.budget_ccid%type := null;
17 	g_start_date		DATE := null;
18 	g_end_date		DATE := null;
19 	g_rlmi			pa_bc_packets.resource_list_member_id%type := null;
20 	g_period_name		pa_bc_packets.period_name%type := null;
21 	g_compiled_set_id       NUMBER  := null;
22 	g_multiplier            NUMBER  := null;
23 	g_fnd_reqd_flag         VARCHAR2(25)  := null;
24 	g_encum_type_id 	NUMBER  := null;
25 	g_ext_bdgt_link		VARCHAR2(25)  := null;
26 	g_sch_rev_id            NUMBER  := null;
28         -- Bug 5373272
29         g_event_type_code            xla_events.event_type_code%TYPE := NULL ;
30         g_document_distribution_id   pa_bc_packets.document_distribution_id%TYPE := NULL ;
31         g_document_distribution_type pa_bc_packets.document_distribution_type%TYPE := NULL ;
32         g_parent_distribution_id     pa_bc_packets.document_distribution_id%TYPE := NULL ;
34 PROCEDURE init_util_variables;
35 -- this API gets the compiled multipliers for the given task and expenditure organization id
36 -- and expenditure item date for burden calculations
37 FUNCTION get_fc_compiled_multiplier
38 		( p_exp_org_id 	   IN  NUMBER,
39 		  p_task_id        IN  VARCHAR2,
40 		  P_exp_item_date  IN  date,
41 		  p_sch_type       IN varchar2 default 'C',
42 		  p_exp_type       IN  varchar2
43 		) return NUMBER ;
45 -- This api gets the compiled set id for the given task,expenditure organization id
46 -- and expenditure item date for burden calculations
47 FUNCTION get_fc_compiled_set_id
48 	( p_task_id  	IN NUMBER
49 	 ,p_ei_date     IN DATE
50        	,p_org_id	IN NUMBER
51         ,p_sch_type	IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'C'
52         ,p_calling_mode	IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'COMPILE_SET_ID'
53 	,p_exp_type     IN VARCHAR2  /** added for Burdening changes PAL */
54 	) return NUMBER ;
56 -- This API gets the burden cost for the given expenditure item id  and cdl line number
57 -- from the cost distribution lines all
58 FUNCTION get_fc_proj_burdn_cost
59 		(p_exp_item_id 	IN NUMBER
60 		,p_line_num	IN NUMBER
61 		)return NUMBER ;
63 -- This is a PLSQL Record for holding the information of the open and closed periods
64 TYPE rec_closed_period IS  RECORD(period_name  gl_period_statuses.period_name%type,
65                                          start_date     date,
66                                          end_date       date,
67                                          closing_status VARCHAR2(1)
68                                         );
69 --  This is a PLSQL Table of type PLSQL Record
70 TYPE tab_closed_period IS  TABLE OF rec_closed_period index by binary_integer;
73 -- This Api gets the open and closed periods start date, end date, period name and status
74 -- for the given start date ( Amount type) and end date ( boundary code) and sob
75 -- the out parameter will be in form of PLSQL  table and also it returns the no of rows in
76 -- plsql table
77 PROCEDURE get_gl_periods
78                 (p_start_date           IN      date
79                 ,p_end_date             IN      date
80                 ,p_set_of_books_id      IN      gl_period_statuses.set_of_books_id%type
81                 ,x_tab_count            IN OUT  NOCOPY Number
82                 ,x_tab_pds              IN OUT  NOCOPY pa_funds_control_utils.tab_closed_period
83                 ,x_return_status        IN OUT  NOCOPY varchar2
84                 );
86 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 --This API is a wrapper for the get_budgt_ctrl_options This api provides differenct
88 --options for the given project_id and calling mode
89 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 -- This api checks whether the funds check required for the given
91 -- project  the return value  is 'Y' or 'N'
92 FUNCTION  get_fnd_reqd_flag
93 	(p_project_id	IN 	NUMBER
94 	,p_calling_mode IN	VARCHAR2 -- STD / CBC
95 	) return varchar2 ;
97 -- This api gives the budget version id for the given project id
98 FUNCTION  get_bdgt_version_id
99 	(p_project_id	IN 	NUMBER
100 	,p_calling_mode IN	VARCHAR2  -- STD / CBC
101 	) return PA_BUDGET_VERSIONS.budget_version_id%TYPE ;
103 -- this api gets the encumbrance type id for the given project id
105 FUNCTION  get_encum_type_id
106 	(p_project_id	              IN 	NUMBER
107 	,p_calling_mode               IN	VARCHAR2   -- STD / CBC
108 	) return NUMBER ;
110 -- this api checks the budget is linked with GL or not the valid
111 -- return values are 'Y' or 'N'
113 FUNCTION  get_bdgt_link
114 	(p_project_id	IN 	NUMBER
115 	,p_calling_mode IN	VARCHAR2   -- STD / CBC
116 	) return varchar2 ;
118 --The following API returns the Budget CCID for a given project, task,
119 --resource list member id, budget version id and start_date.
120 PROCEDURE Get_Budget_CCID (
121                  p_project_id           in number,
122                  p_task_id              in number,
123                  p_top_task_id          in number,
124                  p_res_list_mem_id      in number,
125                  p_start_date           in date,
126                  p_budget_version_id    in number,
127                  p_entry_level_code     in varchar2,
128                  x_budget_ccid          out NOCOPY number,
129 	         x_budget_line_id       out NOCOPY number,
130                  x_return_status        out NOCOPY varchar2,
131                  x_error_message_code   out NOCOPY varchar2);
133 --The following API returns the Time Phased Type Code for a budget_version_id.
134 PROCEDURE Get_Time_Phased_Type_Code(
135               p_budget_version_id       in number,
136               x_time_phased_type_code   out NOCOPY varchar2,
137               x_return_status           out NOCOPY varchar2,
138               x_error_message_code      out NOCOPY varchar2);
140 --The following API gets the current baselined budget version id for the project id.
141 PROCEDURE Get_Baselined_Budget_Version(
142             p_calling_mode        in varchar2,
143             p_project_id          in number,
144             x_base_version_id     out NOCOPY number,
145             x_res_list_id         out NOCOPY number,
146             x_entry_level_code    out NOCOPY varchar2,
147             x_return_status       out NOCOPY varchar2,
148             x_error_message_code  out NOCOPY varchar2);
150 --The following API returns the available balance for the budget_version, budget_CCID and start date
152 FUNCTION Get_Acct_Line_Balance(
153             p_budget_version_id in number,
154             p_start_date in date,
155             p_end_date in date,
156             p_budget_ccid in number) RETURN NUMBER;
158 --The following API returns true if the budget has been baselined before else false if it is the
159 --first time we are baselining.
160 FUNCTION Is_Budget_Baselined_Before(p_project_id in number) RETURN VARCHAR2;
162 --This function submits the sweeper process a concurrent request.
163 --This function is called at the end of the Tieback_BC_Entities procedure from
164 --the budget form during baselining.
167 PROCEDURE print_message(p_msg in varchar2);
170 -- #This function has been created in base release 12 for SLA - FC integration project
171 -- #Function "Is_account_change_allowed" is the API that will be called from
172 -- #budgets form and from funds check tieback processing. This function will
173 -- #check if there exists any transaction, against any budget line, whose
174 -- #account has been modified. It will return 'N' if there exists transaction
175 -- #against a budget line, else it will return 'Y'.
177 FUNCTION Is_account_change_allowed (P_budget_version_id       IN Number,
178         			    P_resource_assignment_id  IN Number,
179         			    P_period_name             IN Varchar2,
180         			    P_budget_entry_level_code IN Varchar2 default null)
181 return Varchar2;
183 -- ## Another variation of is_account_change_allowed
184 -- ## This is called from pa_budget_account_pkg and pa_funds_control_pkg
186 FUNCTION   Is_Account_change_allowed2
187               (p_budget_version_id       IN Number,
188                p_project_id              IN Number,
189                p_top_task_id             IN Number,
190                p_task_id                 IN Number,
191                p_parent_resource_id      IN Number,
192                p_resource_list_member_id IN Number,
193                p_start_date              IN Date,
194                p_period_name             IN Varchar2,
195                p_entry_level_code        IN Varchar2,
196                p_mode                    IN Varchar2)
197 return Varchar2;
199 -- #R12 Funds management enhancement
200 -- #API name     : get_sla_notupgraded_flag
201 -- #Type         : private
202 -- #Description  : Returns Y/N depending on whether the distribution and associated
203 -- #              budget passed as input are notupgraded
205 FUNCTION get_sla_notupgraded_flag ( p_application_id            IN NUMBER,
206                                     p_entity_code               IN VARCHAR2,
207                                     p_document_header_id	IN NUMBER,
208                                     p_document_distribution_id	IN NUMBER,
209                                     p_dist_link_type 	        IN VARCHAR2,
210                                     p_budget_version_id       	IN NUMBER,
211                                     p_budget_line_id            IN NUMBER  ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
214 -- #R12 Funds management enhancement
215 -- #API name     : Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom
216 -- #Type         : private
217 -- #Description  : Stamps latest budget version id and  budget_line_id on
218 --                 1. CDL when called from baselining process
219 --                 2. CDL and bc commitments when called from yearend rollover process
221 PROCEDURE Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom ( p_bud_ver_id  IN NUMBER,
222                                           p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2);
224 -- #Bug 5191768
225 -- #API name     : Get_cost_rejection_reason
226 -- #Type         : private
227 -- #Description  : Returns PA/GMS lookup meaning for the failure lookup code
229 FUNCTION Get_cost_rejection_reason ( p_Lookup_code               IN VARCHAR2,
230 				     p_sponsored_flag            IN VARCHAR2)
231 return VARCHAR2;
233 -- #R12 Funds management enhancement
234 -- #API name     : get_ap_acct_reversal_attr
235 -- #Type         : private
236 -- #Description  : Returns parent distribution id if its a AP cancel scenario and
237 --                 SLA accounting reversal logic will be fired if this api returns NOT NULL
239 FUNCTION get_ap_acct_reversal_attr ( p_event_type_code               IN VARCHAR2,
240                                      p_document_distribution_id      IN NUMBER  ,
241 				     p_document_distribution_type    IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER;
243 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 -- #R12 Funds management enhancement
245 -- #API name     : get_ap_sla_reversed_status
246 -- #Type         : private
247 -- #Description  : Returns 'Y' if AP is cancelled and the SLA lines associated with
248 --                 AP has been reversed .Business flow cannot be used in this scenario.
249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 FUNCTION get_ap_sla_reversed_status (p_invoice_id              IN NUMBER,
251                                      p_invoice_distribution_id IN NUMBER ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
253 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 -- R12 Funds Management Uptake
255 -- Procedure to derive credit/debit side of the amount for PO and REQ  distributions
256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 FUNCTION DERIVE_PO_REQ_AMT_SIDE (p_event_type_code     IN VARCHAR2,
258                                  p_main_or_backing_doc IN VARCHAR2,
259                                  p_distribution_type   IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER;
261 -- Bug 5206341 : Function to check if there exists any closed periods in current budget version