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Line 10: iem_email_accounts a,iem_db_connections b

8: procedure build_migration_queue(x_status out nocopy varchar2) IS
9: cursor c_account is select email_account_id,email_user,domain,EMAIL_PASSWORD,db_link from
10: iem_email_accounts a,iem_db_connections b
11: where a.db_server_id=b.db_server_id
12: and b.is_admin='A'
13: and upper(a.email_user)<>'INTENT';
14: l_email_account_id number;

Line 510: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b

506: where migration_id=p_migration_id;
507: if l_folder_type='Q' THEN
508: BEGIN
509: select a.db_link into l_dblink
510: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b
511: where a.db_server_id=b.db_Server_id
512: and b.email_account_id = l_email_account_id and a.is_admin='A';
513: -- Check normal processing or error Processing
514: select count(*) into l_qcount from iem_migration_store_temp

Line 692: from iem_email_accounts a,iem_db_connections b

688: select to_date(value,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') into l_hist_date from
689: iem_comp_rt_Stats where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;
690: select a.email_user,a.domain,a.email_password,'@'||DB_LINK
691: into l_user,l_domain,l_pass,l_dblink
692: from iem_email_accounts a,iem_db_connections b
693: where a.email_account_id=l_email_account_id
694: and a.db_server_id=b.db_server_id
695: and b.is_admin='A';
696: l_mig_status:=null;

Line 1367: l_dblink iem_db_connections.db_link%type;

1363: l_msg_count number;
1364: l_ret_status varchar2(10);
1365: l_msg_data varchar2(1000);
1366: l_deleted_flag varchar2(1);
1367: l_dblink iem_db_connections.db_link%type;
1368: l_weight number;
1369: l_sc_lang iem_mstemail_accounts.sc_lang%type;
1370: cursor c_rule is select email_user,domain from iem_email_accounts
1371: where upper(email_user) not in ('ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS');

Line 1399: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b

1395: a.server_group_id=v1.server_group_id;
1396: if l_dblink is null then -- not required to get the dblink repeatedly
1397: if upper(v1.email_user) not in ('ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS') then
1398: select a.db_link into l_dblink
1399: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b
1400: where a.db_server_id=b.db_Server_id
1401: and b.email_account_id = l_email_account_id and a.is_admin='A';
1402: end if;
1403: end if;