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1 package dbms_stat_funcs authid current_user is
3   TYPE n_arr IS VARRAY(5) of NUMBER;
4   TYPE num_table IS TABLE of NUMBER;
6   TYPE summaryType IS RECORD (
7         count           NUMBER,
8         min             NUMBER,
9         max             NUMBER,
10         range           NUMBER,
11         mean            NUMBER,
12         cmode           num_table,
13         variance        NUMBER,
14         stddev          NUMBER,
15         quantile_5      NUMBER,
16         quantile_25     NUMBER,
17         median          NUMBER,
18         quantile_75     NUMBER,
19         quantile_95     NUMBER,
20         plus_x_sigma    NUMBER,
21         minus_x_sigma   NUMBER,
22         extreme_values  num_table,
23         top_5_values    n_arr,
24         bottom_5_values n_arr);
26  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
27  -- SUMMARY
28  -- Summarizes a numerical column of a table.
29  -- The input parameters are the table name, the column name and the
30  -- name of the owner of the table, as well as the sigma value, which
31  -- defaults to 3.
32  -- The output is a record of type summaryType, which contains the
33  -- following information for the set of numbers in the column: the
34  -- count, minimum value, maximum value, range, mean, mode, variance,
35  -- standard deviation, five quantile values (5%, 25%, 50% or median,
36  -- 75% and 95%), the value of the mean plus (and minus) sigma times
37  -- the standard deviation, the set of extreme values (defined as the
38  -- ones that fall outside of the plus/minus sigma values), the top 5
39  -- and the bottom 5 values.
40  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
41  procedure SUMMARY(p_ownername       IN  varchar2,
42                    p_tablename       IN  varchar2,
43                    p_columnname      IN  varchar2,
44                    p_sigma_value     IN  number := 3,
45                    s                 OUT NOCOPY SummaryType);
47  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
49  -- Calculates how well the data in the input column fits a normal
50  -- distribution.  The p_test_type input parameter can be one of the
51  -- following: 'SHAPIRO_WILKS' (the default), 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV',
52  -- 'ANDERSON_DARLING' or 'CHI_SQUARED'.  The output of this procedure
53  -- is the significance of the fit.
54  -- mean is the location parameter
55  -- stddev is the scale parameter
56  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
57  procedure NORMAL_DIST_FIT(
58          ownername    IN  varchar2,
59          tablename    IN  varchar2,
60          columnname   IN  varchar2,
61          test_type    IN  varchar2 DEFAULT 'SHAPIRO_WILKS',
62          mean         IN OUT number,
63          stdev        IN OUT number,
64          sig          OUT number);
66  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
68  -- Calculates how well the data in the input column fits a uniform
69  -- distribution.  The p_test_type input parameter can be one of the
70  -- following: 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV' (the default), 'ANDERSON_DARLING'
71  -- or 'CHI_SQUARED'.  The var_type input parameter can be
72  -- 'CONTINUOUS' (the default) or 'DISCRETE'.  The output of this
73  -- procedure is the significance of the fit.
74  -- paramA is location parameter
75  -- paramB is scale parameter
76  -- For the continuous case, the probability density function
77  -- is f(x)= 1 / (B - A) and the cumulative distribution function
78  -- is F(x) = (x - A) / (B - A)
79  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
80  procedure UNIFORM_DIST_FIT(
81          ownername   IN  varchar2,
82          tablename   IN  varchar2,
83          columnname  IN  varchar2,
84          var_type    IN  varchar2 DEFAULT 'CONTINUOUS',
85          test_type   IN  varchar2 DEFAULT 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV',
86          paramA      IN OUT number,
87          paramB      IN OUT number,
88          sig         OUT number);
90  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
92  -- Calculates how well the data in the input column fits a Poisson
93  -- distribution.  The p_test_type input parameter can be one of the
94  -- following: 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV' (the default) or 'ANDERSON_DARLING'
95  -- The output of this procedure is the significance of the fit.
96  -- lambda is the shape parameter.
97  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
98  procedure POISSON_DIST_FIT(
99          ownername   IN  varchar2,
100          tablename   IN  varchar2,
101          columnname  IN  varchar2,
102          test_type   IN  varchar2 DEFAULT 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV',
103          lambda      IN OUT number,
104          sig         OUT number);
106  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
108  -- Calculates how well the data in the input column fits a Weibull
109  -- distribution.  The p_test_type input parameter can be one of the
110  -- following: 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV' (the default), 'ANDERSON_DARLING'
111  -- or 'CHI_SQUARED'.  The output of this procedure is the significance
112  -- of the fit.
113  -- alpha is the scale parameter.
114  -- mu is the location parameter.
115  -- beta is the slope/shape parameter.
116  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
117  procedure WEIBULL_DIST_FIT(
118          ownername   IN  varchar2,
119          tablename   IN  varchar2,
120          columnname  IN  varchar2,
121          test_type   IN  varchar2 DEFAULT 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV',
122          alpha       IN OUT number,
123          mu          IN OUT number,
124          beta        IN OUT number,
125          sig         OUT number);
127  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
129  -- Calculates how well the data in the input column fits an exponential
130  -- distribution.  The p_test_type input parameter can be one of the
131  -- following: 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV' (the default), 'ANDERSON_DARLING'
132  -- or 'CHI_SQUARED'.  The output of this procedure is the significance
133  -- of the fit.
134  -- lambda is the scale parameter
135  -- mu is the location parameter
136  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
137  procedure EXPONENTIAL_DIST_FIT(
138          ownername   IN  varchar2,
139          tablename   IN  varchar2,
140          columnname  IN  varchar2,
141          test_type   IN  varchar2 DEFAULT 'KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV',
142          lambda      IN OUT number,
143          mu          IN OUT number,
144          sig         OUT number);
146 end;