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Line 71: ' from asg_system_dirty_queue sdq,asg_delete_queue dq '||

67: ' UNION ALL '||
68: ' select client_id,pub_item,access_id,dml_type, '||
69: ' transaction_id , asg_download.get_pk(pub_item,sdq.qid) pk_val, '||
70: ' sysdate synch_time '||
71: ' from asg_system_dirty_queue sdq,asg_delete_queue dq '||
72: ' where download_flag=''Y'' and client_id=asg_base.get_user_name'||
73: ' and transaction_id = asg_base.get_current_tranid '||
74: ' and dml_type = 0 '||
75: ' and pub_item in ( select item_id from asg_pub_item '||

Line 136: ' from asg_system_dirty_queue sdq,asg_delete_queue dq '||

132: ' select client_id,pub_item,access_id,dml_type, '||
133: ' transaction_id last_tran_id,asg_base.get_current_tranid '||
134: ' curr_tran_id, asg_download.get_pk(pub_item,sdq.qid) pk_val, '||
135: ' sysdate synch_time '||
136: ' from asg_system_dirty_queue sdq,asg_delete_queue dq '||
137: ' where download_flag=''Y'' and client_id=asg_base.get_user_name'||
138: ' and transaction_id <= asg_base.get_last_tranid '||
139: ' and dml_type = 0 '||
140: ' and pub_item in ( select item_id from asg_pub_item '||

Line 500: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,

496: qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
497: pub_item, access_id, client_id, transaction_id
498: , dml_type, download_flag)
499: VALUES (
500: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,
501: p_pub_item, p_seq_no, p_user_name, NULL , 0, NULL)
502: RETURNING qid INTO l_qid;
504: l_rc := storeDeletedPK(p_pub_item, p_user_name, p_tran_id,

Line 544: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,

540: qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
541: pub_item, access_id, client_id, transaction_id
542: , dml_type, download_flag)
543: VALUES (
544: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,
545: p_pub_item, p_accessid, p_username, NULL ,
546: DECODE(p_dml,'D',0,'I',1,'U',2), NULL)
547: RETURNING qid INTO l_qid;

Line 618: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,

614: qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
615: pub_item, access_id, client_id, transaction_id
616: , dml_type, download_flag)
617: VALUES (
618: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,
619: p_pub_item, p_accessid, p_username, NULL ,
620: DECODE(p_dml,'D',0,'I',1,'U',2), NULL)
621: RETURNING qid INTO l_qid;
622: IF (p_dml = 'D') THEN

Line 716: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,

712: qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
713: pub_item, access_id, client_id, transaction_id
714: , dml_type, download_flag)
715: VALUES (
716: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,
717: p_pub_item, l_tmp_access_list(i), l_tmp_username_list(i),
718: NULL , DECODE(l_tmp_dml_list(i),'D',0,'I',1,'U',2), NULL)
719: RETURNING qid BULK COLLECT INTO l_qid_comp_list;

Line 849: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,

845: qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
846: pub_item, access_id, client_id, transaction_id
847: , dml_type, download_flag)
848: VALUES (
849: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,
850: p_pub_item, l_tmp_access_list(i), l_tmp_username_list(i),
851: NULL , DECODE(p_dml_type,'D',0,'I',1,'U',2), NULL)
852: RETURNING qid BULK COLLECT INTO l_qid_list;
853: IF (p_dml_type = 'D') THEN

Line 975: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,

971: qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
972: pub_item, access_id, client_id, transaction_id
973: , dml_type, download_flag)
974: VALUES (
975: asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, SYSDATE, 1,
976: p_pub_item, l_tmp_access_list(j), l_mobile_user, NULL ,
977: DECODE(p_dml_type,'D',0,'I',1,'U',2), NULL)
978: RETURNING qid BULK COLLECT INTO l_qid_list;
979: IF (p_dml_type = 'D') THEN

Line 1393: l_dml := 'UPDATE asg_system_dirty_queue SET '

1389: * with Curr Tran ID */
1390: log (' Before marking records with Tran id '||p_curr_tranid
1391: ||' '||to_char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'));
1392: /*
1393: l_dml := 'UPDATE asg_system_dirty_queue SET '
1394: || ' transaction_id = :1, download_flag=NULL, '
1395: || ' last_update_date = sysdate '
1396: || ' WHERE client_id = :2 AND ( transaction_id IS NULL '
1397: || ' OR transaction_id > :3 ) AND '

Line 1450: ' SELECT asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, ' ||

1446: l_dml := 'INSERT INTO asg_system_dirty_queue ( ' ||
1447: 'qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,' ||
1448: 'last_updated_by, pub_item, access_id, client_id, ' ||
1449: 'transaction_id, dml_type, download_flag) '||
1450: ' SELECT asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, ' ||
1451: ' SYSDATE, 1, :1, ' ||
1452: ' uniqpiv.access_id, ' ||
1453: ' :2, :3, ' ||

Line 1464: ' SELECT asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, ' ||

1460: l_dml := 'INSERT INTO asg_system_dirty_queue ( ' ||
1461: 'qid, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,' ||
1462: 'last_updated_by, pub_item, access_id, client_id, ' ||
1463: 'transaction_id, dml_type, download_flag) '||
1464: ' SELECT asg_system_dirty_queue_s.nextval, SYSDATE, 1, ' ||
1465: ' SYSDATE, 1, :1, ' ||
1466: ' uniqacc.access_id, ' ||
1467: ' :2, :3, ' ||