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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

   , p_allow_delete                  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , x_pick_release_status           OUT NOCOPY INV_Pick_Release_PUB.INV_Release_Status_Tbl_Type
   , x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ) IS

-- HW BUG#:1941429 cross_docking
CURSOR FIND_QTY  (l_source_line_id NUMBER)IS
select sum(ABS(trans_qty)), nvl(ABS(sum(trans_qty2)),0)
        from IC_TRAN_PND
       where line_id = l_source_line_id
       AND   completed_ind = 0
       AND   delete_mark = 0
       AND   lot_id <> 0
       AND   staged_ind = 0;
Line: 62

select trans_id
from ic_tran_pnd
where line_id = l_source_line_id
       AND   completed_ind = 0
       AND   delete_mark = 0
       AND   staged_ind = 0;
Line: 95

l_p_allow_delete	VARCHAR2(3);
Line: 218

       SELECT NVL(print_pick_slip_mode, 'E')
       INTO l_print_mode
       WHERE organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 230

	l_p_allow_delete := p_allow_delete;
Line: 232

      GMI_Reservation_Util.PrintLn('l_p_allow_delete = ' || l_p_allow_delete) ;
Line: 244

        ,p_allow_delete         => l_p_allow_delete
        ,x_detail_rec_count     => l_detail_rec_count
        ,x_return_status        => l_api_return_status
        ,x_msg_count            => x_msg_count
        ,x_msg_data             => x_msg_data
Line: 257

Line: 266

      /* select line_status into l_line_status
      from ic_txn_request_lines
      where line_id = l_mo_line.line_id ;
Line: 276

            gmi_reservation_util.println('In Aut_detail Going to select line_id from shipping');
Line: 277

            select source_line_id,delivery_detail_id into
                   l_source_line_id, l_delivery_detail_id
            from wsh_delivery_details
            where move_order_line_id = l_mo_line.line_id ;
Line: 296

         select sum(requested_quantity),nvl(sum(requested_quantity2),0)
         into l_quantity, l_secondary_quantity
         from wsh_delivery_details
         where source_line_id=l_source_line_id ;
Line: 343

           select delivery_detail_id, source_header_id, source_line_id,
                  into l_delivery_detail_id, l_source_header_id, l_source_line_id,
                  from  wsh_delivery_details
                  where source_line_id = l_source_line_id
                  and move_order_line_id is NULL
                  and   released_status = 'R';
Line: 360

         gmi_reservation_util.println('In Auto_detail going to call update_shipping');
Line: 374

      gmi_reservation_util.println('value of l_shipping_attr(1).cycle_count_quantity1 before calling update shipping att is '||l_shipping_attr(1).cycle_count_quantity);
Line: 375

      gmi_reservation_util.println('value of l_shipping_attr(1).cycle_count_quantity2 before calling update shipping att is '||l_shipping_attr(1).cycle_count_quantity2);
Line: 377

              (p_source_code               => 'INV',
               p_changed_attributes        => l_shipping_attr,
               x_return_status             => l_api_return_status
Line: 383

            GMI_Reservation_Util.Println('Retrun error from update shipping attributes',
Line: 388

         SET quantity = l_transaction_quantity,
                secondary_quantity = l_transaction_quantity2
         where line_id = l_mo_line.line_id;
Line: 404

      /*  Update the Pick Release API's return status to an error if the line could
       not be processed.  Note that processing of other lines will continue.
      IF l_api_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR OR
         l_api_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;