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SYS.CDBVIEW dependencies on OBJ$

Line 33: from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.com$ c

29: PRAGMA exception_init(insuff_privilege, -1031);
32: cursor tblcommentscur is select c.comment$
33: from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.com$ c
34: where o.name = upper_oldview and u.name = upper_owner
35: and o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and o.type# = 4
36: and c.col# is null;

Line 39: from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.user$ u, sys.com$ co

35: and o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and o.type# = 4
36: and c.col# is null;
38: cursor colcommentscur is select c.name, co.comment$, c.type#
39: from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.user$ u, sys.com$ co
40: where o.name = upper_oldview and u.name = upper_owner
41: and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 4 and o.obj# = c.obj#
42: and c.obj# = co.obj# and c.intcol# = co.col#
43: and bitand(c.property, 32) = 0;

Line 140: execute immediate 'SELECT 1 FROM OBJ$ WHERE NAME = :1' ||

136: -- schemas like DBA_DV_STATUS which exists in both SYS and DVSYS schemas.
137: -- Bug 29339155: Check for remoteowner being null to avoid ORA-1422 error
138: -- if there were remote PL/SQL objects depending on oldview.
139: begin
140: execute immediate 'SELECT 1 FROM OBJ$ WHERE NAME = :1' ||
141: ' AND TYPE# in (2, 4) and owner# = :2' ||
142: ' AND REMOTEOWNER is null'
143: into cCheck using upper(oldview), ownerId;
144: exception