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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

      SELECT *
      FROM  ic_purg_prm
      WHERE criteria_id = l_criteria_id
         AND process_ind = 1
         AND delete_mark = 0;
Line: 33

    l_select_stmt       LONG;
Line: 104

       Depending on the Purge_precision select the rows eligible for purge, instead of hardcoding to 9 decimal precisions
       If loct_onhand quantity is zero or less than the 0.1^purge_precision then it is eligible for purge*/

     -- l_where1 := l_where1 || ' AND (a.loct_onhand = 0 OR abs(a.loct_onhand) <= .000000001)';
Line: 117

      /* l_where2 := l_where2 || ' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT item_id FROM IC_TRAN_PND p '||
                                                ' WHERE doc_type = '||'''XFER''' ||
						' AND a.whse_code = p.whse_code '||
						' AND a.lot_id = p.lot_id '||
                                                ' AND a.location = p.location '||
                                                ' AND a.item_id = p.item_id '||
                                                ' AND p.delete_mark = 0) '; */
Line: 127

    l_select_stmt := 'SELECT b.item_no,a.whse_code,a.location, ' ||
                     ' a.loct_onhand,a.rowid, a.loct_onhand2,a.qchold_res_code, ' ||
                     ' a.lot_status,decode(c.lot_no,'||''''||l_default_lot||''''||',NULL,c.lot_no) lot_no ' ||
                     ' FROM ic_loct_inv a,ic_item_mst b,ic_lots_mst c  ' ||
                     ' WHERE a.item_id =  '|| l_where_clause || l_where1
                     ||' and a.lot_id = c.lot_id and b.item_id = c.item_id ';
Line: 137

Line: 176

       FROM  ic_loct_inv
       WHERE rowid             =  l_row_id;
Line: 205

   /* Added IF Condition -- Update the ic_purg_prm only if it is called from Purge Empty Balances Form*/

   IF (p_criteria_id > 0) THEN

     UPDATE ic_purg_prm
     SET   run_date         = sysdate,
           process_ind      = 2,
           deleted_rowcount = l_del_count,
           zero_rowcount    = l_zero_count
     WHERE criteria_id      = p_criteria_id;