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1 package dbms_heat_map AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2   ------------
3   --  OVERVIEW
4   --
5   --  This package provides heatmap information at block/extent/segment
6   --  object and tablespace levels. It contains the definitions for
7   --  processing heatmap for top N objects and tablespaces.
9   --  SECURITY
10   --
11   --  The execution privilege is granted to PUBLIC. Procedures in this
12   --  package run under the caller security. The user must have ANALYZE
13   --  privilege on the object.
15   type hm_bls_record is record
16   (
17       owner           VARCHAR2(128),
18       segment_name    VARCHAR2(128),
19       partition_name  VARCHAR2(128),
20       tablespace_name VARCHAR2(30),
21       file_id         NUMBER,
22       relative_fno    NUMBER,
23       block_id        NUMBER,
24       writetime       date
25   );
26   type hm_bls_row is table of hm_bls_record;
28   /*
29    * BLOCK_HEAT_MAP-  Table function returns the block level
30    *                  ILM statistics for a table
31    *                  segment. It returns no information for segment
32    *                  types that are not
33    *                  data. The stat returned today is the latest
34    *                  modification time of the block.
35    * Input Parameters
36    * owner           : Owner of the segment
37    * segment_name    : Table name of a non partitioned table or
38    *                   (sub)partition of partitioned table.
39    *                   Returns no rows when table name is specified
40    *                   for a partitioned table.
41    * partition_name  : Defaults to NULL. For a partitioned table,
42    *                   specify the partition or subpartition segment name.
43    * sort_columnid   : ID of the column to sort the output on.
44    *                   Valid values 1..9. Invalid values are ignored.
45    *                   No errors are raised.
46    * sort_order      : Defaults to NULL. Possible values: ASC, DESC
47    *
48    * Output Parameters
49    * owner           : owner of the segment
50    * segment_name    : segment name of the non partitioned table
51    * partition_name  : partition or subpartition name
52    * tablespace_name : tablespace containing the segment
53    * file_id         : absolute file number of the block in the segment
54    * relative_fno    : relative file number of the block in the segment
55    * block_id        : block number of the block
56    * writetime       : last modification time of the block
57    *
58    */
59    function BLOCK_HEAT_MAP (owner in varchar2,
60                             segment_name in varchar2,
61                             partition_name in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL,
62                             sort_columnid in number DEFAULT NULL,
63                             sort_order in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
64                             ) return hm_bls_row pipelined;
66     type hm_els_record is record
67     (
68       owner           VARCHAR2(128),
69       segment_name    VARCHAR2(128),
70       partition_name  VARCHAR2(128),
71       tablespace_name VARCHAR2(30),
72       file_id         NUMBER,
73       relative_fno    NUMBER,
74       block_id        NUMBER,
75       blocks          NUMBER,
76       bytes           NUMBER,
77       min_writetime   date,
78       max_writetime   date,
79       avg_writetime   date
80     );
81     type hm_els_row is table of hm_els_record;
83     /*
84      * EXTENT_HEAT_MAP -Table function returns the extent level ILM
85      *                  statistics for a table segment. It returns no
86      *                  information for segment types that are not
87      *                  data. Aggregates at extent level including minimum
88      *                  modification time and maximum modification time are
89      *                  returned
90      * Input Parameters
91      * owner           : Owner of the segment
92      * segment_name    : Table name of a non partitioned table or
93      *                   (sub)partition of partitioned table.
94      *                   Returns no rows when table name is specified for a
95      *                   partitioned table.
96      * partition_name  : Defaults to NULL. For a partitioned table,
97      *                   specify the partition or subpartition segment name.
98      *
99      * Output Parameters
100      * owner           : owner of the segment
101      * segment_name    : segment name of the non partitioned table
102      * partition_name  : partition or subpartition name
103      * tablespace_name : tablespace containing the segment
104      * file_id         : absolute file number of the block in the segment
105      * relative_fno    : relative file number of the block in the segment
106      * block_id        : start block number of the extent
107      * blocks          : number of blocks in the extent
108      * bytes           : number of bytes in the extent
109      * min_writetime   : minimum of last modification time of the block
110      * max_writetime   : maximum of last modification time of the block
111      * avg_writetime   : average of last modification time of the block
112      *
113      */
114     function EXTENT_HEAT_MAP(owner in varchar2,
115                              segment_name in varchar2,
116                              partition_name in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
117                              ) return hm_els_row pipelined;
119     /*
120      * Segment Level Heat Map.
121      *
122      * Description     :
123      * The procedure returns the heatmap attributes
124      * for the give segment.
125      *
126      * Input Parameters:
127      * tablespace_id   : tablespace containing the segment
128      * header_file     : segment header relative file number
129      * header_block    : segment header block number
130      * segment_objd    : dataobj of the segment
131      *
132      * Output Parameters :
133      * min_writetime   : Oldest writetime for the segment
134      * max_writetime   : Latest writetime for the segment
135      * avg_writetime   : Average writetime for the segment
136      * avg_readtime    : Average readtime  for the segment
137      * min_readtime    : Oldest readtime  for the segment
138      * max_readtime    : Latest readtime  for the segment
139      * min_ftstime     : Oldest ftstime   for the segment
140      * max_ftstime     : Latest ftstime   for the segment
141      * avg_ftstime     : Average ftstime   for the segment
142      * min_lookuptime  : Oldest lookuptime for the segment
143      * max_lookuptime  : Latest lookuptime for the segment
144      * avg_lookuptime  : Average lookuptime for the segment
145      *
146      */
148                      tablespace_id  in  number,
149                      header_file    in  number,
150                      header_block   in  number,
151                      segment_objd   in  number,
152                      min_writetime  out date,
153                      max_writetime  out date,
154                      avg_writetime  out date,
155                      min_readtime   out date,
156                      max_readtime   out date,
157                      avg_readtime   out date,
158                      min_ftstime    out date,
159                      max_ftstime    out date,
160                      avg_ftstime    out date,
161                      min_lookuptime out date,
162                      max_lookuptime out date,
163                      avg_lookuptime out date);
165     -- content of one row in object_heat_map table function.
166     type hm_object_row is record (
167                        owner           varchar2(100),
168                        segment_name    varchar2(100),
169                        partition_name  varchar2(100),
170                        tablespace_name varchar2(100),
171                        segment_type    varchar2(20),
172                        segment_size    number,
173                        min_writetime   date,
174                        max_writetime   date,
175                        avg_writetime   date,
176                        min_readtime    date,
177                        max_readtime    date,
178                        avg_readtime    date,
179                        min_ftstime     date,
180                        max_ftstime     date,
181                        avg_ftstime     date,
182                        min_lookuptime  date,
183                        max_lookuptime  date,
184                        avg_lookuptime  date
185                        );
187     type  hm_object_table is table of  hm_object_row;
190     /*
191      * Object Level Heat Map.
192      *
193      * Description     :
194      * The table function returns the minimum, maximum and average access
195      * times for all the segments belonging to the object. The object
196      * must be a table. The table function raises an error if called on
197      * object tables other than table.
198      *
199      * Input Parameters:
200      * object_owner    : object owner
201      * object_name     : object name
202      *
203      * Output Parameters :
204      * segment_name    : Name of the top level segment
205      * partition_name  : Name of the partition
206      * tablespace_name : Name of the tablespace
207      * segment_type    : Type of segment as in dba_segments.segment_type
208      * segment_size    : Segment size in bytes
209      * min_writetime   : Oldest writetime for the segment
210      * max_writetime   : Latest writetime for the segment
211      * avg_writetime   : Average writetime for the segment
212      * avg_readtime    : Average readtime  for the segment
213      * min_readtime    : Oldest readtime  for the segment
214      * max_readtime    : Latest readtime  for the segment
215      * min_ftstime     : Oldest ftstime   for the segment
216      * max_ftstime     : Latest ftstime   for the segment
217      * avg_ftstime     : Average ftstime   for the segment
218      * min_lookuptime  : Oldest lookuptime for the segment
219      * max_lookuptime  : Latest lookuptime for the segment
220      * avg_lookuptime  : Average lookuptime for the segment
221      *
222      */
224     function object_heat_map(
225        object_owner      in varchar2,
226        object_name       in varchar2)
227        return hm_object_table pipelined;
229     -- content of one row in tablespace_heat_map table function.
230     type hm_tablespace_row is record (
231                          tablespace_name varchar2(30),
232                          segment_count   number,
233                          allocated_bytes number,
234                          min_writetime   date,
235                          max_writetime   date,
236                          avg_writetime   date,
237                          min_readtime    date,
238                          max_readtime    date,
239                          avg_readtime    date,
240                          min_ftstime     date,
241                          max_ftstime     date,
242                          avg_ftstime     date,
243                          min_lookuptime  date,
244                          max_lookuptime  date,
245                          avg_lookuptime  date
246                          );
248     type  hm_tablespace_table is table of  hm_tablespace_row;
250     /*
251      * Tablespace Level Heat Map.
252      *
253      * Description     :
254      * The table function returns the minimum, maximum and average access
255      * times for all the segments in the tablespace.
256      *
257      * Input Parameters:
258      * tablespace_name : Name of the tablespace
259      *
260      * Output Parameters :
261      * segment_count   : Total number of segments in the tablespace
262      * allocated_bytes : Space used by the segments in the tablespace
263      * min_writetime   : Oldest writetime for the tablespace
264      * max_writetime   : Latest writetime for the tablespace
265      * avg_writetime   : Average writetime for the tablespace
266      * avg_readtime    : Average readtime  for the tablespace
267      * min_readtime    : Oldest readtime  for the tablespace
268      * max_readtime    : Latest readtime  for the tablespace
269      * min_ftstime     : Oldest ftstime   for the tablespace
270      * max_ftstime     : Latest ftstime   for the tablespace
271      * avg_ftstime     : Average ftstime   for the tablespace
272      * min_lookuptime  : Oldest lookuptime for the tablespace
273      * max_lookuptime  : Latest lookuptime for the tablespace
274      * avg_lookuptime  : Average lookuptime for the tablespace
275      *
276      */
278     function tablespace_heat_map(
279        tablespace_name      in varchar2)
280        return hm_tablespace_table pipelined;
282     -- Auto Advisor job to materialize heat maps
283     procedure auto_advisor_heatmap_job(topn in number default 100);
285 end;