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Line 689: iem_comp_rt_Stats where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;

685: where migration_id=p_migration_id;
686: end if;
687: elsif l_folder_type in ('H','N') THEN
688: select to_date(value,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') into l_hist_date from
689: iem_comp_rt_Stats where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;
690: select a.email_user,a.domain,a.email_password,'@'||DB_LINK
691: into l_user,l_domain,l_pass,l_dblink
692: from iem_email_accounts a,iem_db_connections b
693: where a.email_account_id=l_email_account_id

Line 1072: -- Create a record in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS

1068: cursor c_account is select email_account_id from iem_mstemail_accounts
1069: where active_flag in ('Y','N') ;
1070: begin
1071: SAVEPOINT start_migration;
1072: -- Create a record in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS
1073: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats
1074: where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' ;
1075: if l_count=0 then -- First Run
1076: -- Check Migration Pre requisite Condition like OP queue is null and pre processing Queue is null;

Line 1073: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats

1069: where active_flag in ('Y','N') ;
1070: begin
1071: SAVEPOINT start_migration;
1072: -- Create a record in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS
1073: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats
1074: where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' ;
1075: if l_count=0 then -- First Run
1076: -- Check Migration Pre requisite Condition like OP queue is null and pre processing Queue is null;
1077: select count(*) into l_mig_count from iem_pre_mdts;

Line 1089: IEM_COMP_RT_STATS_PVT.create_item(p_api_version_number =>1.0,

1085: l_error_message:='Please Clean up the Outbox Processing Queue Before starting Migration ';
1087: end if;
1089: IEM_COMP_RT_STATS_PVT.create_item(p_api_version_number =>1.0,
1090: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1091: p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1092: p_type => 'MIGRATION',
1093: p_param => 'STATUS',

Line 1100: IEM_COMP_RT_STATS_PVT.create_item(p_api_version_number =>1.0,

1096: x_msg_count => l_count,
1097: x_msg_data => l_msg_data
1098: );
1099: if l_stat='S' then
1100: IEM_COMP_RT_STATS_PVT.create_item(p_api_version_number =>1.0,
1101: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1102: p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
1103: p_type => 'HISTORICAL',
1104: p_param => 'LASTRUN',

Line 1120: l_error_message:='Error While Creating Config Historical Date Info in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS';

1116: else
1117: IEM_MIGRATION_PVT.build_migration_queue(l_buildstat); --Build only Once
1118: end if;
1119: else
1120: l_error_message:='Error While Creating Config Historical Date Info in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS';
1122: end if;
1123: if l_buildstat<>'S' then

Line 1139: l_error_message:='Error While Creating Config Data in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS';

1135: exit when l_id1>l_id;
1136: END LOOP;
1137: end if;
1138: else
1139: l_error_message:='Error While Creating Config Data in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS';
1141: end if;
1142: else
1143: update iem_comp_rt_Stats

Line 1143: update iem_comp_rt_Stats

1139: l_error_message:='Error While Creating Config Data in IEM_COMP_RT_STATS';
1141: end if;
1142: else
1143: update iem_comp_rt_Stats
1144: set value='Y' where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' ;
1145: select to_date(value,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') into l_hist_date from
1146: iem_comp_rt_Stats where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;
1147: if l_hist_date>to_date(p_hist_date ,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') then

Line 1146: iem_comp_rt_Stats where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;

1142: else
1143: update iem_comp_rt_Stats
1144: set value='Y' where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' ;
1145: select to_date(value,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') into l_hist_date from
1146: iem_comp_rt_Stats where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;
1147: if l_hist_date>to_date(p_hist_date ,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') then
1148: update iem_comp_rt_Stats
1149: set value=p_hist_date where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;
1150: end if;

Line 1148: update iem_comp_rt_Stats

1144: set value='Y' where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' ;
1145: select to_date(value,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') into l_hist_date from
1146: iem_comp_rt_Stats where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;
1147: if l_hist_date>to_date(p_hist_date ,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') then
1148: update iem_comp_rt_Stats
1149: set value=p_hist_date where type='HISTORICAL' and param='LASTRUN' ;
1150: end if;
1151: -- Check if account have folders to migrated
1152: for v1 in c_account LOOP

Line 1210: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats

1206: l_mig_count number;
1208: begin
1209: LOOP -- Loop For Worker which it will check after it has no folder to process
1210: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats
1211: where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' and value='Y';
1212: EXIT when l_count=0 ; -- Exit from Main Worker Loop
1213: -- Recording Phase loop. Will go to next loop after it record for all the folders
1214: LOOP

Line 1215: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats

1211: where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' and value='Y';
1212: EXIT when l_count=0 ; -- Exit from Main Worker Loop
1213: -- Recording Phase loop. Will go to next loop after it record for all the folders
1214: LOOP
1215: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats
1216: where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' and value='Y';
1217: EXIT when l_count=0; -- Before start processing check migration status
1218: l_migration_id:=null;
1219: for x in ( select migration_id

Line 1251: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats

1247: -- PostProcessing Phase
1248: LOOP
1249: -- Before start processing check migration status
1251: select count(*) into l_count from iem_comp_rt_stats
1252: where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' and value='Y';
1253: EXIT when l_count=0;
1254: l_migration_id:=null;
1255: for x in ( select migration_id

Line 1308: update iem_comp_rt_Stats

1304: end Start_worker;
1307: BEGIN
1308: update iem_comp_rt_Stats
1309: set value='N' where type='MIGRATION' and param='STATUS' ;
1310: commit;
1311: END StopMigration;
1312: PROCEDURE iem_logger(l_logmessage in varchar2) IS