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Line 46: Used igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||' '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt)

42: Sykrishn 31DEC2002 Bug 2682928 -- igs_fi_extto_imp Logging of parameters introduced
43: Also changed cur_person to point to IGS_FI_PARTIES_V
44: Also removed repetative loggin og fee_cal_type,start_dt and end_dt for each record in cur_fei loop as they
45: are fixed and are once per process.
46: Used igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||' '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt)
47: SYKRISHn 30_DEC_2002 Bug 2727384 - Loggin details before validation errors are reported.
48: pathipat 16-Nov-2002 Enh Bug 2584986
49: 1. Modified declaration of g_curr_desc to fnd_currencies_tl.name%TYPe from igs_fi_cur.description%TYPE
50: 2. Modified function igs_fi_Ext_val() - Added validation for gl_date, modified validations of currency_cd

Line 340: Used igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||' '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt)

336: Sykrishn 31DEC2002 Bug 2682928 -- igs_fi_extto_imp Logging of parameters introduced
337: Also changed cur_person to point to IGS_FI_PARTIES_V
338: Also removed repetative loggin og fee_cal_type,start_dt and end_dt for each record in cur_fei loop as they
339: are fixed and are once per process.
340: Used igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||' '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt)
342: SYKRISHn 30_DEC_2002 Bug 2727384 - Loggin details before validation errors are reported.
343: pathipat 15-NOV-2002 Enh# 2584986 - GL Interface build
344: 1. Removed insert_row into IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS and IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES tables

Line 434: SELECT igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||' '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt) string

431: l_person_number hz_parties.party_number%TYPE;
433: CURSOR cur_fee_period(cp_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,cp_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
434: SELECT igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||' '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt) string
435: FROM igs_ca_inst
436: WHERE cal_type=cp_cal_type
437: AND sequence_number=cp_sequence_number;