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1 PACKAGE ADI_Binary_File AS
2 /* $Header: frmdimgs.pls 120.0.12000000.3 2007/03/01 20:12:42 ghooker ship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 --  PACKAGE:      ADI_Image                                                   --
5 --                                                                            --
6 --  DESCRIPTION:  Displays an image embedded within an HTML file.  Images     --
7 --                will be displayed as part of the HTML file, whilst Xcel     --
8 --                files, word documents, etc will be downloaded onto the      --
9 --                file system (if the link is clicked on).                    --
10 --                                                                            --
11 --  MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      --
12 --  Date       Username  Description                                          --
13 --  23-JUN-99  CCLYDE    Initial Creation                                     --
14 --  16-FEB-00  CCLYDE    Added Package_Revision procedure to see if we can    --
15 --                       capture the revision number of the package during    --
16 --                       runtime.          (Task:  3858)                      --
17 --  16-MAY-00  GSANAP    Moved the $Header comment from the top to under the  --
18 --                       CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE stmt.                      --
19 --  13-NOV-02  GHOOKER   Bugs 2279439, 2618782 Images not displayed in RM8.   --
20 --  28-JUN-06  GHOOKER   Stubbed out GetFileListenerAddress                   --
21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22    PROCEDURE Show (p_documentId IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
23                    p_file  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '');
24    PROCEDURE PackageRevision (p_showOwner IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '');
25 END ADI_Binary_File;