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1 package body AR_CONFIRMATION AS
2 /*$Header: ARCONFMB.pls 115.3 2002/12/23 22:23:36 tkoshio noship $ */
4   procedure initiate_confirmation_process(P_STATUS in VARCHAR2,
5                                           P_ID in VARCHAR2,
6                                           P_REASON_CODE in VARCHAR2,
7                                           P_DESCRIPTION in VARCHAR2,
8                                           P_INT_CTR_NUM in VARCHAR2) is
9     cursor ar is
10       select DISTINCT 'FND_RESP222:'||to_char(responsibility_id) role_name
11       from fnd_responsibility_tl
12       where application_id = 222;
13     cursor action is
14       select handler_name, handler_type from ar_confirmation_actions
15       where status = p_status and (reason_code = p_reason_code or p_reason_code is null);
16     cursor msgid is
17       select msgid from ecx_doclogs where internal_control_number = p_int_ctr_num;
18     l_handler_name varchar2(70);
19     l_handler_type varchar2(30);
20     l_sqlerrm varchar2(2000);
21     l_subject varchar2(200);
22     l_parameter_list wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t();
23     l_plsql varchar2(2000);
24     l_msgid raw(16);
25     l_url varchar2(500);
26     l_doc_transfer_id NUMBER;
27     cursor global is
28       select application_id, responsibility_id, last_updated_by
29       from ar_document_transfers
30       where document_transfer_id = l_doc_transfer_id;
31     global_rec global%rowtype;
32     l_sid number;
34   begin
35     l_doc_transfer_id := rtrim(ltrim(substrb(p_id,1,instrb(p_id,':',1,1)-1)));
36     open global; fetch global into global_rec; close global;
37     if global_rec.application_id is null or
38        global_rec.responsibility_id is null or
39        global_rec.last_updated_by is null then
40       fnd_message.set_name('AR','AR_CONF_ACT_INV_ID_SBJ');
41       l_subject := fnd_message.get;
42       fnd_message.set_name('AR','AR_CONF_ACT_INV_ID_BODY');
43       fnd_message.set_token('P_ID', p_id);
44       l_sqlerrm := fnd_message.get;
45       ar_notification_standard.notifyToSysadmin(l_subject, l_sqlerrm);
46       return;
47     else
48       fnd_global.initialize(l_sid, global_rec.last_updated_by, global_rec.responsibility_id,
49                             global_rec.application_id, null,null,0,0,null,null,null,null);
50     end if;
51     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
52       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_CONFIRMATION.initiate_confirmation_process(+)');
53       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('p_status:'||p_status);
54       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('p_reason_code:'||p_reason_code);
55     end if;
56     open msgid; fetch msgid into l_msgid; close msgid;
57     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
58       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('p_int_ctr_num:'||p_int_ctr_num);
59       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('l_msgid:'||l_msgid);
60     end if;
61     open action; fetch action into l_handler_name, l_handler_type; close action;
62     if l_handler_type = 'PLSQL' and l_handler_name is not null then
63       l_plsql := 'BEGIN '||l_handler_name||'(:status,:id,:reason_code,:description,:msgid); END;';
64       if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('l_plsql:'||l_plsql); end if;
65       execute immediate l_plsql using p_status, p_id, p_reason_code, p_description, l_msgid;
67     elsif l_handler_type = 'EVENT' and l_handler_name is not null then
68       wf_event.AddParameterToList(
69         p_name => 'P_STATUS',
70         p_value => p_status,
71         p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list);
72       wf_event.AddParameterToList(
73         p_name => 'P_ID',
74         p_value => p_id,
75         p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list);
76       wf_event.AddParameterToList(
77         p_name => 'P_REASON_CODE',
78         p_value => p_reason_code,
79         p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list);
80       wf_event.AddParameterToList(
81         p_name => 'P_DESCRIPTION',
82         p_value => p_description,
83         p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list);
84       wf_event.AddParameterToList(
85         p_name => 'P_MSGID',
86         p_value => l_msgid,
87         p_parameterlist => l_parameter_list);
88       wf_event.raise(
89         p_event_name => l_handler_name,
90         p_event_key => to_char(sysdate, 'DD/MON/RRRR HH:MI:SS'),
91         p_parameters => l_parameter_list);
92       l_parameter_list.DELETE;
94     else
95       fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_CONF_INVALID_SBJ');
96       l_subject := fnd_message.get;
97       fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_CONF_INVALID');
98       fnd_message.set_token('STATUS', p_status);
99       fnd_message.set_token('REASON_CODE', p_reason_code);
100       l_sqlerrm := fnd_message.get;
102       l_url := 'JSP:/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?akRegionCode=CONFIRMATIONACTIONS_PG'||'&'||
103                                    'akRegionApplicationId=222';
104       for ar_rec in ar loop
105         ar_notification_standard.notify(l_subject,
106                                         l_sqlerrm,
107                                         ar_rec.role_name,
108                                         l_url);
109       end loop;
110     end if;
111     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_CONFIRMATION.initiate_confirmation_process(-)'); end if;
112   exception
113     when others then
114       l_sqlerrm := sqlerrm || fnd_global.newline||
115                    'Location: AR_CONFIRMATION.initiate_confirmation_process()'||fnd_global.newline||
116                    'Time: '||to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-RRRR HH:MI:SS');
117       fnd_message.set_name('AR','AR_CONF_ERROR');
118       l_subject := fnd_message.get;
119       ar_notification_standard.notifyToSysadmin(l_subject, l_sqlerrm);
120   end;
121 end;