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2 /* $Header: pyusukno.pkb 120.1 2005/08/17 09:48:12 rmonge noship $ */
3  /*===========================================================================+
4  |               Copyright (c) 1995 Oracle Corporation                        |
5  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
6  +============================================================================+
7   Name
8    pay_us_city_pkg
9   Purpose
10 	Supports the city block in the form pyusukcy (US CITIES).
11   Notes
13   History
14     25-AUG-95  F. Assadi   40.0         Date created.
15     03-Dec-97  K.Mundair   40.4(110.1)  Bug 509120. Added functionality
16 					to allow zip codes to be entered
17 					via the form and to allow city names
18 					and zip ranges existing in one
19 					county to be entered into another.
20     17-Sep-01  ptitoren    115.2        Added explicit list of columns
21                                         to insert statements.
22     15-Jan-03  ssouresr    115.3        Allow values for the new column disable
23                                         to be inserted/updated
24     18-mar-03  rmonge     115.4         Modified the chk_city_in_addr procedure
25                                         to display a more descriptive error
26                                         message. The new message has been
27                                        created for this purpose, since the old
28                                        or generic message did not explain
29                                        what the problem is.
30     26-Nov-03  ssattini  115.5         Modified the create_unkn_city procedure
31                                        to use initcap when validating the
32                                        county_name.  Fix for bug#3262647.
33     29-Jan-04  kvsankar    115.8        Modified queries for cursor C1 and
34                                         cursor C2 in PROCEDURE 'chk_city_in_addr'
35                                         for performance enhancement
36                                         (Bug No. 3346024)
37     29-Jan-04  kvsankar    115.9        Corrected queries for cursor C1 and
38                                         cursor C2 in PROCEDURE 'chk_city_in_addr'
39                                         for compilation errors.
40                                         (Bug No. 3346024)
42    12-Aug-05  rmonge       115.10       City Form enhacement.  As part of the
43                                         geocode enhacement project, this
44                                         package has been modified to include
45                                         a new procedure create_new_geocode.
46                                         The new procedure is called from
47                                         the cities form allowing the user
48                                         to insert a brand new valid geocode
49                                         as per Vertex monthly updates.
50                                         The procedure create_new_geocode
51                                         checks if the geocode does not
52                                         exist and inserts it.
53                                         If the geocode does not exists, it
54                                         first checks for an existing city
55                                         name in the same state and county.
56                                         And, if there are no other city name
57                                         the same, then, it inserts the geocode
58                                         If the geocode exist, then, it checks
59                                         if the city name exists. If the
60                                         geocode exist with a different city
61                                         name, the geocode is inserted as
62                                         a secondary city.
65  ============================================================================*/
66 --
67 /*
68 --
69    USAGE
70       This is called from a form that allows the user to enter
71       information about the unknown city to be created.
72 --
74       Used to create an unknown city in the table structure set up
75       for the state, county, and city geocodes and corresponding
76       zip codes.
77 */
78 --
80    PROCEDURE local_error(p_error_mesg	varchar2,
81 			 p_procedure	varchar2,
82                          p_step		number) IS
83    BEGIN
85       hr_utility.set_message(801, p_error_mesg);
86       hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'pyusukno.'||p_procedure);
87       hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP', p_step);
88       hr_utility.raise_error;
90    END local_error;
92 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
93  -- Name                                                                    --
94  --   Create_new_geocode
95  -- Added by Rmonge
96  -- Enhacement to allow a user to insert a new geocode.
97  -- Purpose                                                                 --
98  --   Procedure that supports the insert of a new geocode via the city form
99  -- Notes                                                                   --
100  --                                                                         --
101  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 --
103  PROCEDURE Create_new_geocode (p_city_code       IN OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
104 		      p_zprowid		IN OUT	NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
105 		      p_cirowid		IN OUT	NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
106 		      p_gerowid		IN OUT	NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
107 		      p_state_code			VARCHAR2,
108 		      p_county_code			VARCHAR2,
109 		      p_state_name			VARCHAR2,
110 		      p_county_name			VARCHAR2,
111 		      p_city_name			VARCHAR2,
112 		      p_zip_start			VARCHAR2,
113 		      p_zip_end				VARCHAR2,
114 		      p_disable				VARCHAR2
115 							) is
117 --  Define Local Variables to hold local information
119             l_zip_start       pay_us_zip_codes.zip_start%TYPE;
120             l_zip_end         pay_us_zip_codes.zip_end%TYPE;
121             l_st_code         pay_us_states.state_code%TYPE;
122             l_st_abbrev       pay_us_states.state_abbrev%TYPE;
123             l_state_Name      pay_us_states.state_name%TYPE;
124             l_county_code     pay_us_counties.county_code%TYPE;
125             l_county_Name     pay_us_counties.county_name%TYPE;
126             l_city_code       pay_us_city_names.city_code%TYPE;
127             l_city_Name       pay_us_city_names.city_name%TYPE;
128             lv_city_Name      pay_us_city_names.city_name%TYPE;
130             lv_found          varchar2(1);
131             lv_new_geo        varchar2(1);
135    BEGIN
136          -- Add the following to make sure the Names are initcap
138          l_state_Name  := initcap(p_state_name);
139          l_county_Name := initcap(p_county_name);
140          l_city_Name   := initcap(p_city_name);
142          lv_new_geo    := 'N';
143 /* get state, county and city codes. */
145          BEGIN
146             select state_code, state_abbrev
147             into l_st_code, l_st_abbrev
148             from pay_us_states
149             where state_name = l_state_Name;
151          EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
152             hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Failed to find state codes.');
153             local_error ('HR_7952_ADDR_NO_STATE_CODE', 'create_new_geocode', 1);
155          END ;
157          BEGIN
158               select county_code
159               into l_county_code
160               from pay_us_counties
161               where state_code = l_st_code
162               and initcap(county_name) = l_county_Name;
164          EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
165               hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Failed to find county codes.');
166               local_error ('HR_7953_ADDR_NO_COUNTY_FOUND', 'create_new_geocode', 2);
168          END;
170          BEGIN
171               select city_code
172               into   l_city_code
173               from   pay_us_city_geocodes
174               where  state_code = l_st_code
175               and    county_code = l_county_code
176               and    city_code = p_city_code;
178          EXCEPTION
179                   WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
180               lv_found := 'N';
182          END ;
187              /* City Code does not exist */
188              /* Check to see if there is another city name */
189              /* exactly the same in the same state and county */
190              /* if the same name if found, then, we have to raise */
191              /* an error as this will cause a problem with tax  */
192              /* records  */
193              BEGIN
195              lv_new_geo := 'N';
198              select city_name
199              into lv_city_name
200              from pay_us_city_names
201              where state_code= l_st_code
202              and   county_code = l_county_code
203              and   city_name  = l_city_name;
206                       lv_new_geo := 'Y' ;
207              END ;
209              IF lv_new_geo ='Y'  THEN
211                   insert into pay_us_city_geocodes
212                   (state_code,
213                    county_code,
214                    city_code)
215                   values
216                   (l_st_code,
217                    l_county_code,
218                    p_city_code);
220                    insert into pay_us_city_names
221                    (city_name,
222                     state_code,
223                     county_code,
224                     city_code,
225                     primary_flag,
226                     disable)
227                    values
228                    (l_city_Name,
229                     l_st_code,
230                     l_county_code,
231                     p_city_code,
232                     'Y',
233                     p_disable);
236                     insert into pay_us_zip_codes
237                     (zip_start,
238                      zip_end,
239                      state_code,
240                      county_code,
241                      city_code)
242                     values
243                     (p_zip_start,
244                      p_zip_end,
245                      l_st_code,
246                      l_county_code,
247                      p_city_code);
248              ELSE    /* lv_new_geo = 'N' */
249             /* Display a more meaningful error here */
250                    hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Given city is already created.');
251                   local_error ('PAY_DUPL_CITY_NAME', 'create_new_geocode', 3);
252              END IF;
254           ELSE
255             /* insert it as a secondary city if the city_name does not
256                exist already */
257             /* We only need to insert into pay_us_city_names */
258             /* as the geocode already exist*/
259               BEGIN
261                   select city_name
262                   into   lv_city_name
263                   from   pay_us_city_names
264                   where  state_code = l_st_code
265                   and    county_code = l_county_code
266                   and    city_code   = p_city_code
267                   and    city_name   = l_city_Name ;
269               EXCEPTION
270                   WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
271                        lv_found := 'N';
272               END;
274               IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
276                    insert into pay_us_city_names
277                      (city_name,
278                      state_code,
279                      county_code,
280                      city_code,
281                      primary_flag,
282                      disable)
283                      values
284                      (l_city_Name,
285                       l_st_code,
286                       l_county_code,
287                       l_city_code,
288                       'N',
289                       p_disable);
292              ELSE
293                   hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Given city is already created.');
297   END   create_new_geocode ;
294                   local_error ('PAY_DUPL_CITY_NAME', 'create_new_geocode', 4);
295              END IF; /* SQL NOT FOUND */
296         END IF; /* not found  */
301    PROCEDURE create_unkn_city (p_ci_code    IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
302 			       p_st_name 	IN varchar2,
303 	  	   	       p_co_name 	IN varchar2,
304 			       p_ci_name 	IN varchar2,
305 			       p_zi_start   IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
306                                p_zi_end     IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
307                                p_disable        IN varchar2) 	IS
309       l_n_ci_code	number := 0;
310       l_max_ci_code	number := 0;
311       l_n_ci_name	number := 0;
313       l_zip_start	pay_us_zip_codes.zip_start%TYPE;
314       l_zip_end		pay_us_zip_codes.zip_end%TYPE;
315       l_st_code		pay_us_states.state_code%TYPE;
316       l_st_abbrev	pay_us_states.state_abbrev%TYPE;
317       l_stateName	pay_us_states.state_name%TYPE;
318       l_co_code		pay_us_counties.county_code%TYPE;
319       l_countyName	pay_us_counties.county_name%TYPE;
320       l_ci_code		pay_us_city_names.city_code%TYPE;
321       l_cityName	pay_us_city_names.city_name%TYPE;
323       CURSOR c_city_code IS
324          select city_code
325             from pay_us_city_geocodes
326             where state_code = l_st_code and county_code = l_co_code
327             and city_code like 'U%';
329       CURSOR zip_exist_c IS
330     	SELECT  zc.state_code,
331            	zc.county_code,
332            	zc.city_code,
333            	zc.zip_start,
334            	zc.zip_end
335     	FROM   pay_us_zip_codes zc
336     	WHERE  zc.state_code = l_st_code
337 	AND    zc.county_code = l_co_code
338     	AND    zc.city_code = l_ci_code
339     	AND    (l_zip_start BETWEEN zc.zip_start AND zc.zip_end
340     	OR     l_zip_end BETWEEN zc.zip_start AND zc.zip_end
341 	OR     zc.zip_start BETWEEN l_zip_start AND l_zip_end
342     	OR     zc.zip_end BETWEEN l_zip_start AND l_zip_end);
344   	zip_exist_rec   zip_exist_c%ROWTYPE;
346    BEGIN
348    /* force case of all passed-in parameters to match that stored in DB. */
350       hr_utility.trace ('County Name: '||p_co_name);
351       hr_utility.trace ('State Name: '||p_st_name);
353       l_stateName  := initcap(p_st_name);
354       l_countyName := initcap(p_co_name);
355       l_cityName   := initcap(p_ci_name);
357       hr_utility.trace ('County name after initcap :'||l_countyName);
358       hr_utility.trace ('State name after initcap :'||l_stateName);
359    /* get state, county and city codes. */
361       BEGIN
362          select state_code, state_abbrev
363             into l_st_code, l_st_abbrev
364             from pay_us_states
365             where state_name = l_stateName;
367       EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
368          hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Failed to find state codes.');
369          local_error ('HR_7952_ADDR_NO_STATE_CODE', 'create_unkn_city', 1);
370       END;
372       hr_utility.trace ('selected state code: ' || l_st_code);
373       hr_utility.trace ('l_countyName: ' || l_countyName);
375       BEGIN
376          select county_code
377             into l_co_code
378             from pay_us_counties
379             where state_code = l_st_code
380             and initcap(county_name) = l_countyName;
382       EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN
383          hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Failed to find county codes.');
384          local_error ('HR_7953_ADDR_NO_COUNTY_FOUND', 'create_unkn_city', 2);
385       END;
387       hr_utility.trace ('selected county code: ' || l_co_code);
389    /* see if this city is unknown. */
391       if hr_us_ff_udfs.addr_val(l_st_abbrev, l_countyName, l_cityName,
392                                 p_zi_start,'Y') = '00-000-0000' then
393       /*
394          check for an existing city whose zip codes are wrong or
395          altered, which addr_val would still return '00-000-0000'.
396       */
397          l_n_ci_name := -1;
398 	 BEGIN
399             select city_code
400             into l_ci_code
401             from pay_us_city_names
402             where city_name = l_cityName and county_code = l_co_code and
403             state_code = l_st_code;
404          EXCEPTION
405 	    WHEN no_data_found THEN l_n_ci_name := 0;
406 	    WHEN others THEN l_n_ci_name := 1;
407 	 END;
409          if l_n_ci_name = 0 then
411          /* get number of unknown cities previous entered. */
412             select count(city_code)
413                into l_n_ci_code
414                from pay_us_city_geocodes
415                where state_code = l_st_code and county_code = l_co_code
416                and city_code like 'U%';
418             hr_utility.trace ('Number of unknown cities '||l_n_ci_code);
420             if l_n_ci_code <= 0 then
421                l_ci_code := 'U000';
422                hr_utility.trace ('Initial city code is:'||l_ci_code);
423             else
424             /*
425                use explicit cursor to step through each of the unknown
426                city codes to find the latest city code.
427             */
428                for l_city_rec in c_city_code loop
430                   if fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(l_city_rec.city_code,2,3)) >
431                      l_max_ci_code then
433                      l_max_ci_code :=
434                         fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(l_city_rec.city_code,2,3));
435                      hr_utility.trace ('Max city code is:'||
436                                        l_city_rec.city_code);
438                   end if;
439                end loop;
441                if l_max_ci_code >= 0 and l_max_ci_code < 9 then
442                   l_ci_code := 'U00'||to_char(l_max_ci_code + 1);
443                elsif l_max_ci_code >= 9 and l_max_ci_code < 99 then
444                   l_ci_code := 'U0'||to_char(l_max_ci_code + 1);
445                else
446                   l_ci_code := 'U'||to_char(l_max_ci_code + 1);
447                end if;
449                hr_utility.trace ('Final city code is:'||l_ci_code);
450             end if;
451 	    p_ci_code := l_ci_code;
453             insert into pay_us_city_geocodes
454                 (state_code, county_code, city_code)
455               values
456                 (l_st_code, l_co_code, l_ci_code);
457             hr_utility.trace ('Inserted a geocode.');
459             insert into pay_us_zip_codes
460                 (zip_start, zip_end, state_code, county_code, city_code)
461               values
462                 (p_zi_start, p_zi_end, l_st_code, l_co_code, l_ci_code);
463             hr_utility.trace ('Inserted a zip code.');
465             insert into pay_us_city_names
466                (city_name, state_code, county_code, city_code, primary_flag, disable)
467               values
468                (l_cityName, l_st_code, l_co_code, l_ci_code, 'N', p_disable);
469             hr_utility.trace ('Inserted an unknown city.');
471          elsif (l_n_ci_name = 1) then
472             hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Given city is already created.');
473             local_error ('HR_7954_ADDR_NOT_UNKNOWN_CITY',
474                          'create_unkn_city', 3);
475          else
476 	    /* a new zip range for an existing city has been entered */
477       	    l_zip_end := p_zi_end;
478       	    l_zip_start := p_zi_start;
480   	    OPEN zip_exist_c;
481   	    LOOP
482     	    FETCH zip_exist_c INTO zip_exist_rec;
483     	    EXIT WHEN zip_exist_c%NOTFOUND;
484     	    IF zip_exist_rec.zip_start < l_zip_start THEN
485       	      l_zip_start := zip_exist_rec.zip_start;
486             END IF;
487     	    IF zip_exist_rec.zip_end > l_zip_end THEN
488       	      l_zip_end := zip_exist_rec.zip_end;
489     	    END IF;
491     	    DELETE FROM pay_us_zip_codes
492     	    WHERE  zip_start = zip_exist_rec.zip_start
493     	    AND    zip_end = zip_exist_rec.zip_end
494     	    AND    state_code = zip_exist_rec.state_code
495     	    AND    county_code = zip_exist_rec.county_code
496     	    AND    city_code = zip_exist_rec.city_code;
498   	    END LOOP;
499   	    CLOSE zip_exist_c;
501     	    INSERT INTO pay_us_zip_codes
503      	    VALUES
504      	    (l_zip_start,l_zip_end,l_st_code,l_co_code,l_ci_code);
505             hr_utility.trace ('Inserted a new zip code for an existing city.');
507 	    p_ci_code := l_ci_code;
508       	    p_zi_end := l_zip_end;
509       	    p_zi_start := l_zip_start;
511             /* In case the user is also updating the disable flag as well as
512                entering a new zip range for an existing city */
514             UPDATE pay_us_city_names
515             SET disable = p_disable
516             WHERE city_name   = l_cityName
517             AND   city_code   = l_ci_code
518             AND   county_code = l_co_code
519             AND   state_code  = l_st_code;
521          end if;
522       else
523          hr_utility.trace ('Error:  Given city is already created.');
524          local_error ('HR_7954_ADDR_NOT_UNKNOWN_CITY', 'create_unkn_city', 4);
525       end if;
527   END create_unkn_city;
528 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
529  -- Name                                                                    --
530  --   Insert_Row                                                            --
531  -- Purpose                                                                 --
532  --   Table handler procedure that supports the insert of a new city via    --
533  --   the  city form.                                                 --
534  -- Notes                                                                   --
535  --                                                                         --
536  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
537 --
538  PROCEDURE Insert_Row(p_city_code       IN OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
539 		      p_zprowid		IN OUT	NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
540 		      p_cirowid		IN OUT	NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
541 		      p_gerowid		IN OUT	NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
542 		      p_state_code			VARCHAR2,
543 		      p_county_code			VARCHAR2,
544 		      p_state_name			VARCHAR2,
548 		      p_zip_end				VARCHAR2,
545 		      p_county_name			VARCHAR2,
546 		      p_city_name			VARCHAR2,
547 		      p_zip_start			VARCHAR2,
549 		      p_disable				VARCHAR2
550 							) is
552 --
553 --
554 --
555  l_zip_start  pay_us_zip_codes.zip_start%TYPE;
556  l_zip_end  pay_us_zip_codes.zip_end%TYPE;
558  CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM pay_us_zip_codes
559  WHERE state_code = p_state_code
560  AND   county_code= p_county_code
561  AND   city_code  = p_city_code
562  AND   zip_start  = l_zip_start
563  AND   zip_end	  = l_zip_end;
564 --
565  CURSOR C2 is SELECT rowid from pay_us_city_names
566  WHERE state_code = p_state_code
567  AND   county_code= p_county_code
568  AND   city_code  = p_city_code
569  AND   city_name  = p_city_name;
570 --
571  CURSOR C3 is SELECT rowid from pay_us_city_geocodes
572  WHERE state_code = p_state_code
573  AND   county_code= p_county_code
574  AND   city_code  = p_city_code;
576 --
577  BEGIN
578 --
579 /* hr_utility.trace_on('Y','CACITY');*/
580  l_zip_start := p_zip_start;
581  l_zip_end := p_zip_end;
583  create_unkn_city (p_city_code,
584  		   p_state_name,
585 		   p_county_name,
586                    p_city_name,
587 		   l_zip_start,
588                    l_zip_end,
589                    p_disable);
590 --
591 OPEN C;
592 FETCH C INTO  p_zprowid;
594      CLOSE C;
595      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
596      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
597                                   'pay_us_city_pkg.Insert_Row');
598      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
599      hr_utility.raise_error;
600 END if;
602 --
603 OPEN C2;
604 FETCH C2 INTO  p_cirowid;
606      CLOSE C2;
607      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
608      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
609                                   'pay_us_city_pkg.Insert_Row');
610      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','2');
611      hr_utility.raise_error;
612 END if;
614 --
615 OPEN C3;
616 FETCH C3 INTO  p_gerowid;
618      CLOSE C3;
619      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
620      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
621                                   'pay_us_city_pkg.Insert_Row');
622      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','3');
623      hr_utility.raise_error;
624 END if;
626 /* hr_utility.trace_off; */
627 END Insert_Row;
629  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
630  -- Name                                                                    --
631  --   Lock_Row                                                              --
632  -- Purpose                                                                 --
633  --   Table handler procedure that supports the update and delete           --
634  --   of a city by applying a lock on a city block in City Form.            --
635  -- Arguments                                                               --
636  --   See below.                                                            --
637  -- Notes                                                                   --
638  --   None.                                                                 --
639  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
640 --
641  PROCEDURE Lock_Row(  p_zprowid                         VARCHAR2,
642 		      p_cirowid				VARCHAR2,
643 		      p_gerowid				VARCHAR2,
644 		      p_state_code		        VARCHAR2,
645 		      p_county_code		        VARCHAR2,
646 		      p_city_code			VARCHAR2,
647 		      p_state_name			VARCHAR2,
648 		      p_county_name			VARCHAR2,
649 		      p_city_name			VARCHAR2,
650 		      p_zip_start			VARCHAR2,
651 		      p_zip_end				VARCHAR2) IS
652 --
653    CURSOR C IS SELECT * FROM  pay_us_zip_codes
654                WHERE  rowid = p_zprowid FOR UPDATE of zip_start NOWAIT ;
655 --
656    CURSOR C2 IS SELECT * FROM pay_us_city_names
657 	       WHERE rowid = p_cirowid FOR UPDATE OF  city_name NOWAIT;
658 --
659    CURSOR C3 IS SELECT * FROM pay_us_city_geocodes
660                 WHERE rowid = p_gerowid FOR UPDATE of City_code NOWAIT;
661 --
662    l_recinfo 	C%ROWTYPE;
663    l_recinfo2 	C2%ROWTYPE;
664    l_recinfo3	C3%ROWTYPE;
665 --
666  BEGIN
667 --
668    OPEN C;
669    FETCH C INTO l_recinfo;
670    if (C%NOTFOUND) then
671      CLOSE C;
672      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
673      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
674                                   'pay_us_city_pkg.lock_row');
675      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
676      hr_utility.raise_error;
677    end if;
678 --
679    OPEN C2;
680    FETCH C2 INTO l_recinfo2;
681    if (C2%NOTFOUND) then
682      CLOSE C2;
683      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
684      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
685                                   'pay_us_city_pkg.lock_row');
686      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','2');
687      hr_utility.raise_error;
688    end if;
689 --
690    OPEN C3;
691    FETCH C3 INTO l_recinfo3;
692    if (C3%NOTFOUND) then
693      CLOSE C3;
694      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
695      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
696                                   'pay_us_city_pkg.lock_row');
697      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','3');
698      hr_utility.raise_error;
699    end if;
701 --
702    -- Remove trailing spaces.
706    l_recinfo.zip_start 		:= rtrim(l_recinfo.zip_start);
703    l_recinfo.state_code		:= rtrim(l_recinfo.state_code);
704    l_recinfo.county_code 	:= rtrim(l_recinfo.county_code);
705    l_recinfo.city_code 		:= rtrim(l_recinfo.city_code);
707    l_recinfo.zip_end 		:= rtrim(l_recinfo.zip_end);
708 --
709    l_recinfo2.state_code	:= rtrim(l_recinfo2.state_code);
710    l_recinfo2.county_code 	:= rtrim(l_recinfo2.county_code);
711    l_recinfo2.city_code 	:= rtrim(l_recinfo2.city_code);
712    l_recinfo2.city_name		:= rtrim(l_recinfo2.city_name);
713 --
714         IF ( (   (l_recinfo.zip_start = p_zip_start)
715             OR (    (l_recinfo.zip_start IS NULL)
716                 AND (p_zip_start IS NULL)))
717        AND (   (l_recinfo.zip_end = p_zip_end)
718             OR (    (l_recinfo.zip_end IS NULL)
719                 AND (p_zip_end IS NULL)))
720        AND (   (l_recinfo2.city_name = p_city_name)
721             OR (    (l_recinfo2.city_name IS NULL)
722                 AND (p_city_name IS NULL)))
723            ) then
724      return;
725    else
728    end if;
729 --
730  END Lock_Row;
731 --
732  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
733  -- Name                                                                    --
734  --   Update_Row                                                            --
735  -- Purpose                                                                 --
736  --   Table handler procedure that supports the update of a city via        --
737  --   the  city form.                                                       --
738  -- Arguments                                                               --
739  --   See below.                                                            --
740  -- Notes                                                                   --
741  --   None.                                                                 --
742  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 --
744  PROCEDURE Update_Row(p_zprowid                         VARCHAR2,
745 		      p_zip_start			VARCHAR2,
746 		      p_zip_end				VARCHAR2,
747                       p_state_code                      VARCHAR2,
748                       p_county_code                     VARCHAR2,
749                       p_city_code                       VARCHAR2,
750                       p_city_name                       VARCHAR2,
751                       p_disable                         VARCHAR2) IS
752  BEGIN
753 --
754 -- The appropriate tables need to be locked during the updating process.
755 --
756 --
757    UPDATE pay_us_zip_codes
758    SET 	zip_start		=    p_zip_start,
759 	zip_end			=    p_zip_end
760    WHERE rowid = p_zprowid;
761 --
762    if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
763      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
764      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
765                                   'pay_us_new_cities_pkg.update_row');
766      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
767      hr_utility.raise_error;
768    end if;
769 --
770    UPDATE pay_us_city_names
771    SET 	disable	    = p_disable
772    WHERE state_code  = p_state_code
773    AND   county_code = p_county_code
774    AND   city_code   = p_city_code
775    AND   city_name   = p_city_name;
776 --
777    if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
778      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
779      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
780                                   'pay_us_new_cities_pkg.update_row');
781      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
782      hr_utility.raise_error;
783    end if;
784 --
785  END Update_Row;
786 --
787  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
788  -- Name                                                                    --
789  --   Delete_Row                                                            --
790  -- Purpose                                                                 --
791  --   Table handler procedure that supports the delete of a city via        --
792  --   the create city form.                                                 --
793  -- Arguments                                                               --
794  --   See below.                                                            --
795  -- Notes                                                                   --
796  --                                                                         --
797  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
798 --
799  PROCEDURE Delete_Row(p_zprowid VARCHAR2,
800 		      p_cirowid VARCHAR2,
801 		      p_gerowid VARCHAR2) IS
802 --
804 zip_counter NUMBER;
806  BEGIN
807 --
808 --
809 --
810 -- Deleting from the pay_us_zip_codes table.
811 --
812    DELETE FROM pay_us_zip_codes
813    WHERE  rowid = p_zprowid;
815    SELECT count(a.zip_start)
816    INTO zip_counter
817    FROM  pay_us_zip_codes a,
818 	 pay_us_city_names b
819    WHERE b.rowid = p_cirowid
820    AND   a.city_code = b.city_code
821    AND   a.county_code = b.county_code
822    AND   a.state_code = b.state_code;
824    IF (zip_counter = 0) THEN
825 --
826 --   Deleting from the pay_us_city_names
827 --
828      DELETE FROM pay_us_city_names
829      WHERE rowid = p_cirowid;
830 --
831 --   Deleting from the pay_us_city_geocodes
832 --
833      DELETE FROM pay_us_city_geocodes
834      WHERE  rowid = p_gerowid;
836    END IF;
837 --
838    if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
839      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
843      hr_utility.raise_error;
840      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
841                                   'pay_us_city_pkg.delete_row');
842      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','3');
844    end if;
845  END Delete_Row;
846 --
847 -- The Next procedure is used for checking and validating data
848 --
849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
850 -- Name
851 --    chk_city_in_addr
852 -- Purpose
853 --    To check a given city exists in the per_addresses table
854 --    It would not allow the city to be deleted if it is referenced in
855 --    the per_addresses table. Validation check to prevent deletion
856 --    if city is referenced.
857 -- Notes
858 -- This only confirms the existence of a city in the per_addresses
859 -- table if and only if the city within an state and county
860 -- matches to that of the per_addresses table.
861 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
862 PROCEDURE chk_city_in_addr(p_state_abbrev	VARCHAR2,
863 		       	   p_county_name	VARCHAR2,
864 			   p_city_name		VARCHAR2) IS
865 --
866 l_prov_abbrev  varchar2(5);
868 /*Modified query for performance enhancement Bug No. 3346024 */
869 CURSOR C1 is SELECT 'x'
870 FROM dual
871 where exists(
872 SELECT  region_1,town_or_city
873 FROM    per_addresses
874 WHERE   region_1     = l_prov_abbrev
875 AND     town_or_city = p_city_name
876 AND     ROWNUM < 2);
878 /*Modified query for performance enhancement Bug No. 3346024 */
879 CURSOR C2 is SELECT 'x'
880 FROM dual
881 where exists(
882 SELECT  region_1,region_2,town_or_city
883 -- Note that in per_addresses table town_or_city, region 2 and region 1
884 -- are refered to as
885 -- city name, state abbreviation and county name respectively.
886 FROM	per_addresses
887 WHERE	region_2 = p_state_abbrev
888 AND	region_1 = p_county_name
889 AND	town_or_city = p_city_name
890 AND     ROWNUM < 2);
892 l_recinfo1     C1%ROWTYPE;
893 l_recinfo2     C2%ROWTYPE;
894 --
897 /* If we are dealing with a Canadian city then region_2 is ignored
898    because it is not populated */
900   IF p_state_abbrev = 'CN' THEN
902        SELECT county_abbrev
903        INTO  l_prov_abbrev
904        FROM  pay_us_counties
905        WHERE county_name = p_county_name
906        AND   state_code = '70';
908        OPEN C1;
909        FETCH C1 INTO l_recinfo1;
910        IF (C1%FOUND) THEN
911         /* rosie monge 18-mar-03 2844658 */
912         /*
913          hr_utility.set_message (801,'HR_6153_all_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
914          hr_utility.set_message_token ('PROCEDURE',
915 				  'pay_us_chk_addr_pkg.chk_city_in_addr');
916          hr_utility.set_message_token ('STEP', '1');
917         */
918          hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74153_CITY_CANNOT_DISABLE');
919          hr_utility.raise_error;
920        END IF;
921        CLOSE C1;
923   ELSE
924        OPEN C2;
925        FETCH C2 INTO l_recinfo2;
926        IF (C2%FOUND) THEN
927 /* rmonge  fix for bug 2844658   */
928         /*
929          hr_utility.set_message (801,'HR_6153_all_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
930          hr_utility.set_message_token ('PROCEDURE',
931                                   'pay_us_chk_addr_pkg.chk_city_in_addr');
932          hr_utility.set_message_token ('STEP', '1');
933          */
934          hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_74153_CITY_CANNOT_DISABLE');
935          hr_utility.raise_error;
936        END IF;
937        CLOSE C2;
939   END IF;
941   RETURN;
943 END chk_city_in_addr;