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Line 241: -- PA_PROJECT_CLASSES and delete all log table records.

237: -- If extraction mode is set to partial refresh
238: -- we use the same logic as for incremental update.
239: --
240: -- If extraction type is full then we use data only from
241: -- PA_PROJECT_CLASSES and delete all log table records.
242: -- If extraction type is incremental (or partial) then we extract
243: -- records from PA_PROJECT_CLASSES that have corresponding log
244: -- records plus log records themselves with reverse sign.

Line 243: -- records from PA_PROJECT_CLASSES that have corresponding log

239: --
240: -- If extraction type is full then we use data only from
241: -- PA_PROJECT_CLASSES and delete all log table records.
242: -- If extraction type is incremental (or partial) then we extract
243: -- records from PA_PROJECT_CLASSES that have corresponding log
244: -- records plus log records themselves with reverse sign.
246: Pji_Utils.write2log('Entering PJI_PJ_PROJ_CLASS_EXTR.EXTR_PROJECT_CLASSES',TRUE,2);

Line 311: ** pa_project_classes for full and partial refresh mode.

308: )
309: /*
310: ** Extract all the latest mapping information from
311: ** pa_project_classes for full and partial refresh mode.
312: */
313: SELECT /*+ full(log) use_hash(prj)
314: full(cls) use_hash(bat)
315: full(bat) use_hash(cls)

Line 329: pa_project_classes prj

325: , cls.class_id class_id
326: , bat.extraction_type extraction_type
327: , NULL log_operation_type
328: FROM
329: pa_project_classes prj
330: , pji_pji_proj_batch_map bat
331: , pji_class_codes cls
332: WHERE 1=1
333: AND bat.extraction_type <> 'I'

Line 341: ** pa_project_classes for new changes in an

337: AND cls.class_code(+) = prj.class_code
339: /*
340: ** Extract the latest mapping information from
341: ** pa_project_classes for new changes in an
342: ** incremental run.
343: */
345: NULL row_id

Line 358: , pa_project_classes prj

354: , bat.extraction_type extraction_type
355: , NULL log_operation_type
356: FROM
357: pji_pji_proj_batch_map bat
358: , pa_project_classes prj
359: , pji_class_codes cls
360: WHERE 1=1
361: AND l_extraction_type = 'INCREMENTAL'
362: AND bat.extraction_type = 'I'