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Line 349: ,jtf_cal_exceptions_vl e

345: cursor c_cal_except(p_calendar_id NUMBER, p_day date, p_res_id NUMBER, p_res_type VARCHAR2,p_tz_enabled VARCHAR2,p_server_tz_id NUMBER) is
346: select e.start_date_time start_except,
347: e.end_date_time end_except
348: from jtf_cal_exception_assign a
349: ,jtf_cal_exceptions_vl e
350: where a.calendar_id = p_calendar_id
351: and a.exception_id = e.exception_id
352: -- validate exception assignment
353: and ( p_day >= trunc(a.start_date_active)

Line 891: , jtf_cal_exceptions_vl e

887: is
888: select e.start_date_time start_except
889: , e.end_date_time end_except
890: from jtf_cal_exception_assign a
891: , jtf_cal_exceptions_vl e
892: where a.calendar_id = p_calendar_id
893: and a.exception_id = e.exception_id
894: -- validate exception assignment
895: and ( p_day >= trunc(a.start_date_active)

Line 1391: , jtf_cal_exceptions_vl e

1387: is
1388: select e.start_date_time start_except
1389: , e.end_date_time end_except
1390: from jtf_cal_exception_assign a
1391: , jtf_cal_exceptions_vl e
1392: where a.calendar_id = p_calendar_id
1393: and a.exception_id = e.exception_id
1394: -- validate exception assignment
1395: and ( p_day >= trunc(a.start_date_active)

Line 2008: from jtf_cal_exceptions_vl a, jtf_cal_exception_assign b

2004: --
2005: cursor excp_hrs(p_calendar_id NUMBER, p_req_date DATE) is
2006: select to_char(a.start_date_time,'HH24.MI') excp_start_time,
2007: to_char(a.end_date_time,'HH24.MI') excp_end_time
2008: from jtf_cal_exceptions_vl a, jtf_cal_exception_assign b
2009: where trunc(a.start_date_time) = p_req_date
2010: and a.exception_id = b.exception_id
2011: and b.calendar_id = p_calendar_id;
2012: --