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1 package body hr_utility as
2 /* $Header: pyutilty.pkb 120.1.12010000.2 2008/12/12 10:54:18 sathkris ship $ */
3 /*
4   Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation (UK) Ltd 1993.
5   All rights reserved
7   Name:   hr_utility
9   Description:  See package specification.
11   Change List
12   ----------
13   SuSivasu       24-OCT-2005   Carry out the check for the fnd log is enabled
14                                before calling the fnd_log.string as this procedure
15                                does the same check.
16   dkerr          17-FEB-2005   4192532 : truncate procedure_name parameter
17                                at 128 characters.
18   nbristow       28-JAN-2005   Added PAY_LOG option to dump to the
19                                Log file.
20   dkerr          11-DEC-2002   Added NOCOPY hint to OUT and IN OUT parameters
21   dkerr          03-DEC-2002   Added debug_enabled()
22   dkerr          13-MAY-2002   Added support for AOL logging to trace() and
23                                trace_udf()
24   dkerr          09-MAY-2002   Code workaround for RDBMS 2367861 in
25                                write_trace_file()
27   nbristow       28-FEB-2002   Added dbdrv statements.
28   nbristow       28-FEB-2002   Changed read_trace_table to have a smaller PL/SQL
29                                table. NT could not support a large table.
30   PZWALKER       06-SEP-2001   change if statement in set_location_trace local
31                                procedures to enable parallel operation of
32                                HR Trace and AOL Logging
33   PZWALKER       05-SEP-2001   Performance Changes:
34                                1) Added the following new PRIVATE global
35                                   variables
36                                   g_error_stage_aol, g_error_in_procedure_aol
37                                2) The set_location procedure has been re-written
38                                   for performance:
39                                   - no local variables are initialised
40                                   - all global package variables are fully
41                                     qualified
42                                3) Removed AOL logging code from main block in
43                                   set_location to local procedure
45                                Moved code from from local procedure
46                                set_location_trace to procedure
47                                set_location_hr_trace_internal to enable
48                                code to be called from log_at.. procedures
50                                Changes to switch_logging_on, switch_logging_off:
51                                1) Replaced raise_application_error call with
52                                   hr_utility.raise_error
53                                2) Removed insert/delete into/from fnd_sessions
55                                Changes to log_at... procedures
56                                1) Replaced if-then-else checks for p_message
57                                   with nvl call
58                                2) Removed local variable l_message
59                                3) added local procedure set_location_trace
60                                4) added call to set_location_hr_trace_internal
61                                5) added lower() calls to set module names to
62                                   lower case
64   PZWALKER       24-AUG-2001   Added AOL Logging to set_location()
65                                added following procedures for AOL logging:
66                                log_at_statement_level()
67                                log_at_procedure_level()
68                                log_at_event_level()
69                                log_at_exception_level()
70                                log_at_error_level()
71                                log_at_unexpected_level()
72                                switch_logging_on()
73                                switch_logging_off()
74                                changed != to <>
75   NBRISTOW       18-JUL-2001   Added read_trace_table to improve PYUPIP
76                                 performance.
77   DKERR          24-SEP-1999   Call dbms_output.enable(1000000) if trace dest
78                                set appropriately
79   DHARRIS        23-AUG-1999   115.12
80                                Performance changes for set_location which
81                                comprise of:
82                                1) Added the following new PRIVATE global variables
83                                   g_trace_on, g_sl_x, g_sl_mess_text
84                                2) Set the g_trace_on boolean trace indicator variable
85                                   to TRUE in private_trace_on.
86                                3) Set the g_trace_on boolean trace indicator variable
87                                   to FALSE in trace_off.
88                                4) The set_location procedure has been re-written for
89                                   performance:
90                                   - no local variables are initialised
91                                   - all global package variables are fully qualified
92                                   - the new sub-procedure set_location_trace is only
93                                   - called when trace is on.
94   TBATTOO        24-MAY-1999   changed chk_product_install to use hr_legislation_installations
95   MREID          18-MAY-1999   Added I to language code check for 11i
96   DKERR          13-MAY-1999   Replaced chr() with fnd_global.local_chr()
97                                which is portable.
98   DKERR          12-May-1999   trace/set_location can use dbms_output.
99   scgrant        21-Apr-1999   Multi-radix changes.
100   DKERR          23-MAR-1999   Added set_trace_options and support for
101                                writing to the rdbms trace file.
102   MREID          06-NOV-1998   Added language parameter to chk_product_install
103   DKERR          19-AUG-1998   523846: changed substr to substrb
104   DKERR          20-JUL-1998   Changes to trace to ensure compatiblity with NT
105                                Added trace_udf to allow trace statements
106                                to be added to formula.
107   MREID          02-JUL-1998   Change to chk_product_install - only accept
108                                fully installed.
109   ACHAUHAN       17-OCT-1997   Changed the chk_product_install to check
110                                the fnd_application table against the
111                                application short name and not the application
112                                name. If the product is passed as
113                                'Oracle Payroll' then the application short
114                                name is formed as 'PAY'.
116   D Kerr         22-SEP-1997   Fix to get_message to ensure it works in
117                                the same way as R10. ie calling it still leaves
118                                the message on the FND message stack.
120   D Kerr         27-JUL-1997   R11 changes.
121                    WARNING : Not compatible with R10
123     Removed most of the code from message routines as it
124     was either accessing obsoleted tables or was non NLS compliant
125     or both. The code now uses FND_MESSAGE routines rather than
126     accessing tables directly. Package globals are still maintained
127         for use in get_message and get_message_details.
129         Removed : show_error, get_token_details.
131   110.1 10-JUL-1997 M.J.Hoyes  Bug 513048. Switched the cursors in the
132   10.7 version 40.14            set_message procedure to validate against
133                                 fnd_new_messages and then fnd_messages
134                                 rather than vice versa. Re coded the
135                                 set message token procedure to use cursors
136                                 rather than PLSQL blocks and switched the
137                                 first table to drive off to fnd_new_messages.
139   K Mundair      02-JUN-1997    Added procedure chk_product_install
140   D Kerr         29-Nov-1996    New trace functionality
141                     1. trace_on now takes a parameter which can
142                    be used to give an alternative name to
143                    the pipe.
144                                 2. read_trace_pipe routine moves the pipe
145                    handling code from PYUPIP to this package.
146   T Mathers      18-Aug-1996    Changed message and message token code
147                     to use fnd_new_messages id there is no row
148                 in fnd_messages. Behave as normal if not in
149                 both.
150   D Kerr     08-Jul-1996    Set a message in the case of pipe timeout
151   D Kerr     03-Jul-1996    Added timeout parameter to send_message calls
152                 in trace and set_location.
153   D Harris       24-Jun-1995    merged trace with set_location to improve
154                                 performance.
155   T Mathers      28-Jun-1995    Added joins to fnd_current_language_view
156                                 for fnd_messages cursor in set_message
157                                 and set_message_token. WWBUG#288067
158   D Harris       22-Jun-1995    Increased g_message_text from 240 to
159                                 2048 (max length required for use
160                                 in dbms_standard.raise_application_error).
161   P Gowers       28-NOV-1994    G1682: Always call fnd_message.set_name()
162   D Harris       07-OCT-1994    Increment length of set_location pipe
163                                 details from 40 to 72.
164   D Harris       16-SEP-1993    Changes made for 10x compatibility for
165                                 forms 4 and aol api's.
166   P Gowers       04-MAY-1993    Handle hint messages in set_message
167   P Gowers       05-APR-1993    Add get_message_details, get_token_details
168   P Gowers       02-MAR-1993    Add set_message_token which translates token
169   P Gowers       20-JAN-1993    Big bang.
171   Sathkris       12-DEC-2008     Added get_icx_val function
174 */
176 --
177 -- Private Package variables
178 --
179    g_warning_flag   boolean default FALSE;
180    g_pipe_session   varchar2(30);
181    g_trace_coverage varchar2(1);  -- null (same as 'F'), 'F' or 'T'
183    -- DK 23-MAR-99 This feature is new
184    -- The default destination is DBMS_PIPE but may also be
185    -- 1. TRACE_FILE
186    -- 2. TBD ..
187    g_trace_dest   varchar2(30) default 'DBMS_PIPE';
189   -- [115.12 START] DH 23-AUG-1999
190   -- Performance changes for set_location
191   g_trace_on     BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- determines if trace is on
192   g_sl_x         INTEGER;
193   g_sl_mess_text VARCHAR2(200);
194   -- [115.12 END]
196   --
197   -- Error location variables - help to locate oracle errors
198   --
199   g_error_stage        number        := 0 ;
200   g_error_in_procedure varchar2(128) := null ;
201   g_error_stage_aol           varchar2(128) := null ;
202   g_error_in_procedure_aol    varchar2(128) := null ;
204   --  These variables are needed to support get_message and get_message_details
205   g_message_name   varchar2(30);
206   g_message_number number;
207   g_message_applid number;
208   g_msg_prefix     varchar2(30) := fnd_message.get_string('FND','AFDICT_APP_PREFIX');
210 -- NAME
211 --
212 --   who_called_me
213 --
215 --
216 --  Returns details of the invoking program unit call at a given depth
217 --  in the call stack.
218 --
220 --
221 --     str    OUT varchar2
222 --
223 --       String identifying line number in calling package
224 --         eg  HRENTMNT.LINE234
225 --
226 --     call_depth IN number
227 --
228 --       The depth from this function in the call stack for which details
229 --       are returned.
230 --
231 --            1  ME
232 --            2  MY Caller
233 --            3  Their Caller
234 --            4  Their Caller's Caller
235 --
236 -- NOTES
237 --
238 -- This procedure is taken from OWA_UTIL (privutil.sql) package - passing
239 -- a single out parameter and adding an additional parameter which reports
240 -- on the given invoker in the call stack.
241 -- Note this routine will not return the calling function if the current pl/sql
242 -- context was invokved via an RPC. Unfortunately this includes clients
243 -- with embedded pl/sql engines such as Forms and Reports.
244 -- See bugs 1011954, 505441 and 1089472 for details.
245 --
246 -- If this routine is public most clients will want call_depth 3 (the default)
247 -- supporting the use of this procedure embedded in a utility procedure and
248 -- returns the name of callers to that utility function.
249 --
250 -- The routine in this package which call WHO_CALLED_ME passes a call_depth
251 -- value of 4 because, for performance reasons, it is itself in a local
252 -- procedure of such a utility function (hr_utility.trace())
253 --
254 -- It doesn't look feasible to return the name of the PU within the calling
255 -- package so we return just the package name and line number. There may be
256 -- value in adding the version number of the package, or if called from
257 -- FastFormula the name of the formula.
258 --
259 --
260 procedure who_called_me (str        out nocopy varchar2,
261                          call_depth in number default 3) is
262 owner   varchar2(100);
263 name    varchar2(100);
264 lineno  number ;
265 caller_t varchar2(100);
267 call_stack  varchar2(4096);
268 n           number;
269 found_stack BOOLEAN default FALSE;
270 line        varchar2(255);
271 t           varchar2(255);
272 cnt         number := 0;
273 begin
274 --
276     --
277     -- If stack unavailable then return a tag indicating the current
278     -- pl/sql stack is the result of an RPC invocation.
279     -- See bugs 1011954, 505441 and 1089472.
280     --
281     call_stack  :=  dbms_utility.format_call_stack;
282     if ( call_stack is null ) then
283        str := 'RPC-CALL';
284        return;
285     end if;
287     loop
289 	n := instr( call_stack, fnd_global.local_chr(10) );
290 	exit when ( cnt = call_depth or n is NULL or n = 0 );
291 --
292 	line := substr( call_stack, 1, n-1 );
293 	call_stack := substr( call_stack, n+1 );
294 --
295 	if ( NOT found_stack ) then
296 	    if ( line like '%handle%number%name%' ) then
297 		found_stack := TRUE;
298 	    end if;
299 	else
300 	    cnt := cnt + 1;
301 	    if ( cnt = call_depth ) then
302 		-- Fix 718865
303 		--lineno := to_number(substr( line, 13, 6 ));
304 		--line   := substr( line, 21 );
305 		n := instr(line, ' ');
306 		if (n > 0)
307 		then
308 		    t := ltrim(substr(line, n));
309 		    n := instr(t, ' ');
310 		end if;
311 		if (n > 0)
312 		then
313 		   lineno := to_number(substr(t, 1, n - 1));
314 		   line := ltrim(substr(t, n));
315 		else
316 		    lineno := 0;
317 		end if;
318 		if ( line like 'pr%' ) then
319 		    n := length( 'procedure ' );
320 		elsif ( line like 'fun%' ) then
321 		    n := length( 'function ' );
322 		elsif ( line like 'package body%' ) then
323 		    n := length( 'package body ' );
324 		elsif ( line like 'pack%' ) then
325 		    n := length( 'package ' );
326 		else
327 		    n := length( 'anonymous block ' );
328 		end if;
329 		caller_t := ltrim(rtrim(upper(substr( line, 1, n-1 ))));
330 		line := substr( line, n );
331 		n := instr( line, '.' );
332 		owner := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, 1, n-1 )));
333 		name  := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, n+1 )));
334 	    end if;
335 	end if;
336     end loop;
338     str := name || '.LINE' || lineno ;
340 end who_called_me ;
342 procedure write_trace_file (p_text         in varchar2 )  is
343 pragma autonomous_transaction ;
344 begin
346    --
347    -- Write change to trace file
348    --
350    -- Bug 2367861
351    --
352    -- Passing an empty but not null string causes server core dump
353    -- in 9.0.1. The intent is to give a blank line in the output
354    -- which can be achieved with a space character.
355    --
359    -- safe - particularly when there is the alternative of AOL's log feature
356    -- 13-MAY-2002 - add length restriction. ksdwrt max length is undocumented
357    -- 1100 can cause a coredump, 900 seems to work but for the use for which
358    -- hr_utility.trace() was originally designed, truncating at 255 seems
360    -- allows 4000 characters
361    --
362    sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(1,substr(nvl(p_text,' '),1,255));
364    --
365    -- Flush changes immediately. Potentially slow  ??
366    --
367    sys.dbms_system.ksdfls;
368 end;
369 --
370 ---------------------------------- trace ------------------------------
371 /*
372   NAME
373     trace - output text string (if tracing on)
374 */
375   procedure trace_local(trace_data in varchar2)  is
376   l_x      integer;
377   l_caller varchar2(100);
378   begin
380     --
381     --Optimize for fnd_log - uncomment if required
382     --
383     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level <= fnd_log.level_statement
384     then
385     --
387       who_called_me(l_caller,4);
389       -- A couple of modules call hr_trace('') in order to separate groups of
390       -- related trace() calls. As it stands fnd_log.string won't accept a
391       -- null value but instead raises an ORA-1400 with no fnd_message
392       -- context back to forms. fnd_log.string will accept a ' ' however
393       -- it seems risky to leave that in case the routine rtrims. For now
394       -- we pass a '.' and may file bug.
396       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,
397                      lower('per.plsql.'||l_caller),
398                      nvl(trace_data,'.'));
399     --
400     --Optimize for fnd_log - uncomment if required
401     --
402     end if;
403     --
405     --  output information to pipe if tracing is enabled
406     if g_pipe_session is not null then
407        if g_trace_dest = 'DBMS_PIPE'
408        then
409            dbms_pipe.pack_message( trace_data );
410            l_x := dbms_pipe.send_message( pipename => g_pipe_session,
411                           timeout  => PIPE_PUT_TIMEOUT );
412            if ( l_x <> 0 ) then
414            -- Don't call other functions here if they call trace
415            -- Set a message so that the error is visible in forms.
416            fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_51356_UTILITY_PIPE_TIMEOUT');
417                fnd_message.raise_error ;
419                end if;
421        elsif g_trace_dest = 'DBMS_OUTPUT'  then
423               -- DK 14-MAY-2002 Truncate at 255 to prevent error
424               dbms_output.put_line(substr(trace_data,1,255));
425 --
426        elsif g_trace_dest = 'PAY_LOG'  then
427 --
428           pay_proc_logging.PY_LOG_TXT(
429                      p_logging_type => pay_proc_logging.PY_HRTRACE,
430                      p_print_string => substr(trace_data,1,3000));
431 --
432        else
434          write_trace_file(trace_data);
436        end if;
437     end if;
438   end trace_local;
440   procedure trace (trace_data in varchar2) is
441   pragma autonomous_transaction ;
442   begin
444     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level > fnd_log.level_statement
445        and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on
446     then
447       return ;
448     else
449       trace_local(trace_data);
450     end if;
452   end trace;
453 ---------------------------------- trace_on ------------------------------
454 /*
455   NAME
456     trace_on - enables output to debugging pipe
459     If the session_identifier is not entered then the name of the pipe
460     defaults to PIPE<session_id>.
461     Otherwise it is set in the following way
463     PID   - PID<process id>.
464       'process id' is the PID column from v$process
466     REQID - REQID<conc. request id>.
467       'conc. request id' is taken from the CONC_REQUEST_ID profile option
470     WEB   - WEB<icx session id>
471       'icx session id' is taken from ICX_SESSIONS
473     If any other value is passed then this is used as the pipe name.
475     Ideally a pipe receiver should be started before running this statement.
476     Note that an unmonitored client process will hang once the default max
477     pipesize has been reached. This is currently 8192 bytes.
478     The timeout period for unread pipes is set to PIPE_PUT_TIMEOUT seconds
480    NOTES
481     In order to allow this routine to be called from Forms which uses
482     PL/SQL v1 overloads and a private implementation are used to handle
483     the defaulting
484 */
485   procedure private_trace_on(trace_mode         in varchar2 default null,
486                  session_identifier in varchar2 default null ) is
488   --Retrieves the session_id value from ICX_SESSIONS. As web server is only
489   --optionally installed need to use DBMS_SQL
490   function get_web_id return number is
491   l_cursor   integer;
492   l_retval   varchar2(40) := 'NULL'; -- Need to initialize
493   l_ignore   number ;
494   begin
496     l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor ;
497     dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor,
498            'begin :retval := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.pv_session_id);end;',
502     dbms_sql.variable_value(l_cursor,':retval' , l_retval ) ;
499             dbms_sql.v7);
500     dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cursor,':retval',l_retval);
501     l_ignore := dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor);
504     return( fnd_number.canonical_to_number(l_retval) ) ;
506   end get_web_id ;
508   -- Retrieves the current process id from V$PROCESS
509   function get_process_id return number is
510   l_retval number := null ;
511   cursor getpid is
512   select p.pid
513   from   v$process p,
514      v$session s
515   where  s.paddr = p.addr
516   and    s.audsid = userenv('sessionid');
517   begin
519      open  getpid;
520      fetch getpid into l_retval ;
521      close getpid ;
523      return ( l_retval ) ;
525   end get_process_id ;
528   begin
530      if ( session_identifier is null )
531      then
533        select 'PIPE' || userenv('sessionid')
534        into   g_pipe_session
535        from   dual;
537      elsif ( session_identifier = 'PID' )
538      then
541        g_pipe_session := session_identifier||to_char(get_process_id);
543      elsif ( session_identifier = 'REQID' )
544      then
546        g_pipe_session := session_identifier||fnd_profile.value('CONC_REQUEST_ID');
548      elsif ( session_identifier = 'WEB' )
549      then
551        g_pipe_session := session_identifier||to_char(get_web_id) ;
553      else
555        g_pipe_session := session_identifier ;
557      end if;
559      g_trace_coverage := trace_mode;
561      -- [115.12 START] DH 23-AUG-1999
562      -- set the global TRACE BOOLEAN indicator to TRUE
563      g_trace_on := TRUE;
564      -- [115.12 END]
566   end private_trace_on;
567   procedure trace_on is
568   begin
569      private_trace_on;
570   end trace_on ;
571   procedure trace_on (trace_mode     in varchar2 ) is
572   begin
573      private_trace_on(trace_mode) ;
574   end trace_on ;
575   procedure trace_on (trace_mode         in varchar2 ,
576               session_identifier in varchar2 ) is
577   begin
578      private_trace_on(trace_mode,session_identifier) ;
579   end trace_on ;
580 ---------------------------------- trace_off ------------------------------
581 /*
582   NAME
583     trace_off - disables output to debugging pipe
585     don't use until a pipe receiver has been started
586 */
587   procedure trace_off is
588   begin
589     g_pipe_session := null;
591     -- [115.12 START] DH 23-AUG-1999
592     -- set the global TRACE BOOLEAN indicator to FALSE
593     g_trace_on := FALSE;
594     -- [115.12 END]
596   end trace_off;
597 ---------------------------------- hr_error ----------------------------------
598 /*
599   NAME
600     hr_error  -  Returns the equivalent sqlcode of hr_error exception
602     Needed because forms 3.0/4.0 cannot handle package exception 'hr_error'
603   function hr_error return number is
604   begin
605     return HR_ERROR_NUMBER;
606   end hr_error;
607 */
608 -------------------------- set_location_hr_trace_internal ----------------------
609 /*
610   NAME
611     set_location_hr_trace_internal
613     Sets package variables to store location name and stage number which
614     enables unexpected errors to be located more easily
615     This procedure incorporates the trace procedure for performance reasons
616 */
617   -- [115.16 START] PW 05-SEP-2001
618   -- This code was moved from local procedure set_location_trace declared
619   -- in procedure set_location to enable it to be called from log_at..
620   -- procedures
622   PROCEDURE set_location_hr_trace_internal IS
623   BEGIN
624     hr_utility.g_sl_mess_text := RPAD(hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure,72)||
625                               TO_CHAR(hr_utility.g_error_stage);
626     IF hr_utility.g_trace_dest = 'DBMS_PIPE' THEN
627       dbms_pipe.pack_message(hr_utility.g_sl_mess_text);
628       hr_utility.g_sl_x := dbms_pipe.send_message
629                              (pipename => hr_utility.g_pipe_session
630                              ,timeout  => PIPE_PUT_TIMEOUT);
631       IF (hr_utility.g_sl_x <> 0) THEN
632         -- Don't call other functions here if they call trace
633         -- Set a message so that the error is visible in forms.
634         fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_51356_UTILITY_PIPE_TIMEOUT');
635         fnd_message.raise_error ;
636       END IF;
637     ELSIF hr_utility.g_trace_dest = 'DBMS_OUTPUT' THEN
638       dbms_output.put_line(hr_utility.g_sl_mess_text);
639 --
640     ELSIF hr_utility.g_trace_dest = 'PAY_LOG'  then
641 --
642           pay_proc_logging.PY_LOG_TXT(
643                      p_logging_type => pay_proc_logging.PY_HRTRACE,
644                      p_print_string => substr(hr_utility.g_sl_mess_text,1,3000));
645 --
646     ELSE
647       write_trace_file(hr_utility.g_sl_mess_text);
648     END IF;
649   END set_location_hr_trace_internal;
650 -------------------------------- set_location --------------------------------
651 /*
652   NAME
653     set_location
657     This procedure incorporates the trace procedure for performance reasons
655     Sets package variables to store location name and stage number which
656     enables unexpected errors to be located more easily
658 */
659   -- [115.12 START] DH 23-AUG-1999
660   -- The set_location procedure has been re-written for performance
661   -- no local variables are initialised
662   -- all global package variables are fully qualified
663   -- the new sub-procedure set_location_trace is only called
664   -- when trace is on.
665   PROCEDURE set_location (procedure_name IN VARCHAR2, stage IN NUMBER) IS
666     -- sub-procedure for AOL Logging
667     PROCEDURE set_location_trace IS
668     BEGIN
669       if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level<=fnd_log.level_procedure then
671         --
672         -- 4192532 Callers to set_location may be passing in very long
673         -- text strings for the procedure_name param. In these cases the
674         -- hr_utility.trace() should have been used instead.
675         -- Defensively we truncate the procedure_name at 128 characters
676         -- which should be long enough for correct use of set_location()
677         --
678         hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure_aol
679                    := substr(LTRIM(procedure_name),1,128);
681         if SUBSTR(hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure_aol,1,10)
682                       ='Entering: ' then
683           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_procedure,'per.plsql.'
684           ||LTRIM(SUBSTR(hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure_aol,11))
685           ||'.entering',to_char(stage));
686         elsif SUBSTR(hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure_aol,1,9)
687                       ='Leaving: ' then
688           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_procedure,'per.plsql.'
689           ||LTRIM(SUBSTR(hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure_aol,10))
690           ||'.leaving',to_char(stage));
691         elsif fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level <=fnd_log.level_statement then
692           hr_utility.g_error_stage_aol := TO_CHAR(stage);
693           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,
694           'per.plsql.'||hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure_aol
695           ||'.'||hr_utility.g_error_stage_aol,
696           hr_utility.g_error_stage_aol);
697         end if;
698       end if;
699       if hr_utility.g_trace_on THEN
700         hr_utility.g_error_stage := stage;
702         -- 4192532
703         hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure := substr(procedure_name,1,128);
705         hr_utility.set_location_hr_trace_internal;
706       end if;
707     END set_location_trace;
708   BEGIN
709     -- Check for Logging
710     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level>fnd_log.level_procedure
711        and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on then
712       RETURN;
713     else
714       set_location_trace;
715     END IF;
716   END set_location;
717   -- [115.12 END]
718 ----------------------------- clear_message --------------------------------
719 /*
720   NAME
721     clear_message
723     Clears message globals
724 */
725   procedure clear_message is
726   begin
728     hr_utility.g_message_number := null;
729     hr_utility.g_message_name   := null;
730     fnd_message.clear ;
732   end clear_message;
733 -------------------------------- set_message --------------------------------
734 /*
735   NAME
736     set_message
738     Calls FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME and sets the message name and application id as
739     package globals.
741 */
742   procedure set_message (applid in number, l_message_name in varchar2) is
743   --
744   begin
746     g_message_name   := l_message_name;
747     g_message_applid := applid;
748     --
749     fnd_message.set_name( hr_general.get_application_short_name(applid),
750               l_message_name );
752   end set_message;
753 --
754 ------------------------------ set_message_token ------------------------------
755 /*
756   NAME
757     set_message_token
759     Sets message token. Just calls AOL routine.
760 */
761   procedure set_message_token (l_token_name in varchar2,
762                                l_token_value in varchar2) is
763   begin
765     fnd_message.set_token(l_token_name, l_token_value, translate => false );
767   end set_message_token;
768 ------------------------------ set_message_token ------------------------------
769 /*
770   NAME
771     set_message_token
773     Overloaded: Sets up a translated message token
774     Note that the application id passed a parameter is ignored. The FND_MESSAGE
775     routine uses the application of the last message that was set.
776 */
777   procedure set_message_token (l_applid        in number,
778                                l_token_name    in varchar2,
779                                l_token_message in varchar2)
780   is
781   begin
783     fnd_message.set_token(l_token_name,l_token_message, translate => true );
785   end set_message_token;
786 -------------------------------- get_message --------------------------------
787 /*
788   NAME
792     FND_MESSAGE.GET in that it prefixes the text with 'APP-nnnnn' where
789     get_message
791     Assembles the current message text and returns it. This is different to
793     nnnnn is the zero padded message number
795     Note that after calling the FND get routines we put the message back
796     onto the 'stack' so that the routine can be called more than once.
798 */
799   function get_message return varchar2 is
801   l_msg_encoded varchar2(2048) ;
802   l_msg_appl    varchar2(40) ;
803   l_msg_name    varchar2(80) ;
804   l_msg_number  number ;
805   l_pos1        number ;
806   l_pos2        number ;
807   l_msg_text    varchar2(2048) ;
809   begin
811     -- After retrieving the message it mut be set again so that
812     -- subsequent calls to 'get' routines work.
813     --
814     l_msg_encoded := fnd_message.get_encoded ;
815     fnd_message.set_encoded(l_msg_encoded);
817     if ( l_msg_encoded is null )
818     then
819        return null;
820     end if;
823     -- Extract the message application and name from the encoded string
824     -- so that we can get the message number for display purposes.
825     l_pos1       := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12));
826     l_pos2       := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12),1,2);
827     l_msg_appl   := substrb(l_msg_encoded,1,l_pos1 -1 );
828     l_msg_name   := substrb(l_msg_encoded,
829                             l_pos1 +1,
830                             l_pos2 - l_pos1 - 1);
831     l_msg_number := fnd_message.get_number(l_msg_appl,l_msg_name);
834     if ( l_msg_number is null or l_msg_number = 0 ) then
836       l_msg_text := fnd_message.get ;
838     else
840        -- Assemble the message in the form 'APP-nnnnn : message text'
841        -- The number of zeros is AFD_MSG_NUM_BYTES
842        l_msg_text := g_msg_prefix||'-'||to_char(l_msg_number,'FM00000')||' '
843                               ||fnd_message.get;
845     end if;
847     -- Put the message back so that it is available in other contexts
848     fnd_message.set_encoded(l_msg_encoded);
850     return(l_msg_text) ;
852   end get_message;
853 ---------------------------- get_message_details ----------------------------
854 /*
855   NAME
856     get_message_details
858     Gets the name and the application short name of the message last set
859     Ideally would use FND_MESSAGE.RETRIEVE but this is AOL only at present.
860 */
861   procedure get_message_details (msg_name in out nocopy varchar2,
862                                  msg_appl in out nocopy varchar2) is
863   begin
864     msg_appl := 'FND';
865     if hr_utility.g_message_name is null then
866        msg_name := 'NO_MESSAGE';
867     else
868        msg_name := g_message_name;
869        msg_appl := hr_general.get_application_short_name(g_message_applid) ;
870     end if;
871   end get_message_details;
872 -------------------------------- set_warning --------------------------------
873 /*
874   NAME
875     set_warning
877     Sets the package warning flag to indicate that a warning has occurred
878 */
879   procedure set_warning is
880   begin
881     g_warning_flag:=TRUE;
882   end set_warning;
883 -------------------------------- check_warning --------------------------------
884 /*
885   NAME
886     check_warning
888     Returns the value of the warning flag
889 */
890   function check_warning return boolean is
891   begin
892     return g_warning_flag;
893   end check_warning;
894 -------------------------------- clear_warning --------------------------------
895 /*
896   NAME
897     clear_warning
899     Resets the package warning flag
900 */
901   procedure clear_warning is
902   begin
903     g_warning_flag:=FALSE;
904   end clear_warning;
905 -------------------------------- oracle_error --------------------------------
906 /*
907   NAME
908     oracle_error
910     Sets generic oracle error message and passes the sqlcode, and error
911     location information
912 */
913   procedure oracle_error (oracode in number) is
914   begin
915     set_message (801,'HR_ORACLE_ERROR');
916     set_message_token ('PROCEDURE', g_error_in_procedure);
917     set_message_token ('TABLE', to_char(g_error_stage));
918     set_message_token ('ORA_MESG', 'ORA' || to_char(oracode));
919     -- reset error location information
920     g_error_stage:=0;
921     g_error_in_procedure:= null;
922   exception
923     -- this gets called from top level exception handler, so never want
924     -- to leave this function with an exception, otherwise we will always
925     -- get 'Unhandled exception' error
926     when others then
927       null;
928   end oracle_error;
929 -------------------------------- raise_error --------------------------------
930 /*
931   NAME
932     raise_error
934     Performs raise_application_error but always with the same error number
938   begin
935     HR_ERROR_NUMBER for consistency
936 */
937   procedure raise_error is
939     raise_application_error (hr_utility.hr_error_number, hr_utility.get_message);
940 --    app_exception.raise_exception;
941   end raise_error;
942 -------------------------------- fnd_insert --------------------------------
943 /*
944   NAME
945     fnd_insert
947     Inserts a row into FND_SESSIONS for the date passed for the current
948     session id
949 */
950   procedure fnd_insert (l_effective_date in date) is
951   begin
952      insert into fnd_sessions (session_id, effective_date)
953      values (userenv('SESSIONID'), trunc(l_effective_date));
954   end fnd_insert;
956 -------------------------------- read_trace_pipe  -----------------------------
957 /*
958   NAME
959     read_trace_pipe
961     Reads the next message from the named pipe.
963     If the pipename is PIPEnnnn then after the given timeout period.
964     The routine will check whether the corresponding session still
965     exists. Support for other types may be added later.
969        p_pipename      Name of the pipe
970        p_timeout       Timeout period. When it is reached the routine
971                will check whether the given session still exists.
972        p_status        The return status from DBMS_PIPE.RECEIEVE_MESSAGE
973        p_retval        The text retrieved from the pipe
974 */
975 -- See header - this overload provided to w/a NT bug.
976 procedure read_trace_pipe(p_pipename in varchar2,
977                           p_status   in out nocopy number,
978                           p_retval   in out nocopy varchar2 ) is
979 begin
980    read_trace_pipe(p_pipename,
981                    PIPE_READ_TIMEOUT,
982                    p_status,
983                    p_retval ) ;
984 end read_trace_pipe;
986 procedure read_trace_pipe(p_pipename in varchar2,
987                           p_timeout  in number,
988                           p_status   in out nocopy number,
989                           p_retval   in out nocopy varchar2 ) is
990 s       integer;
991 t       integer;
992 num     number;
993 dt      date;
994 chr     varchar2(2000);
995 l_dummy varchar2(2000);
997 cursor get_session is
998 select 1
999 from   v$session
1000 where  audsid = replace(p_pipename,'PIPE')
1001 and    status <> 'KILLED' ;
1003 begin
1004  chr := null;
1005  loop
1006     s := dbms_pipe.receive_message(p_pipename,p_timeout);
1007      if ( (s = 1) and (p_pipename like 'PIPE%')) then
1008        open get_session ;
1009        fetch get_session into l_dummy ;
1010        if get_session%notfound then
1011           close get_session ;
1012           exit ;
1013        else
1014           close get_session ;
1015        end if;
1016     else
1017        exit ;
1018     end if    ;
1019   end loop ;
1021   if s = 0 then
1022     t := 0;
1023     t := dbms_pipe.next_item_type;
1024     if t = 9 then
1025        dbms_pipe.unpack_message(chr);
1026     elsif t = 6 then
1027        dbms_pipe.unpack_message(num);
1028        chr := fnd_number.number_to_canonical(num);
1029     elsif t = 12 then
1030        dbms_pipe.unpack_message(dt);
1031        chr := to_char(dt);
1032     end if;
1033   end if;
1035   p_status := s;
1036   p_retval := chr;
1038 end read_trace_pipe;
1039 --
1040 -------------------------------- read_trace_table -----------------------------
1041 /*
1042   NAME
1043     read_trace_table
1045     Reads the next message from the named pipe into a PL/SQL table.
1047     If the pipename is PIPEnnnn then after the given timeout period.
1048     The routine will check whether the corresponding session still
1049     exists. Support for other types may be added later.
1053        p_pipename      Name of the pipe
1054        p_status        The return status from DBMS_PIPE.RECEIEVE_MESSAGE
1055        p_retval        The text PL/SQL table containing the messages
1056        p_messages      The maximum number of entries that should be placed
1057                        in the PL/SQL table.
1058        p_cnt_mess      The number of entries actually created in PL/SQL
1059                        table.
1060 */
1061 procedure read_trace_table(p_pipename in varchar2,
1062                            p_status   in out nocopy number,
1063                            p_retval   in out nocopy t_varchar180,
1064                            p_messages in number,
1065                            p_cnt_mess in out nocopy number ) is
1066 s       integer;
1067 t       integer;
1068 num     number;
1069 dt      date;
1070 stri    varchar2(2000);
1071 l_dummy varchar2(2000);
1072 l_rettab t_varchar180;
1073 int_cnt number;
1074 complete boolean;
1075 --
1076 cursor get_session is
1077 select 1
1078 from   v$session
1079 where  audsid = replace(p_pipename,'PIPE')
1080 and    status <> 'KILLED' ;
1081 --
1082 begin
1083  l_rettab.delete;
1084  int_cnt := 0;
1085  complete := FALSE;
1086  while (complete = FALSE) loop
1090      if ( (s = 1) and (p_pipename like 'PIPE%')) then
1087 --
1088     int_cnt := int_cnt + 1;
1089     s := dbms_pipe.receive_message(p_pipename,5);
1091        open get_session ;
1092        fetch get_session into l_dummy ;
1093        if get_session%notfound then
1094           close get_session ;
1095           s := 6;
1096        else
1097           close get_session ;
1098        end if;
1099      end if;
1101      if s = 0 then
1102        t := 0;
1103        t := dbms_pipe.next_item_type;
1104        if t = 9 then
1105           dbms_pipe.unpack_message(stri);
1106           l_rettab(int_cnt) := substr(stri, 1, 180);
1107        elsif t = 6 then
1108           dbms_pipe.unpack_message(num);
1109           l_rettab(int_cnt) := substr(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(num), 1, 180);
1110        elsif t = 12 then
1111           dbms_pipe.unpack_message(dt);
1112           l_rettab(int_cnt) := substr(to_char(dt), 1, 180);
1113        end if;
1114      end if;
1115 --
1116      if (int_cnt = p_messages) then
1117         complete := TRUE;
1118      else
1119        if (s <> 0) then
1120          complete := TRUE;
1121        end if;
1122      end if;
1123   end loop;
1124 --
1125   p_status := s;
1126   p_retval := l_rettab;
1127   p_cnt_mess := l_rettab.count;
1128 --
1129 end read_trace_table;
1130 -------------------------------- get_trace_id  --------------------------------
1131 /*
1132   NAME
1133     get_trace_id
1135     Returns the name of the PIPE that HR trace statements are written
1136     to.
1137 */
1138   function get_trace_id return varchar2 is
1139   begin
1141      return ( g_pipe_session ) ;
1143   end get_trace_id ;
1144 -------------------------------- trace_udf  --------------------------------
1145 /*
1146   NAME
1147     trace_udf
1149     Performs the same as trace() but written as a fuction to allow it
1150     to be used as a UDF.
1151     Returns the value 'TRUE' if tracing is enabled otherwise 'FALSE'
1152 */
1153   function trace_udf (trace_data in varchar2) return varchar2 is
1154   retval boolean ;
1155   pragma autonomous_transaction ;
1156   begin
1159      --
1160      -- 13-MAY-2002 Check for AOL logging being enabled.
1161      -- replicates logic of trace() so that trace_local() can
1162      -- be called directly.
1163      --
1164      retval := (fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level = 1) or hr_utility.g_trace_on ;
1166      if (retval) then
1167        trace_local(trace_data) ;
1168      end if;
1170      return( hr_general.bool_to_char(retval) ) ;
1172   end trace_udf ;
1174 -------------------------------- chk_product_install -------------------------
1175 /*
1176   NAME
1177     chk_product_install
1179     Checks whether the product specified is installed for the legislation
1180     specified
1182     p_product      Short name of the application e.g. PAY,PER,...
1183     p_legislation  Legislation code(US,GB...)
1184 */
1185 function chk_product_install (
1186         p_product             VARCHAR2,
1187         p_legislation         VARCHAR2,
1188         p_language            VARCHAR2) return boolean is
1190 --
1192 v_chk         VARCHAR2(1);
1193 l_short_name  VARCHAR2(10);
1194 v_language    VARCHAR2(1);
1196 begin
1198    if p_product = 'Oracle Payroll' then
1199        l_short_name := 'PAY';
1200     elsif p_product = 'Oracle Human Resources' then
1201        l_short_name := 'PER';
1202     else
1203        l_short_name := p_product;
1204     end if;
1207     select 'x'
1208     into   v_chk
1209     from   hr_legislation_installations
1210     where  l_short_name=application_short_name
1211     and    nvl(p_legislation,'x')=nvl(legislation_code,'x')
1212     and    (status='I' or action is not NULL);
1214     if v_chk = 'x' then
1215        return(true);
1216     else
1217        return(false);
1218     end if;
1220   exception
1221   when no_data_found then
1222           return(false);
1224 --
1225 end chk_product_install;
1226 --
1227 function chk_product_install (
1228         p_product             VARCHAR2,
1229         p_legislation         VARCHAR2
1230                              ) return boolean is
1231 begin
1232 --
1233     return(chk_product_install(p_product, p_legislation, 'US'));
1234 --
1235 end chk_product_install;
1237 procedure set_trace_options (p_options         in varchar2 ) is
1238 l_trace_dest varchar2(80) := 'TRACE_DEST:' ;
1239 begin
1240    if (instr(p_options,l_trace_dest) = 1 )
1241    then
1242       g_trace_dest := replace(p_options,l_trace_dest);
1244       -- DK 99-09-24
1245       -- If the user has set dbms_output then
1246       -- we set the buffer to be the maximum size. Ideally
1247       -- the buffer size would only be set if it was the default
1248       -- size but there doesn't seem to be an easy way of doing that
1249       --
1250       if ( g_trace_dest = 'DBMS_OUTPUT' )
1251       then
1255    end if;
1252          dbms_output.enable(1000000);
1253       end if;
1256 end;
1258 ---------------------------- log_at_statement_level -------------------------
1259 /*
1260   NAME
1261       log_at_statement_level
1265       Used for low level logging messages giving maximum detail
1266       Example:  Copying string from buffer xyz to buffer zyx
1270     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
1272     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
1273                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
1275     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
1276             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
1277             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
1278             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
1279             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
1280             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
1281             within a routine.
1282             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
1283             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
1284             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
1285             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
1286             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
1287             validation code might have several log calls in different places
1288             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
1289             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
1290             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
1291             though they all exist in different code locations.
1292             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
1293                       myfeature.done_exec
1295     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
1296               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
1297               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
1298               code execution.
1299               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
1300 */
1301 procedure log_at_statement_level
1302                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
1303                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
1304                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
1305                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null ) IS
1306   PROCEDURE set_location_trace IS
1307   BEGIN
1308     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level<=fnd_log.level_statement then
1309       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,lower(p_product||'.plsql.'
1310                  ||p_procedure_name)||'.'||p_label,nvl(p_message,p_label));
1311     end if;
1312     if hr_utility.g_trace_on THEN
1313       hr_utility.g_error_stage := p_label;
1314       hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure := p_procedure_name;
1315       hr_utility.set_location_hr_trace_internal;
1316     end if;
1317   END set_location_trace;
1318 BEGIN
1319   -- Check for Logging
1320   if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level>fnd_log.level_statement
1321      and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on then
1322     RETURN;
1323   else
1324     set_location_trace;
1325   END IF;
1326 END log_at_statement_level;
1327 ---------------------------- log_at_procedure_level -------------------------
1328 /*
1329   NAME
1330       log_at_procedure_level
1334       Used to log messages called upon entry and/or exit from a routine
1335       Example:  Entering routine fdllov()
1339     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
1341     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
1342                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
1344     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
1345             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
1346             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
1347             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
1348             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
1349             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
1350             within a routine.
1351             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
1352             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
1353             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
1354             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
1355             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
1356             validation code might have several log calls in different places
1357             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
1358             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
1359             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
1360             though they all exist in different code locations.
1361             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
1362                       myfeature.done_exec
1367               code execution.
1364     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
1365               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
1366               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
1368               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
1369 */
1370 procedure log_at_procedure_level
1371                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
1372                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
1373                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
1374                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null ) IS
1375   PROCEDURE set_location_trace IS
1376   BEGIN
1377     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level<=fnd_log.level_procedure then
1378       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_procedure,lower(p_product||'.plsql.'
1379                  ||p_procedure_name)||'.'||p_label,nvl(p_message,p_label));
1380     end if;
1381     if hr_utility.g_trace_on THEN
1382       hr_utility.g_error_stage := p_label;
1383       hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure := p_procedure_name;
1384       hr_utility.set_location_hr_trace_internal;
1385     end if;
1386   END set_location_trace;
1387 BEGIN
1388   -- Check for Logging
1389   if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level>fnd_log.level_procedure
1390      and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on then
1391     RETURN;
1392   else
1393     set_location_trace;
1394   END IF;
1395 END log_at_procedure_level;
1396 -------------------------------- log_at_event_level -------------------------
1397 /*
1398   NAME
1399       log_at_event_level
1403       Used for high level logging message
1404       Examples: User pressed "Abort" button
1405                 Beginning establishment of apps security session
1409     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
1411     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
1412                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
1414     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
1415             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
1416             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
1417             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
1418             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
1419             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
1420             within a routine.
1421             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
1422             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
1423             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
1424             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
1425             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
1426             validation code might have several log calls in different places
1427             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
1428             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
1429             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
1430             though they all exist in different code locations.
1431             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
1432                       myfeature.done_exec
1434     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
1435               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
1436               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
1437               code execution.
1438               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
1439 */
1440 procedure log_at_event_level
1441                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
1442                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
1443                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
1444                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null ) IS
1445   PROCEDURE set_location_trace IS
1446   BEGIN
1447     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level<=fnd_log.level_event then
1448       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_event,lower(p_product||'.plsql.'
1449                  ||p_procedure_name)||'.'||p_label,nvl(p_message,p_label));
1450     end if;
1451     if hr_utility.g_trace_on THEN
1452       hr_utility.g_error_stage := p_label;
1453       hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure := p_procedure_name;
1454       hr_utility.set_location_hr_trace_internal;
1455     end if;
1456   END set_location_trace;
1457 BEGIN
1458   -- Check for Logging
1459   if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level>fnd_log.level_event
1460      and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on then
1461     RETURN;
1462   else
1463     set_location_trace;
1464   END IF;
1465 END log_at_event_level;
1466 ----------------------------- log_at_exception_level -------------------------
1467 /*
1468   NAME
1469       log_at_exception_level
1473       Used to to log a message when an internal routine is returning a failure
1474       code or exception, but the error does not necessarily indicate a
1475       problem at the user's level.
1477       Examples: Profile ABC not found,
1478                 Networking routine XYZ could not connect; retrying.
1479                 File not found (in a low-level file routine)
1480                 Database error (in a low-level database routine like afupi)
1483     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
1485     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
1486                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
1488     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
1489             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
1490             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
1491             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
1492             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
1493             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
1494             within a routine.
1495             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
1496             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
1497             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
1498             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
1499             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
1500             validation code might have several log calls in different places
1501             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
1502             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
1503             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
1504             though they all exist in different code locations.
1505             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
1506                       myfeature.done_exec
1508     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
1509               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
1510               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
1511               code execution.
1512               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
1513 */
1514 procedure log_at_exception_level
1515                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
1516                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
1517                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
1518                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null ) IS
1519   PROCEDURE set_location_trace IS
1520   BEGIN
1521     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level<=fnd_log.level_exception then
1522       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_exception,lower(p_product||'.plsql.'
1523                  ||p_procedure_name)||'.'||p_label,nvl(p_message,p_label));
1524     end if;
1525     if hr_utility.g_trace_on THEN
1526       hr_utility.g_error_stage := p_label;
1527       hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure := p_procedure_name;
1528       hr_utility.set_location_hr_trace_internal;
1529     end if;
1530   END set_location_trace;
1531 BEGIN
1532   -- Check for Logging
1533   if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level>fnd_log.level_exception
1534      and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on then
1535     RETURN;
1536   else
1537     set_location_trace;
1538   END IF;
1539 END log_at_exception_level;
1540 -------------------------------- log_at_error_level -------------------------
1541 /*
1542   NAME
1543       log_at_error_level
1545       An error message to the user; logged automatically by Message
1546       Dict calls to "Error()" routines, but can also be logged
1547       by other code.
1549       Examples: User entered a duplicate value for field XYZ
1550                 Invalid apps username or password at Signon screen.
1551                 Function not available
1555     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
1557     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
1558                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
1560     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
1561             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
1562             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
1563             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
1564             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
1565             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
1566             within a routine.
1567             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
1568             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
1569             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
1570             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
1571             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
1572             validation code might have several log calls in different places
1573             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
1574             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
1575             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
1576             though they all exist in different code locations.
1577             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
1578                       myfeature.done_exec
1580     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
1581               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
1582               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
1583               code execution.
1587                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
1584               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
1585 */
1586 procedure log_at_error_level
1588                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
1589                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
1590                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null ) IS
1591   PROCEDURE set_location_trace IS
1592   BEGIN
1593     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level<=fnd_log.level_error then
1594       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_error,lower(p_product||'.plsql.'
1595                  ||p_procedure_name)||'.'||p_label,nvl(p_message,p_label));
1596     end if;
1597     if hr_utility.g_trace_on THEN
1598       hr_utility.g_error_stage := p_label;
1599       hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure := p_procedure_name;
1600       hr_utility.set_location_hr_trace_internal;
1601     end if;
1602   END set_location_trace;
1603 BEGIN
1604   -- Check for Logging
1605   if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level>fnd_log.level_error
1606      and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on then
1607     RETURN;
1608   else
1609     set_location_trace;
1610   END IF;
1611 END log_at_error_level;
1612 ----------------------------- log_at_unexpected_level -----------------------
1613 /*
1614   NAME
1615       log_at_unexpected_level
1619       An unexpected situation occurred which is likely to indicate
1620       or cause instabilities in the runtime behavior, and which
1621       the System Administrator needs to take action on.
1622       Note to developers: Think very carefully before logging
1623       messages at this level; Administrators are going to get worried
1624       and file high priority bugs if your code logs at this level
1625       frequently.
1627       Examples: Out of memory, Required file not found, Data integrity error
1628                 Network integrity error, Internal error, Fatal database error
1632     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
1634     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
1635                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
1637     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
1638             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
1639             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
1640             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
1641             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
1642             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
1643             within a routine.
1644             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
1645             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
1646             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
1647             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
1648             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
1649             validation code might have several log calls in different places
1650             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
1651             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
1652             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
1653             though they all exist in different code locations.
1654             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
1655                       myfeature.done_exec
1657     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
1658               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
1659               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
1660               code execution.
1661               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
1662 */
1663 procedure log_at_unexpected_level
1664                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
1665                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
1666                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
1667                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null ) IS
1668   PROCEDURE set_location_trace IS
1669   BEGIN
1670     if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level<=fnd_log.level_unexpected then
1671       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_unexpected,lower(p_product||'.plsql.'
1672                  ||p_procedure_name)||'.'||p_label,nvl(p_message,p_label));
1673     end if;
1674     if hr_utility.g_trace_on THEN
1675       hr_utility.g_error_stage := p_label;
1676       hr_utility.g_error_in_procedure := p_procedure_name;
1677       hr_utility.set_location_hr_trace_internal;
1678     end if;
1679   END set_location_trace;
1680 BEGIN
1681   -- Check for Logging
1682   if fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level>fnd_log.level_unexpected
1683      and NOT hr_utility.g_trace_on then
1684     RETURN;
1685   else
1686     set_location_trace;
1687   END IF;
1688 END log_at_unexpected_level;
1690 -------------------------------- switch_logging_on -------------------------
1691 /*
1692   NAME
1693     switch_logging_on
1697     Turns on AOL debug message logging at specified level when not using
1698     standard applications login (eg sqlplus session). Logging is enabled
1699     for a user by setting user profile options. The user and responsibility
1700     can be specified with p_user_id and p_responsibility_id .If p_user_id
1701     is not specified the user will default to SYSADMIN. If p_responsibility_id
1702     is not specified the responsibility will default to the first
1703     responsibility in the list of responsibilities for the user ordered by
1704     responsibility_id.
1708     p_logging_level:       possible values: FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED
1709                                             FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR
1710                                             FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION
1711                                             FND_LOG.LEVEL_EVENT
1712                                             FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE
1713                                             FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
1714                            default is FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
1715     p_user_id:                 user id for which logging will be enabled
1716     p_responsibility_id:       responsibility id for which logging will
1717                                be enabled
1718 */
1720 procedure switch_logging_on
1721                 (p_logging_level     in number default fnd_log.level_statement
1722                 ,p_user_id           in number default null
1723                 ,p_responsibility_id in number default null) is
1724     --
1725     -- we'll be updating user profile values so use an autonomous transaction
1726     pragma autonomous_transaction;
1727     --
1728     l_b boolean;
1729     l_user_id number;
1730     l_responsibility_id number;
1731     l_application_id number;
1732     --
1733     cursor c_sysadmin_usr is
1734         select usr.user_id
1735         from fnd_user usr
1736         where usr.user_name = 'SYSADMIN';
1737     --
1738     cursor c_get_responsibility_id(p_user_id number) is
1739         select fur.responsibility_id, fur.responsibility_application_id
1740         from fnd_user_resp_groups fur
1741         where fur.user_id = p_user_id
1742         order by fur.responsibility_id;
1743     --
1744     cursor c_get_application_id(p_resp_id number) is
1745         select resp.application_id
1746         from fnd_responsibility resp
1747         where resp.responsibility_id = p_resp_id;
1748     --
1749 BEGIN
1750     -- if user_id is null then set to sysadmin user
1751     if p_user_id is null then
1752        OPEN c_sysadmin_usr;
1753        FETCH c_sysadmin_usr INTO l_user_id;
1754        if c_sysadmin_usr%notfound then
1755          CLOSE c_sysadmin_usr;
1756          hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
1757          hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_utility.switch_logging_on');
1758          hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
1759          hr_utility.raise_error;
1760        else
1761          CLOSE c_sysadmin_usr;
1762        end if;
1763     else
1764        l_user_id := p_user_id;
1765     end if;
1766     --
1767     -- if responsibility_id is null then select first resp in
1768     -- list ordered by resp key
1769     if p_responsibility_id is null then
1770        OPEN  c_get_responsibility_id(l_user_id);
1771        FETCH c_get_responsibility_id INTO l_responsibility_id,
1772                                           l_application_id;
1773        if c_get_responsibility_id%notfound then
1774          CLOSE c_get_responsibility_id;
1775          hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
1776          hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_utility.switch_logging_on');
1777          hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','2');
1778          hr_utility.raise_error;
1779        else
1780          CLOSE c_get_responsibility_id;
1781        end if;
1782     else
1783        l_responsibility_id := p_responsibility_id;
1784        open c_get_application_id(p_responsibility_id);
1785        fetch c_get_application_id into l_application_id;
1786        if c_get_application_id%notfound then
1787          close c_get_application_id;
1788          hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
1789          hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_utility.switch_logging_on');
1790          hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','3');
1791          hr_utility.raise_error;
1792        else
1793          close c_get_application_id;
1794        end if;
1795     end if;
1797     -- initialize user/resp
1798     fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1799                                l_responsibility_id,
1800                                l_application_id);
1801     --
1802     -- set user profiles to enable logging and set level
1803      l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_ENABLED','Y');
1804      l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_LEVEL',to_char(p_logging_level));
1805     --
1806     -- re-initialize to enable user profiles
1807     fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1808                                l_responsibility_id,
1809                                l_application_id);
1810     --
1811     -- commit profile option settings
1812     commit;
1813     --
1814 END switch_logging_on;
1815 --
1816 -------------------------------- switch_logging_off -------------------------
1817 /*
1818   NAME
1819     switch_logging_off
1822     Turns off AOL debug messaging previously turned on by calling
1823     switch_logging_on. Logging is disabled by setting user profile
1824     options for the user defined in the prior call to switch_logging_on.
1825     If switch_logging_on is not called before calling
1826     switch_logging_off, the user is set to 'SYSADMIN'.
1828 */
1829 procedure switch_logging_off is
1830     --
1831     -- we'll be updating user profile values so use an autonomous transaction
1835     l_user_id number;
1832     pragma autonomous_transaction;
1833     --
1834     l_b boolean;
1836     l_responsibility_id number;
1837     l_application_id number;
1838     l_temp_responsibility_id number;
1839     l_temp_application_id number;
1840     --
1841     cursor c_sysadmin_usr is
1842         select usr.user_id
1843         from fnd_user usr
1844         where usr.user_name = 'SYSADMIN';
1845     --
1846     cursor c_get_responsibility_id(p_user_id number) is
1847         select fur.responsibility_id, fur.responsibility_application_id
1848         from fnd_user_resp_groups fur
1849         where fur.user_id = p_user_id
1850         order by fur.responsibility_id;
1851     --
1852     cursor c_get_application_id(p_resp_id number) is
1853         select resp.application_id
1854         from fnd_responsibility resp
1855         where resp.responsibility_id = p_resp_id;
1856 --
1857 BEGIN
1858     --
1859     l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;
1860     -- if user_id is not set then set to sysadmin user
1861     if l_user_id = -1 then
1862       OPEN c_sysadmin_usr;
1863       FETCH c_sysadmin_usr INTO l_user_id;
1864       if c_sysadmin_usr%notfound then
1865         CLOSE c_sysadmin_usr;
1866         hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
1867         hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_utility.switch_logging_off');
1868         hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
1869         hr_utility.raise_error;
1870       else
1871         CLOSE c_sysadmin_usr;
1872       end if;
1873     end if;
1874     --
1875     l_responsibility_id := fnd_global.resp_id;
1876     -- if responsibility_id is null then select first resp in list
1877     -- ordered by resp key
1878     if l_responsibility_id = -1 then
1879       OPEN  c_get_responsibility_id(l_user_id);
1880       FETCH c_get_responsibility_id INTO l_responsibility_id, l_application_id;
1881       if c_get_responsibility_id%notfound then
1882         CLOSE c_get_responsibility_id;
1883         hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
1884         hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_utility.switch_logging_off');
1885         hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','2');
1886         hr_utility.raise_error;
1887       else
1888         CLOSE c_get_responsibility_id;
1889       end if;
1890     else
1891       open c_get_application_id(l_responsibility_id);
1892       fetch c_get_application_id into l_application_id;
1893       if c_get_application_id%notfound then
1894         close c_get_application_id;
1895         hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
1896         hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_utility.switch_logging_off');
1897         hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','3');
1898         hr_utility.raise_error;
1899       else
1900         close c_get_application_id;
1901       end if;
1902     end if;
1903     --
1904     -- initialize as user/resp
1905     fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1906                                l_responsibility_id,
1907                                l_application_id);
1908     --
1909     -- set user profiles to disable logging and set level
1913     -- re-initialize to enable user profiles
1910     l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_ENABLED','N');
1911     l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_LEVEL',null);
1912     --
1914     fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1915                                l_responsibility_id,
1916                                l_application_id);
1917     --
1918     -- commit profile option settings
1919     commit;
1920     --
1921 END switch_logging_off;
1923 ---------------------------- debug_enabled -------------------------
1924 /*
1925   NAME
1926     debug_enabled
1929     Please see package specification for a description and usage examples.
1930 */
1931 function debug_enabled return boolean is
1932 begin
1933   return( fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level <= fnd_log.level_procedure
1934           or hr_utility.g_trace_on ) ;
1935 end debug_enabled;
1937 /*Function added to get the ICX Attribute value*/
1938    FUNCTION get_icx_val(p_attribute_name varchar2,p_session_id number)
1940    IS
1941     p_value varchar2(250);
1943     CURSOR csr_prof_value(p_att_name varchar2,p_sess_id number) is
1944     SELECT  value
1945     FROM icx_session_attributes
1946     WHERE session_id = p_sess_id
1947     AND name = p_att_name;
1950     BEGIN
1952      OPEN csr_prof_value(p_attribute_name,p_session_id);
1953 	 FETCH csr_prof_value INTO p_value;
1954 	 CLOSE csr_prof_value;
1956      RETURN p_value;
1958     EXCEPTION
1960     RETURN '0';
1962     END;
1964 end hr_utility;