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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_uc_qual_dets_imp_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: IGSUC28B.pls 120.3 2006/05/29 04:18:27 jbaber noship $ */
4   PROCEDURE igs_uc_qual_dets_imp (errbuf    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
5                                   retcode   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER  ) AS
6     /*************************************************************
7     Created By : rgopalan
8     Date Created On : 2002/02/22
9     Purpose : This procedure will import Qualification details
10               of an applicant from the UCAS INterface table to Sec/Ter
11               qualification details table
12     Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
13     Change History
14     Who             When            What
15     jbaber       25-MAY-06  Bug# 5210481 R12 Performance Repository
16     anwest       18-JAN-06  Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate
17     rbezawad     09-DEC-02  Modified the process w.r.t. Bug 2639319.
18     smaddali                Modified cursor cur_del_rec to delete the unique record being inserted ,
19                             identified by unique key fields for bug 2450449 , also modified call to htis cursor
20     bayadav      08-JAN-03  Modified  Cur_person_id cursor to cehck for EBL_AMMENDED_RESULT first then EBL_RESULT
21                             while fetching value for approved result
22     ayedubat     07-MAR-03  For the Bug,2824978 the column x_imported_date in Igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.insert_row
23                             call is populated with  SYSDATE.
24                             For the Bug, 2825034 the existing qualifications are deleted first and importing all
25                             the qualifications in the UCAS Interface table again.
26                             For the Bug, 2825118 a validation is added to check the parent existence of the
27                             Grading Schema+Grade Combination before calling the TBH for insertion/updation.
28     (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
29     ***************************************************************/
31     /* This is to pickup records from UCAS interface table which have atleast
32        one record in UCAS Interface Table,IGS_UC_APP_RESULTS */
33     CURSOR Cur_UCAS_interface IS
34     SELECT ROWID, Subject_id, year, sitting, Awarding_body,
35            external_ref, UPPER(TRIM(Exam_level)) exam_level, Title,
36            UPPER(TRIM(Subject_code)) subject_code, Imported
38     WHERE subject_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT subject_id FROM IGS_UC_APP_RESULTS ) ;
40     /* This is to get the person id from the oss table for the corresponding person number */
41     --smaddali 27-jun-2002 added condition that oss_person_id should be not null for bug 2430139
42     --smaddali selecting new columns iua.app_no and pe.person_number for bug 2430139 ,to show in log file
43     --jbaber modified to use hz_parties rather than igs_pe_person for performance - bug 5210481
44     CURSOR Cur_person_id (l_subject_id igs_uc_app_results.subject_id%TYPE)  IS
45     SELECT iua.app_no, pe.party_number person_number, iua.Oss_person_id person_id,
46            NVL(UPPER(TRIM(iuar.EBL_AMENDED_RESULT)),UPPER(TRIM(iuar.EBL_result))) ebl_result,
47            UPPER(TRIM(iuar.Claimed_result)) claimed_result
49           IGS_UC_APPLICANTS iua,
50           HZ_PARTIES pe
51     WHERE iuar.Subject_id = l_subject_id
52       AND iuar.App_id = iua.App_id
53       AND iua.oss_person_id IS NOT NULL
54       AND pe.party_id = iua.oss_person_id ;
56     /* Fetch all the Qualifications Imported from UCAS for deletion */
57     CURSOR cur_del_qual_dets IS
58       SELECT uqd.ROWID, uqd.qual_dets_id, uqd.person_id, uqd.exam_level, uqd.subject_code, uqd.year, uqd.sitting, uqd.awarding_body, uqd.approved_result
59       FROM IGS_UC_QUAL_DETS uqd
60       WHERE imported_flag = 'Y' ;
62     /* this is to check whether the record is unique in igs_uc_qual_dets table */
63     --smaddali 27-jun-2002 added parameter l_approved_result as this field also is part of the unique key
64     -- also added NVL condition for fields which are nullable for bug 2430139
65     --smaddali 18-jul-02 interchanged position of parameters exam_level and subject_code for bug 2430139
66     CURSOR Cur_check_uniqueness ( l_person_id     igs_uc_qual_dets.person_id%TYPE,
67                                   l_exam_level    igs_uc_qual_dets.exam_level%TYPE,
68                                   l_subject_code  igs_uc_qual_dets.subject_code%TYPE,
69                                   l_year          igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.year%TYPE,
70                                   l_sitting       igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.sitting%TYPE,
71                                   l_awarding_body igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.awarding_body%TYPE ,
72                                   l_approved_result igs_uc_qual_dets.approved_result%TYPE ) IS
73     SELECT imported_flag
74     FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets
75     WHERE  person_id       = l_person_id
76     AND    Exam_level      = l_exam_level
77     AND    ((subject_code = l_subject_code) OR (subject_code IS NULL AND l_subject_code IS NULL))
78     AND    ((year = l_year) OR (year IS NULL AND l_year IS NULL))
79     AND    ((sitting = l_sitting) OR (sitting IS NULL AND l_sitting IS NULL))
80     AND    ((awarding_body = l_awarding_body) OR (awarding_body IS NULL AND l_awarding_body IS NULL))
81     AND    ( (approved_result = l_approved_result) OR (approved_result IS NULL AND l_approved_result IS NULL) ) ;
83     /* this will pickup data from HESA table for Awarding body, based in the association code */
84     CURSOR Cur_Awarding_body (l_awarding_body igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.awarding_body%TYPE) IS
85     SELECT Map2 FROM Igs_he_code_map_val
86     WHERE  Association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_BDY_ASSOC'
87     AND    Map1 = l_awarding_body;
89     /* this will pickup data from HESA table for Subject code, based in the association code */
90     CURSOR Cur_subject_code (l_subject_code  igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.subject_code%TYPE) IS
91     SELECT Map2 FROM Igs_he_code_map_val
92     WHERE  Association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_SBJ_ASSOC'
93     AND    Map1 = l_subject_code;
95     /* this will pickup data from HESA table for Exam_level, based in the association code */
96     CURSOR Cur_exam_level (l_exam_level  igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.exam_level%TYPE) IS
97     SELECT Map2 FROM Igs_he_code_map_val
98     WHERE  Association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_ASSOC'
99     AND    Map1 = l_exam_level;
101     /* this is to get values from igs_uc_qual_dets table for updation when manually entered */
102     CURSOR Cur_qual_dets (l_person_id      igs_uc_qual_dets.person_id%TYPE,
103                           l_exam_level     igs_uc_qual_dets.exam_level%TYPE,
104                           l_subject_code   igs_uc_qual_dets.subject_code%TYPE,
105                           l_year           igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.year%TYPE,
106                           l_sitting        igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.sitting%TYPE,
107                           l_awarding_body  igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.awarding_body%TYPE) IS
108     SELECT ROWID, Qual_dets_id, Person_id, Exam_level, Subject_code, Year, Sitting, Awarding_body,
109            Grading_schema_cd, Version_number, Predicted_result, Approved_result, Claimed_result,
110            UCAS_tariff, Imported_flag, Imported_date
111     FROM  igs_uc_qual_dets
112     WHERE person_id      = l_person_id
113     AND   Exam_level     = l_exam_level
114     AND   Subject_code   = l_subject_code
115     AND   Year           = l_year
116     AND   Sitting        = l_sitting
117     AND   Awarding_body  = l_awarding_body;
118     cur_qual_dets_val     Cur_qual_dets%ROWTYPE;
120     --smaddali added cursor for bug 2409543 to get the grading schema cd associated to the qualification (award)
121     CURSOR c_grad_sch (cp_award_cd  igs_ps_awd.award_cd%TYPE ) IS
122     SELECT grading_schema_cd , gs_version_number
123     FROM igs_ps_awd
124     WHERE award_cd = cp_award_cd ;
125     c_grad_sch_rec  c_grad_sch%ROWTYPE ;
127     --Check if Advanced standing details exists for the qualification or not.
128     CURSOR cur_adv_std_exists(cp_qual_dets_id igs_uc_qual_dets.qual_dets_id%TYPE) IS
129     SELECT 'X'
130     FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_lvl_all
131     WHERE qual_dets_id = cp_qual_dets_id;
133     --Get the Person Number for the Person ID passed.
134     CURSOR cur_per_no(cp_person_id igs_pe_person_base_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
135       SELECT person_number
136       FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
137       WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id;
139     --To Identify whether the qualification is valid or not
140     CURSOR cur_qual_valid ( cp_person_id          igs_uc_qual_dets.person_id%TYPE,
141                             cp_subject_code       igs_uc_qual_dets.subject_code%TYPE,
142                             cp_year               igs_uc_qual_dets.year%TYPE,
143                             cp_sitting            igs_uc_qual_dets.sitting%TYPE,
144                             cp_awarding_body      igs_uc_qual_dets.awarding_body%TYPE,
145                             cp_exam_level         igs_uc_qual_dets.exam_level%TYPE,
146                             cp_approved_result    igs_uc_qual_dets.approved_result%TYPE) IS
147     SELECT 'X'
148     FROM   igs_uc_app_results apr
149     WHERE  apr.app_no IN ( SELECT app_no
150                            FROM   igs_uc_applicants
151                            WHERE  oss_person_id = cp_person_id
152                          )
153     AND    apr.subject_id IN ( SELECT subject_id
154                                FROM   igs_uc_com_ebl_subj
155                                WHERE  subject_code IN ( SELECT msbj.map1
156                                                         FROM   igs_he_code_map_val msbj
157                                                         WHERE  msbj.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_SBJ_ASSOC'
158                                                         AND    msbj.map2 = cp_subject_code  )
159                               )
160     AND    apr.year    = cp_year
161     AND    apr.sitting = cp_sitting
162     AND    apr.award_body IN ( SELECT mawb.map1
163                                FROM   igs_he_code_map_val mawb
164                                WHERE  mawb.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_BDY_ASSOC'
165                                AND    mawb.map2 = cp_awarding_body
166                               )
167     AND    apr.exam_level IN ( SELECT mawd.map1
168                                FROM   igs_he_code_map_val mawd
169                                WHERE  mawd.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_ASSOC'
170                                AND    mawd.map2 = cp_exam_level
171                              )
172     AND    ( (NVL(UPPER(TRIM(apr.ebl_amended_result)),UPPER(TRIM(apr.ebl_result))) = cp_approved_result)
173              OR (cp_approved_result IS NULL AND apr.ebl_amended_result IS NULL AND apr.ebl_result IS NULL)
174            );
176     l_oss_awarding_body   igs_uc_qual_dets.Awarding_body%TYPE;
177     l_oss_subject_code    igs_uc_qual_dets.subject_code%TYPE;
178     l_oss_exam_level      igs_uc_qual_dets.exam_level%TYPE;
179     l_person_id           igs_uc_qual_dets.person_id%TYPE;
180     l_exam_level          igs_uc_qual_dets.exam_level%TYPE;
181     l_subject_code        igs_uc_qual_dets.subject_code%TYPE;
182     l_year                igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.year%TYPE;
183     l_sitting             igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.sitting%TYPE;
184     l_awarding_body       igs_uc_com_ebl_subj.awarding_body%TYPE;
185     l_imported            igs_uc_qual_dets.imported_flag%TYPE;
186     l_qual_dets_id igs_uc_qual_dets.Qual_dets_id%TYPE;
187     igs_uc_he_not_enabled_excep EXCEPTION;
189     l_records_updated     NUMBER;
190     l_records_inserted    NUMBER;
191     l_records_deleted     NUMBER;
192     l_records_errored     NUMBER;
194     l_msg_index           NUMBER;
195     l_msg_count           NUMBER;
196     l_mesg_data           VARCHAR2(2000);
197     l_rowid               VARCHAR2(25);
198     l_validation_status   BOOLEAN ;
199     l_rec_found           VARCHAR2(1);
200     l_person_number        igs_pe_person_base_v.person_number%TYPE;
202   BEGIN
204     --anwest 18-JAN-2006 Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate
205     IGS_GE_GEN_003.SET_ORG_ID;
207     /* defaulting the err buf and err code so that if it ends with out error this value will be returned */
208     errbuf  := NULL;
209     retcode := 0;
210     l_records_deleted := 0;
212     /* Checking whether the UK profile is enabled */
213     IF NOT (igs_uc_utils.is_ucas_hesa_enabled) THEN
214       RAISE igs_uc_he_not_enabled_excep;  /* user defined exception */
215     END IF;
217     -- Displays log message "Deleting the existing qualifications that are imported from UCAS and not having Advanced standing details associated with it.".
218     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_QUAL_DETS_DELETE');
219     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
220     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
222     -- Deleting All the existing Qualifications Records Imported from UCAS
223     -- and creating the Qualifications from the UCAS Interface Table.
224     -- This was enhanced for the bug,2825034
225     FOR cur_del_qual_dets_rec IN cur_del_qual_dets LOOP
227       l_rec_found := NULL;
228       --Check if Advanced standing details exists for the qualification or not.
229       OPEN cur_adv_std_exists(cur_del_qual_dets_rec.qual_dets_id);
230       FETCH cur_adv_std_exists INTO l_rec_found;
231       CLOSE cur_adv_std_exists ;
233       IF l_rec_found = 'X' THEN
234         --If advanced standing details exists then check it it is a Qualification which was sent in error by UCAS.
235         --To check whether the qualification in valid or not, verify the existence of Qualification record in the
236         --IGS_UC_APP_RESULTS table.  If a record exists in App. Results table then consider it as a valid qualification.
238         --Get the Person Number for the Person ID passed.
239         OPEN cur_per_no (cur_del_qual_dets_rec.person_id);
240         FETCH cur_per_no INTO l_person_number;
241         CLOSE cur_per_no;
243         l_rec_found          := NULL;
244         --Check if the record exists in IGS_UC_APP_RESULTS for the Qualification Details exists in the IGS_UC_QUAL_DETS table.
245         OPEN cur_qual_valid (cur_del_qual_dets_rec.person_id,
246                              cur_del_qual_dets_rec.subject_code,
247                              cur_del_qual_dets_rec.year,
248                              cur_del_qual_dets_rec.sitting,
249                              cur_del_qual_dets_rec.awarding_body,
250                              cur_del_qual_dets_rec.exam_level,
251                              cur_del_qual_dets_rec.approved_result );
252         FETCH cur_qual_valid INTO l_rec_found;
253         CLOSE cur_qual_valid;
255         --If record exists then consider the Qualification as a valid otherwise its an invalid qualification which was not resent by UCAS.
256         IF l_rec_found = 'X' THEN
257           --Valid Qualification. So display appropriate message asking user's mannual review.
258           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_QUAL_ADV_DET_EXISTS');
259           fnd_message.set_token('PER_NO',  l_person_number);
260           fnd_message.set_token('EXM_LVL', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.exam_level);
261           fnd_message.set_token('SUBJ_CD', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.subject_code);
262           fnd_message.set_token('YEAR',    cur_del_qual_dets_rec.year);
263           fnd_message.set_token('SITTING', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.sitting);
264           fnd_message.set_token('AWD_BDY', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.awarding_body);
265           fnd_message.set_token('EBL_RSLT',cur_del_qual_dets_rec.approved_result);
266           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
267           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
268         ELSE
269           --Invalid Qualification. So display appropriate message asking user's mannual review.
270           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_QUAL_DETS_INVALID');
271           fnd_message.set_token('PER_NO',  l_person_number);
272           fnd_message.set_token('EXM_LVL', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.exam_level);
273           fnd_message.set_token('SUBJ_CD', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.subject_code);
274           fnd_message.set_token('YEAR',    cur_del_qual_dets_rec.year);
275           fnd_message.set_token('SITTING', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.sitting);
276           fnd_message.set_token('AWD_BDY', cur_del_qual_dets_rec.awarding_body);
277           fnd_message.set_token('EBL_RSLT',cur_del_qual_dets_rec.approved_result);
278           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
279           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
280         END IF;
282       ELSE
283         --Delete the existing imported Qualification when advanced standing details doesn't exists.
284         igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.delete_row( x_rowid => cur_del_qual_dets_rec.ROWID );
285         l_records_deleted := l_records_deleted + 1;
286       END IF;
288     END LOOP ;
290     -- Displays log message "Importing Qualification details data from UCAS Interface table to Qualification Details table".
291     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
292     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_IMP_QUAL_DETS');
293     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
294     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
296     /* Picking up records from igs_uc_com_ebl_subj table for Importing in to qual dets table */
297     FOR I IN cur_ucas_interface LOOP
299       -- initializing the local variables
300       l_oss_exam_level := NULL ;
301       l_oss_subject_code := NULL ;
302       l_oss_awarding_body := NULL ;
304       /* taking the map1 value for the exam level */
305       OPEN  Cur_exam_level (I.Exam_level);
306       FETCH Cur_exam_level INTO l_oss_exam_level;
307       CLOSE Cur_exam_level;
309       /* taking the map1 value for the Subject code*/
310       OPEN  Cur_Subject_code (I.subject_code);
311       FETCH Cur_Subject_code INTO l_oss_subject_code;
312       CLOSE Cur_Subject_code;
314       /* taking the map1 value for the Awarding body */
315       OPEN  Cur_Awarding_body (I.Awarding_body);
316       FETCH Cur_Awarding_body INTO l_oss_awarding_body;
317       CLOSE Cur_Awarding_body;
320       /* getting the associated person id for inserting in to igs_uc_qual_dets table */
321       FOR J IN cur_person_id (I.subject_id)  LOOP
322         BEGIN
324           l_msg_count := igs_ge_msg_stack.count_msg;
325           l_imported := NULL;
327           /* checking whether the same record combination exists */
328           --smaddali 27-jun-2002 added parameter j.ebl_result as this field also is part of te unique key for bug 2430139
329           OPEN   Cur_check_uniqueness (J.person_id,  l_oss_exam_level, l_oss_subject_code,
330                                        I.year, I.sitting, l_oss_awarding_body, J.ebl_result);
331           FETCH  Cur_check_uniqueness INTO l_imported ;
332           CLOSE  Cur_check_uniqueness;
334           IF l_imported = 'Y' THEN
336             --Diplays message "the record is already imported.
337             --so nothing should happen in this case i.e., not considered for import".
338             fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_QUAL_DETS_REC_EXISTS');
339             fnd_message.set_token('PER_NO',  J.person_number);
340             fnd_message.set_token('APP_NO',  J.app_no);
341             fnd_message.set_token('EXM_LVL', l_oss_exam_level);
342             fnd_message.set_token('SUBJ_CD', l_oss_subject_code);
343             fnd_message.set_token('YEAR',    I.year);
344             fnd_message.set_token('SITTING', I.sitting);
345             fnd_message.set_token('AWD_BDY', l_oss_awarding_body);
346             fnd_message.set_token('EBL_RSLT',J.ebl_result);
347             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
349           ELSIF l_imported = 'N' THEN
351             /* This means the record is manually entered so only the approved result should be updated */
352             OPEN   cur_qual_dets (J.person_id,  l_oss_exam_level, l_oss_subject_code, I.year, I.sitting, l_oss_awarding_body);
353             FETCH  cur_qual_dets INTO Cur_qual_dets_val;
354             CLOSE  cur_qual_dets;
356             l_rec_found := NULL;
357             --Check if Advanced standing details exists for the non-imported qualification or not.
358             OPEN cur_adv_std_exists(Cur_qual_dets_val.qual_dets_id);
359             FETCH cur_adv_std_exists INTO l_rec_found;
360             CLOSE cur_adv_std_exists ;
362             IF l_rec_found = 'X' THEN
363               --Display a message that qualification is not updated because of advanced standing details exist.
364               fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_ADV_STD_DET_EXISTS');
365               fnd_message.set_token('PER_NO',  J.person_number);
366               fnd_message.set_token('APP_NO',  J.app_no);
367               fnd_message.set_token('EXM_LVL', Cur_qual_dets_val.Exam_level);
368               fnd_message.set_token('SUBJ_CD', Cur_qual_dets_val.subject_code);
369               fnd_message.set_token('YEAR',    Cur_qual_dets_val.year);
370               fnd_message.set_token('SITTING', Cur_qual_dets_val.sitting);
371               fnd_message.set_token('AWD_BDY', Cur_qual_dets_val.awarding_body);
372               fnd_message.set_token('EBL_RSLT',J.ebl_result);
373               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
374             ELSE
375               --Diplays message "Updating record".
376               fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_UPD_QUAL_DETS_REC');
377               fnd_message.set_token('PER_NO',  J.person_number);
378               fnd_message.set_token('APP_NO',  J.app_no);
379               fnd_message.set_token('EXM_LVL', Cur_qual_dets_val.Exam_level);
380               fnd_message.set_token('SUBJ_CD', Cur_qual_dets_val.subject_code);
381               fnd_message.set_token('YEAR',    Cur_qual_dets_val.year);
382               fnd_message.set_token('SITTING', Cur_qual_dets_val.sitting);
383               fnd_message.set_token('AWD_BDY', Cur_qual_dets_val.awarding_body);
384               fnd_message.set_token('GS_CD',   Cur_qual_dets_val.grading_schema_cd);
385               fnd_message.set_token('GS_VER',  Cur_qual_dets_val.version_number);
386               fnd_message.set_token('PRD_RSLT',Cur_qual_dets_val.predicted_result);
387               fnd_message.set_token('EBL_RSLT',J.ebl_result);
388               fnd_message.set_token('CLM_RSLT',Cur_qual_dets_val.claimed_result);
389               fnd_message.set_token('TARIFF',  Cur_qual_dets_val.ucas_tariff);
390               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
392               IF cur_qual_dets_val.grading_schema_cd IS NOT NULL
393                 AND cur_qual_dets_val.version_number IS NOT NULL
394                 AND j.ebl_result IS NOT NULL
395                 AND NOT igs_as_grd_sch_grade_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
396                           UPPER(TRIM(c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd)),
397                           c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number,
398                           UPPER(TRIM(j.claimed_result)) ) THEN
400                fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_GRAD_NOT_FOUND');
401                fnd_message.set_token('GS_CD',cur_qual_dets_val.grading_schema_cd);
402                fnd_message.set_token('GS_VER',cur_qual_dets_val.version_number);
403                fnd_message.set_token('APP_RESULT',j.ebl_result);
404                fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
405                l_records_errored := NVL(l_records_errored ,0) + 1 ;
407               ELSE
409                 igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.Update_row ( x_mode              => 'R',
410                                                   x_rowid             => Cur_qual_dets_val.ROWID,
411                                                   x_Qual_dets_id      => Cur_qual_dets_val.Qual_dets_id,
412                                                   x_Person_id         => Cur_qual_dets_val.person_id,
413                                                   x_Exam_level        => Cur_qual_dets_val.Exam_level,
414                                                   x_Subject_code      => Cur_qual_dets_val.subject_code,
415                                                   x_Year              => Cur_qual_dets_val.year,
416                                                   x_Sitting           => Cur_qual_dets_val.sitting,
417                                                   x_Awarding_body     => Cur_qual_dets_val.awarding_body,
418                                                   x_grading_schema_cd => Cur_qual_dets_val.grading_schema_cd,
419                                                   x_version_number    => Cur_qual_dets_val.version_number,
420                                                   x_Predicted_result  => Cur_qual_dets_val.predicted_result,
421                                                   x_Approved_result   => J.EBL_result,
422                                                   x_Claimed_result    => Cur_qual_dets_val.claimed_result,
423                                                   x_UCAS_tariff       => Cur_qual_dets_val.ucas_tariff,
424                                                   x_Imported_flag     => 'Y',
425                                                   x_Imported_date     => Cur_qual_dets_val.Imported_date );
426                 l_records_updated := NVL(l_records_updated,0) + 1 ;
428               END IF;
430             END IF;  -- End of check for existence of Advanced Standing Unit level details
432           ELSIF l_imported IS NULL Then
434             --smaddali added this code for bug 2409543
435             c_grad_sch_rec := NULL  ;
436             OPEN c_grad_sch (l_oss_exam_level) ;
437             FETCH c_grad_sch INTO  c_grad_sch_rec ;
438             CLOSE c_grad_sch ;
440             --smaddali 27-jun-2002 added fields grading_schema_cd , version_number, logging person_number
441             --instead of person_id and logging application number for bug 2430139
442             --Diplays message "Inserting record".
443             fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_INS_QUAL_DETS_REC');
444             fnd_message.set_token('PER_NO',  J.person_Number);
445             fnd_message.set_token('APP_NO',  J.app_no);
446             fnd_message.set_token('EXM_LVL', l_oss_exam_level||' ('||I.exam_level||') ');
447             fnd_message.set_token('SUBJ_CD', l_oss_subject_code||' (' ||I.subject_code||') ');
448             fnd_message.set_token('YEAR',    I.year);
449             fnd_message.set_token('SITTING', I.sitting);
450             fnd_message.set_token('AWD_BDY', l_oss_awarding_body||' ('||I.Awarding_body||') ');
451             fnd_message.set_token('GS_CD',   C_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd);
452             fnd_message.set_token('GS_VER',  C_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number);
453             fnd_message.set_token('EBL_RSLT',J.ebl_result);
454             fnd_message.set_token('CLM_RSLT',J.claimed_result);
455             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
457             l_rowid := NULL ;
458             l_validation_status := TRUE ;
460             -- Check whether the UCAS EXam Level to OSS Award Mapping exist in the HESA Table
461             IF l_oss_exam_level IS NULL THEN
462               fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_INV_MAPPING_VAL');
463               fnd_message.set_token('CODE',I.Exam_level);
464               fnd_message.set_token('TYPE', 'EXAM LEVEL');
465               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
466               l_validation_status := FALSE ;
467             END IF ;
469             -- Check whether the Grading Scema and Grade Combination exist in the Parent Table
470             IF c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd IS NOT NULL
471               AND c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number IS NOT NULL
472               AND j.ebl_result IS NOT NULL
473               AND NOT igs_as_grd_sch_grade_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
474                         UPPER(TRIM(c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd)),
475                         c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number,
476                         UPPER(TRIM(j.ebl_result)) ) THEN
478               fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_GRAD_NOT_FOUND');
479               fnd_message.set_token('GS_CD',c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd);
480               fnd_message.set_token('GS_VER',c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number);
481               fnd_message.set_token('APP_RESULT',j.ebl_result);
482               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
483               l_validation_status := FALSE ;
485             ELSIF c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd IS NOT NULL
486               AND c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number IS NOT NULL
487               AND j.claimed_result IS NOT NULL
488               AND NOT igs_as_grd_sch_grade_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
489                         UPPER(TRIM(c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd)),
490                         c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number,
491                         UPPER(TRIM(j.claimed_result)) ) THEN
493               fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_GRAD_NOT_FOUND');
494               fnd_message.set_token('GS_CD',c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd);
495               fnd_message.set_token('GS_VER',c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number);
496               fnd_message.set_token('APP_RESULT',j.claimed_result);
497               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
498               l_validation_status := FALSE ;
500             END IF ;
502             IF l_validation_status = TRUE THEN
504               /* Inserting record in to igs_uc_qual_dets table thru TBH */
505               Igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.Insert_row ( x_mode              => 'R',
506                                                 x_rowid             => l_rowid,
507                                                 x_Qual_dets_id      => l_Qual_dets_id,
508                                                 x_Person_id         => J.person_id,
509                                                 x_Exam_level        => l_oss_exam_level,
510                                                 x_Subject_code      => l_oss_subject_code,
511                                                 x_Year              => I.year,
512                                                 x_Sitting           => I.sitting,
513                                                 x_Awarding_body     => l_oss_awarding_body,
514                                                 x_grading_schema_cd => c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd ,
515                                                 x_version_number    => c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number,
516                                                 x_Predicted_result  => NULL,
517                                                 x_Approved_result   => J.EBL_result,
518                                                 x_Claimed_result    => J.claimed_result,
519                                                 x_UCAS_tariff       => NULL,
520                                                 x_Imported_flag     => 'Y',
521                                                 x_Imported_date     => TRUNC(SYSDATE) );
523               l_records_inserted := NVL(l_records_inserted ,0) + 1 ;
524             ELSE
525               l_records_errored := NVL(l_records_errored ,0) + 1 ;
526             END IF;
528           END IF;
530         EXCEPTION
531           WHEN OTHERS THEN
532             --When the error occurs, log the Error message and continue with processing of next record.
533             l_records_errored := NVL(l_records_errored ,0) + 1 ;
534             l_mesg_data := NULL;
535             l_msg_index := NULL;
536             IF ( l_msg_count <> igs_ge_msg_stack.count_msg) THEN
537               igs_ge_msg_stack.get(igs_ge_msg_stack.count_msg,fnd_api.g_false, l_mesg_data, l_msg_index);
538               IF l_mesg_data IS NOT NULL THEN
539                 l_mesg_data := ' - '||l_mesg_data;
540               END IF;
541             ELSE
542               l_mesg_data := SQLERRM;
543               IF l_mesg_data IS NOT NULL THEN
544                 l_mesg_data := ' - '||l_mesg_data;
545               END IF;
546             END IF;
547             fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_QUAL_DET_IMP_ERR');
548             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get()||l_mesg_data);
550         END; -- End of Anonymous block
552         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
553         l_msg_count := NULL;
555       END LOOP;  -- Insert/Update Igs_uc_qual_dets looop
557     END LOOP;  -- igs_uc_com_ebl_subj Records Loop
559     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
560     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',22,'-'));
561     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,SUBSTR(fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_UC_INS_REC_STAT_INT'), 29, 22));
562     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',22,'-'));
563     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_DEL_REC_COUNT');
564     fnd_message.set_token('REC_CNT', NVL(l_records_deleted,0));
565     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
566     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_INS_REC_COUNT');
567     fnd_message.set_token('REC_CNT', NVL(l_records_inserted,0));
568     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
569     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_UPD_REC_COUNT');
570     fnd_message.set_token('REC_CNT', NVL(l_records_updated,0));
571     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
572     fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_ERR_REC_COUNT');
573     fnd_message.set_token('REC_CNT', NVL(l_records_errored,0));
574     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
575     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' ' );
580     WHEN igs_uc_he_not_enabled_excep THEN
581       fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_HE_NOT_ENABLED');
582       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
583       retcode   := 2;
584       igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
587       ROLLBACK;
588       fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
589       fnd_message.set_token('NAME', 'IGS_UC_QUAL_DETS_IMP_PKG.IGS_UC_QUAL_DETS_IMP'||' - '||SQLERRM);
590       fnd_message.retrieve (Errbuf);
591       retcode := 2;
592       igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
594   END igs_uc_qual_dets_imp;
600 PROCEDURE validate_pe_qual(p_uc_qual_cur igs_ad_imp_028.c_uc_qual_cur%ROWTYPE,
601                            p_status      OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
602                                                                         p_error_code  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
603     /*************************************************************
604     Created By : rgangara
605     Date Created On : 19-May-03
606     Purpose : This procedure will be called by Admission Import Process
607               while importing Previous QUalification details Legacy Data.
608               This is a validation procedure which would validate the
609               data populated in Interface table before being imported into OSS.
610               UCAS Bug for tracking this change in UCAS - Bug# 2961536
611     Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
612     Change History
613     Who             When            What
614     anwest          09-Jun-04      Changes for bug #4401841
615     rgangara        19-May-03      Create version for Adm Legacy import API.
616                                    UCAS bug for this Enh 2961536.
618     rgangara        04-JUL-03      Removed references to CLOSED INdicators as it is not
619                                    required for Legacy import. Also allowing for
620                                    S_Award_Type = COURSE.(bug#3037207, 3037229, 3037238).
621                                    Also removed reference to institution status = 'ACTIVE'
622                                    after clarifying with Babitha/Sara.
624     (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
625     ***************************************************************/
628    -- For validating Exam level/Qualification
629    CURSOR Cur_exam_lvl IS
630    SELECT grading_schema_cd,
631           gs_version_number
632    FROM   igs_ps_awd
633    WHERE  award_cd = p_uc_qual_cur.exam_level
634    AND    s_award_type IN ('ENTRYQUAL', 'COURSE');
636    exam_lvl_rec cur_exam_lvl%ROWTYPE;
638    -- For validating Subject Code
639    CURSOR cur_subj_code IS
640    SELECT 'X'
641    FROM   igs_ps_fld_of_study
642    WHERE  field_of_study = p_uc_qual_cur.subject_code;
644    -- Hard coded values for YEAR validation as mentioned in Adm TD TD_LegacyImport_Admissions_s1a.
645    p_min_year  NUMBER := 1900;
646    p_max_year  NUMBER := 2200;
649    -- For validating Awarding Body
650    -- anwest 09-Jun-05
651    -- updated cursor for HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_NUMBER issue - bug #4401841
652    CURSOR cur_awd_body IS
653    SELECT 'X'
654    FROM  hz_parties hp,
655          igs_pe_hz_parties ihp,
656          igs_or_org_inst_type oit,
657          igs_or_inst_stat  ois
658    WHERE hp.party_id = ihp.party_id
659    AND   ihp.oss_org_unit_cd = p_uc_qual_cur.awarding_body
660    AND   hp.status = 'A'
661    AND   ihp.oi_institution_status = ois.institution_status (+)
662    AND   ihp.oi_institution_type = oit.institution_type (+)
663    AND   ihp.inst_org_ind = 'I'
664    AND   oit.system_inst_type IN ('POST-SECONDARY','OTHER');
667    -- Validating Grading Schema.
668    -- Grading schema can be provided by user in the INT Table.
669    -- If user provided the Grading schema details in the INT table, then
670    -- it has to be validated that it exists in Grading schema master table.
671    -- If found then check whether any of the Grades (Claimed, Predicted and
672    -- Approved) are valid for the grading schema given. If not log error
673    -- else import the grading schema details.
674    -- However, when user has not provided any grading schema details then
675    -- the grading schema derived from the Exam level is to be used for all
676    -- validations.
677    CURSOR cur_grd_sch (cp_grd_sch igs_as_grd_sch_grade.grading_schema_cd%TYPE,
678                        cp_grd_ver igs_as_grd_sch_grade.version_number%TYPE,
679                        cp_grade igs_as_grd_sch_grade.grade%TYPE) IS
680    SELECT 'X'
681    FROM   igs_as_grd_sch_grade gsch,
682           igs_as_grd_schema ags
683    WHERE  gsch.grading_schema_cd = ags.grading_schema_cd
684    AND    gsch.version_number    = ags.version_number
685    AND    gsch.grading_schema_cd = cp_grd_sch
686    AND    gsch.version_number    = cp_grd_ver
687    AND    ags.grading_schema_type = 'AWARD'
688    AND    gsch.grade  = NVL(cp_grade, gsch.grade);
690    l_grd_sch_rec cur_grd_sch%ROWTYPE;
691    lv_found  VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
692    l_grading_schema igs_as_grd_sch_grade.grading_schema_cd%TYPE;
693    l_version_number igs_as_grd_sch_grade.version_number%TYPE;
695    BEGIN
697       -- Exam Level/Qualification Validation
698          OPEN Cur_exam_lvl;
699          FETCH cur_exam_lvl INTO exam_lvl_rec;
701          IF cur_exam_lvl%NOTFOUND THEN
702             CLOSE cur_exam_lvl;
703             exam_lvl_rec.grading_schema_cd := NULL;
704             exam_lvl_rec.GS_version_number := NULL;
705             p_status := '3';
706             p_error_code := 'E627';
707             Return;
708          ELSE
709             CLOSE cur_exam_lvl;
710          END IF;
712       -- Subject Code validation
713       IF p_uc_qual_cur.subject_code IS NOT NULL THEN
714          OPEN Cur_subj_code;
715          FETCH Cur_subj_code INTO lv_found;
716          IF Cur_subj_code%NOTFOUND THEN
717             CLOSE cur_subj_code;
718             p_status := '3';
719             p_error_code := 'E628';
720             Return;
721          ELSE
722             CLOSE cur_subj_code;
723          END IF;
724       END IF;
726       -- YEAR validation
727       IF p_uc_qual_cur.year IS NOT NULL THEN
728          IF p_uc_qual_cur.year NOT BETWEEN p_min_year AND p_max_year THEN
729             p_status := '3';
730             p_error_code := 'E629';
731             Return;
732          END IF;
733       END IF;
736       -- Awarding Body validation
737       IF p_uc_qual_cur.awarding_body IS NOT NULL THEN
738          OPEN Cur_awd_body;
739          FETCH Cur_awd_body INTO lv_found;
740          IF Cur_awd_body%NOTFOUND THEN
741             p_status := '3';
742             p_error_code := 'E630';
743             CLOSE cur_awd_body;
744             Return;
745          ELSE
746             CLOSE cur_awd_body;
747          END IF;
748       END IF;
750       -- validating that if Grading Schema is provided by the user, it exists in OSS.
751       IF p_uc_qual_cur.grading_schema_cd IS NOT NULL OR p_uc_qual_cur.version_Number IS NOT NULL THEN
752          -- Since only grading schema is to be checked, passing NULL for Grade parameter
753          OPEN Cur_grd_sch(p_uc_qual_cur.grading_schema_cd,
754                           p_uc_qual_cur.version_Number,
755                           '');
756          FETCH Cur_grd_sch INTO l_grd_sch_rec;
757          IF Cur_grd_sch%NOTFOUND THEN
758             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
759             p_status := '3';
760             p_error_code := 'E682';
761             Return;
762          ELSE
763             -- Since user entered Grading schema is valid, set the variables with these values for
764             -- further processing and validations
765             l_grading_schema := p_uc_qual_cur.grading_schema_cd;
766             l_version_number := p_uc_qual_cur.version_number;
767             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
768          END IF;
769       ELSE
770         -- Since user entered Grading schema is NULL, set the variables with values from Exam level's
771         -- grading schema for further processing and validations.
772         l_grading_schema := exam_lvl_rec.grading_schema_cd;
773         l_version_number := exam_lvl_rec.gs_version_number;
774       END IF;
776       -- Grading Schema and Version for Predicted Result
777       IF  p_uc_qual_cur.predicted_result IS NOT NULL THEN
778          OPEN Cur_grd_sch (l_grading_schema,
779                            l_version_number,
780                            p_uc_qual_cur.predicted_result);
781          FETCH Cur_grd_sch INTO l_grd_sch_rec;
782          IF Cur_grd_sch%NOTFOUND THEN
783             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
784             p_status := '3';
785             p_error_code := 'E631';
786             Return;
787          ELSE
788             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
789          END IF;
790       END IF;
793       -- Grading Schema and Version for Approved Result
794       IF p_uc_qual_cur.approved_result IS NOT NULL THEN
795          OPEN Cur_grd_sch (l_grading_schema,
796                            l_version_number,
797                            p_uc_qual_cur.approved_result);
798          FETCH Cur_grd_sch INTO l_grd_sch_rec;
799          IF Cur_grd_sch%NOTFOUND THEN
800             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
801             p_status := '3';
802             p_error_code := 'E632';
803             Return;
804          ELSE
805             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
806          END IF;
807       END IF;
810       -- Grading Schema and Version for CLAIMED Result
811       IF p_uc_qual_cur.claimed_result IS NOT NULL THEN
812          OPEN Cur_grd_sch (l_grading_schema,
813                            l_version_number,
814                            p_uc_qual_cur.claimed_result);
815          FETCH Cur_grd_sch INTO l_grd_sch_rec;
816          IF Cur_grd_sch%NOTFOUND THEN
817             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
818             p_status := '3';
819             p_error_code := 'E633';
820             Return;
821          ELSE
822             CLOSE Cur_grd_sch;
823          END IF;
824       END IF;
827       -- Validate SITTING
828       IF NOT p_uc_qual_cur.Sitting  IN ('S', 'W') THEN
829          p_status := '3';
830          p_error_code := 'E634';
831          Return;
832       END IF;
834       -- At this point all validations are successful
835       p_status := 1;
836       p_error_code := NULL;
838 END validate_pe_qual;
840 END igs_uc_qual_dets_imp_pkg;