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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 38

function get_ou(p_selected_org IN varchar2) return number is

  l_ou	number;
Line: 44

 select	decode(fpg.multi_org_flag, 'Y', to_number(hoi2.org_information3), to_number(null))
   into	l_ou
   from	hr_organization_information 	hoi2,
	fnd_product_groups		fpg
  where	(hoi2.org_information_context || '') = 'Accounting Information'
    and	organization_id = p_selected_org;
Line: 65

				p_selected_org	IN varchar2) return varchar2 is

  l_f_currency_code		varchar2(15);
Line: 95

      if (p_selected_org <> 'ALL') then

	 select	gsob.currency_code
	   into	l_f_currency_code
	   from	ar_system_parameters_all 	asp,
		gl_sets_of_books 		gsob
	  where	asp.org_id = p_selected_org
	    and	asp.set_of_books_id = gsob.set_of_books_id;
Line: 117

          select distinct gsob.currency_code
          into g_common_functional_currency
          from ar_system_parameters_all asp,
           gl_sets_of_books gsob
          where asp.set_of_books_id = gsob.set_of_books_id
          and asp.org_id in (select organization_id from per_organization_list where security_profile_id = fnd_profile.value('XLA_MO_SECURITY_PROFILE_LEVEL'));
Line: 169

      if (p_selected_org <> 'ALL') then

	l_ou := get_ou(p_selected_org);
Line: 177

	 select	gsob.currency_code
	   into	l_f_currency_code
	   from	ar_system_parameters_all	asp,
		gl_sets_of_books		gsob
	  where	asp.org_id = l_ou
	    and	asp.set_of_books_id = gsob.set_of_books_id;
Line: 194

      else -- p_selected_org = 'ALL' and functional currency
	if(g_common_functional_currency is null) then


	select multi_org_flag
	into l_fnd_prod_grp_flag
	from fnd_product_groups;
Line: 212

	l_stmt := '  select distinct gsob.currency_code
	    	   into g_common_functional_currency        -- if not all orgs have same func currency, will error out, return 0
 		   from	(select	o.organization_id
			   from	org_access o
		  where	o.responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id
		    and	o.resp_application_id = fnd_global.resp_appl_id
 		 select	org.organization_id
		   from	mtl_parameters org
		  where	not exists (select 1
				   from	org_access ora
 				  where	org.organization_id = ora.organization_id))
		ar_system_parameters_all 	asp,
		gl_sets_of_books		gsob,
		hr_organization_information 	hoi2
 	 where '|| l_fnd_prod_grp_filter || ' = asp.org_id
		    and	asp.set_of_books_id = gsob.set_of_books_id
 	    and	(hoi2.org_information_context || '') = ''Accounting Information''
 	    and	hoi2.organization_id = org.organization_id' ;
Line: 252

      end if; -- end if p_selected_org<>'ALL'
Line: 269

				   p_selected_org	IN varchar2) return varchar2 is

  l_f_currency_code	varchar2(15) := null;
Line: 289

    if(upper(p_selected_org) <> 'ALL') then
	l_ou := get_ou(p_selected_org);
Line: 294

	select	gsob.currency_code
	  into	l_f_currency_code
	from	ar_system_parameters_all	asp,
		gl_sets_of_books		gsob
	where	asp.org_id = l_ou
	    and	asp.set_of_books_id = gsob.set_of_books_id;
Line: 338

				p_selected_org => 'ALL');