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APPS.GMIVQTY dependencies on IC_WHSE_MST

Line 105: , p_whse_code IN ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE

101: */
102: FUNCTION Check_unposted_jnl_lot_status
103: ( p_item_id IN ic_item_mst.item_id%TYPE
104: , p_lot_id IN ic_lots_mst.lot_id%TYPE
105: , p_whse_code IN ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE
106: , p_location IN ic_loct_mst.location%TYPE
107: , p_lot_status IN ic_lots_sts.lot_status%TYPE
108: )

Line 263: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;

259: , x_to_loct_ctl OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
260: )
262: IS
263: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
264: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
265: BEGIN
266: l_from_whse := p_qty_rec.from_whse_code;
267: /* **************************************************

Line 264: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;

260: )
262: IS
263: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
264: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
265: BEGIN
266: l_from_whse := p_qty_rec.from_whse_code;
267: /* **************************************************
268: Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2483656

Line 280: FROM ic_whse_mst fw,

276: -- No need to check for the delete_mark of company because
277: -- the company cannot be deleted without deleting the dependent Organizations.
278: SELECT fw.loct_ctl, tw.loct_ctl
279: INTO x_from_loct_ctl, x_to_loct_ctl
280: FROM ic_whse_mst fw,
281: ic_whse_mst tw,
282: sy_orgn_mst fo,
283: sy_orgn_mst toc
284: WHERE fw.whse_code = l_from_whse AND

Line 281: ic_whse_mst tw,

277: -- the company cannot be deleted without deleting the dependent Organizations.
278: SELECT fw.loct_ctl, tw.loct_ctl
279: INTO x_from_loct_ctl, x_to_loct_ctl
280: FROM ic_whse_mst fw,
281: ic_whse_mst tw,
282: sy_orgn_mst fo,
283: sy_orgn_mst toc
284: WHERE fw.whse_code = l_from_whse AND
285: tw.whse_code = l_to_whse AND

Line 307: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;

303: FUNCTION whse_locations_valid
304: (p_qty_rec IN GMIGAPI.qty_rec_typ)
306: IS
307: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
308: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
309: l_to_location ic_loct_mst.location%TYPE;
310: l_from_location ic_loct_mst.location%TYPE;
311: l_count NUMBER;

Line 308: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;

304: (p_qty_rec IN GMIGAPI.qty_rec_typ)
306: IS
307: l_from_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
308: l_to_whse ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE;
309: l_to_location ic_loct_mst.location%TYPE;
310: l_from_location ic_loct_mst.location%TYPE;
311: l_count NUMBER;
312: BEGIN

Line 490: l_ic_whse_mst_rec ic_whse_mst%ROWTYPE;

486: , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
487: )
488: IS
489: l_qty_rec GMIGAPI.qty_rec_typ;
490: l_ic_whse_mst_rec ic_whse_mst%ROWTYPE;
491: l_ic_loct_inv_row_from ic_loct_inv%ROWTYPE;
492: l_ic_loct_inv_row_to ic_loct_inv%ROWTYPE;
493: l_sy_reas_cds_row sy_reas_cds%ROWTYPE;
494: l_qc_grad_mst_row qc_grad_mst%ROWTYPE;

Line 1505: FROM ic_whse_mst

1501: ********************************************************** */
1502: SELECT co_code INTO l_from_whse_co_code
1503: FROM sy_orgn_mst
1504: WHERE orgn_code = (SELECT orgn_code
1505: FROM ic_whse_mst
1506: WHERE whse_code = l_qty_rec.from_whse_code);
1507: gmf_validate_account.get_accu_acct_ids
1508: ( p_co_code => l_from_whse_co_code
1509: ,p_acctg_unit_no => l_qty_rec.acctg_unit_no