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1 PACKAGE OE_Order_Context_GRP AS
2 /* $Header: OEXGCTXS.pls 120.0 2005/06/01 23:18:05 appldev noship $ */
4 --  Start of Comments
5 --  API name    Set_Created_By_Context
6 --  Type        Group
7 --
8 --  Function    This API may be used when group callers in an operating
9 --              unit need to update orders in a DIFFERENT operating unit.
10 --
11 --              Used to re-initialize application context based on user, resp
12 --              and application combination for user who created the order or line.
13 --              This would ensure that operating unit is re-set to operating
14 --              unit in which order or line was created.
15 --
16 --              Please NOTE that order processing will then run in the context of
17 --              created by and NOT the caller i.e. user, responsibility level
18 --              profiles and other user/resp specific functions (e.g. OM
19 --              security constraints) will be evaluated for the order created by.
20 --
21 --              IMPORTANT: After calling this API and calling respective OM API
22 --              to process this update (e.g. Process_Order), you should re-set to
23 --              your original context using FND_GLOBAL.Apps_Initialize with
24 --              original user, resp,application returned by this function.
25 --
26 --  Parameters  Pass p_header_id if the context should be set using
27 --              created by for the order.
28 --              Pass p_line_id if the context should be set using
29 --              created by for the line.
30 --              If you pass both p_line_id and p_header_id, context will be set
31 --              using created_by for the line.
32 --              Original application context values for the API caller are returned
33 --              in : x_orig_user_id, x_orig_resp_id, x_orig_resp_appl_id
34 --
35 --  Examples    1. If you are updating/deleting only one line and/or only the child
36 --                 entities of this line e.g. price adjustments, sales credits
37 --                 - pass p_line_id.
38 --              2. When you are CREATING/UPDATING lines, you can pass p_header_id.
39 --                 If lines being processed are under ONE model, you can pass
40 --                 top_model_line_id in the p_line_id parameter.
41 --              3. For all other operations spanning multiple lines or multiple
42 --                 child entities of one order, pass p_header_id.
43 --
44 --  End of Comments
46 PROCEDURE Set_Created_By_Context
47 (p_header_id            IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
48 ,p_line_id              IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
49 ,x_orig_user_id         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
50 ,x_orig_resp_id         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
51 ,x_orig_resp_appl_id    OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
52 ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
53 ,x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
54 ,x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
55 );
57 END OE_Order_Context_GRP;