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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

                SELECT  deceased_ind
                FROM    IGS_PE_PERSON
                WHERE   person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 129

                SELECT  thes.final_title_ind
                FROM    IGS_RE_THESIS thes
                WHERE   thes.person_id          = p_person_id AND
                        thes.ca_sequence_number = p_ca_sequence_number AND
                        thes.sequence_number    = p_the_sequence_number;
Line: 136

                SELECT  sca.course_attempt_status,
                FROM    IGS_RE_CANDIDATURE              ca,
                        IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT     sca
                WHERE   ca.person_id            = p_person_id AND
                        ca.sequence_number      = p_ca_sequence_number AND
                        sca.person_id           = ca.person_id AND
                        sca.course_cd           = ca.sca_course_cd;
Line: 151

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_THESIS_EXAM tex
                WHERE   tex.person_id           = p_person_id AND
                        tex.ca_sequence_number  = p_ca_sequence_number AND
                        tex.the_sequence_number = p_the_sequence_number AND
                        tex.creation_dt         < p_creation_dt AND
                        tex.submission_dt       IS NOT NULL AND
                        tex.thesis_result_cd    IS NULL;
Line: 161

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_SPRVSR rsup,
                        IGS_RE_SPRVSR_TYPE rst
                WHERE   rsup.ca_person_id       = p_person_id AND
                        rsup.ca_sequence_number = p_ca_sequence_number AND
                        rsup.start_dt           <= SYSDATE AND
                        (rsup.end_dt            IS NULL OR
                        rsup.end_dt             > SYSDATE) AND
                        rst.research_supervisor_type = rsup.research_supervisor_type AND
                        rst.principal_supervisor_ind = 'Y';
Line: 173

		SELECT NVL(Sum(cfos.percentage), 0) total, cfos.fos_type_code
		FROM   igs_re_cdt_fld_of_sy_v cfos
		WHERE  cfos.fos_type_code <> 'CIP'
                AND    cfos.person_id          = p_person_id
		AND    cfos.ca_sequence_number = p_ca_sequence_number
		GROUP BY cfos.fos_type_code
		HAVING Sum(cfos.percentage)<>100;
Line: 182

                SELECT  SUM(csc.percentage)     sum_percentage
                FROM    IGS_RE_CAND_SEO_CLS csc
                WHERE   csc.person_id           = p_person_id AND
                        csc.ca_sequence_number  = p_ca_sequence_number;
Line: 188

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_THESIS_EXAM tex
                WHERE   tex.person_id           = p_person_id AND
                        tex.ca_sequence_number  = p_ca_sequence_number AND
                        tex.the_sequence_number = p_the_sequence_number AND
                        tex.creation_dt         < p_creation_dt AND
                        tex.submission_dt       > p_submission_dt;
Line: 198

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_THS_PNL_MBR      tpm,
                        IGS_RE_THESIS_RESULT            thr
                WHERE   tpm.person_id           = p_person_id AND
                        tpm.ca_sequence_number  = p_ca_sequence_number AND
                        tpm.the_sequence_number = p_the_sequence_number AND
                        tpm.creation_dt         = p_creation_dt AND
                        tpm.confirmed_dt        IS NOT NULL AND
                        thr.thesis_result_cd    = tpm.thesis_result_cd AND
                        thr.s_thesis_result_cd  <> cst_no_result;
Line: 210

       SELECT 'x'
       FROM igs_en_spa_awd_aim
       WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
       AND      course_cd = cp_course_cd
       AND  ( 	end_dt IS NULL OR
              	(end_dt IS NOT NULL AND complete_ind = 'Y')
Line: 219

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM igs_en_spa_awd_aim
      WHERE person_id =  cp_person_id
      AND course_cd = cp_course_cd
      AND NVL(complete_ind,'N') = 'N'
      AND end_dt IS NULL;
Line: 495

        cst_insert      CONSTANT        VARCHAR2(10) := 'INSERT';
Line: 496

        cst_update      CONSTANT        VARCHAR2(10) := 'UPDATE';
Line: 497

        cst_delete      CONSTANT        VARCHAR2(10) := 'DELETE';
Line: 507

        cst_deleted     CONSTANT        IGS_RE_THESIS_V.thesis_status%TYPE := 'DELETED';
Line: 513

                SELECT  ca.sca_course_cd
                FROM    IGS_RE_CANDIDATURE      ca
                WHERE   ca.person_id            = p_person_id AND
                        ca.sequence_number      = p_ca_sequence_number;
Line: 519

                SELECT  sca.course_attempt_status
                FROM    IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT     sca
                WHERE   sca.person_id = p_person_id AND
                        sca.course_cd = cp_sca_course_cd;
Line: 524

                SELECT  thev.thesis_status
                FROM    IGS_RE_THESIS_V thev
                WHERE   thev.person_id          = p_person_id AND
                        thev.ca_sequence_number = p_ca_sequence_number AND
                        thev.sequence_number    = p_the_sequence_number;
Line: 548

                                cst_delete)) THEN
                -- 1. Not if the candidature is not linked to enrolments
                IF (v_sca_course_cd IS NULL) THEN
                        p_message_name := 'IGS_RE_CANT_IU_THESIS_EXM_DET';
Line: 575

                                                cst_deleted)) THEN
                        CLOSE c_thev;
Line: 582

        IF (p_transaction_type = cst_delete) THEN
                -- 1. Cannot delete if the examination has been submitted
                IF (p_submission_dt IS NOT NULL) THEN
                        p_message_name := 'IGS_RE_CANT_DEL_THESIS_EXAM';
Line: 622

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_THS_EXAM_TYPE tet
                WHERE   tet.thesis_exam_type    = p_thesis_exam_type    AND
                        tet.closed_ind          = 'Y';
Line: 681

                SELECT  thr.closed_ind
                FROM    IGS_RE_THESIS_RESULT thr
                WHERE   thr.thesis_result_cd = p_thesis_result_cd;
Line: 685

                SELECT  tpm.thesis_result_cd
                FROM    IGS_RE_THS_PNL_MBR tpm
                WHERE   tpm.ca_person_id                = p_person_id           AND
                        tpm.ca_sequence_number  = p_ca_sequence_number  AND
                        tpm.the_sequence_number = p_the_sequence_number AND
                        tpm.creation_dt         = p_creation_dt         AND
                        tpm.confirmed_dt        IS NOT NULL             AND
                        tpm.thesis_result_cd    IS NOT NULL;
Line: 694

                SELECT  tpt.recommended_panel_size
                FROM    IGS_RE_THS_PNL_TYPE tpt
                WHERE   tpt.thesis_panel_type   = p_thesis_panel_type;
Line: 698

                SELECT  confirmed_dt
                FROM    IGS_RE_THS_PNL_MBR tpm
                WHERE   tpm.ca_person_id                = p_person_id   AND
                        tpm.ca_sequence_number  = p_ca_sequence_number  AND
                        tpm.the_sequence_number = p_the_sequence_number AND
                        tpm.creation_dt         = p_creation_dt;
Line: 705

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_THESIS_V thev
                WHERE   thev.person_id          = p_person_id           AND
                        thev.ca_sequence_number = p_ca_sequence_number  AND
                        thev.sequence_number    = p_the_sequence_number AND
                        thev.thesis_status      = cst_examined;
Line: 712

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_THESIS_EXAM tex
                WHERE   tex.person_id   = p_person_id   AND
                        tex.ca_sequence_number  = p_ca_sequence_number  AND
                        tex.the_sequence_number = p_the_sequence_number AND
                        tex.creation_dt >       p_creation_dt   AND
                        tex.submission_dt       IS NOT NULL;
Line: 839

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    IGS_RE_THS_PNL_TYPE tpt
                WHERE   tpt.thesis_panel_type   = p_thesis_panel_type   AND
                        tpt.closed_ind          = 'Y';