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Line 2143: ZX_RATES_B rates ,

2140: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL custtrx_prev,
2142: AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B vat,
2143: ZX_RATES_B rates ,
2144: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL custtrxll, -- retrieve the trx line for tax lines
2145: AR_MEMO_LINES_ALL_B memoline,
2146: ZX_REGIMES_B regimes,
2147: ZX_TAXES_B taxes,

Line 3586: use_nl_with_index(rates ZX_RATES_B_N2)

3582: use_nl_with_index(ap_dists AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_N27)
3583: use_nl_with_index(ap_dists1 AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_U2)
3584: use_nl_with_index(lines AP_INVOICE_LINES_U1)
3585: use_nl_with_index(taxes ZX_TAXES_B_U2)
3586: use_nl_with_index(rates ZX_RATES_B_N2)
3587: use_nl_with_index(regimes ZX_REGIMES_B_U2)
3588: use_nl_with_index(status ZX_STATUS_B_U2)
3589: use_nl_with_index(ptp ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE_U2) */
3590: NVL(lines1.org_id,-99) INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION_ID

Line 3801: ,(SELECT tax_rate_id FROM zx_rates_b

3797: ,DECODE(lines.discarded_flag, 'Y', 'Y', 'N') CANCEL_FLAG
3798: ,NVL(rates.def_rec_settlement_option_code,
3799: taxes.def_rec_settlement_option_code) DEF_REC_SETTLEMENT_OPTION_CODE
3800: ,rates.tax_rate_id ACCOUNT_SOURCE_TAX_RATE_ID
3801: ,(SELECT tax_rate_id FROM zx_rates_b
3802: WHERE tax_rate_code = 'AD_HOC_RECOVERY'
3803: AND rate_type_code = 'RECOVERY'
3804: AND tax_regime_code = rates.tax_regime_code
3805: AND tax = rates.tax

Line 3818: zx_rates_b rates,

3814: ap_inv_dists_target ap_dists,
3815: ap_inv_dists_target ap_dists1,
3816: ap_invoice_lines_all lines1,
3817: ap_invoice_lines_all lines,
3818: zx_rates_b rates,
3819: zx_regimes_b regimes,
3820: zx_taxes_b taxes,
3821: zx_status_b status,
3822: zx_party_tax_profile ptp

Line 5015: zx_rates_b rates,

5011: po_line_locations_all poll,
5012: zx_party_tax_profile ptp,
5013: ap_tax_codes_all atc,
5014: ar_tax_group_codes_all atg,
5015: zx_rates_b rates,
5016: zx_regimes_b regimes,
5017: zx_taxes_b taxes,
5018: zx_status_b status
5019: WHERE NVL(poh.currency_code, poh.base_currency_code) = fc.currency_code(+)

Line 5443: zx_rates_b rates,

5439: AND recdist.po_distribution_id(+) = pohzd.p_po_distribution_id
5440: AND recdist.tax_rate_id(+) = pohzd.tax_rate_id
5441: ) pohzd,
5442: fnd_currencies fc,
5443: zx_rates_b rates,
5444: (SELECT 'Y' rec_flag FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'N' rec_flag FROM dual) tmp
5445: WHERE pohzd.trx_currency_code = fc.currency_code(+)
5446: AND rates.tax_regime_code(+) = pohzd.tax_regime_code
5447: AND rates.tax(+) = pohzd.tax