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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 68

      for x in ( select MEANING
                 from PV_PROGRAM_PAYMENT_MODE pm, PV_LOOKUPS lk
                 where pm.GEO_HIERARCHY_ID = p_geo_hierarchy_id
                 and pm.MODE_TYPE = 'CONTRACT'
                 and lk.lookup_type = 'PV_CONTRACT_RESPONSE'
                 and lk.lookup_code = pm.mode_of_payment
                 and lk.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                 and NVL(lk.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
                 and NVL(lk.end_date_active, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
                 order by meaning) loop
          l_str := l_str || l_sep || x.MEANING;
Line: 108

      SELECT partner_party_id
      FROM   pv_partner_profiles
      WHERE  partner_id = p_partner_id;
Line: 113

      SELECT   ppc.geo_hierarchy_id
      FROM     pv_enty_attr_values eav, pv_program_contracts ppc, okc_terms_templates_all term
      WHERE    eav.entity_id = cv_partner_id
      AND      eav.attribute_id = 6
      AND      eav.entity = 'PARTNER'
      AND      eav.latest_flag = 'Y'
      AND      eav.enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND      ppc.member_type_code = eav.attr_value
      AND      program_id = cv_program_id
      AND      ppc.contract_id = term.template_id
      AND      term.start_date <= sysdate
      AND      (term.end_date is null or term.end_date > sysdate);
Line: 127

      SELECT   ppc.contract_id
      FROM     pv_enty_attr_values eav, pv_program_contracts ppc, okc_terms_templates_all term
      WHERE    eav.entity_id = cv_partner_id
      AND      eav.attribute_id = 6
      AND      eav.entity = 'PARTNER'
      AND      eav.latest_flag = 'Y'
      AND      eav.enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND      ppc.member_type_code = eav.attr_value
      AND      program_id = cv_program_id
      AND      ppc.contract_id = term.template_id
      AND      term.start_date <= sysdate
      AND      (term.end_date is null or term.end_date > sysdate)
      AND      ppc.geo_hierarchy_id = cv_geo_hierarchy_id;
Line: 367

     SELECT geo_hierarchy_id
     where program_id is null
     and   MODE_TYPE = 'CONTRACT'
     group by geo_hierarchy_id;
Line: 374

     SELECT l.lookup_code, l.meaning
     from pv_lookups l, PV_PROGRAM_PAYMENT_MODE p
     where l.lookup_code = p.mode_of_payment
     and l.lookup_type = 'PV_CONTRACT_RESPONSE'
     and l.enabled_flag = 'Y'
     and p.program_id is null
     and  p.geo_hierarchy_id = l_geo_hierarchy_Id
     and p.MODE_TYPE = 'CONTRACT'
     AND NVL(l.start_date_active, SYSDATE)<=SYSDATE
     AND NVL(l.end_date_active, SYSDATE)>=SYSDATE
     AND l.lookup_code <> 'REJECT'
     union all
     SELECT l.lookup_code, l.meaning
     from pv_lookups l
     where l.lookup_type = 'PV_CONTRACT_RESPONSE'
     and l.enabled_flag = 'Y'
     AND NVL(l.start_date_active, SYSDATE)<=SYSDATE
     AND NVL(l.end_date_active, SYSDATE)>=SYSDATE
     AND l.lookup_code = 'REJECT'
     order by meaning;
Line: 396

     SELECT lookup_code, meaning
     from pv_lookups l
     where l.lookup_type = 'PV_CONTRACT_RESPONSE'
     and l.enabled_flag = 'Y'
     AND NVL(l.start_date_active, SYSDATE)<=SYSDATE
     AND NVL(l.end_date_active, SYSDATE)>=SYSDATE
     order by meaning;