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1 TYPE BODY po_lines_rec_type AS
3   /**
4   * Name: create_object
5   * Function:
6   *   Creates a PO_LINES_REC_TYPE object based on the given tables of
7   *   field values. These tables must all be the same size.
8   *   To create an empty object, pass in NULL for p_po_line_id.
9   */
10   STATIC FUNCTION create_object (
11     p_po_line_id               po_tbl_number,
12     p_unit_price               po_tbl_number,
13     p_vendor_product_num       po_tbl_varchar30,
14     p_quantity                 po_tbl_number,
15     p_start_date               po_tbl_date,
16     p_expiration_date          po_tbl_date,
17     p_amount                   po_tbl_number,
18     p_request_unit_of_measure  po_tbl_varchar30,
19     p_secondary_quantity       po_tbl_number,
20     p_request_secondary_uom    po_tbl_varchar30,
21     p_delete_record            po_tbl_varchar1,
22     p_preferred_grade          po_tbl_varchar240  --INVCONV sschinch
23   ) RETURN po_lines_rec_type
24   IS
25     c NUMBER;
26     l_line_changes PO_LINES_REC_TYPE;
27   BEGIN
28     l_line_changes := po_lines_rec_type (
29       po_line_id               => po_tbl_number(),
30       unit_price               => po_tbl_number(),
31       vendor_product_num       => po_tbl_varchar30(),
32       quantity                 => po_tbl_number(),
33       start_date               => po_tbl_date(),
34       expiration_date          => po_tbl_date(),
35       amount                   => po_tbl_number(),
36       request_unit_of_measure  => po_tbl_varchar30(),
37       secondary_quantity       => po_tbl_number(),
38       request_secondary_uom    => po_tbl_varchar30(),
39       delete_record            => po_tbl_varchar1(),
40       preferred_grade          => po_tbl_varchar240(),  --INVCONV sschinch
41       /** Cached fields: **/
42       c_quantity               => po_tbl_number(),
43       c_unit_meas_lookup_code  => po_tbl_varchar30(),
44       c_item_id                => po_tbl_number(),
45       c_from_header_id         => po_tbl_number(),
46       c_from_line_id           => po_tbl_number(),
47       c_has_ga_reference       => po_tbl_varchar1(),
48       c_cancel_flag            => po_tbl_varchar1(),
49       c_closed_code            => po_tbl_varchar30(),
50       c_value_basis            => po_tbl_varchar30(),
51       c_purchase_basis         => po_tbl_varchar30(),
52       c_amount                 => po_tbl_number(),
53       c_start_date             => po_tbl_date(),
54       c_expiration_date        => po_tbl_date(),
55       c_unit_price             => po_tbl_number(),
56       c_from_line_location_id  => po_tbl_number(),
57       c_secondary_quantity     => po_tbl_number(),
58       c_secondary_uom          => po_tbl_varchar30(),
59       c_item_number            => po_tbl_varchar40(),
60       c_preferred_grade        => po_tbl_varchar240(),  --INVCONV sschinch
61       /** Temporary fields: **/
62       t_from_price_break       => po_tbl_varchar1(),
63       t_from_line_location_id  => po_tbl_number(),
64       -- <FPJ Advanced Price>
65       t_base_unit_price	       => po_tbl_number(),
66       -- <Manual Price Override FPJ>
67       t_manual_price_change_flag => po_tbl_varchar1(),
68       t_new_secondary_uom => po_tbl_varchar30()  --INVCONV sschinch
69     );
71     /**
72     * If the caller passed in values for p_po_line_id, copy them to the object.
73     **/
74     IF (p_po_line_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
75       l_line_changes.po_line_id := p_po_line_id;
76     END IF;
77     c := l_line_changes.po_line_id.COUNT;
79     /**
80     * Extend all the other fields to the same size as po_line_id.
81     **/
82     l_line_changes.extend_fields(c);
84     /**
85     * If the caller passed in values for a field, copy them to the object.
86     **/
87     IF (p_unit_price IS NOT NULL) THEN
88       l_line_changes.unit_price := p_unit_price;
89     END IF;
90     IF (p_vendor_product_num IS NOT NULL) THEN
91       l_line_changes.vendor_product_num := p_vendor_product_num;
92     END IF;
93     IF (p_quantity IS NOT NULL) THEN
94       l_line_changes.quantity := p_quantity;
95     END IF;
96     IF (p_start_date IS NOT NULL) THEN
97       l_line_changes.start_date := p_start_date;
98     END IF;
99     IF (p_expiration_date IS NOT NULL) THEN
100       l_line_changes.expiration_date := p_expiration_date;
101     END IF;
102     IF (p_amount IS NOT NULL) THEN
103       l_line_changes.amount := p_amount;
104     END IF;
105     IF (p_request_unit_of_measure IS NOT NULL) THEN
106       l_line_changes.request_unit_of_measure := p_request_unit_of_measure;
107     END IF;
108     IF (p_secondary_quantity IS NOT NULL) THEN
109       l_line_changes.secondary_quantity := p_secondary_quantity;
110     END IF;
111     IF (p_request_secondary_uom IS NOT NULL) THEN
112       l_line_changes.request_secondary_uom := p_request_secondary_uom;
113     END IF;
114     IF (p_delete_record IS NOT NULL) THEN
115       l_line_changes.delete_record := p_delete_record;
116     END IF;
117    /* sschinch INVCONV */
118     IF (p_preferred_grade IS NOT NULL) THEN
119       l_line_changes.preferred_grade := p_preferred_grade;
120     END IF;
122    /* sschinch INVCONV */
124     RETURN l_line_changes;
125   END;
127   /**
128   * Name: add_change
129   * Function:
130   *   Adds the given change to this object.
131   */
132   MEMBER PROCEDURE add_change (
133     p_po_line_id              NUMBER,
134     p_unit_price              NUMBER,
135     p_vendor_product_num      VARCHAR2,
136     p_quantity                NUMBER,
137     p_start_date              DATE,
138     p_expiration_date         DATE,
139     p_amount                  NUMBER,
140     p_request_unit_of_measure VARCHAR2,
141     p_secondary_quantity      NUMBER,
142     p_request_secondary_uom   VARCHAR2,
143     p_delete_record           VARCHAR2,
144     p_preferred_grade         VARCHAR2  --INVCONV sschinch
145   ) IS
146     c NUMBER;
147   BEGIN
148     SELF.po_line_id.extend;
149     c := SELF.po_line_id.COUNT;
150     SELF.po_line_id(c) := p_po_line_id;
152     /**
153     * Extend all the other fields by 1.
154     **/
155     extend_fields (1);
157     /**
158     * Copy the passed-in values to the object.
159     **/
160     SELF.unit_price(c) := p_unit_price;
161     SELF.vendor_product_num(c) := p_vendor_product_num;
162     SELF.quantity(c) := p_quantity;
163     SELF.start_date(c) := p_start_date;
164     SELF.expiration_date(c) := p_expiration_date;
165     SELF.amount(c) := p_amount;
166     SELF.request_unit_of_measure(c) := p_request_unit_of_measure;
167     SELF.secondary_quantity(c) := p_secondary_quantity;
168     SELF.request_secondary_uom(c) := p_request_secondary_uom;
169     SELF.delete_record(c) := p_delete_record;
170     SELF.preferred_grade(c) := p_preferred_grade;  --INVCONV  sschinch
171   END add_change;
173   /**
174   * Name: extend_fields (INTERNAL)
175   * Function:
176   *   Extends the PL/SQL table for each of the fields by the given size.
177   * Notes:
178   *   Do not call this method.
179   *   It is only for internal use by other methods in this object.
180   */
181   MEMBER PROCEDURE extend_fields (
182     l_extend_size NUMBER
183   ) IS
184   BEGIN
185     unit_price.extend ( l_extend_size );
186     vendor_product_num.extend ( l_extend_size );
187     quantity.extend ( l_extend_size );
188     start_date.extend ( l_extend_size );
189     expiration_date.extend ( l_extend_size );
190     amount.extend ( l_extend_size );
191     request_unit_of_measure.extend ( l_extend_size );
192     secondary_quantity.extend ( l_extend_size );
193     request_secondary_uom.extend ( l_extend_size );
194     delete_record.extend ( l_extend_size );
195     preferred_grade.extend(l_extend_size);  --INVCONV sschinch
196     c_quantity.extend ( l_extend_size );
197     c_unit_meas_lookup_code.extend ( l_extend_size );
198     c_item_id.extend ( l_extend_size );
199     c_from_header_id.extend ( l_extend_size );
200     c_from_line_id.extend ( l_extend_size );
201     c_has_ga_reference.extend ( l_extend_size );
202     c_cancel_flag.extend ( l_extend_size );
203     c_closed_code.extend ( l_extend_size );
204     c_value_basis.extend ( l_extend_size );
205     c_purchase_basis.extend ( l_extend_size );
206     c_amount.extend ( l_extend_size );
207     c_start_date.extend ( l_extend_size );
208     c_expiration_date.extend ( l_extend_size );
209     c_unit_price.extend ( l_extend_size );
210     c_from_line_location_id.extend ( l_extend_size );
211     c_secondary_quantity.extend ( l_extend_size );
212     c_secondary_uom.extend ( l_extend_size );
213     c_item_number.extend ( l_extend_size );
214     c_preferred_grade.extend(l_extend_size);  --INVCONV sschinch
215     t_from_price_break.extend ( l_extend_size );
216     t_from_line_location_id.extend ( l_extend_size );
217     -- <FPJ Advanced Price>
218     t_base_unit_price.extend ( l_extend_size );
219     -- <Manual Price Override FPJ>
220     t_manual_price_change_flag.extend ( l_extend_size );
221     t_new_secondary_uom.extend(l_extend_size);  --INVCONV
222   END;
224   /**
225   * Name: get_count
226   * Function:
227   *   Returns the number of changes in this object.
228   */
230   BEGIN
231     RETURN SELF.po_line_id.COUNT;
232   END;
234   /**
235   * Name: set_unit_price
236   * Function:
237   *   Sets the unit price on the given line change.
238   */
239   MEMBER PROCEDURE set_unit_price (
240     p_index              NUMBER,
241     p_unit_price         NUMBER
242   ) IS BEGIN
243     SELF.unit_price(p_index) := p_unit_price;
244   END;
246   /**
247   * Name: set_quantity
248   * Function:
249   *   Sets the quantity on the given line change.
250   */
251   MEMBER PROCEDURE set_quantity (
252     p_index              NUMBER,
253     p_quantity           NUMBER
254   ) IS BEGIN
255     SELF.quantity(p_index) := p_quantity;
256   END;
258   /**
259   * Name: set_amount
260   * Function:
261   *   Sets the amount on the given line change.
262   */
263   MEMBER PROCEDURE set_amount (
264     p_index              NUMBER,
265     p_amount           NUMBER
266   ) IS BEGIN
267     SELF.amount(p_index) := p_amount;
268   END;
270   /**
271   * Name: dump_to_log
272   * Function:
273   *   Writes the contents of this object to the FND log.
274   * Notes:
275   *  This procedure is for debugging purposes only.
276   */
277   MEMBER PROCEDURE dump_to_log
278   IS
279     l_msg VARCHAR2(2000);
280   BEGIN
281     FOR i IN 1..get_count LOOP
282       l_msg := 'Line change ' || i || ': ';
283       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || 'po_line_id ' || po_line_id(i) , 1, 2000);
284       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; quantity ' || quantity(i) , 1, 2000);
285       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; unit_price ' || unit_price(i) , 1, 2000);
286       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; vendor_product_num ' || vendor_product_num(i) , 1, 2000);
287       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; start_date ' || start_date(i) , 1, 2000);
288       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; expiration_date ' || expiration_date(i) , 1, 2000);
289       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; amount ' || amount(i) , 1, 2000);
290       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; request_unit_of_measure ' || request_unit_of_measure(i) , 1, 2000);
291       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; secondary_quantity ' || secondary_quantity(i) , 1, 2000);
292       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; request_secondary_uom ' || request_secondary_uom(i) , 1, 2000);
293       l_msg := substrb(l_msg || '; delete_record ' || delete_record(i) , 1, 2000);
295                       'po.plsql.PO_LINES_REC_TYPE.dump_to_log',
296                       l_msg );
298                       'po.plsql.PO_LINES_REC_TYPE.dump_to_log',
299                       l_msg );
300     END LOOP;
301   END dump_to_log;
303 END;